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June 8, 2022 Athletic Commitee (ADA Compliant)


The Athletic Committee of the Hollidaysburg Area School Board met Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at 5:00p.m. in the Senior High Library.

Ms. Frye called the meeting to order at 5:02p.m.  Attending were Ms. Frye, Ms. Hartman, Ms. Bilek, Dr. Gildea, Mr. Nihart, Mr. Harrington, Mr. DeLattre, and Dr. Letcher.

Mr. DeLattre provided the following information:

Spring Sports Season

o   Recapped the team and individual accomplishments

Fall Sports Season Preview

o   Provided Fall schedules (tentative at this point)
o   Discussed a potential Cross-Country Team co-op with Bishop Guilfoyle
o   Shared expected participant numbers

Restore the Roar Update

o   Delivery of the scoreboard delayed; expected by end of June.


o   Brief overview of the track surface; in need of repair.  Plans underway
o   In talks with Claysburg-Kimmel about playing home football games at Tiger Stadium
o   Continuing the YMCA swim contract (June thru March)

Physicals and Team Doctors

o   Former physician resigned the position
o   University Orthopedic Center will provide physicals for students ($10 per physical)

2022/2023 Ticket Prices

o   Provided a spreadsheet of proposed ticket prices

Booster Contributions

o   Exceeded $237,000 this year
o   Funded equipment, banquets, transportation upgrades, snacks, etc.

Internship — Teri Andreoni-Armstrong (Univ. of Cincinnati) will be participating in an internship with the athletic department from late August through early September

Golden Tiger Pride Day is scheduled for Saturday, August 20, 2022

o   Increasing community involvement every year
o   Team competitions scheduled; vendors will be present

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.

Autumn Fiscus
Board Secretary