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Children who are 5 years old before September 1, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten.
Children who are 6 years old before September 1, 2025 are eligible to attend First Grade.
Students currently enrolled in Kindergarten at HASD do not need to register for First grade.
To begin the process, please click HERE to fill out our Pre-Registration questionnaire online.
Once you have submitted the Pre-Registration questionnaire, you will be contacted by the Student Registration Office with further instruction.
If there are any questions, or you need assistance with completing the form, please contact the Student Registration Office at 814-695-7431.
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You can donate to pay for CRP & AED training to school employees
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The Junior High Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets monthly during the school year at the HAJHS on the third Wednesday of the month. Please note: Meeting times have changed to 9:30 AM. All parents and guardians are members and are invited to come to the meetings. Attending meetings is a good way to meet other parents and learn about what is happening at the Junior High School. PAC organizes many activities at the Junior High.
If you are interested in volunteering, please see the Junior High main office or access the volunteer signup form at - Junior High Page - Parents Tab - Parent Advisory Committee.
- #hasd