All Meetings December 2020 and Prior
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole / Voting Meeting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Student Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Student Representatives:
Travis Saylor, Senior Representative
Mark McCoy, Junior Representative
- Committee Report
Mr. Brenneman will present the December 2, 2020 Finance Committee Report.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements:
The board met in executive session Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 6:42 pm for School Safety and Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6:00 pm for personnel.
Meetings for January 2021:
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Policy Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.
All future meetings of the Board of Directors and Board Committee Meetings will be held virtually to the public through the end of the 2021 calendar year.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
November 18, 2020 Athletic Committee Meeting
- Business Office - Financial Reports for November, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
$ 3,120,150.97 Receipts
$ 3,445,820.15 Total Disbursements
$18,901,108.68 Ledger Balance
$ 53.47 Total Receipts
$ 750.00 Total Disbursements
$ 53,687.36 Ledger Balance
$134,839.34 Total Receipts
$129,021.09 Total Disbursements
$286,491.08 Ledger Balance
$ 1,818.95 Total Receipts
$ 4,635.00 Total Disbursements
$117,001.91 Ledger Balance
$ 670.87 Total Receipts
$ 14,062.51 Total Disbursements
$ 661,787.13 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$ 1,474,557.90 Total Payments (Check numbers 162429-162618)
$ 47,583.19 Total Payments (Check numbers 23189-23198)
$ 4,635.00 Total Payments (Check numbers 23578-23590)
$ 14,062.51 Total Payments (Check numbers 3464-3465)
$ 70,629.43 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 261691-261720)
$1,925,965.72 ACH Disbursements
$1,996,595.15 Total Payments
$ 2,508.72 Total Payments (Check numbers 1032-1033)
$ 750.00 Total Payments (Check number 532)
- Investment Portfolio
$5,467,635 Total Invested with 25 Financial Institutions
$ 276,738 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$28,619,559.36 Revenues
$15,742,077.43 Expenditures
$ 263,700.87 Revenues
$ 100,861.87 Expenditures
$ 265,077.40 Revenues
$ 442,140.90 Expenditures
$ 283.92 Revenues
$ 750.00 Expenditures
$ 3,794.75 Revenues
$ 2,806.50 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
$ 6,237 - General Fund
$ 39,000 - Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for October, 2020
$(10,650.42) September Net Profit/(Loss)
$(81,775.75) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$574,881.53 Assets
$574,881.53 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for October, 2020
$ 129.18 October Net Profit
$ 2,880.40 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$16,369.44 Assets
$16,369.44 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Student Placement Agreement with Arizona State University (Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College), effective December 9, 2020 through December 2, 2025 for student interns to participate in a classroom under the direction of a mentor teacher. Interns co-plan and co-teach to individual students, small groups, and/or the whole class under direction and supervision No Cost
- Agreement with Altoona Area School District for the Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Program effective August 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021
Cost: $70/day for regular education students; $80/day for students with an IEP
- Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) effective December 10, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for the Senior High virtual production of Godspell-212 Revised Version Cost: $1,100
- Memorandum of Understanding with Family Services Incorporated effective December 9, 2020 through December 31, 2021 to provide counseling and supportive services to enhance safety for students and provide appropriate support to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other crimes. No Cost
- Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative Sponsorship of Wrestling with Bishop Guilfoyle High School for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Revenue: $200 per student
- Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperative Sponsorship of Wrestling with Bishop Guilfoyle Junior High School for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. Revenue: $200 per student
- Letter of Agreement with UPMC Western Behavioral Health of the Alleghenies effective December 9, 2020 through October 31, 2022 to work collaboratively for behavioral health service referrals, including mental health, drug and alcohol treatment or rehabilitation services No Cost
- Tuition Student for 2020-2021
Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, the administration recommends board approval of Grade 10 (D.M) as a tuition student for the remainder of 2020-2021 school year.
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- 2020-2021 Fringe Benefit Rates - REVISED
- Act 1 Resolution for the 2021-2022 school year
RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District, makes the following unconditional certifications:
- The school district’s various tax levies and other revenue sources will be sufficient to balance the school district final budget for the next fiscal year 2021-2022 based on maintaining current tax rates or increasing tax rates by an amount less than or equal to the Act 1 index applicable to the school district as calculated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This conclusion is based on the school district preliminary budget or other information available to the School Board.
- The applicable index for the next fiscal year is 3.7%, and the School Board will not for the next fiscal year increase the rate of its real estate tax, or any other tax for the support of public education, by an amount that exceeds the applicable index.
- The School Board has to date and in the future will comply with the rules set forth in School Code § 687 for adoption of the school district proposed and final budgets for the next fiscal year.
- The School Board understands that the school district will not be eligible to use Act 1 referendum exceptions for the next fiscal year.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Phased Reopening Health and Safety Plan - December Update
- Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan - December Update
- District Athletic and Co-Curricular Plan - December Update
The Athletic and Co-Curricular plans are part of the Hollidaysburg Area School District's Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan. The December updates reflect the updated mandates and recommendations set forth by Governor Wolf as well as the PA Departments of Health and Education.
- Penn State University ELA Research Study
From Sarah:
The associate dean for the College of Education at PSU, Dr. Rayne Sperling, contacted me regarding possible participation in a nationwide research study on student preference and performance on curriculum-based writing tasks. The study would ask my willing students to write two responses based on different story starters and answer some questions to determine writing self-efficacy. The study would take about one hour for students to complete, and participation is entirely optional. The study has Institutional Review Board approval.
I wanted to reach out to you to determine if it is permissible to offer participation to my students and their families (included in this email is the study's Consent for Research parents would need to review and complete if interested). Dr. Sperling is happy to meet to share more about the study if you or district administrators have questions. The Consent for Research provides a more in-depth look at the study for your reference too.
- Personnel
614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Resignation |
Mandy Livai |
Special Education Teacher |
SH |
12/4/2020 |
Resignation |
Cory Seymour |
7th Grade Boys' Basketball Coach |
JH |
Retroactive to 12/3/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Austin Finochio |
7th Grade Boys' Basketball Coach |
JH |
12/10/2020 |
$1,071.78 per Schedule D after 50/50 split |
Approve |
Susan Cyran |
SAT Prep Instructor-Math |
SH |
1/16/2021 |
$26 per hour |
Approve |
Rachel Black |
SAT Prep Instructor-English |
SH |
1/16/2021 |
$26 per hour |
Approve Hire |
Jacqueline Harris |
Title I Parental Involvement for all elementary buildings |
Retroactive to 11/24/20 - 11/30/20 |
3.5 Hours at $26/hour |
Approve |
John Wessner |
Title I Parental Involvement for all elementary buildings |
Retroactive to 11/24/20 - 11/30/20 |
3.5 Hours at $26/hour |
Approve |
Caitlin Tay |
Title I Parental Involvement for all elementary buildings |
Retroactive to 11/24/20 - 11/30/20 |
3.5 Hours at $26/hour |
Approve |
Bryan James |
Special Education Oddysseyware Teacher |
JH |
2020/2021 |
Stipend: $150 per student |
Approve |
Jessica Hopkins |
Student Teaching - Instrumental Music - Scott Sheehan |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
PSU Main |
Approve |
Jessica Hopkins |
Student Teaching -General Music - Lori Stephens |
2020/2021 SY |
PSU Main |
Approve |
Madyn Ables |
Student Teaching -Physical Education & Health - Terry Hartman |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
PSU Main |
Approve |
Ashley Lafferty |
Student Teaching -Elementary Education - Maria Mikolajczyk |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Approve |
Ashley Lafferty |
Student Teaching -Elementary Autistic Support - Suzannah Cannon |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Approve |
Lori Stephens |
Internship - Education Administration - Brian Keagy |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Kimberly Shoop |
Substitute Teacher (Grades PK-4) |
Dist. |
12/10/20 |
Rate Change due to receiving PDE teaching certificate; $95.00 per day; $105 per day after 60 cumulative days in one school year |
information Only |
Brady Wertz |
Volunteer-Athletics |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 12/3/2020 |
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- Committee Appointments
Per Board Policy, 000 Local Board Procedures:
The board president will announce Board Committee Appointments for 2021.
- New Business
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following agreement is presented for approval:
- Lease Agreement with Hollidaysburg Area Summer Baseball League effective December 10, 2020 through December 10, 2035 for lease of district property to the Summer Baseball League Cost: $3,500
- Adjourn
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Virtual Reorganization / Special Voting - 6:00PM
- Meeting Opening 6:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Reorganization and Special Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Board Members / Mrs. Baker
Holdover Board Members
Ronald Sommer
Scott Brenneman
Richard Gallagher
Melissa Mitchell
Lonna Frye
Nicole Hartman
Emmanuel Nichols
Kenneth Snyder
Douglas Stephens
- Board Reorganization
- Elect Temporary Board Chair
Per Board Policy 005, Local Board Procedures, the election of the temporary board president shall be elected from among the holdover members. The temporary board president will chair the meeting until a permanent president has been elected.
- Election of 2021 Board President
Per Board Policy 005, Local Board Procedures, the School Directors will elect from their members a President who shall serve for one year.
- Election of 2021 Board Vice-President
Per Board Policy 005, Local Board Procedures, the School Directors will elect from their members a Vice-President who shall serve for one year.
- List of Newly Constituted Board Membership
Hollidaysburg Area School District Board Membership - 2020 |
Name |
Title |
Term Expires |
Twshp./Boro. |
Scott Brenneman |
Board Member |
12/2021 |
Frankstown Township |
Lonna Frye |
Board Member |
12/2023 |
Hollidaysburg Borough |
Nicole Hartman |
Board Member |
12/2023 |
Frankstown Township |
Melissa Mitchell |
Board Member |
12/2021 |
Blair Township |
Emanuel Nichols |
Board Member |
12/2023 |
Allegheny Township |
Richard Gallagher |
Board Member |
12/2021 |
Allegheny Township |
Kenneth Snyder |
Board Member |
12/2023 |
Allegheny Township |
Ronald Sommer |
Board Member |
12/2021 |
Blair Township |
Douglas Stephens |
Board Member |
12/2023 |
Blair Township |
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 9:05p.m. for personnel, and December 2, 2020 at 6:00p.m. for personnel.
All board meeting agendas are available in detail for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings & 818 Contracted Services, the following agreement is presented for approval:
- Remote Deposit Capture Agreement with 1st Summit Bank effective December 2, 2020 for remote capture services No Cost
- Board and Committee Meeting Calendar for 2021
Per Board Policy 005, Local Board Procedures, the School Directors will set the 2021 Board Meeting Calendar for Voting, Committee of the Whole and Committee meetings.
- Superintendent's Report
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Retirement |
Susan Baker |
Business Manager - SEFADMBUSO05 |
Admin |
Last day of employment 6/30/21 |
Terms per employment contract |
Approve |
Extend Early Retirement Incentive as per Teacher's Contract |
All teachers retiring at the end of the 20/21 School Year |
Dist. |
End of 20/21 SY |
Incentives and requirements as per Teacher's Contract |
Approve Hire |
Carol Scarbro |
LTS; English Teacher |
SH |
Extend LTS from 1/13/21 to 1/18/21 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Lori McCoy |
Full-time Day to Day Substitute |
Retroactive to 12/1/2020 through end of 20/21 School Year |
$95.00 per day, $105 after 60 cumulative days |
Approve Hire |
Veronica Sell |
Homebound Instructor for Student R.P. |
JH |
12/2/2020 |
$26 per hour up to 5 hours per week |
Approve Hire |
Dean Adams |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Elaine Adams |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Lee Baird |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Robert Burkey |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Randy Dodson |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Vince Farabaugh |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Austin Finochio |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Joy Finochio |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Scott Finochio |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
William Fitzgerald |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Loren Hershberger |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Kathy Mathias |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Dave Schmelzlen |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Dave Soellner |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Cindy Storm |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Jon Szynal |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Don Tantius |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Phil Weichel |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Paul Yakymac |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist. |
12/7/2020 |
Per Game Worker Rates |
Approve |
Brandy Wertz |
Volunteer-Athletics |
Dist. |
12/3/2020 |
N/A |
Delete |
Richard L. Baird, Jr. |
Substitute Security Greeter |
SH |
Retroactive to 8/24/2017 |
Information Only |
Anne Dively |
Transfer from Grade 3 TCHFKS03GR05 to Grade 4 TCHFKS04GR04 |
Retroactive to beginning of 19/20 School Year |
Information Only |
Chandra Jandora |
Grade 5 Teacher |
Retroactive to beginning of 20/21 School Year |
- President's Report
- Committee Appointments
Per Board Policy 005, Local Board Procedures, the School Directors will discuss committee appointments for 2021.
- New Business
- Adjourn / President
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole / Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Summerville
- Student Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representative will present a report:
Student Representatives:
Travis Saylor, Senior Representative
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Committee Report
Lonna Frye, Curriculum Committee Representative, will present a report of the October 21, 2020 Curriculum Committee meeting.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Summerville
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday November 4, 2020 at 6:00 PM for School Safety and Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM for personnel.
Meetings for December, 2020:
Finance Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Reorganization Meeting - Virtual
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meetings of the Board of Directors and Board Committee Meetings will be held virtually to the public through the end of the 2020 calendar year.
All board meeting agendas are available in detail for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
August 12, 2020, Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
September 9, 2020 Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
September 23, 2020 Virtual Special Voting Meeting
October 21, 2020 Virtual Curriculum Committee Meeting
October 21, 2020 Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
- Business Office - Financial Reports for October, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
$ 4,162,991.69 Receipts
$ 4,485,810.76 Total Disbursements
$19,226,777.86 Ledger Balance
$ 59.57 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,383.89 Ledger Balance
$ 98,337.58 Total Receipts
$155,166.76 Total Disbursements
$280,672.83 Ledger Balance
$ 7,506.71 Total Receipts
$ 16,043.00 Total Disbursements
$119,817.96 Ledger Balance
$ 110,663.84 Total Receipts
$ 23,397.00 Total Disbursements
$ 675,178.77 Ledger Balance
$ 1.94 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 801.48 Ledger Balance
$2,799,786.23 Total Receipts
$2,827,396.53 Total Disbursements
$ 33,035.96 Ledger Balance
$ 1,134.26 Total Receipts
$ 297.78 Total Disbursements
$15,802.16 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$ 113,302.25 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 162094-162364)
$1,655,922.11 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 162095-162428)
$1,769,224.36 Total Payments
$ 36,033.30 Total Payments (Check numbers 23179-23188)
$ 16,043.00 Total Payments (Check numbers 23574-23577)
$ 23,397.00 Total Payments (Check numbers 3461-3463)
$ 82,959.82 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 261643-261675)
$2,744,436.71 ACH Disbursements
$2,827,396.53 Total Payments
$ 297.78 Total Payments (Check number 1031)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$5,464,496 Total Invested with 25 Financial Institutions
$ 276,719 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$26,435,766.12 Revenues
$11,912,095.58 Expenditures
$ 263,028.80 Revenues
$ 86,799.36 Expenditures
$ 259,756.45 Revenues
$ 309,809.67 Expenditures
$ 230.45 Revenues
$ 0.00 Expenditures
$ 3,385.90 Revenues
$ 297.78 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers for June 30, 2020
PERIOD OF OCTOBER 15, 2020 - NOVEMBER 11, 2020
$ 113,149 - General Fund
- Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF OCTOBER 15, 2020 - NOVEMBER 11, 2020
$ 58,027 - General Fund
$ 9,950 - Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for June, 2020 - FINAL
$ 29,009.51 June Net Profit
$(109,702.37) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 702,372.89 Assets
$ 702,372.89 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Food Service for September, 2020
$(71,125.33) September Net Profit/(Loss)
$(71,125.33) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$576,177.95 Assets
$576,177.95 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for September, 2020
$ 2,751.22 September Net Profit
$ 2,751.22 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$16,235.76 Assets
$16,235.76 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings & 818 Contracted Services, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Rental Agreement with The Casino for the 2021 Senior Prom, Friday, May 28, 2021. Cost: Total rental fee $3,220; additional food costs based on attendance, 20% gratuity on food and drinks.
- Quote from Smore for Schools: 15 User Department Software for digital newsletters effective December 11, 2020 through December 10, 2021. Cost: $999 *This is a quote that will be signed electronically.
- Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) effective October 18, 2020 through November 29, 2020 for licensing and rental fees associated with the virtual production of A Year with Frog and Toad-Kids. Performance dates to be determined Cost: $585
- Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) effective October 20, 2020 through December 01, 2020 for licensing and rental fees associated with the virtual production of the Amateur Production of Godspell-2012 Revised Version. Performance dates: March 26-27, 2021 Cost: $1,025
- Memorandum of Understanding with Pennsylvania State University, College of Health and Human Development, Student Teaching Field Experiences effective January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2026 for a Cooperative Student Teaching Program No Cost
- Cost Sharing Agreement with Blair County and Blair Township retroactive to October 28, 2020 to share the cost of Pre-Trial Witness Fees for an appeal appraisal Cost: Blair County: $155.79; Blair Township: $21.38; District: $347.82
- Acknowledgement for Health and Nursing Services with the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center (GACTC) effective November 19, 2020 for a district Certified School Nurse (CSN) to oversee/consult with the GACTC LPN. No Cost
- New Capital Reserve Project
2020-2021 Capital Reserve Project:
Replace Telecore System at Junior High: $13,000
- Student Activity Fundraisers
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraisers are presented for approval:
Student Activity Fundraisers:
Key Club #66
Virtual Race to benefit Toys for Tots
November 19, 2020 through January 1, 2021
Estimated Profit:2,000
Senior High Spanish Club #74
Chipotle Night Fundraiser
December 14 or 15, 2020 from 4:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Estimated Profit: $250
Junior High Reading Competition - #34
Dress Down Day
November-December 2020
Expected Profit: $300
- Donations
American Dairy Association, Dairy Council, Inc. and America's Dairy Farmers: $2,700 for the Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant
Campus Box Media, LLC.: $44.81 (2019-2020 donation)
The HASD Athletic Department receives spirit items from the Spirit Shop/Sports Promotion Network. These companies work together to find local community businesses to sponsor spirit items (i.e. water bottles, t-shirts, mini footballs) for the school to hand out free of charge to fans and students. The items are paid by the local businesses in our community and their company logo is then put on the items along with a Hollidaysburg Area School Logo to recognize their sponsorship. The school gets a 5% check for the amount of the sponsorships as part of the program.
- Collection Fees Charged to Municipalities for 2021
The following 2021 fees will be charged to the municipalities for the collection of the following taxes:
Per Capita: $.55/bill
- Collection Fees Charged by Blair County Tax Collection Bureau effective January 1, 2021
The following 2021 fees will be paid to the Blair County Tax Collection Bureau for taxes collected on the District's behalf:
Current & Delinquent Earned Income / Net Profit: 3%
Flat Rate Occupation Tax effective January 1, 2021: 3%
(Tax Exempt if income is less than $1,500)
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Resolution of Board of School Directors Establishing Fund Balance Policies as required by GASB 54
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the following portions of its June 30, 2021 Capital Reserve Projects Committed Fund Balance as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits $150,000 from the Capital Reserve Projects Committed Fund Balance and transfers $150,000 to the Assigned Capital Reserve Fund Balance.
- Resolution of Board of School Directors Establishing Fund Balance Policies as required by GASB 54
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the following portions of its June 30, 2021 Retirement Rate Stabilization Committed Fund Balance as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits $384,074 from the Retirement Rate Stabilization Committed Fund Balance and transfers $384,074 to the Unassigned General Fund Balance.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Veteran's Day Activities
Brian Keagy and Lori Stephens will provide an overview of the 2020 Veteran's Day activities held in our District.
- Winter Sports Master Field Trip List
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the attached list of student field trips in excess of 150 miles, out of state, or overnight is submitted for approval.
*The administration requests authorization for the Superintendent to approve additional trips as needed throughout the 2020-2021 school year resulting from advancement in PIAA school sponsored sports playoffs.
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Lori McCoy |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Extend LTS position from 10/29/20 through 11/24/20 |
Approve Hire |
Abigail Zeek |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Retroactive starting 11/9/20 until approximately January 29, 2021 |
Approve |
Sherry Socie |
Accounting Operations Director |
Admin |
Change resignation date from 12/14/20 up to 1/29/21 |
Approve Hire |
Sydney Berger |
Full-time Day to Day Substitute |
Retroactive to 11/9/2020 through end of 20/21 School Year |
Approve Hire |
Jody Walters |
Full-time Day to Day Substitute |
Effective 12/8/2020 through end of 20/21 School Year |
Approve Hire |
Samantha Figard |
Full-time Day to Day Substitute |
SH |
Retroactive to 11/6/2020 through end of 20/21 School Year |
Approve Hire |
Robert A. Johnson |
Full-time Day to Day Substitute |
JH |
Effective 12/1/2020 through end of 20/21 School Year |
Approve MOU |
MOU with HAEA for sick leave for Joanna Brumbaugh |
Retroactive to 11/10/20 |
Approve MOU |
MOU with AFSCME for Food Service during closures |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 11/6/20 |
Approve Hire |
Rachael Lockard |
Substitute Teacher (Childhood N-3) |
Dist. |
11/19/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Charlton Jordan |
Substitute Teacher (IU8 Referral) |
Dist. |
11/19/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Shelby Civils |
Substitute Teacher (IU8 Referral) |
Dist. |
11/19/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Jared Krater |
Substitute Teacher (IU8 Referral) |
Dist. |
11/19/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Madison Lascoli |
Substitute Secretary/Office Paraprofessional |
Dist. |
11/19/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Hully Hoover |
Fall Game Worker |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 9/14/2020 |
Resignation |
Nicole White |
Health Room Assistant HRACWLHLTH01 |
11/6/2020 |
Approve |
David Heim |
Game Worker |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 9/11/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Lane Wertz |
Assistant Wrestling Coach |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Remove |
David Herncane |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Kimberly Hutsky |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Hully Hoover |
C & I - Career Conferences |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
David Herncane |
C & I - Career Conferences |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Kimberly Hutsky |
C & I - Career Conferences |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Veronica Sell |
C & I - Career Conferences |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Keely Jones |
C & I - Career Conferences |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Tina Peters |
C & I - Career Conferences |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
Wendy Lieb |
Sports Physicals |
SH |
10/28/2020 |
Approve |
Karen Helsel |
Sports Physicals |
SH |
10/28/2020 |
Approve Bus Driver |
Michael Dull |
Fullington Bus Driver Substitute |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 11/9/20 |
Approve Bus Driver |
Clarence Florey Jr |
Fullington Bus Driver Substitute |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 11/9/20 |
Approve Bus Driver |
William Myers |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 11/9/20 |
Remove |
Michael Eppolito |
Substitute Teacher (Guest) |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 10/29/2020 |
Remove |
Nyssa McKnight |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/26/2020 |
Remove |
Monique Williams |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 06/05/2018 |
Remove |
Dawn McDannell |
Substitute Teacher (IU8 Referral) |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/26/2020 |
Remove |
Jennifer Zbozny |
Substitute Teacher (Guest), Substitute Secretary/Para |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 6/14/2019 |
Remove |
Dorothy Daniel |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 9/8/17 |
Remove |
Allison Church |
Substitute (Guest) |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 12/13/18 |
Remove |
Kenneth McElhinney, JR |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 5/17/18 |
Information Only |
Carol Scarbro |
LTS; English Teacher |
SH |
Effective starting 11/16/20 until approximately 1/13/21 |
Information Only |
Jessica Dodson |
Volunteer |
JH |
10/22/2020 |
Information Only |
Alexa Ritchey |
Transfer from Grade 4 (2018) TCHCWL04GR03 to Grade 3 (19/20) to Grade 2 (20/21) New position? |
8/26/2020 |
Information Only |
Caitlyn Tay |
Transfer from Grade 6 TCHCWL06GR04 to Grade 1 TCHCWL01GR03 |
8/26/2020 |
Information Only |
Heather Berish |
Transfer from Grade 4 TCHFKS04GR04 to Grade 6 TCHFKS06GR01 |
8/26/2020 |
Information Only |
Kaylyn Massafra |
Transfer from Kindergarten TCHFOTKDGN04 to 1st Grade TCHFOT01GR03 |
8/26/2020 |
Information Only |
Ronald Nori |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Retroactive from 9/21/20 until 11/6/20 |
- 2020-2021 School Calendar - REVISED
Per Board Policy 803 School Calendar, the administration recommends a revision to 2020-2021 school calendar.
(REVISED to reflect beginning of the year information for kindergarten students and to change November 20, 2020 from a student day to a teacher in-service day.)
- Phased Reopening Health and Safety Plan - November Update
- Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan- November Update
Assistant Superintendent:
Mrs. Jennifer Mitchell
Dr. Maureen Letcher, Senior High
Mr. Mark Harrington, Senior High Assistant - Virtual
Mr. Dale McCall, Junior High Assistant
Mr. Brian Keagy, Charles W. Longer
Mr. William Madden, Frankstown
Mr. Jaime Hartline, Foot of Ten
Mr. Kevin McCloskey, Senior High Biology Teacher
Ms. Suzanne Lloyd, Junior High ELA Teacher
- President's Report
- Resignation of Appointments: Sherry Socie
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Accept the resignation of Sherry Socie from the following positions effective November 18, 2020:
- Primary Delegate for the Blair County Tax Claim Bureau
- Board Treasurer
- Tax Collector
- Delinquent Tax Collector
- Appointment of Blair County Tax Claim Bureau Primary Delegate
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Approve the appointment of Stacey Thomas as the Primary Delegate for the Blair County Tax Claim Bureau effective November 19, 2020 to fill the position vacated by the resignation of Sherry Socie.
- Appointment of Treasurer for 2020-2021: Stacey Thomas
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Stacey Thomas to serve as Board Treasurer effective November 19, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Sherry Socie.
- Appointment of Tax Collector for 2020-2021: Stacey Thomas
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Stacey Thomas to serve as Tax Collector effective November 19, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Sherry Socie.
- Appointment of Delinquent Tax Collector for 2020-2021: Stacey Thomas
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Stacey Thomas to serve as Delinquent Tax Collector effective November 19, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Sherry Socie.
- PSBA Travel Accident Insurance
- Basic Coverage is free to all board members.
- 24hr Coverage is optional. **See rates on enrollment form.
If you choose this option, please complete the enrollment form, submit the form and a check for the appropriate amount made payable to HASD General Fund to Linda Conway, Business Office by December 11, 2020. If you choose the optional coverage, you are required to complete the enrollment form.
- Coverage begins January 1, 2021.
- Complete a beneficiary form if you wish to update/change your beneficiary information. Return completed forms to Linda Conway, Business Office, as soon as possible.
Whether traveling to an advocacy event, school board meeting, or district function, it is vital to be able to focus on what matters most. That is why the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) Insurance Trust proudly partners with The Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential) to offer exceptional Business Travel Accident (BTA) and Optional Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance coverage to the commonwealth’s school directors.
As a way of showing our gratitude for all the hard work you do as a school director, PSBA provides BTA coverage at no cost. BTA insurance covers all school directors for accidental death or injury that occurs while you are attending or travelling to and from board-sponsored business.
24-Hour Optional AD&D insurance coverage
Want more extensive coverage for yourself, your spouse or your children? We have you protected with a 24-hour Optional AD&D plan.
This Prudential plan helps cover accidental death or qualifying injuries, no matter where or when the accident occurs. You may select coverage in the amount of $150,000 for yourself at a cost of $35.50 annually. You may also select $50,000 of coverage for your spouse at a cost of $13.50 annually and $10,000 of coverage for all your eligible children at a cost of $3.00 annually.
Please note that this coverage replaces BTA coverage; it is not a supplement to the complimentary plan.
- New Business
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole / Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Student Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Student Representatives:
Travis Saylor, Senior Representative
Mark McCoy, Junior Representative
Student Survey Presentation:
Senior Class Officers, Travis Saylor, Matthew McMullen, Jonas Ciprich and Michael Scarpelli will present information on a student survey of different educational platforms.
- Presentation: Life Track Senior Exit Survey
Discussion, Information, Presentation
- Hully Hoover and Kim Hutsky will present a summary of the results from the Life Track Senior Exit Survey.
- Presentation: 2019 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) Results
Discussion, Information
- Vape Sensor Presentation: Dr. Maureen Letcher and Mrs. Lydia Dobrowolsky
- Dr. Maureen Letcher and Ms. Lydia Dobrowolsky will present the results of 2019 PAYS Survey as well as an overview of the generous grant received by the Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Lung Disease Foundation of Central PA.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, September 24, 2020 at 5:39 p.m. for personnel and negotiations (to correct meeting time), and at 6:55 p.m. for personnel.
The board met in executive session Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 6:00PM for personnel.
Meetings for November, 2020:
Athletic Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meetings of the Board of Directors and Board Committee Meetings will be held virtually to the public through the end of the 2020 calendar year.
All board meeting agendas are available in detail for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
July 15, 2020 Policy Committee
July 15, 2020 Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting
August 5, 2020 Physical Plant Committee
- Business Office - Financial Reports for September, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
September 30, 2020 Treasurer's Reports
$11,094,727.21 Receipts
$ 6,035,921.47 Total Disbursements
$19,549,596.93 Ledger Balance
$ 55.78 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,324.32 Ledger Balance
$ 22,538.89 Total Receipts
$101,449.91 Total Disbursements
$337,502.01 Ledger Balance
$ 25,532.91 Total Receipts
$ 1,639.00 Total Disbursements
$128,354.25 Ledger Balance
$ 653.02 Total Receipts
$ 63,402.36 Total Disbursements
$ 587,911.93 Ledger Balance
$33,685.06 Total Receipts
$33,682.70 Total Disbursements
$ 799.54 Ledger Balance
$1,816,557.05 Total Receipts
$1,802,420.59 Total Disbursements
$ 60,646.26 Ledger Balance
$ 2,230.00 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$14,965.68 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
Approve (Roll Call Vote)
$2,207,009.18 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 161843-162070)
$2,062,553.00 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 161836-162093)
$4,269,562.18 Total Payments
$ 21,604.39 Total Payments (Check numbers 23168-23178)
$ 1,639.00 Total Payments (Check numbers 23569-23573)
$ 63,402.36 Total Payments (Check numbers 3456-3460)
$ 57,989.45 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 261597-261635)
$1,744,431.27 ACH Disbursements
$1,802,420.72 Total Payments
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$5,451,949 Total Invested with 25 Financial Institutions
$ 276,697 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$22,476,075.91 Revenues
$ 7,438,911.29 Expenditures
$152,363.72 Revenues
$ 63,402.36 Expenditures
$ 117,611.78 Revenues
$ 152,995.96 Expenditures
$ 170.88 Revenues
$ 0.00 Expenditures
$ 2,256.14 Revenues
$ 0.00 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers through June 30, 2020
PERIOD OF JUNE 4, 2020 - JUNE 30, 2020
$2,721,098 - General Fund
$ 3,327 - Capital Reserve Fund
- Budget Transfers for October, 2020
PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 2020 - OCTOBER 14, 2020
$ 1,005,289 - General Fund
$ 1,157,073 - Capital Reserve Fund
- Business Office
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings & 818 Contracted Services, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Agreement with FitnessGram Hosting Services effective October 21, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for fitness education and assessment software Cost: $1,098
- Agreement with Hollidaysburg Tiger Baseball Club effective October 22, 2020 through December 31, 2020 for lease of the Hollidaysburg Area School District Baseball Building to remove and replace carpet No Cost
- Agreement with Dana M. Melton RN, LSCW for Behavioral Health Student Services effective October 21, 2020 through June 30, 2021 No Cost
- Agreement with Southwood Psychiatric Hospital effective September 8, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for academic tutoring services Cost: $90/day
***The following contract was listed on the July 15, 2020 COW-Voting Meeting Agenda but was not approved, nor was there an attachment associated with it.
Memorandum of Understanding with Child Advocates of Blair County effective April 18, 2019 through April 17, 2020 for coordinating mutually beneficial activities to provide effective services for children and families served. No Cost
- Sealed Bid Participation Authorization
The administration recommends board approval for the Physical Plant Director to participate in a potential sealed bid. The purpose of the bid is to purchase used Siemens building automation equipment compatible with the Hollidaysburg Area School District's building automation system.
- Student Activity Fundraiser
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraiser is presented for approval:
Student Activity Fundraiser:
Junior High Math Counts, #77
Dress Down Day
Expected profit: $100
- New Capital Reserve Project
2020-2021 Capital Reserve Project:
Soccer Field Fence Repairs: $9,950
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Donations
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
- National School Board Association (NSBA) in conjuction with Bella+Canvas: COVID-19 related PPE Donations
- Highmark: COVID-19 related PPE Donations
- American Dairy Association, Dairy Council, Inc. and America's Dairy Farmers: $2,000 for the Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant
- Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Lung Disease Foundation of Central PA: Vape Sensors
- Technology Education Grant: Harbor Freight Gift Cards (Eric Skutch $200; John Smith $200; Joe Krupka $200; Ben Fogle $100)
- Walmart Community Grant Team and Facility #2049 (Altoona location): $1,500 to be used for school safety
- Federal Program Budget Adjustments
2019-2020 Budget
2019-2020 ACCESS GRANT: $6,203
2019-2020 Title I: (Carryover to 2020-2021): ($8,442)
2019-2020 Title I: Allocation Reduction: ($5,971)
2019-2020 COVID 19 PCCD School Health & Safety Grant: (Carryover to 2020-2021): ($238,412)
2020-2021 Budget
2019-2020 Title I: Carryover from 2019-2020: $8,442
2019-2020 Covid 19 PCCD School Health & Safety Grant: (Carrryover from 2019-2020): $238,412
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
The Annual Plan contains goals and anticipated outcomes established by our district leaders for the 2020-2021 school year.
- National Junior Honor Society Request for Change in Service Hours
The National Junior High Society requests a change to their service hours to align with the hours of the Senior High National Honor Society.
- Bus Routes 2020-2021
Per Board Policy 810 Transportation, the Board is being asked to approve the 2020-2021 bus routes.
2020-2021 Maxwell Transportation Routes
2020-2021 Fullington Bus Company Routes
- Master Field Trip List for 2020-2021
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the attached list of student Field Trips in excess of 150 miles, out of state, or overnight is submitted for approval.
