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March 13, 2024 Finance Committee


The Finance Committee of the Hollidaysburg Area School Board met Wednesday, March 13, 2024 in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg PA.  Dr. Wells called the meeting to order at 5:45p.m.

In attendance were Dr. Wells, Ms. Sullivan, Dr. Li, Ms. Luther, Mr. Brenneman, Ms. Bilek, Ms. Costanza, Mr. Green, Mrs. Fiscus, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Nihart, Mr. Arthur, Mrs. Bell, and a representative from the Altoona Mirror.  Dr. Sommer participated virtually.  Attorney Beard, Solicitor arrived at 6:00p.m.

2022-2023 Budget Recap:

2024-2025 Budget Drive Review:

2023-2024 Budget Projection:

Facility Grants:

The Committee will summarize the discussion topics and agree on recommendations;  Dr. Wells will present a report at the April 10, 2024. COW/Voting Meeting.

Autumn Fiscus
Board Secretary