**All 2020-2021 field trips will be evaluated and dependent upon the COVID-19 statistics and
regulations, field trips may not occur
- District Athletic Plan-October Revision
The District Athletic Plan has been revised as part of the overall District Health and Safety Plan with regard to spectators at athletic events.
- Phased Reopening Health and Safety Plan - October Revision
- Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan-October Revision
The Hollidaysburg Area School District Health and Safety Plan will be updated to reflect the addition of a full five day face-to-face option for all K-12 students effective the first day of the second marking period, November 2, 2020.
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Stacey Thomas |
Accounting Operations Director ADNADMAOD01 |
Admin |
Upon release from current employer |
$78,000/year with salary and benefits as outlined in employment contract |
Approve Hire |
Carol Scarbro |
LTS; English Teacher |
SH |
Effective starting 11/18/20 until approximately 1/13/21 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Carol Scarbro |
LTS; Special Education |
JH |
Retroactive from 10/1/20 until full time hire is released, approximately 10/30/20 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Ronald Nori |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Retroactive from 9/21/20 until approximately 11/2/20 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve |
Kristie Cummings |
LTS; Special Education Teacher |
JH |
11/16/2020 - 12/23/2020 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Create New Position |
LTS; Kindergarten Teacher |
Upon return to five day face to face |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Create New Position |
Full Time Day to Day Substitute |
SH |
20/21 School Year Only |
$95/per day |
Create New Position |
Full Time Day to Day Substitute |
JH |
20/21 School Year Only |
$95/per day |
Create New Position |
Full Time Day to Day Substitute |
20/21 School Year Only |
$95/per day |
Create New Position |
Full Time Day to Day Substitute |
20/21 School Year Only |
$95/per day |
Create New Position |
Full Time Day to Day Substitute |
20/21 School Year Only |
$95/per day |
Approve |
Jaime Ziegler |
Homebound Instruction for Student K. E. |
SH |
Retroactive to 9/13/2020 |
5 hours per week at $26 per hour |
Approve |
Jaime Ziegler |
Homebound Instruction for Student A. Z. |
SH |
Retroactive to 9/10/2020 |
5 hours per week at $26 per hour for up to 3 months |
Approve Unpaid Leave |
Nicole White |
Unpaid Medical Leave |
Extended leave, effective 10/16/20 through 11/15/20 |
Approve HIre |
Jessica Yeager-McGraw |
Special Education Paraprofessional ADPFKSPARA12 |
11/9/2020 |
6 hours per day; 180 days per year; $16.57 per hour less $1.50 new hire ($15.07); Class 3A |
Approve MOU |
Sick Leave Bank COVID agreement |
Dist |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Approve MOU |
AFSCME Deductions - Custodian/Food Service |
Dist |
Effective 1/1/21 |
Approve MOU |
AFSCME Deductions - Secretary/Para |
Dist |
Effective 1/1/21 |
Approve Regulations |
Sick Leave Bank - Regulation Update |
Dist |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Retirement |
Beverly Wertz |
5 Hour Food Service - FSPSHSFSWK04 |
SH |
Effective 10/30/20 |
Resign |
Stuart Roberts |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 6/27/20 |
Approve Hire |
Erin Fogle |
Substitute School Nurse |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
Erika Link |
Substitute Teacher (IU8 Referral) |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve HIre |
Monica Carrizales-Speicher |
Substitute Teacher (Elem K-4) |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day/$105 per day after 60 cumulative days |
Approve Hire |
Sydney Berger |
Substitute Teacher (Elem K-4) |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day/$105 per day after 60 cumulative days |
Approve Hire |
Jennifer Costanza |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
Samantha Figard |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
Victoria Galanti |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
William Nedostup |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
Greta Swope |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
Jill Tucci |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$95 per day |
Approve Hire |
Miranda Coury |
Substite Secretary/Office Paraprofessional |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve |
Linda Hilling |
FBLA Advisor - Split |
SH |
20/21 SY |
$529.95 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Matthew Claar |
FBLA Advisor - Split |
SH |
20/21 SY |
$529.95 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Erin Yeager |
Special Education Department Chair |
JH |
Effective 11/2/20 |
$2,677.14 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Leona Engle |
Special Education Department Chair |
SH |
Effective 11/2/20 |
$2,677.14 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Suzanne Lloyd |
English Department Chair |
JH |
Effective 11/2/20 |
$2,677.14 per Schedule C |
Resign |
Clarisse Spencer |
8th Grade Girls Baskerball Coach |
JH |
Effective 10/2/20 |
Approve Hire |
Colleen Ciprich |
8th Grade Girls Baskerball Coach |
JH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$1,899.86 per schedule D |
Remove |
Aden Myers |
JH Wrestling Assistant Coach |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Approve |
Leona Engle |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Scott Sheehan |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Michael Rawlins |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Nicole Beauchamp |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Melissa Jack |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Caleb McAdoo |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Christie James |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Amanda Blanchetti |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Dawn Eckenrode |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kevin McCloskey |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Hully Hoover |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Nicole Tewell |
C & I - TSI Team |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Leigh Ann Craig |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Robert Valeria |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Michelle Galo |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
John Yogus |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Erin Yeager |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Greg Reese |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Jill Hileman |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Nicole Stouffer |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Alysha Kachur |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Samantha McDowell |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Brock Porter |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kellie Hurd |
C & I - TSI Team |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
10 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
David Herncane |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Dawn Eckenrode |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Deanna Jubeck |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kevin McCloskey |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Leah Haslam |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Leona Engle |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Michael Moore |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Holly Mercer |
C & I - SWPBS |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Christine Burkey |
C & I - SWPBS |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Megan Murtagh |
C & I - SWPBS |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Eileen Roberts |
C & I - SWPBS |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Elaine Baney |
C & I - SWPBS |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Allison Herbaugh |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kathyn Menard |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Elizabeth Sagaities |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kris Smith |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kyle Brown |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kaylyn Massafra |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Christina Bracken |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Justin Clark |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Perk Oettinger |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Elizabeth Fogal |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Maria Mikolajzyk |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Jennifer Niccole Stultz |
C & I - SWPBS |
2020/2021 SY |
2 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Caitlyn Tay |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Robert Burkey |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kris Smith |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Melissa Hatch |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Britteny Hassen |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Melissa Viego |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
R. J. Albarano |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Jennifer Bloom |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
John Wessner |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Jennifer Seecs-Meilnik |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Lindsey Griffith |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kelly Breene |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Stephanie Gutshall |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Maria Mikolajzk |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Tammy Stultz |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Timothy Keech |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kristie Clayton |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Lacy Frazier |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
JoAnna Brumbaugh |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Suzannah Cannon |
C & I - Data Team |
2020/2021 SY |
8 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kristie Wissinger |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Jacqueline Harris |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Alyssa Carpenter |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Tammy Stultz |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Kris Smith |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Chandra Jandora |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Julie Smith |
C& I - Elementary Health Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
5 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Angela Waibel |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Elizabeth Sagaities |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Christina Bracken |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Misty Hewitt |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Sherry Desort |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Theresa Gillie |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Justin Clark |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
2020/2021 SY |
3 hours at $26/hr |
Approve |
Megan Murtagh |
Extra Pay-Writing IEPs |
JH |
10/13/2020 |
Up to 4 hours at $26/hr |
Approval |
Robin Blair |
School Psychologist |
JH |
Retroactive to 7/1/2020 |
5 days extra pay at per diem to complete Evaluations and Reevaluations on hold due to COVID-19 |
Approval |
Jane Burkholder |
School Psychologist |
JH |
Retroactive to 7/1/2020 |
5 days extra pay at per diem to complete Evaluations and Reevaluations on hold due to COVID-19 |
Approval |
Debra Springer |
School Psychologist |
JH |
Retroactive to 7/1/2020 |
5 days extra pay at per diem to complete Evaluations and Reevaluations on hold due to COVID-19 |
Approve Student Teacher |
Kathryn Paige Bulgarelli |
Maren Jubas/Lauren Sral Elementary Special Education |
2020/2021 SY |
Juniata |
Approve |
Brandon Stitt |
Volunteer- Athletics |
Dist |
Retroactive to 8/25/2020 |
Approve |
Colleen Ciprich |
Volunteer- Athletics |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
Approve |
Hully Hoover |
Volunteer-Athletics |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
Approve |
Gary Walstrom |
Volunteer-Athletics |
Dist. |
10/22/2020 |
Remove |
Donald Wyant |
Volunteer |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Eileen Detwiler |
Volunteer |
Effective 10/5/20 |
Remove |
Dennis Housum |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Jennifer Janosko-Musselman |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/1/20 |
Remove |
Terrina McIntosh |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/6/20 |
Remove |
Jennifer Zbozny |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Pamela Blackmon |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Kathryn Miknis |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Tina Barton |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Brittany Cunningham |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Jessica Dodson |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Jolene Drass |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Janel Foster |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Cathy Petre |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Karlin Blake |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Danielle Mattern |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
William Stonebraker |
Volunteer |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Remove |
Kathleen Harpster |
IU08 Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 10/22/20 |
Information Only |
Jennifer Kimble |
Transfer 5.75 Food Service Worker FSPSHSFSWK07 to 5 Hour Food Service Worker FSPSHSFSWK04 |
SH |
10/30/2020 |
As per AFSCME Contract for Food Service |
Information Only |
Amy Shaddick |
Special Education Teacher - TCHJHSSPEC11 |
JH |
Official Start Date 11/2/2020 |
- President's Report
- New Business
Discussion, Information
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Virtual Special Voting Meeting - 6:00PM
- Meeting Opening 6:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Special Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 6:00pm for personnel and negotiations.
Meetings for October, 2020:
Curriculum Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, October 21, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meetings of the Board of Directors and Board Committee Meetings will be held virtually through the end of the 2020 calendar year. The Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary will meet in person at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg to conduct each board meeting. Please visit for updates to meetings and public participation information.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Contract
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contract/agreement is presented for approval:
- Amendment to the Infinite Campus End User License Agreement effective January 1, 2012 for online student registration software. Cost: $7,500 Annual Subscription and $5,625 Software
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Daphne Curry |
Special Education Paraprofessional - ADPSHSPARA02 |
SH |
9/29/2020 |
$16.57/hour minus $1.50 for new hire ($15.07) |
Approve |
Teacher contract between HASD and HAEA |
Dist. |
8/16/2020 to 8/15/2022 |
Continue salary schedule from 19/20 in effect for 2 years (2% Cap at Professional Rate) |
Approve New Position |
Create New Position |
Special Education Chair |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Full Chair Stipend per Schedule C |
Approve New Position |
Create New Position |
Special Education Chair |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Full Chair Stipend per Schedule C |
Delete Position |
Delete Schedule C Chair Position |
Special Education Chair |
Dist |
20/21 SY |
Approve Hire |
Kathleen Iachini |
Substitute Nurse |
Dist |
Effective 9/24/20 |
$95/day |
Approve Hire |
Rayna Jones |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 9/24/2020 |
$95/day |
Approve Hire |
Shawn Hallahan |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 9/24/2020 |
$95/day |
Approve |
Paula Dull |
Instruction Conducted in the Home |
JH |
Retroactive to 8/31/2020 |
Up to 8 hours per week for the 2020 - 2021 school year for a CWL student - previously approved 9/1/20 for up to 5 hours per week |
Approval |
Arlene Clark |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
JH |
Effective 9/21/2020 |
Additional Hours to support student at Aevidum - 45 minutes every Monday through the end of the school year |
Approval |
Kathryn Menard |
Speech and Language Teacher |
Retroactive to 8/26/20 |
2 hours per week extra pay for Instruction Conducted in the Home |
Approve Hire |
Joe Krupka |
Set Director and Stage Director |
SH |
20/21 SY |
$2,229.16 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Allison Herbaugh |
Elementary Cyber Facilitator Split |
20/21 SY |
$2,666.67 split per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Perk Oettinger |
Elementary Cyber Facilitator Split |
20/21 SY |
$2,666.67 split per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Kyle Brown |
Elementary Cyber Facilitator Split |
20/21 SY |
$2,666.67 split per Schedule C |
Resign |
Michelle Galo |
English Department Chair |
JH |
Effective 10/1/20 |
Resign |
Leona Engle |
Special Education Department Chair |
Dist |
Effective 9/17/20 |
Resign |
Brooke Meadows |
Substitute Teacher |
Dis |
Effective 9/24/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Lauren Basenback |
Game Worker |
Dist |
Effective 9/17/20 |
Game Worker Rates |
Resign |
James Trexler |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 9/18/20 |
Resign |
Roger Johnson |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 9/22/20 |
Approve |
Colleen Ciprich (Murphy) |
Sports Volunteer |
Dist |
Effective 9/17/20 |
Approve |
Hully Hoover |
Sports Volunteer |
Dist |
Effective 9/17/20 |
Remove |
Sheila Burk |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 9/24/2020 |
Remove |
Christa Eberhardt |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 9/24/2020 |
Remove |
Kathleen Kimble |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 8/24/2020 |
Remove |
Michele Jennings |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 8/24/2020 |
Information Only |
Tracey Montgomery |
Special Education Paraprofessional ADPSHSPARA02 to Special Education Paraprofessional - ADPFOTPARA04 |
Effective 9/15/2020 |
moved from SH to FOT - replacing Beth Nileski |
- President's Report /Dr. Sommer
- New Business - Contract
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contract is presented for approval:
Contract with Appalachia IU8 for Odysseyware Software effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 for grades 6-12 Cost: $3,062. The agreement is for software to meet the needs of a group of special needs students in the virtual setting.
- New Business - Phased Reopening Health and Safety Plan
- Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan Revision
Admin Content
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Hollidaysburg Area School District Foundation
- Jodie Albarano, HASD Foundation Director will present the HASD Foundation's update.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 5:30pm for personnel and negotiations.
Meetings for October, 2020:
Curriculum Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, October 21, 2021
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meetings of the Board of Directors and Board Committee Meetings will be held virtually through the end of the 2020 calendar year. The Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary will meet in person at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg to conduct each board meeting. Please visit for updates to meetings and public participation information.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Business Office - Financial Reports for August, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
$ 9,932,889.81 Receipts
$ 3,124,737.95 Total Disbursements
$14,490,791.19 Ledger Balance
$ 53.87 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,268.54 Ledger Balance
$140,797.65 Total Receipts
$ 73,896.81 Total Disbursements
$416,413.03 Ledger Balance
$ 2,076.88 Total Receipts
$ 551.00 Total Disbursements
$104,460.34 Ledger Balance
$ 645.88 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 650,661.27 Ledger Balance
$ 26,798.52 Total Receipts
$ 26,797.73 Total Disbursements
$ 797.18 Ledger Balance
$1,746,667.64 Total Receipts
$1,726,635.21 Total Disbursements
$ 46,509.80 Ledger Balance
$ 12.73 Total Receipts
$ 142.96 Total Disbursements
$ 12,735.68 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$ 440,501.33 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 161697-161835)
$ 983,604.50 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 161668-161829)
$1,424,105.83 Total Payments
$ 2,882.70 Total Payments FY 2020-21 (Check numbers 23161-23167)
$ 551.00 Total Payments (Check numbers 23567-23568)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
$ 51,135.63 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 261583-261596)
$1,675,499.58 ACH Disbursements
$1,726,635.21 Total Payments
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$5,446,257 Total Invested with 25 Financial Institutions
$ 276,667 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- Business Office
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Engagement Agreement with The Reschini Group effective the 2020 reporting year to assist in completion of the 2020 IRS reporting requirements for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Cost: Deposit (non-refundable): $500; $6.25 per 1095 Form
- Agreement with VFI Home Health effective September 9, 2020 to provide RN and LPN services on a fee-for-service basis for students in the Hollidaysburg Area School District
Cost: RN: $70 for 1 hr or less; $55 each additional hour; $60 per hour for each additional student
Cost: LPN: $50 for 1 hr or less; $35 for any additional hours
- HIPAA Business Associate Agreement with VFI Home Health effective September 11, 2020 to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Rule, including but not limited to, the Business Associate Contract requirements at 45 C.F.R 164 504. No Cost
- Cooperative Agreement with Saint Francis University effective September 9, 2020 through June 30, 2021, to establish a cooperative academic program entitled College in High School for the 2020-2021 academic year. Cost paid by parents.
- Agreement with Appalachia Intermediate Unit 08 for classroom rentals at Charles W. Longer, Junior High and Senior High effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021. Revenue: $6,000
- Contract with Life Track Services for graduate exit surveys, after graduation surveys and 5-year post graduation surveys, effective September 9, 2020 through June 30, 2025 Cost: $3,915
- Contract with Dramatic Publishing for Production of Little Women, effective September 10, 2020 through November 20, 2020 Cost: $298.39
- Memorandum of Understanding with Child Advocates of Blair County (Head Start) effective August 26, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for coordinating mutually beneficial activities to provide effective services for children and families served No Cost
- Letter of Agreement with Blair County Department of Social Services (DSS)- Mental Health (MH) Program and UPMC Behavioral Health of the Alleghenies (BHA) effective September 9, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for the Student Assistance Program No Cost
- Certificate of Agreement with Scholastic Book Fairs effective November 17, 2020 through November 24, 2020 to raise money to purchase books for the Junior High library. No Cost
- Letter of Agreement with Juniata College effective September 9, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to permit students in pre-student teaching and student teaching to work with the district for the 2020-2021 school year No Cost
- Letter of Amendment with UPMC Behavioral Health of the Alleghenies effective September 9, 2020 through June 30, 2021 due to a change in the name on the Cooperative Agreement from UPMC Altoona to UPMC Behavioral Health of the Alleghenies (BHA) No cost
- Science in Motion Service Contract with Juniata College effective September 1, 2020 through June 11, 2021 to provide certain educational services to the school through the college's Science in Motion program Cost: $10,335.94
- Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Step by Step Learning, LLC effective August 26, 2019 through June 30, 2020 for Title I Math and Reading Service to Non-Public Schools Cost: $12,158
- Service Agreement with Step by Step Learning, LLC. effective September 2, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for Title I reading services to Holy Trinity Altoona, Hollidaysburg and Middle Schools, Saint Patrick School and All Saints School. Cost: $23, 377
- Contract Ratification
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following agreements are presented for ratification after solicitor review:
- Agreement wih Child Advocates of Blair County for Agreement with Child Advocates of Blair County "Head Start" effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for rental of (2) classrooms at Frankstown Elementary School for the 2020-2021 school year. Revenue: $200 per month per classroom
- Agreement with Blair Regional YMCA for classroom rental at Charles W. Longer and Foot of Ten Elementary Schools for before and after-school care effective August 26, 2020 through July 31, 2021. Revenue: Full months: $200/month per classroom; Partial months: $50/week per classroom
- Federal Program Budget Adjustments
2019-2020 BUDGET
2019-2020 TITLE II (Carryover to 2020-2021) ($ 5,709)
2019-2020 TEACHER IN THE WORKPLACE (Carryover to 2020-2021) ($ 25,000)
2019-2020 TITLE 19 $ 8,986
2019-2020 IU8 ACCESS ($ 25)
2018-2019 TITLE II (Carryover to 2020-2021) ($ 2,012)
2018-2019 TITLE I (Carryover to 2020-2021) ($ 5,837)
2019-2020 PA SMART GRANT (Carryover to 2020-2021) ($ 33,861)
*These budget adjustments also will be included in the 2019-2020 budget transfers.
2020-2021 BUDGET
2018-2019 Title II (Carryover from 2019-2020) $ 2,012
2019-2020 TEACHER IN THE WORKPLACE (Carryover from 2019-2020) $ 25,000
2019-2020 TITLE II (Carryover from 2019-2020) $ 5,709
2018-2019 TITLE I (Carryover from2019-2020) $ 5,837
2019-2020 PA SMART GRANT (Carryover from 2019-2020) $ 33,861
*These budget adjustments also will be included in the 2020-2021 budget transfers.
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of obsolete technology hardware and other various equipment.
- Donations
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
- HP Donation of 100 Chromebooks and licenses loaned to the Hollidaysburg Area School District (no charge)
- COVID-19 related PPE donations
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Indoor Facility Rental
Effective tomorrow, Thursday, September 10, 2020, in light of COVID-19 conditions, the Hollidaysburg Area School District is temporarily suspending all indoor facility rentals for non-district related groups under Policy 707, Use of School Facilities. All outdoor facility rental requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis if accompanied by a health and safety plan that ensures the group will follow current state mandates regarding social gatherings. This temporary suspension will remain in place until the COVID-19 Pandemic is declared over.
- "SWAY" - Concussion Management Tool
The administration seeks permission for the Athletic Department to demo a new product called SWAY in conjunction with the current concussion management system, ImPact, to compare testing, at no cost to the district.
- KOEZ Extension Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District of Blair County that effective as of this date (09/9/2020), contingent upon DCED’s approval of the application for the proposed term of the Extended Parcel of the existing KOEZ: The term of the Extended Parcel is extended for a period of seven (7) years from the date of occupancy of the Extended Parcel or expiration of the KOEZ, whichever occurs first as determined by the DCED. The following provisions shall apply to the extended term once the Extended Parcel is occupied:
- Real Property Tax on the Extended Parcel is 100% exempt, such exemption to terminate on December 31, 2027.
- The following shall be exempt, in accordance with the provisions and limitations set forth within the Act, relative to the Extended
Parcel: - Business gross receipts tax for operations conducted by a Qualified Business within the Extended Parcel.
- Business privilege tax within the Extended Parcel.
- Tax on the earned income received by a resident of the Extended Parcel.
- Tax on the net profits of a Qualified Business attributable to business activity conducted within the Extended Parcel.
- Mercantile license tax attributable to business activity by a Qualified Business conducted within the Extended Parcel.
- Tax on occupancy or use within the Extended Parcel.
- Sales and use tax (for purchases used and consumed by a Qualified Business within the Extended Parcel). Benefits to
begin on January 1, 2021 and to end on December 31, 2027.
- The provisions of the Act not herein enumerated, shall, nevertheless, be incorporated as part of this Resolution by reference.
- This Resolution shall be effective upon execution, conditioned upon the approval of DCED of the application.
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is being asked to approve the Personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Chandler DeLattre |
Network Administrator - TNPADMTECH01 |
Dist. |
Effective 9/28/20 |
$64,000 per year |
Approve Hire |
Amy Shaddick |
Special Education Teacher - TCHJHSSPEC11 |
JH |
Upon release from current employer |
Step 17 B $42,710 |
Approve Hire |
Delta States |
Confidential Secretary, Human Resources - CSFADMHRSE01 |
Admin |
Effective 9/28/20 |
$19.00 per hour, 20/21 SY |
Approve Hire |
Mary Haenig |
Full year LTS; Certified School Nurse |
SH |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
Salary Step 17, $42,710 per contract |
Approve Hire |
Jody Walters |
LTS; Special Education Teacher |
Retroactive to 9/3/20 until approximately 12/21/20 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Lori McCoy |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 until approximately 10/29/20 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Nicole Briscoe |
LTS; Special Education Teacher |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 until approximately 11/21/20 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Erin Vahey-Worthing |
LTS; Float Nurse, 6.5 Hours |
Dist. |
Effective 9/28/20 until end of 20/21 SY |
$19.97 per hour, 20/21 SY |
Retirement |
Marion Borr |
English Teacher - TCHJHSENGL01 |
JH |
Effective 6/4/20 |
Retirement |
Janet Moore |
Gifted Support Teacher - TCHCWLSPEC04 |
Effective 6/4/20 |
Resign |
Kelsey Dick |
Special Education Paraprofessional - ADPFKSPARA12 |
Effective 9/7/20 |
Resign |
Laura Wallace |
Food Service - FSPSHSFSWK03 |
SH |
Effective 8/24/20 |
Resign |
Constance Feltenberger |
Food Service - FSPJHSFSWK05 |
JH |
Effective 8/18/20 |
Approve MOU |
Retirement severance per HAEA contract Section 7 for Marion Borr |
JH |
Effective 6/4/2020 |
Approve MOU |
Retirement severance per HAEA contract Section 7 for Janet Moore |
Effective 6/4/2020 |
Approve MOU |
AFSCME COVID work from home agreement |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/31/20 |
Approve Rates |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
See attached sheet |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
Approve Unpaid Leave |
Nicole White |
Unpaid Medical Leave |
Effective 9/15/20 through 10/15/20 |
Approval |
Paula Dull |
Instruction Conducted in the Home |
JH |
Effective 9/1/20 |
up to 5 hours per week for the 2020 - 2021 school year for a CWL student |
Approve |
Robin Bender |
Secretary |
Effective 7/8/2020 |
Pay for up to 10 hours at 20/21 hourly rate for work on elementary handbook |
Resign |
Mark Woolheater |
Elementary Wrestling Coordinator |
Dist. |
Effective 8/26/2020 |
Resign |
Brandon Stitt |
Assistant Volleyball Coach (Split Position) |
SH |
Effective 8/24/2020 |
Approve |
Ted Bloom |
Assistant Volleyball Coach (Full Stipend) |
SH |
Effective 8/24/2020 |
$2,925.18 per Schedule D |
Approve Hire |
David Soellner |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Cindy Storm |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Elaine Adams |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Sue Nori |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Ron Nori |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Renee DeCoskey |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Krista Soellner |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Dean Adams |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Judy Fabian |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Michael Harris |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Scott Finochio |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Joy Finochio |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Lee Baird |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Will Fitzgerald |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Randy Dodson |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Paul Detwiler, Sr. |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Paul Detwiler, Jr. |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Jaime Zeigler |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Pauline Wiley |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Deb Faith |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Jordan Griffith |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Jon Szynal |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Joe Krupka |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Dawn Eckenrode |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Dave Schmelzlen |
Fall Game Worker - Adult |
Dist. |
Retroactive to 8/24/20 |
20/21 Game Worker Rates |
Approve Hire |
Constance Feltenberger |
Food Service Substitute |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve Hire |
Paula Albright |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
$95 per day |
Delete |
Alyssa Kustenbauder |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Delete |
David R. Smith |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Delete |
Jennifer Weidley |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Delete |
Charles Wolf |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Approve Student Teacher |
Tia Barndt |
Erin Isenberg/Raquelle Lemelle - Spanish Education |
2020/2021 SY |
Juniata |
Approve Student Teacher |
Cody Hallett |
Secondary Social Studies - Jordan Griffith Host Teacher |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Mount Aloysius |
Approve |
Rodney Chism |
Volunteer - Sports |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Approve |
Shawn McCarl |
Volunteer - Sports |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Approve |
Michael Smith |
Volunteer |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Delete |
Michele Jennings |
Volunteer |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Delete |
Kathleen Kimble |
Volunteer |
Dist. |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Information Only |
Lynette Guyer |
School Nurse - DECLINED position |
SH |
Effective 8/18/2020 |
Information Only |
Jessica Yeager-McGraw |
Special Education Paraprofessional - DECLINED position |
Effective 8/18/2020 |
Information Only |
Lisa Shilaos |
Corrected spelling of last name from 8/12/20 |
Information Only |
Jennifer Buffone |
Special Education Teacher |
Effective 8/26/2020 |
move from FKS to FOT |
Information Only |
Pamela Geist |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
Effective 8/26/2020 |
move from FKS to FOT |
Information Only |
Susan Smouse |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
JH |
Effective 8/26/2020 |
move from CWL to JH |
Information Only |
Brenda Kosko-Blyler |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
Effective 8/26/2020 |
move from JH to SH |
Information Only |
Megan Murtagh |
Special Education Teacher - TCHJHSSPEC11 to English Teacher - TCHJHSENGL01 |
JH |
Effective 9/10/2020 |
Teacher Salary |
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- First Reading of Policy
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policy is presented for approval on a first reading:
Policy # |
Policy Name |
Status |
Policy 816-Attach |
Notice of Virtual Instruction Recording and Archiving Practices |
- Second Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a second reading:
Policy No. |
Policy Name |
Status |
Policy 103 |
Discrimination Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students |
Policy 104 |
Discrimination Title IX Sexual Harassment |
Policy 230.1 |
Student Activities |
Policy 247 |
Hazing |
Policy 247 |
Hazing |
Policy 247 |
Hazing |
Policy 249 |
Bullying-Cyberbullying |
Policy 249 |
Bullying-Cyberbullying |
Policy 249 |
Bullying-Cyberbullying |
Policy 317.1 |
Educator Misconduct |
Policy 816 |
Use of Livestream Video on District Property |
Policy 816-Attach |
Notice of Virtual Instruction Recording and Archiving Practices |
Policy 824 |
Maintaining Professional Adult/Student |
- Superintendent's Objective Performance Standards
Per Board Policy 312 Evaluation of Superintendent, the Superintendent's Objective Performance Standards are presented for approval.
- Assistant Superintendent's Objective Performance Standards
Per Board Policy 312 Evaluation of Assistant Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent's Objective Performance Standards are presented for approval.
- Election of 2020 PSBA Officers & At-large Representatives
Board Members will be asked to come to a consensus to vote for the 2021 PSBA Officers, At-large Representatives, Insurance Trust Trustees, and School Board Secretaries Forum.
Admin Content
PSBA Officer Elections: Slate of Candidates 2020
PSBA members seeking election to office for the association were required to submit a nomination form no later than June 1, 2020, to be considered. All candidates who properly completed applications by the deadline are included on the slate of candidates below. In addition, the Leadership Development Committee met via Zoom on June 5th and 6th to interview candidates. According to bylaws, the Leadership Development Committee may determine candidates highly qualified for the office they seek. This is noted next to each person’s name with an asterisk (*).
Voting procedure
Each member entity will have one vote for each officer. This will require boards of the various school entities to come to a consensus on each candidate and cast their vote electronically during the open voting period (Aug. 23 – Oct. 11, 2020).
Voting will be accomplished through a secure third-party, web-based voting site that will require a password login. One person from each member entity will be authorized as the official person to register the vote on behalf of his or her entity. In the case of school districts, intermediate units, career and technical centers, it will be the board secretary who will cast votes. In the case of community colleges, the president is designated as the authorized registrar.
Special note: Boards should be sure to add discussion and voting on candidates to their agenda during one of their meetings in August, September or October before the open voting period ends.
Slate of Candidates
Vice President
- Sabrina Backer*, Franklin Area School District (Venango Co.)
- Daniel O’Keefe*, Northgate School District (Allegheny Co.)
Section 6 Advisor
No applications were submitted for Section 8 Advisor.
* The Leadership Development Committee may, by majority vote, determine that one or more candidates for any elected position will be designated on the ballot as a candidate the Leadership Development Committee considers to be highly qualified. (PSBA Bylaws, Section 5 C – Nominations)
PSBA Insurance Trust Trustees
Member entities also are asked to vote for open trustee positions on the PSBA Insurance Trust board. There are currently two seats open and two candidates. A member school entity can vote for up to two individuals. PSBA Insurance Trust provides complimentary travel/accident insurance to all school directors from member school entities while on official school board business. As such, all member entities are considered participants in PSBA Insurance Trust programs and are eligible to vote.
Trustee (term ends Dec. 31, 2023)
Choose up to two candidates for a 3-year term.
- Michael Faccinetto, Bethlehem Area School District
- Marianne Neel, PSBA Past President*
School Board Secretaries Forum
All voting takes place online as part of the PSBA Officers Elections ballot; it is a two-part ballot.
Forum Steering Committee (term ends Dec. 31, 2022)
Choose up to two incumbents for a 2-year term
- Stephen Skrocki – North Penn School District*
- Tracy Long – Keystone Central School District
*Bio coming soon.
Map of Sections:
- Appointment
Per Board Policy 004.2 Student Representatives to the Board, the board is asked to approve the following Student Representatives to the Board for 2020-2021:
Senior Representative: Travis Saylor
Junior Representative: Mark McCoy
- New Business
- Agreement
- New Business
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following agreement is presented for approval:
Agreement with Claysburg Kimmel School District to provide transportation to St Patrick's School for the 2020-2021 school year. Total Revenue: $433.44
- Revised 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax Collection Exoneration List
Per Board Policy 605, Taxes, the administration submits the following Revised 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax Collection Exoneration List that was previously approved at the September 9, 2020 Voting Meeting.
- Blair County Tax Claim Bureau Repository Bid
Accept bid from Dusty Ray for a mobile home.
Map# 02.00-14B.-004.00-011 in the amount of $125
- District Athletic Plan Update
The Athletic Plan has been updated as part of the overall District Health and Safety Plan.
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Pledge to Flag
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements:
The board met in executive session at 6:00 pm Wednesday, August 5, 2020 for negotiations and at 6:00 pm Wednesday, August 12, 2020 for personnel.
Meetings for September 2020:
Transportation Committee - Virtual (if needed)
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meetings of the Board of Directors and Board Committee Meetings will be held virtually through the end of the 2020 calendar year. The Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary will meet in person at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg to conduct each board meeting. Please visit for updates to meetings and public participation information.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Business Office - Financial Reports for July, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
$ 3,315,728.16 Receipts
$ 3,373,911.46 Total Disbursements
$ 7,682,639.33 Ledger Balance
$ 61.23 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,214.67 Ledger Balance
$ 51,958.60 Total Receipts
$ 86,394.96 Total Disbursements
$349,512.19 Ledger Balance
$ 4,423.29 Total Receipts
$ 3,044.00 Total Disbursements
$102,934.46 Ledger Balance
$ 115,437.14 Total Receipts
$ 155,087.55 Total Disbursements
$ 650,015.39 Ledger Balance
$ 52,897.57 Total Receipts
$ 52,896.48 Total Disbursements
$ 796.39 Ledger Balance
$1,740,264.00 Total Receipts
$1,797,170.11 Total Disbursements
$ 26,477.37 Ledger Balance
$ 15.92 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$12,865.91 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$ 479,142.84 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 161495-161656)
$1,205,384.49 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 161484-161667)
$1,684,527.33 Total Payments
$ 8,267.43 Total Payments FY 2019-20 (Check numbers 23155-23160)
$ 1,000.00 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check number 23471)
$ 2,044.00 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 23472-23566)
$ 3,044.00 Total Payments
$155,087.55 Total Payments FY 2019-20 (Check numbers 3453-3455)
$ 51,095.05 Fiscal Year 2020-21 (Check numbers 261559-261579)
$1,746,075.96 ACH Disbursements
$1,797,171.01 Total Payments
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$5,441,506 Total Invested with 25 Financial Institutions
$ 276,598 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- Food Service for June, 2020
$ 36,089.18 June Net Profit/(Loss)
$(102,622.70) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 702,552.87 Assets
$ 702,552.87 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for June, 2020
$ (6,537.51) June Net Profit/(Loss)
$ (353.47) Year-to-Date Net Profit
$ 13,203.63 Assets
$ 13,203.63 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Sponsor to Sponsor Agreement with Child Advocates of Blair County (Head Start Program) for the purchase of meals at Frankstown Elementary School, effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Revenue: $20,530.66
- University Orthopedics Physician Supervising Agreement effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021. Supervising Physicians: William A. Tyndall, MD, PhD and Joshua A. Muetzel, MD. No Cost
- Affiliation Agreement with Mount Aloysius College on behalf of the School of Nursing and Health Studies and Sciences Division and Nursing Division to provide practical, educational experiences and learning opportunities (practical experience) for nursing students effective August 12, 2020 through August 12, 2021 No Cost
- Partnership Understanding Cyber Learning Options and Professional Development Conceptual Agreement with Appalachia Intermediate Unit 08 effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 to provide a variety of online and cyber learning options for the district.
Cost based on enrollment:
*Edgenuity (K-5) Elementary Instructional Services- Full time Student per semester
up to 6 courses With Vendor Teacher (workbooks included) 14 day drop grace ($1,690
per student/yr.)
*Edgenuity 6-12 Course with vendor teacher per semester ($295 per student/yr.)
*Odysseyware IS -- K-12 per semester with vendor teacher (14 day drop grace)
($285 per student/yr.)
- Letter of Amendment with Leader Services, Inc. for Special Education and Gifted IEP software and Special Education Child Count Software effective September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 Cost: IEPWriter: $7,132; Children Count: $2,120; Section 04: $909
- First Addendum to Educational Services Agreement with Pyramid Healthcare, Inc. effective July 1, 2020 for educational services for students with emotional disturbance and/or autism
Cost: $180/day/student enrolled for Emotional Support Services
$285/day/student enrolled for Autisim Support Services
$125/day/student for 1:1 support
- Letter of Agreement with Impact Counseling Services, LLC to provide a designated outpatient therapist to screen, assess and provide ongoing outpatient drug and alcohol therapy to students who have been referred for drug and alcohol SAP services effective August 12, 2020 through August 12, 2021. No Cost
- Referral, Communication and Transfer Agreement with Impact Counseling Services, LLC. effective August 12, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for mental health services. No Cost
- Letter of Agreement with Skills Adult Training Services (ATS) (2101 8th Avenue site) effective August 1, 2020 through August 1, 2021 to provide day programming services to individual students with special needs as deemed appropriate. Cost: $4.45 per 15 minute unit for up to 16 units (half day) at two days per week. Frequency and duration can be increased by District
- Parent Agreement with Lindsay Keller to assume student transportation responsibility and liability effective the 2020-2021 school year Cost: Current IRS mileage rate reimbursement
- Letter of Agreement with Gwynedd Mercy University effective August 12, 2020 through August 12, 2021 to provide university students with student teaching or observation opportunities. No Cost
- Memorandum of Understanding with Southern Alleghenies EMS (SAEMS) effective August 12, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for Naloxone Distribution pursuant to Act 139 of 2014 ("Act") No Cost
- Letter of Agreement with Blair Family Solutions, LLC. effective August 12, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to operate a Community and School Based Behavioral Health (CSBBH) Program for students with emotional/mental health issues at the Junior High No Cost
- 2020 General Obligation Bond Series 2015 A and B Refunding Update
On July 28th, 2020, the district closed on the 2020 General Obligation Bond Series refunding the Bond Series of 2015 A & B.
The new 2020 Bond Series was issued under a level debt structure and will not materially change the current debt payment plan. Barring any new debt, all bonds are scheduled to be paid off June, 2030.
The refunding generated $150,335.28 in bond proceeds which will be used to finance the majority of the costs of a new District Maintenance Building on the Senior High property.
- Resolution of Board of School Directors Establishing Fund Balance Policies as required by GASB 54
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the following portions of its June 30, 2021 Capital Reserve Projects Committed Fund Balance as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits $150,000 from the Capital Reserve Projects Committed Fund Balance and transfers $150,000 to the Unassigned Capital Reserve Fund Balance.
- Resolution of Board of School Directors Establishing Fund Balance Policies as required by GASB 54
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the following portions of its June 30, 2021 Retirement Rate Stabilization Committed Fund Balance as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits $384,074 from the Retirement Rate Stabilization Committed Fund Balance and transfers $384,074 to the Unassigned General Fund Balance.
- 2020-2021 Capital Reserve Projects
2020-2021 Capital Reserve Project Approval
$ 10,000 Senior High Roof Repairs
$ 15,000 District Maintenance Building Engineering & Permit Fees
$185,000 District Maintenance Building Construction
- Federal Program Budget Adjustments
2019-2020 BUDGET
2019-2020 School Safety & Security Grant Allocation Reduction (Carryover to 2020-2021): ($110,781.00)
2019-2020 CARES Act-Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) Original Allocation $492,129.00
2019-2020 CARES Act-Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) Carryover to 2020-2021 Budget ($492,129.00)
2020-2021 BUDGET
2019-2020 School Safety & Security Grant Allocation Increase (Carryover from 2019-2020): $110,781.00
2019-2020 CARES Act-Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) Carryover from 2019-2020 Budget $492,129.00
- Blair County Tax Claim Repository Bids
- Accept bid from Eugene Homer Biddle for land only parcel,
Map# 08.00-21..-046.19-000 in the amount of $250
- Accept bid from Weaver's Professional Services, Inc. for land only parcel
Map#08.00-14..-013-.00-000 in the amount of $251
- Per Capita Tax Exonerations 2019-2020
Approve (Roll Call Vote)
Per Board Policy 605, Taxes:
The administration is asking the board to discuss the possibility of extending the 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax collection deadline to June 15, 2020 due to COVID-19. The 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax bills were mailed to residents with a due date of April 15, 2020.
1,022 Absolute Exonerations were granted for the 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax collection period per board approved Per Capita Tax Exoneration guidelines. The board is being asked to approve 12 exoneration request forms per board approved Per Capita Tax Exoneration guidelines. Per Capita Tax bills remain unpaid and will be turned over to Credit Control Collections on August 13, 2020.
- Request for Proposal (RFP) Award for 2020-2021 Musical Instrument Repairs for Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, Electronic Instruments and Accessories.
Award the 2020-2021 Request for Proposal for Musical Instrument Repairs for Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, Electronic Instruments and Accessories to:
Bandman Rental & Repair, LLC. Labor rate of $57.50/hour + Parts less 10% discount on total amount of invoice.
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Donations
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
- Rotary Club of Hollidaysburg: Donation of $250 to be used towards the district's painting project at Tiger Stadium.
- Anonymous donation of $1,000 for learning initiatives.
- A la carte prices for 2020-2021
Per Policy 808 - Food Services, the administration is recommending the following pricing for 2020-2021 cafeteria a la carte items:
2020-2021 A la Carte Items |
Item |
Price |
Apple Slices |
$ 0.65 |
Bag Snacks |
$0.55, $0.85 |
Breakfast Bar |
$ 1.00 |
Bread Stick |
$ 0.50 |
Cinnamon Roll |
$ 1.00 |
Cocoa Brownie |
$ 0.85 |
Cookie, Mini |
$ 0.65 |
Donut |
$ 0.85 |
Fruit Roll Ups |
$ 0.55 |
Fruit Snacks |
$ 0.75 |
Gatorade (12 oz) |
$ 1.25 |
Goldfish Crackers |
$ 0.40 |
Granola Bar |
$ 0.65 |
Ice Cream |
$ 1.00 |
Iced Tea Carton |
$ 1.00 |
Iced Tea Bottle |
$ 1.00 |
Juice (4oz) |
$ 0.50 |
Juice Box |
$ 0.65 |
Krispie Treat |
$ 1.00 |
Lemonade |
$ 1.00 |
Milk |
$ 0.50 |
Mini Bread Loaf |
$ 0.65 |
Muffin (1oz) |
$ 0.75 |
Muffin (2 oz) |
$ 1.00 |
Poptart- Double |
$ 1.25 |
Propel |
$ 1.50 |
Sherbet Dixie |
$ 0.65 |
Smoothie |
$ 2.50 |
Switch Juice Beverage |
$ 1.10 |
Uncrustable Small |
$ 1.25 |
Uncrustable Large |
$ 2.00 |
Water Large |
$ 1.00 |
Water Small |
$ 0.50 |
Yogurt 4 oz |
$ 0.65 |
Yogurt 6 oz |
$ 1.00 |
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- REVISED 2020-2021 School Calendar
Per Board Policy 803 School Calendar, the administration recommends the approval of the 2020-2021 school calendar (Revised 8-12-2020)
- Resolution Regarding New Mandates Related to Title IX
NOW THEREFORE, The Superintendent hereby has the following power and authority regarding Title IX: a. To designate one or more Title IX Coordinators; b. To designate one or more investigators under Title IX; c. To designate an initial decision maker(s) and an appeal decision maker(s) under Title IX; d. To designate a facilitator; e. To establish supportive measures as required by Title IX; f. To make arrangements for and provide required training; g. To amend the Student Code of Conduct as required by Title IX; h. To adopt and/or amend the Employee Code of Conduct as required by Title IX; i. To ensure that all notices are provided; j. To ensure that all required postings to the website are posted; and k. To adopt Administrative Regulations that will ensure compliance with Title IX.
- HASD Cyber Academy Handbook and Terms of Agreement
- Elementary Student/Parent Handbook Revisions
- KOEZ Extension Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District of Blair County that effective as of this date (08/13/2020), contingent upon DCED’s approval of the application for the proposed term of the Extended Parcel of the existing KOEZ: The term of the Extended Parcel is extended for a period of seven (7) years from the date of occupancy of the Extended Parcel or expiration of the KOEZ, whichever occurs first as determined by the DCED. The following provisions shall apply to the extended term once the Extended Parcel is occupied:
- Real Property Tax on the Extended Parcel is 100% exempt, such exemption to terminate on December 31, 2027.
- The following shall be exempt, in accordance with the provisions and limitations set forth within the Act, relative to the Extended Parcel:
- Business gross receipts tax for operations conducted by a Qualified Business within the Extended Parcel.
- Business privilege tax within the Extended Parcel.
- Tax on the earned income received by a resident of the Extended Parcel.
- Tax on the net profits of a Qualified Business attributable to business activity conducted within the Extended Parcel.
- Mercantile license tax attributable to business activity by a Qualified Business conducted within the Extended Parcel.
- Tax on occupancy or use within the Extended Parcel.
- Sales and use tax (for purchases used and consumed by a Qualified Business within the Extended Parcel). Benefits to begin on January 1, 2021 and to end on December 31, 2027.
- The provisions of the Act not herein enumerated, shall, nevertheless, be incorporated as part of this Resolution by reference.
- This Resolution shall be effective upon execution, conditioned upon the approval of DCED of the application.
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is being asked to approve the Personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Lynette Guyer |
Certified School Nurse - TCHSHSNURS01 |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Step 14M $49,210 |
Approve Hire |
Abigail Zeek |
Full Time Day to Day Elementary Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
20/21 SY |
$95.00 per day; $105 after 60 cumulative days |
Approve Hire |
Abigail Zeek |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Effective August 24, 2020 through approximately 10/4/20 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Lisa Shialos |
Special Education Paraprofessional - ADPFKSPARA18 |
8/17/2020 |
$16.57/hour minus $1.50 for new hire ($15.07) |
Approve Hire |
Jessica Yeager-McGraw |
Special Education Paraprofessional - ADPFOTPARA04 |
8/17/2020 |
$16.57/hour minus $1.50 for new hire ($15.07) |
Approve Hire |
Taylor Miller |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
8/17/2020 |
$16.57/hour minus $1.50 for new hire ($15.07) |
Approve Hire |
Wendy Lieb |
Nursing Department Chair |
District |
20/21 SY |
$2,624.65 stipend |
Resign |
Sherry Socie |
Accounting Operations Director - ADNADMAOD01 |
District |
Effective 12/14/2020 |
Retire |
Bruce Garman |
Network Admin - TNPADMTECH01 |
District |
Effective 10/24/20 |
Terms per Act 93 Agreement |
Retire |
Carol Clapper |
Confidential Secretary - CSFADMHRSE01 |
Admin |
Effective 11/9/2020 |
Retire |
Elizabeth Nileski |
Special Education Paraprofessional - ADPFOTPARA04 |
Effective 8/25/2020 |
Approve MOU |
MOU with HAEA - Online Learning |
Dist |
Effective 8/26/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Susan Straw |
Special Education Paraprofessional Substitute |
Dist |
20/21 SY |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve Hire |
Joan Rhodes |
Special Education Paraprofessional Substitute |
Dist |
20/21 SY |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve Hire |
Joan Rhodes |
Food Service Substitute |
Dist |
20/21 SY |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve Hire |
Sandra Newfield |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$90 per day |
Approve |
Barbara Huff |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
5.5 hours at $26.00 per hour |
Approve |
Susan Nori |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
5.5 hours at $26.00 per hour |
Approve |
Wendy Lieb |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
JH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
6 hours at $26 per hour |
Approve |
Mary Haenig |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
5.5 hours at $26.00 per hour |
Approve |
Christine Snyder |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
5.5 hours at $26.00 per hour |
Approve |
Tina Beatty |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
5.5 hours at $16.87 per hour |
Approve |
Karen Helsel |
Extra hours for sports physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 7/22/20 |
5 hours at $16.87 |
Approve |
12th Grade Civics Rewrite and Development of Civics test as per Act 35 |
Curriculum and Instruction |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Approve |
9th Grade Civics Rewrite |
Curriculum and Instruction |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Resign |
Susan Straw |
Food Service Substitute |
Dist |
August 3, 2020 |
Resign |
Todd Bennett |
Substitute Teacher |
District |
Effective 8/6/2020 |
Resign |
Alyssa Wertman |
Substitute Teacher |
District |
Effective 8/4/2020 |
Approve |
Blake Over |
Student Teaching - Andrew Tinker - 7-12 Biology |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Approve |
Heather Eckels |
Student Teaching - Allison Arbuckle - Secondary Social Studies |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Gwynedd Mercy |
Approve |
Maria Minor |
Student Teaching with the IU08 in our buildings for 9 weeks |
District |
2020/2021 SY |
Clarion/IU08 |
Approve |
Shane Reffner |
Volunteer - Sports |
District |
20/21 SY |
Approve |
James Patterson |
Volunteer - Sports |
District |
20/21 Sy |
Resign |
George Husick |
Fullington Bus Driver |
District |
Effective 6/4/2020 |
Resign |
Margaret Stephens |
Fullington Bus Driver |
District |
Effective 6/4/2020 |
Information Only |
Aaron Bilby |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Information Only |
Devany Laratonda |
Special Education Paraprofessional - DECLINED POSITION |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Information Only |
Rebecca Troutman |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH to FKS |
20/21 SY |
Correction |
Christine Snyder |
Certified School Nurse |
Hired as Christina Snyder on 5/13/20 personnel |
- President's Report / New Business
- First Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a first reading:
Policy No. |
Policy Name |
Status |
Policy 103 |
Discrimination Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students |
Policy 104 |
Discrimination Title IX Sexual Harassment |
Policy 230.1 |
Student Activities |
Policy 247 |
Hazing |
Policy 247 |
Hazing |
Policy 247 |
Hazing |
Policy 249 |
Bullying-Cyberbullying |
Policy 249 |
Bullying-Cyberbullying |
Policy 249 |
Bullying-Cyberbullying |
Policy 317.1 |
Educator Misconduct |
Policy 816 |
Use of Livestream Video on District Property |
Policy 824 |
Maintaining Professional Adult/Student |
- Second Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a second reading:
Policy No. |
Name |
Status |
Policy 006.1 |
Attendance at Meetings Via Electronic Communications |
Revised |
Policy 217 |
Graduation |
Revised |
Policy 222 |
Tobacco/Nicotine |
Revised |
Policy 227 |
Controlled |
Revised |
Policy 323 |
Tobacco and Vaping Products |
Revised |
Policy 707 |
Use of School Facilities |
Revised |
Policy 805 - Attach |
Safe2Say Something Procedures |
Revised |
Policy 904 |
Public Attendance at School Events |
Revised |
- Resolution to Authorize the Superintendent to Modify, Amend, and/or Update the District's Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan
Now, therefore, inasmuch as the aforementioned is foreseeable in light of the changes that the District has seen over the last several months as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Board hereby authorizes and approves the Superintendent of Schools to undertake the necessary steps to modify, amend, and/or otherwise update the District’s Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan as needed from the effective date of this Motion up through the end of the 2020-2021 school year as is otherwise needed or required to be in compliance with any additional federal or state mandates, guidance, orders, or advisories that would impact the school, staff, students and the District’s options relative to delivery models. These updates shall be provided to the Board as they occur and be considered for approval as may be required.
- District's Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan - REVISED
The revised School District's Health and Safety Plan will serve as the local guidelines for all instructional and non- instructional school reopening activities.
- Emergency Instructional Time Template Section 520.1
As communicated to chief school administrators on July 6, 2020, Section 520.1 of the School Code provides flexibility to meet minimum instructional time requirements in the event of an emergency that prevents a school entity from providing for the attendance of all pupils or usual hours of classes at the school entity. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) considers the World Health Organization-declared Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) a global pandemic and an emergency as contemplated by Section 520.1. A local education agency (LEA) that elects to implement temporary provisions in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic may meet the minimum 180 days of instruction and 900 hours of instruction at the elementary level and 990 hours of instruction at the secondary level through a combination of face-to-face and remote instruction, consistent with the requirements outlined in PDE’s July 6 guidance.
- Pool Counsel Technology in Education
Per Board Policy 005 - Organization, approve Sweet, Stevens, Katz, Williams, LLP for The Technology in Education Pool counsel service to give legal advice on technology in education through the Appalachia IU08 effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 Cost: $600
- New Business
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following agreements are presented for approval:
- Agreement with Child Advocates of Blair County for Agreement with Child Advocates of Blair County "Head Start" effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for rental of (2) classrooms at Frankstown Elementary School for the 2020-2021 school year. Revenue: $200 per month per classroom
- Agreement with Blair Regional YMCA for classroom rental at Charles W. Longer and Foot of Ten Elementary Schools for before and after-school care effective August 26, 2020 through July 31, 2021. Revenue: Full months: $200/month per classroom; Partial months: $50/week per classroom
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Committee of the Whole / Voting Meeting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Committee Report: Athletic Committee
Mr. Gallagher, Athletic Committee Chair, will present a report of the June 10, 2020 Athletic Committee meeting.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session at 6:00 pm Wednesday, July 15, 2020 for personnel.
Meetings for August, 2020:
Physical Plant Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Special Voting - Virtual (*If Needed)
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meetings will be held virtually until further notice. Please visit for updates to meetings.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006-Meetings, approval of the following minutes:
May 27, 2020 Virtual Committee of the Whole /Special Voting
June 10, 2020 Athletic Committee
June 10, 2020 Committee of the Whole/Voting
- Business Office - Financial Reports for June, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
$ 6,027,923.52 Receipts
$ 5,536,875.80 Total Disbursements
$ 7,740,822.63 Ledger Balance
$ 55.61 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,153.44 Ledger Balance
$ 69,644.60 Total Receipts
$104,143.82 Total Disbursements
$383,948.55 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$3,483,580.31 Total Payments (Check numbers 161314-161483)
$ 19,816.87 Total Payments (Check numbers 23121-23154)
$ 11,895.88 Total Payments (Check numbers 23219-23470)
$225,000.00 Total Payments (Check number 3452)
$ 81,371.02 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261543-261555)
$2,004,194.66 ACH Disbursements
$2,085,565.68 Total Payments
$ 6,557.40 Total Payments (Check numbers 1028-1029)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$5,434,817 Total Invested with 22 Financial Institutions
$ 240,911 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- Food Service for May, 2020
$ (14,124.98) May Net Profit/(Loss)
$(138,711.88) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 736,608.79 Assets
$ 736,608.79 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for May, 2020
$ 20.53 May Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 6,184.04 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$ 19,690.01 Assets
$ 19,690.01 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Referral, Communication and Transfer Agreement with Impact Counseling Services, LLC. effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021 school year for drug and alcohol services. No Cost
- Contract with Spitz, Inc. for a System Protection Plan effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 to provide a system protection plan for the Spitz Model SciDome IQ2400 Laser Planetarium System with Touch Controller, and Programmable LED Lighting. Cost: $6,972 plus $975 (per on-site service visit if necessary)
- Parent Agreement with Maureen Smith to assume student transportation responsibility and liability effective the 2020-2021 school year Cost: Current IRS mileage rate reimbursement
- Agreement with Blair County Drug and Alcohol Program, Inc. (BDAP) effective July 17, 2020 through July 16, 2021 for drug and alcohol prevention and Student Assistance Liaison Services. No Cost
- Membership Fee Agreement with Appalachia IU08 STEM Lending Center effective July 17, 2020 through July 17, 2021 to provide access for teachers to use equipment in the IU08 STEM Lending Center Cost: $250
- Memorandum of Understanding with Child Advocates of Blair County/Blair County Head Start to provide comprehensive pre-school and child development services effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021 No Cost
- Agreement with Freedom Excursions by Scully, LLC to provide group charter transportation on a per trip basis, effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Cost: Quoted in a per trip basis
- Contracts to Purchase Meals effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021:
Penn-Mont Academy Revenue: $28,800
Extended Family Academy Revenue: $11,550.00
- Letter of Agreement with Extended Family Programs, Inc. and Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for behavioral support, counseling and education services.
Cost: $85.91 per diem per day for secondary students for each day enrolled
$89.02 per diem per day for elementary students for each day enrolled
$15/hr for behavioral intervention staff
- Cooperative Agreement with Mount Aloysius College effective July 17, 2020 through July 16, 2021 for the College in the High School Program No Cost
- Health Care Staffing Agreement for School Services with Interim HealthCare of Pittsburgh, Inc. d/b/a Interim HealthCare of Duncansville effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 for healthcare staffing services
Cost: Skilled Nursing: $45/hr
Home Health Aide: $24.00/hr
- Agreement with Richard Alan Gonsman D.M.D. for onsite dental examinations effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Cost: $6.00 per dental examination
- Letter of Cooperation with the Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant to have joint collaborative efforts to develop and implement certain school-based suicide prevention activities and to define the roles and responsibilities of the grant team and school partners effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2024 No Cost 2020-2021 and 2021-2022; Possible cost associated with Behavioral Health Screen (BH Works) in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
- Letter of Amendment with Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2024
- Letter of Agreement with the County of Blair on behalf of the Blair County Department of Social Services Mental Health Program and UPMC Altoona effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. All parties agree to cooperate in providing services for the Student Assistance Program (SAP) No Cost
- Contract with Get More Math for JH and SH software licensing effective July 1, 2020 through July 30, 2021 Cost: $6,665
- Contract with Amplify for the purchase of Dibels Next Software - Annual Subscription Renewal effective August 1, 2020 through August 1, 2021 Cost: $9,938.30
- Memorandum of Understanding with Child Advocates of Blair County effective April 18, 2019 through April 17, 2020 for coordinating mutually beneficial activities to provide effective services for children and families served. No Cost
- Lease Agreement with Child Advocates of Blair County effective July 1, 2020 through August 21, 2020 to replace existing playground equipment No Cost
- Agreement with Merakey Pennsylvania effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 for educational services for students with autism and/or emotional disturbance Cost:
- Student Assistance Program and Juvenile Probation Office Agreement with Blair County Juvenile Probation effective July15, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to ensure the participation of a Juvenile Probation Officer on the District SAP team. No Cost
- Agreement with Penn State University Nursing Department effective July 15, 2020 through July 14, 2021 to provide students in the College of Nursing a broad range on-site clinical experience in the nursing field No Cost
- Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with The University of Pittsburgh effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021
Tuition varies upon class - paid by parent
- Printing Agreement with Herff Jones, Inc. effective the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years for printing of the Junior High Yearbook. Cost: $7,923.90/yr.
- Letter of Agreement with Goodwill of the Southern Alleghenies effective September 1, 2020 through September 1, 2021 to provide school to work transition services Cost: Rates in Agreement
- E-Services Fraud Check Agreement with Westmoreland Intermediate Unit effective 7/1/2020 through 7/30/2021 (with auto renewal) for ACCESS Billing Fraud Check Software Cost: $500 per year
- Cooperative Agreement with UPMC Altoona Behavioral Health Services for school based programs including the Summer Therapeutic Activities Program and the Student Assistance Summer Program effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021 No Cost
- Service Agreement with Blair Family Solutions, LLC. effective July 15, 2020 through July 14, 2021 to coordinate the development, design, implementation and evaluation of requested contracted services No Cost
- Behavioral Services Agreement with Blair Family Solutions, LLC. effective July 15, 2020 through July 15, 2021 for emotional/mental health services for Senior High Students Cost: $27.03/hr, 35.5 hrs/wk for up to 180 school days.
- Behavioral Services Agreement with Blair Family Solutions, LLC. effective July 15, 2020 through July 14, 2021 to provide services to benefit students with emotional/mental health issues throughout the Hollidaysburg Area School District as identified by staff, specifically in the elementary schools. Cost: $27.03/hr; up to 6.25hrs/day for up to 180 student school days, for staffing servicing for district students and staff
- Letter of Agreement with Blair Family Solutions effective July 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to operate a Community and School Based Behavioral Health (CSBBH Program), formally known as Children's Clinical Home, for those students that are in need of such services at Charles W. Longer Elementary School. No Cost
- Agreement with Burgmeier's Hauling effective August 24, 2020 through August 23, 2021 for districtwide trash removal and recycling. Cost: $66,084
- Service Proposal with IPFone, Inc., effective July 16, 2020 through July 15, 2023 for telephone SIP trunking services Cost: $21,589.20 ($599.70 per months for 36 months)
- Memorandum of Understanding with Nulton Diagnostic and Treatment Center effective August 1, 2020 through July 30, 2021 for mental health treatment program/placement Cost: $55/day per student
- Digital Contract with GovConnection, Inc. effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 for district-wide Adobe products Cost: $12,300
- Auction Sales Contract with "Col." K. R. Miller, Jr., Auctioneer for Auction to be held in October, 2020 at Cross Keys Auction Center. Cost: 10% of vehicle sales; 15% of miscellaneous sales
- Quote with Link Computer effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 for district Go Guardian subscription Cost: $14,800
- Cost Sharing Agreement with Blair Township and Blair County effective June 1, 2020 to share expenses related to the review and/or preparation of a Tax Assessment Appeal filed by EIG Holliday, LLC. Cost: $6,500
- Confidential Information Addendum to Student Safety Management Agreement with Evolution Counseling Services, LLC. effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to provide monitoring of phone calls and emails outside of school hours to maintain the safety and well-being of our students No Cost
- Correction to Approved Contract:
At the June meeting, Contract #3 with Edmentum for Study Island for Elementary software license was approved with an effective date of July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The effective date should have been July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
- Tax Exoneration Request - Newry Borough
2019 Property Tax Exoneration $55.85 for Michael Emerick properties
- Stuckey Subaru Lease Agreement
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following lease agreement is presented for approval:
One-Year Closed-End Motor Vehicle Lease Agreement with Stuckey Subaru for a 2017 Subaru Crosstrek Premium Driver's Education Vehicle effective July 8, 2020 through July 1, 2021 Cost: $1.00
- Signature Authorization
Authorization for the Business Manager to sign any and all documents relating to the lease of a driver's education vehicle with Stuckey Subaru.
- Capital Reserve Project Revisions
2020-2021 Capital Reserve Project
Senior High Pool Boiler Replacement $10,000 (Approved at the June 10, 2020 board meeting)
Increase project $1,000
Revised Total Senior High Pool Boiler Replacement $11,000
2019-2020 Capital Reserve Project
Foot of Ten Roof Replacement $407,000 (Approved at the May 6, 2020 board meeting)
Increase project per Change Order #1 $3,327
Revised Total Foot of Ten Roof Replacement $410,327
- Foot of Ten Roof Replacement Change Order No. 1
Change Order
Wohler Construction, Inc.
Change Order #001
Increase $3,326.40
- Capital Reserve Projects 5-Year Plan
The administration recommends the approval of the Capital Reserve Projects Five (5) Year Plan.
- Bid Awards
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bids are recommended for approval:
Award Dairy Products bid prorated to all responding vendors for various 1/2 pints of milk totaling an estimated cost of $108,313.60
Award Iced Tea/Lemonade Products bid based on estimated usage to Ritchey's Dairy for Diet Iced Tea w/Lemon in the amount of $820.00; Dean Dairy, DFA Dairy Brands for lo-cal tea and lo-cal drinks and lemonade all flavors in the amount of $2,837.40
Award Bakery Products bid based on estimated usage for various bread products to Angelo Pacifico & Sons Bakery in the amount of $23,517.10
- Federal Program Budget Adjustments
2019-2020 BUDGET
$40,000 2019-2020 PCCD Meritorious Grant-School Security Guard (Original Allocation)
($40,000) 2019-2020 PCCD Meritorious Grant-School Security Guard (Carryover to 2020-2021)
2020-2021 BUDGET
$40,000 2019-2020 PCCD Meritorious Grant-School Security Guard (Carryover from 2019-2020)
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Donation
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donation:
Dr. Maureen Letcher and Mr. Richard Baronner:
Oak table and chairs, a sofa and loveseat to the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High for use in the Youth in Cyber Café
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Phased Reopening and Master Health and Safety Plan
The school entity must create a Health and Safety Plan which will serve as the local guidelines for all instructional and non- instructional school reopening activities.
- Course Name Changes
Course Name Changes
New Name |
Previous Name |
Introductory Programming with Java |
Introductory Programming with Python |
Python |
- JH/SH Student/Parent Handbook Revisions
- Student Paths Fall 2020 Survey
Policy 127-Assessment
Student Paths helps prepare high school students for their futures in the areas of college, career, and life readiness.
- Student Paths Overview
- Student Paths Overview (Powerpoint)
- Student Paths Data Privacy Statement
To read more about this program click here:
- 2020-2021 Athletic Handbook
- 2020-2021 Athletic Code of Conduct
- Proposed Textbook Adoptions
Per Board Policy 108, Adoption of Textbooks, the following textbooks are presented for approval:
Proposed Textbook Adoptions:
Course: Wood Technology I&II/Construction Technology/Grades 11 &12
Title: Wood Technology and Processes
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw Hill
Copyright: 2011
Cost: Not to Exceed $1783.08/6-Year Subscription
Course: U.S. History 8/Grade 8
Title: My World Interactive American History: Beginnings to 1877
Publisher: Pearson
Copyright: 2019
Cost: Not to Exceed $23,131.58/6-Year Subscription
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is being asked to approve the Personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Gary Walstrom |
Cyber Learning Facilitator/Business Teacher |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Step M 17, $43,710 |
Approve Hire |
Season Consiglio |
Science Teacher - TCHJHSSCIE06 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Step M+30 15, $48,410 |
Approve Hire |
Megan Stern |
Speech Therapist |
Secondary |
20/21 SY |
Step M 15, $47,410 |
Approve Hire |
Chandra Jandora |
Elementary Teacher - TCHFKS06GR01 |
20/21 SY |
Step M 17, $43,710 |
Approve Hire |
Jill Furry |
Health Room Assistant - HRAFOTHLTH01 |
20/21 SY |
$19.97 Per Hour 20/21 Rate |
Approve Hire |
Devany Laratonda |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
20/21 SY |
$16.57/hour minus $1.50 for new hire ($15.07) |
Resignation |
Julie Bowser |
Certified School Nurse - TCHSHSNURS01 |
SH |
Effective July 20, 2020 |
Resignation |
Julie Bowser |
Nurse Department Chair |
Dist |
Effective July 20, 2020 |
Approve Hire |
Sydney Horrell |
Cheerleading Advisor |
JH |
20/21 SY |
$3,380.92 per Schedule D |
Approve Hire |
Joan Rhodes |
Secretary and Office-Para Substitute |
Dist |
Effective 7/16/2020 |
$9.25/hour |
Approve Hire |
Taylor Miller |
Special Education Paraprofessional Substitute |
Dist |
20/21 SY |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve |
Beckie Zeek |
Special Pay - Title I - Summer Reading Van |
7/2/2020 - 8/13/2020 |
$26/hour for 24.5 hours |
Approve |
Lisa Surkovich |
Special Pay - Title I - Summer Reading Van |
7/2/2020 - 8/13/2020 |
$26/hour for 24.5 hours |
Approve |
Nicole Beauchamp |
Stipend for proof reading Tiger Pride |
SH |
Retroactive to June 10, 2020 |
Stipend $104 (up to four hours at $26/hour) |
Approve |
Marion Borr |
Stipend for proof reading Tiger Pride |
JH |
Retroactive to June 10, 2020 |
Stipend $104 (up to four hours at $26/hour) |
Approve Hire |
Valerie Miles |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Retroactive to July 6, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve Hire |
Matthew Martynuska |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Retroactive to July 14, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve Hire |
Cheryl Grimaldi |
ESL Coordinator |
Dist |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$2,200 stipend for 20/21 SY |
Approve Hire |
Sarah Garman |
Summer School Teacher |
SH |
Effective July 6, 2020 |
$26 per hour |
Approve |
Dave McGarvey |
NASRO Training |
Admin |
2019/2020 SY |
40 hours@ $20 per hour |
Approve |
Kenneth Steve Benton |
NASRO Training |
Admin |
2020/2021 SY |
40 hours@ $20 per hour |
Approve |
Jennifer Carney |
Saturday Detention |
SH |
2019/2020 SY |
@ $26 per hour |
Approve |
Kevin McCloskey |
C & I - Curriculum Re-Write - AP Enviromental Science |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Stipend $400 |
Approve |
Linda Hilling |
C & I - Co-op Coordinator |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
20 Hours @ $26/hour |
Approve |
Mattison Shannon |
Student Teaching - Elementary Education with Kris Smith Fall 2020 |
2020/2021 SY |
Grand Canyon |
Approve |
Elizabeth Burwell |
Volunteer Athletics/Cheerleading |
Dist |
Effective July 16, 2020 |
Resignation |
Sylvia DeLozier |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective July 16, 2020 |
Information Only - Correction |
Carlee Kennedy |
Health and PE Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Tenure approved as Carlee Imler |
Information Only - Transfer |
Tammy Hemminger |
Special Education Para - ADPFKSPARA18 to Office Para - ADPCWLAIDE01 |
20/21 SY |
$14.66 per hour |
President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- Resolution Calling for the Use of Virtual Learning Hours Toward Mandatory 990/900 Instructional Hours
NOW THEREFORE, the Board finds and declares that the COVID-19 pandemic is an emergency within the meaning of Section 520.1 of the Pennsylvania School Code. For the duration of said pandemic but in no event for any period exceeding four years, the Superintendent shall have the duty and the authority to develop a Health and Safety plan in a form and manner prescribed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education that ensures a minimum of 180 days of instruction, allowing for a minimum of 900 hours of instruction at the elementary level and 990 hours of instruction at the secondary level, employing any combination of in-person, virtual, and distance learning as the Superintendent seems appropriate to address the health and safety of students, faculty, and community, and the learning needs of students. Such instruction shall comply in full with the requirement of Chapter 4 of the regulations of the State Board of Education and with the curriculum standards published in accordance therewith.
- First Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a first reading:
Policy No. |
Name |
Status |
Policy 006.1 |
Attendance at Meetings Via Electronic Communications |
Revised |
Policy 217 |
Graduation |
Revised |
Policy 222 |
Tobacco/Nicotine |
Revised |
Policy 227 |
Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia |
Revised |
Policy 230.1 |
Student Activities |
For Discussion |
Policy 323 |
Tobacco and Vaping Products |
Revised |
Policy 623 - Attach 1 |
Student Debt Form |
New |
Policy 623 - Attach 2 |
Parent Letter - Student Obligation |
New |
Policy 707 |
Use of School Facilities |
Revised |
Policy 805 - Attach |
Safe2Say Something Procedures |
Revised |
Policy 904 |
Public Attendance at School Events |
Revised |
- Appointment of Voting Delegates for the PSBA Delegate Assembly Meeting on Saturday, November 7, 2020
The governing body of the Hollidaysburg Area School District Board is entitled to appoint voting delegates to participate in the PA Schools Board Association Delegate Assembly to be held on Saturday, November 7, 2020. If appointed, these voting members of the Delegate Assembly will consider and act upon proposed changes to the PSBA bylaws, receive reports, receive the results of the election for officers and at-large representatives, consider proposals and adopt the legislative platform for the coming year, and conduct other Association business.
Voting delegates officially represent the entire school entity in the following ways:
- Receive reports from the PSBA president, chief executive officer, and treasurer.
- Receive the election results for PSBA Governing Board officers and at-large representatives.
- Consider proposals recommended by the PSBA Platform Committee and adopt the legislative platform for the coming year.
- Consider and act upon any proposed changes to the PSBA Bylaws.
- New Business
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole / Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- GACTC Award Winners
Brook Wike Non-Traditional Student Award
Hunter Diehl Collision Repair & Refinishing Technology Senior of the Year Award
Elizabeth Burwell Cosmetology Senior of the Year Award
Maura Kriebel Cosmetology Senior of the Year Award
Savanah McConnell Dental Assisting Senior of the Year Award
Trent Prosser George Woomer Memorial Scholarship
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Committee Report
Mr. Nichols will present a report of the May 6, 2020 Physical Plant Committee meeting.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. for personnel.
Meetings for July, 2020:
Policy Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
July 15, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All future meeting will be held virtually until further notice. Please visit for updates to meetings.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006-Meetings, approval of the following minutes:
March 11, 2020 Committee of the Whole/Voting
March 24, 2020 Virtual Special Voting Meeting
April 15, 20120 Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting
May 6, 2020 Virtual Physical Plant Committee
May 6, 2020 Virtual Special Voting
May 6, 2020 Virtual Committee of the Whole
May 13, 2020 Committee of the Whole/Voting
- Business Office - Financial Reports for May, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
MAY 31, 2020 Treasurer's Reports
$ 1,024,960.82 Receipts
$ 4,091,129.09 Total Disbursements
$ 7,249,774.91 Ledger Balance
$ 57.40 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,097.83 Ledger Balance
$113,878.66 Total Receipts
$115,533.72 Total Disbursements
$418,447.77 Ledger Balance
$ 2,767.52 Total Receipts
$ 11,502.20 Total Disbursements
$106,384.69 Ledger Balance
$ 183,536.19 Total Receipts
$ 5,450.70 Total Disbursements
$ 913,734.27 Ledger Balance
$ 0.85 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 794.51 Ledger Balance
$1,899,643.61 Total Receipts
$2,776,545.65 Total Disbursements
$ 58,545.35 Ledger Balance
$ 20.53 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$19,336.37 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$2,247,078.38 Total Payments (Check numbers 161201-161313)
$ 13,954.13 Total Payments (Check numbers 23111-23120)
$ 11,502.20 Total Payments (Check numbers 23075-23218)
$ 5,450.70 Total Payments (Check numbers 3450-3451)
$ 83,177.58 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261512-261536)
$2,709,474.56 ACH Disbursements
$2,792,652.14 Total Payments
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$6,533,269 Total Invested with 26 Financial Institutions
$ 240,850 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$41,808,899.55 Revenues
$41,886,823.05 Expenditures
$ 429,511.23 Revenues
$ 823,497.88 Expenditures
$ 1,337,098.01 Revenues
$ 1,434,829.91 Expenditures
$ 964.28 Revenues
$ 3,000.00 Expenditures
$ 15,436.20 Revenues
$ 8,830.80 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF MAY 7, 2020 - JUNE 3, 2020
$ 138,768 General Fund
$ -0- Food Service Fund
$ 407,000 Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for April, 2020
$ (87,286.08) April Net Profit/(Loss)
$(124,586.90) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 768,898.67 Assets
$ 768,898.67 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for April, 2020
$ (110.94) April Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 6,163.51 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$ 19,669.48 Assets
$ 19,669.48 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Digital Streaming Purchase Commitment effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 with Appalachia IU8 for Discovery Education Streaming Total Cost: $4,200 (3500 students at $1.20 per student) This is a digital contract. The Discovery Education video streaming service allows teachers to incorporate educational media into curriculum.
- ​Contract with Edmentum for Study Island for Junior High software license effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 Cost: $1,650
- Contract with Edmentum for Study Island for Elementary software license effective July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 Cost: $4,317.50
- Contract with Renaissance Learning for Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading Subscription Renewal effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 Cost: $25,987.56
- Agreement with Bollman Charter Services, Inc. effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for group charter transportation Cost: Per trip basis
- Contract for Services with Gaggle.Net, Inc. effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 for Gaggle Safety Management for Google Student Email and Drive and Hangouts Cost: $12,060
- Contract with Intrado Interactive Services Corporation effective July 1, 2020 for renewal of School Messenger to continue to provide the district with online communication applications. Cost: $8,063.80 (all buildings)
- Contract with Edpuzzle effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021 for yearly renewal for unlimited access to Edpuzzle for all teachers Cost: $1,100
- Contract with DePiro Entertainment to reconfigure and secure the HASD Alumni Association website (2 week timeline)
Cost: $1,500; $900 prepaid- $600 on completion
- Contract with DePiro Entertainment to reconfigure and secure the HASD Foundation website (2 week timeline)
Cost: $1,500; $900 prepaid- $600 on completion
- Agreement with Blair Regional YMCA for use of the high school, pool, boys and girls locker rooms, auxiliary gym (when unable to use outside patio) and concession stand for the 2020-2021 YMCA/USAS swim season effective September 8, 2020 through February 28, 2021 Revenue: $4,950
- Agreement with Computer Systems Asset Disposal for Disposal of Recycling of Surplus Computer and Electronic Equipment effective June 10, 2020 through June 10, 2022 No Cost
- Maintenance Contract with McCartney's, Inc. for Foot of Ten Equip ID#AD972, Model IR1435LF, Serial Number RZJ41560 - June 1, 2020 to June 1, 2021 Cost: .0064 per copy
- Bid Award
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bid is recommended for approval:
- Award 2021, 2022, & 2023 Junior High Yearbook Publisher to Herff Jones, LLC in the amount of $12.99 per yearbook for each year. (Cost paid by parents.)
- Federal/State Program Budget Adjustment
Federal Program Budget Adjustment:
2019-2020 Budget:
2019-2020 PA Smart Grant: $35,000
*Approved as a budget transfer this month also.
- Donation
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donation:
The Giant Company/Martin's Duncansville: $1,344
Donation to support district efforts to reduce hunger.
Carl Hoover: Hollidaysburg Tiger from the Blue and White Snack Bar
Donation in memory of Bob and Nancy Kerns
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- 2020-2021 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget
Approve Annually by Ballot
The 2020-2021 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget reflects $10,683,833 in total revenues and expenses. The Hollidaysburg Area School District's aggregate share of these costs is $1,425,949 which is reduced by the district's state share of Vocational Education Subsidies of $157,671 to a net cost of $1,268,278.
This represents an 18.46% increase from the 2019-2020 budget or $197,692. The district is also responsible for a $37,423 Capital Lease Payment for the Act 77 Energy Savings Program.
Approximately 222 HASD students attend the GACTC to obtain Vocational Education in a variety of careers and are employable upon graduation of the program.
In addition, the district will pay $202,269 which is representative of our applicable share of the total Computer Consortium expenditure budget of $463,291. These costs represent a $8,057 increase. The Computer Consortium budget provides software, hardware, and personnel supporting accounting, payroll, bidding, tax, census, and all student information computer systems.
- Authorization for the 2020-2021 School Year for the Business Manager with the Board President/Board Vice President's approval to enter into electricity/natural gas agreements when securing a lower rate would result in savings to the district prior to the next scheduled Voting Meeting of the board. Contracts entered into in this manner will be presented to the board at the next scheduled board meeting for information purposes.
Authorization for the 2020-2021 School Year for the Business Manager with the Board President/Board Vice President's approval to enter into electricity/natural gas agreements when securing a lower rate would result in savings to the district prior to the next scheduled Voting Meeting of the board. Contracts entered into in this manner will be presented to the board at the next scheduled board meeting for information purposes.
- Authorization for the Administration to apply for 2020-2021 Federal, State and Local grants and for the Superintendent to enter into awarded 2020-2021 Federal, State and Local grant contracts. The 2020-2021 budget will be reopened for budget adjustments for Federal and State grants as needed.
Per Board Policy 626-Federal Fiscal Compliance, the board is being asked to grant Authorization for the Administration to apply for 2020-2021 Federal, State and Local grants and for the Superintendent to enter into awarded 2020-2021 Federal, State and Local grant contracts. The 2020-2021 budget will be reopened for budget adjustments for Federal and State grants as needed.
- Final Budget for General Fund Approval Resolution
Per Board Policy 604-Budget Adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District, as follows:
- The proposed Final Budget of the School District for the 2020-2021 fiscal year on form PDE-2028 as presented to the School Board is adopted as a Final Budget for the School District General Fund in the amount of $49,826,705 revenues and $52,900,247 expenditures.
The proposed Capital Reserve Fund Budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year as presented to the School Board is adopted as the Capital Reserve Fund Budget in the amount of $175,000 revenues and $566,695 expenditures.
Food Service Fund
Revenues $1,967,974
Expenditures $1,983,863
Estimated Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2021 $376,119
Student Activity Fund
Revenues $238,354
Expenditures $228,077
- Annual Tax Levy Resolution
Per Board Policy 650-Tax Levy:
RESOLVED, by the Hollidaysburg Area School District, that taxes are levied for school purpose for the school year beginning July 1, 2020, subject to the provisions of the Local Tax Collection Law and the Local Tax Enabling Act 511, as follows:
Real Estate Tax
Real Estate tax of 9.0961 mills (or $9.09 per $1,000 of assessment)
(Including Real Estate at .0183 mill for Public Library)
Section 679 Per Capita Tax
$5.00 per individual over the age of 18 who is a resident
Act 511 Per Capita Tax
$5.00 for Allegheny Township, Blair Township, Newry Borough, Hollidaysburg Borough and Duncansville Borough
$10.00 for Juniata and Frankstown Townships
Earned Income/Net Profits Tax
1.0% (HASD receives .5% & Municipalities receives .5%)
Flat Rate Occupation Tax
Real Estate Transfer Tax
1.0% (HASD receives .5% & Municipalities receives .5%.)
- Homestead and Farmstead Exclusion Resolution effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021
Per Board Policy 605-Tax Levy:
RESOLVED, by the Board of School Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District, that homestead and farmstead exclusion real estate tax assessment reductions are authorized for the school year beginning July 1, 2020 of $9,208 under the provisions of the Homestead Property Exclusion Program Act (part of Act 50 of 1998) and the Taxpayer Relief Act (Act 1 of 2006)
- School Breakfast/Lunch Prices for 2020-2021
Per Board Policy 808-Food Services, the board is being asked to approve 2020-2021 school breakfast/lunch prices.
2015/2016 |
2016/2017 |
2017/2018 |
2018/2019 |
2019/2020 |
2020/2021 |
Elementary BKFS |
1.10 |
1.10 |
1.10 |
1.10 |
1.10 |
Elementary Lunch |
2.25 |
2.25 |
2.25 |
2.25 |
2.25 |
2.25 |
Secondary BKFS |
1.20 |
1.20 |
1.20 |
1.20 |
1.20 |
1.20 |
Secondary Lunch |
2.50 |
2.50 |
2.50 |
2.50 |
2.50 |
2.50 |
Milk |
.50 |
.50 |
.50 |
.50 |
0.50 |
0.50 |
Adult Lunch Price |
3.50 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
Adult BKFST |
$2.50 |
$2.50 |
$2.50 |
$2.50 |
2.50 |
2.50 |
- Capital Reserve Projects for 2020-2021
The administration recommends the following 2020-2021 Capital Reserve Projects:
$15,000 Band Room Water Infiltration-Senior High
$70,000 Elevator Control Upgrade-Junior High
$11,000 Sidewalk/Curb Repair/Replacement-Districtwide
$25,000 Replace Fire Alarm System-Frankstown & Foot Of Ten
$ 6,000 Window Repair-Junior High
$10,000 Pool Boiler Replacement-Senior High
$137,000 Total 2020-21 Capital Reserve Projects
- Insurances for 2020-2021
Per Board Policies 811-Bonding, 812-Property Insurance, and 813-Other Insurances, the board is being asked to approve the following 2020-2021 insurance policies:
General Property/Liability $143,625
School Board Liability Errors & Omissions $20,454
Commercial Umbrella $17,257
Commercial Automobile $10,839
Accident Jr/Sr High Sports, Student Activities & Adult/Student Volunteers $13,152
Tax Collector's Bond $2,833
Public Official's Bond Treasurer $269
Public Official's Bond Accounting Operations Director $175
Public Official's Bond Business Manager/Board Secretary $175
Public Official's Bond Assistant Board Secretary $100
Worker's Compensation $121,077 (year-end dividend to be issued) **Updated 6/10/2020
Cyber Liability $8,847
- Fringe Benefits for 2020-2021
The district is required annually to approve all fringe benefit rates as determined by contractual agreements.
- Student Activity Fundraisers for 2020-2021
Per Board Policy 229, District Fund Raising:
Approve 2020-2021 Student Activity fundraisers for 64 separate Student Activities district-wide.
Expected net profit across all groups is $105,334 and will be used for student enrichment.
- Tuition Students for 2020-2021
Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, the administration recommends board approval of Grade 12 (E.D.), and Grade 11 (E.M.) tuition students for the 2020-2021 school year.
- Lead Water Test Results
Mr. Nihart will review the result of lead water tests from 2019 and 2020.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Annual Report to the Board
- 2020-2021 Curriculum and Instruction Projects
- 2020-2021 Assessment Options - REVISED
- Curriculum Guide
Per Board Policy 105 Curriculum Development, Policy 106, Guides for Planned Instruction and Policy 107 Adoption of Planned Instruction, the board will be asked to approve the following Curriculum Guide:
- AP Art and Design
- Proposed Textbook Adoptions
Per Board Policy 108, Adoption of Textbooks, the following textbooks will be on display from June 11, 2020 through July 10, 2020 at the administrative office and can be reviewed by appointment by calling 696-4454, ext. 1124. They will be voted upon at the July 15 Voting Meeting:
Proposed Textbook Adoptions:
Course: Wood Technology I&II/Construction Technology/Grades 11 &12
Title: Wood Technology and Processes
Publisher: Glencoe McGraw Hill
Copyright: 2011
Cost: Not to Exceed $1783.08/6-Year Subscription
Course: U.S. History 8/Grade 8
Title: My World Interactive American History: Beginnings to 1877
Publisher: Pearson
Copyright: 2019
Cost: Not to Exceed $23,131.58/6-Year Subscription
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is being asked to approve personnel actions
Approve Hire |
Jaime Hartline |
Elementary Teacher - TCHFKS06GR01 to Elementary Principal - MGPFOTPRIN01 |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$82,095 for 20/21 SY |
Approve Hire |
Lindsey DeAntonio |
Reading Specialist - TCHCWLREAD04 |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 16, $45,560 |
Approve Hire |
Adam Pieranunnzio |
3rd Shift Custodian - CUFJHSCUST06 |
JH |
Effective June 11, 2020 |
$19.08 minus $1.50 for new hire ($17.58) |
Approve Hire |
Kenneth Benton |
School Resource Professional |
Dist |
Effective upon release from current employer |
$20.00/Hour 20/21 SY |
Approve Hire |
David McGarvey |
School Resource Professional Substitute |
Dist |
TBD - Summer 2020 |
$20.00/Hour 20/21 SY |
Create New Position |
New Position |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Eliminate Position |
Elementary Teacher FOT |
Elementary Teacher - TCHFOT05GR04 |
End of 19/20 SY |
Eliminate Position |
Elementary Teacher FOT |
Elementary Teacher - TCHFOT01GR03 |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve MOU |
MOU with AFSCME - Summer Hours Custodial/Maintenance |
Dist |
Effective 6/11/2020 |
Approve MOU |
MOU with AFSCME - Summer Hours Secretary |
Dist |
Effective 6/11/2020 |
Approve MOU |
MOU with Act 93 Administrators - Personal Days |
Dist |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Approve MOU |
MOU with Act 93 Administrators - 226 Adjust |
Dist |
Effective 6/11/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Patricia Reilly |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
Retroactive to 6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Resignation |
Jackie Settimio |
Stage Director/Set Designer |
SH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Resignation |
Babette Gottshall |
Student Council |
JH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Resignation |
Rick Imler |
Planetarium Evening Show Director |
SH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Resignation |
Laura Frederick |
Aevidum Advisor - Split |
SH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve |
Madison Hileman |
Aevidum Advisor |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Was split with Laura Frederick, assuming full position - pay at 100% |
Approve Hire |
Doug Reffner |
Assistant Girls Soccer Coach |
SH |
Effective June 11, 2020 |
$2,071.37 per Schedule D |
Approve Hire |
Alexis Schumacher |
Cheerleading Advisor Assistant |
SH |
20/21 SY |
$3,561.96 per Schedule D |
Approve New Stipend |
Create New Stipend Position |
English Learner (EL) Coordinator |
Dist. |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$2,200 - Schedule C position |
Approve Extra Time |
Nicole White |
Additional 0.5 hours per day permanent change for Health Room Assistant |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Approve Extra Time |
Additional 0.5 hours per day permanent change for Health Room Assistant |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Approve Hire |
Dawn Elchin |
Planetarium Evening Show Director |
SH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$1,500 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Michelle Galo |
Student Council - Split 50/50 |
JH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$1,078.79 per Schedule C |
Approve Hire |
Erin Isenberg |
Student Council - Split 50/50 |
JH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$1,078.79 per Schedule C |
Approve |
Wayne Bush |
SRP - Scheduling Stipend |
Dist. |
20/21 SY |
$200/yr. |
Approve |
Robert Reed |
SRP - Scheduling Stipend |
Dist. |
20/21 SY |
$200/yr. |
Approve Tenure |
Jennifer Buffone |
Elementary Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Jacqueline Harris |
Elementary Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Carlee Imler |
Health and PE Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Alexandra Kephart |
Art Teacher |
SH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Wendy Lieb |
School Nurse |
JH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Elizabeth Martinsen |
Elementary Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Kyrah Nagy |
Elementary Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Greggory Reese |
Social Studies Teacher |
JH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve Tenure |
Caitlyn Tay |
Elementary Teacher |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve |
Miscellaneous Pay Rates |
Support Staff Substitutes-Secretary, Paraprofessional, Special Ed. Paraprofessional, Cafeteria, and Custodian |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2019 |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate |
Day to Day Substitute Teachers |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$95.00 per day; $105 after 60 cumulative days in one school year (certified only) |
Approve |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate |
Full-time Day to Day Substitutes (Special Ed./Elementary) |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$95.00 per day; $105 after 60 cumulative days |
Approve |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate |
Long Term Teacher Substitute Rate |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Pay |
William Sheehan |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Truancy Officer |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$4,633.16 (2.1% increase) |
Approve Pay |
Joy Bell |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Business Office Assistant |
Admin. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$20.85 per hour (2.1% increase) |
Approve Pay |
Jodie Albarano |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Foundation Director |
Admin. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$21.33 per hour (2.1% increase) |
Approve Pay |
Wayne Bush |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$22.00 per hour; Lead Position |
Approve Pay |
Robert Reed |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$22.00 per hour; Lead Position |
Approve Pay |
Charles Chaney |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$22.00 per hour; Lead Position |
Approve Pay |
John Nebelski |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional-Sub |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$20.92 per hour; (2.1% Increase) |
Approve Pay |
Kenneth Durbin |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$20.92 per hour; (2.1% Increase) |
Approve Pay |
Michael Eppolito |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$20.92 per hour; (2.1% Increase) |
Approve Pay |
Michael McAndrew |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; School Resource Professional |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$20.92 per hour; (2.1% Increase) |
Approve Pay |
Rebecca Burk |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Greeter |
SH |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$11.13 per hour (2.1% increase) |
Approve Pay |
David Schmelzlen |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Greeter |
SH |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$11.13 per hour (2.1% increase) |
Approve Pay |
Thomas Gutshall |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Computer Technician |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$19.79 per hour (+$0.35 per hour) |
Approve Pay |
Matthew Beck |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Computer Technician |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$19.43 per hour (+$0.35) |
Approve Pay |
Vincent Bonanno |
Miscellaneous Pay Rate; Computer Technician |
Dist. |
Effective 7/1/2020 |
$19.43 per hour (+$0.35) |
Approve Pay |
Nicole White |
Health Room Assistant |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$19.97 per hour |
Approve Pay |
Mary Haenig |
Health Room Assistant |
Dist. |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$19.97 per hour |
Approve Pay |
Health Room Assistant |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$19.97 per hour |
Approve Extra Days |
Allison Herbaugh |
Elementary Guidance Counselor -Summer Days |
20/21 SY |
3 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Perk Oettinger |
Elementary Guidance Counselor -Summer Days |
20/21 SY |
3 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Kyle Brown |
Elementary Guidance Counselor -Summer Days |
20/21 SY |
3 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Keely Jones |
Secondary Guidance Counselor - Summer Days |
JH |
20/21 SY |
5 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Tina Peters |
Secondary Guidance Counselor - Summer Days |
JH |
20/21 SY |
5 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Veronica Sell |
Secondary Guidance Counselor - Summer Days |
JH |
20/21 SY |
5 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
David Herncane |
Secondary Guidance Counselor - Summer Days |
SH |
20/21 SY |
5 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Hully Hoover |
Secondary Guidance Counselor - Summer Days |
SH |
20/21 SY |
5 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Kimberly Hutsky |
Secondary Guidance Counselor - Summer Days |
SH |
20/21 SY |
5 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Kristie Holtz |
Inclusion Facilitator -Extra Days |
Dist. |
20/21 SY |
3 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Jane Burkholder |
School Psychologist - Summer Days |
JH |
20/21 SY |
9 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Robin Blair |
School Psychologist - Summer Days |
Dist./JH |
20/21 SY |
9 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Debra Springer |
School Psychologist - Summer Days |
JH |
20/21 SY |
9 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Dawn Eckenrode |
Dean of Students - Summer Days |
SH |
20/21 SY |
8 days at per diem |
Approve Extra Days |
Kristin Wilson |
Dean of Students - Summer Days |
JH |
20/21 SY |
5 days per diem |
Approve |
Kathy Benoit |
C&I - NMSI Enviromental Science Curriculum Writing Previously Approved on 6-12-19 |
SH |
Effective 6-10-20 |
Remove |
Approve |
Madeline Grenfell |
C & I SH Algebra 1 Resources |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Stipend $575 |
Approve |
Samantha Kinley |
C & I SH Algebra 1 Resources |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Stipend $575 |
Approve |
Kellie Hurd |
C&I - JH Social Studies Course Re-Write |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Stipend $400 |
Approve |
Mike Rawlins |
C&I - SH Social Studies Course Re-Write |
SH |
2020/2021 SY |
Stipend $400 |
Approve |
Alyssa McGhee |
Student Teaching - Elementary Education with Kyrah Nagy Fall 2020 |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Approve |
Susan Swope |
Volunteer |
Dist. |
6/11/2010 |
Correction |
Tracy Lloyd |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
Name correction - from Tracy Lamborn on 5/27/2020 |
President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- New Business
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Virtual Special Voting / Committee of Whole Meeting- Budget Discussion 6:00PM
- Meeting Opening 6:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. for personnel and litigation.
Meetings for May and June 2020:
Committee of the Whole (Budget Discussion) - Virtual
June 3, 2020
Time: 6:00p.m.
Athletic Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Time: 5:00p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
June 10, 2020
Time: 7:00p.m.
All future meeting will be held virtually until further notice. Please visit for updates to meetings.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following agreements/contracts are presented for approval:
- Customer Agreement with Forecast 5 Analytics, Inc. "Forecast5 effective May 27, 2020 through June 30, 2021" for a 5Sight software license (3 users) Cost: $5,562
- Addendum to the Transportation Agreement with Fullington School Bus, LLC., effective the 2019-2020 school year to ensure contracted personnel and fixed costs are maintained during the period of school closure. Cost: 92.5% of payment for 55 days of school bus transportation
- Student Safety Management Agreement with Evolution Counseling Services, LLC. effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to provide monitoring of phone calls and emails outside of school hours to maintain the safety and well-being of district students.
Cost: $21,600
- 2020-2021 Millage Options
The board will review and discuss 2020-2021 millage options ranging from no millage increase to the Act 1 Index of .2910 mill maximum.
Current 2019-2020 millage 9.0961.
Millage Information 2020-21 Act 1 Index = 3.2%
2020-21 Act 1 Index Maximum Millage = 9.3871
2020-21 Act 1 Index Maximum NEW Millage = .2910
Average Assessed Value $165,000 or $165.00/mill
Maximum RE Tax Increase-Avg. Tax Bill @ .2910 mills = $48.02/Yr.
$ 4.00/Mo.
Millage Revenue Generated |
Net of Discount Period |
1.0000 mill $2,415,774 |
$2,275,973 |
.1000 mill $ 241,577 |
$ 227,597 |
.2000 mill $ 483,155 |
$ 455,195 |
.2910 mill $ 702,990 |
$ 662,308 |
Superintendent's Report/Dr. Gildea
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Jennifer Mitchell |
Assistant Superintendent - ADMADMDRCI01 |
Dist |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$111,856 for 20/21 SY and salary and benefits as outlined in employment contract |
Approve Hire |
Aaron Bilby |
Science Teacher - TCHJHSSCIE06 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 17, $43,710 |
Approve Hire |
William Calvert |
Science Teacher - TCHSHSSCIE05 |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 17, $42,710 |
Create New Position |
New Position |
Speech and Language Therapist |
Secondary |
20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Resignation |
Alexis Huber |
Full Time Day to Day Substitute Elementary Teacher |
Elem |
End of 19/20 SY |
Approve |
Clarisse Spencer |
ESY Program Teacher |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$26.00 per hour; approx 20 hours per student |
Approve |
Kelley Breene |
ESY Program Teacher |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$26.00 per hour; approx 20 hours per student |
Approve |
Lauren Sral |
ESY Program Teacher |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$26.00 per hour; approx 20 hours per student |
Approve |
Suzannah Cannon |
ESY Program Teacher |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$26.00 per hour; approx 20 hours per student |
Approve |
Paula Dull |
ESY Program Teacher |
JH |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$26.00 per hour; approx 20 hours per student |
Approve |
Leia Fink |
ESY Program Teacher |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
$26.00 per hour; approx 20 hours per student |
Approve |
Tracy Lamborn |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve |
Betsy Stiffler |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve |
Amy Myers |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve |
Arlene Clark |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve |
Kelsey Dick |
ESY Paraprofessional |
Unknown |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
20/21 hourly rate; up to 20 hours |
Approve Hire |
Elizabeth Knab |
Manager |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
6.5 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Christy Weaver-Smith |
Substitute Manager |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
6.5 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Rebecca Kane |
Substitute Manager |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
6.5 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Brenda Gualdoni |
Van Driver |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Mary Jane Knab |
Van Driver |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Jennifer Kimble |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Stacy Lill |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Bobbie J. Hammel |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Patti Cavalet |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Angela Bender |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
5.75 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Brandy Pramuk |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
4 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Dana Lindsey |
Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
4 hours per day |
Approve Hire |
Jill Hershey |
Substitute Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
19/20 hourly rate |
Approve Hire |
Tasha Walls |
Substitute Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
19/20 hourly rate |
Approve Hire |
Jennifer Gummo |
Substitute Cafeteria Worker |
Dist |
6/8 - 6/29/2020 |
19/20 hourly rate |
Information Only |
Blake Walter |
Math Teacher - TCHFOT05GR04 to Math Teacher - TCHJHSMATH09 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- New Business
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
May 27, 2020 - Virtual Special Voting / Committee of Whole Meeting- Budget Discussion 6:00PM
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole / Voting Meeting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Committee Report
Mr. Nichols will present a report of the May 6, 2020 Physical Plant Committee meeting.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 6:00p.m. for personnel.
Meetings for May and June, 2020:
Committee of the Whole (Budget Discussion) - Virtual
May 27, 2020
Time: 6:00p.m.
Committee of the Whole (Budget Discussion) - Virtual
June 3, 2020
Time: 6:00p.m.
Athletic Committee - Virtual
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Time: 5:00p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting - Virtual
June 10, 2020
Time: 7:00p.m.
All future meeting will be held virtually until further notice. Please visit for updates to meetings.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Business Office - Financial Reports for April, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
April 30, 2020 Treasurer's Reports
$ 3,385,677.75 Receipts
$ 3,501,324.11 Total Disbursements
$10,315,943.18 Ledger Balance
$ 55.49 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,040.43 Ledger Balance
$ 8,293.89 Total Receipts
$155,576.42 Total Disbursements
$420,102.83 Ledger Balance
$ 916.29 Total Receipts
$ 3,361.09 Total Disbursements
$115,119.37 Ledger Balance
$ 757.05 Total Receipts
$ 2,575.17 Total Disbursements
$ 735,648.78 Ledger Balance
$ 0.82 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 793.66 Ledger Balance
$2,800,697.67 Total Receipts
$1,934,538.60 Total Disbursements
$ 935,447.39 Ledger Balance
$ 19.97 Total Receipts
$ 130.91 Total Disbursements
$19,315.84 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$782,247.06 Total Payments (Check numbers 161086-161200)
$ 40,120.20 Total Payments (Check numbers 23100-23110)
$ 3,361.09 Total Payments (Check numbers 23032-23074)
$ 2,575.17 Total Payments (Check number 3449)
$ 81,639.18 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261492-261518)
$1,852,899.42 ACH Disbursements
$1,934,538.60 Total Payments
$ 130.91 Total Payments (Check number 1027)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check number)
- Investment Portfolio
$6,723,207 Total Invested with 27 Financial Institutions
$ 230,692 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$41,127,676.72 Revenues
$36,200,907.70 Expenditures
$ 245,956.16 Revenues
$ 818,047.18 Expenditures
$ 1,265,364.54 Revenues
$ 1,304,186.87 Expenditures
$ 906.88 Revenues
$ 3,000.00 Expenditures
$ 15,415.67 Revenues
$ 8,830.80 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF APRIL 9, 2020 - MAY 6, 2020
$ 61,961 General Fund
$ -0- Food Service Fund
$ -0- Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for March, 2020
$ (54,449.95) March Net Profit/(Loss)
$ (37,300.82) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$858,940.61 Assets
$858,940.61 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for March, 2020
$ 275.49 March Net Profit
$6,274.45 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$19,780.42 Assets
$19,780.42 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
January 15, 2020 Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
February 12, 2020 Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
- Contracts:
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- PRFSD (Pittsburgh Regional Food Service Director Membership) effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 Cost: $400
- Agreement with Parchment, Inc. effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to provide delivery services of credentials from the credential holding institution (HASD) Cost: $1,895
- Fixed Fee License Agreement with Spitz, Inc. effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to provide video programs for the Planetarium Cost: Blanket Contract
- Appalachia Intermediate Unit - Substitute Teacher Consortium Participation for the 2020-2021 school year Cost: $500
- Agreement with Blair County School Health Consortium - Amended April, 2020 No Cost
- Agreement with Central PA Behavioral Health Collaborative, Inc. (CPBHC) retroactive to March 10, 2020 through March 10, 2021 to improve the health status of members through a comprehensive, coordinated system of services and supports from the Health Choices Program. No Cost
- Contract renewal with VBA (Vision Benefits of America) for a managed vision care plan for eligible employees effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022 Cost: Single Coverage: $9.35/month; Family Coverage: $20.44/month
- Contract with Follett School Solutions, Inc. to hold a book fair at Foot of Ten Elementary School
October 12, 2020 through October 19, 2020 for staff, students and their families to shop and purchase books
Cost: Paid by parents and others that shop at each Book Fair
- Contract with Follett School Solutions, Inc. to hold a book fair at Charles W. Longer Elementary School
October 12, 2020 through October 19, 2020 for staff, students and their families to shop and purchase books
Cost: Paid by parents and others that shop at each Book Fair
- Contract with Follett School Solutions, Inc. to hold a book fair at Frankstown Elementary School
October 12, 2020 through October 16, 2020 for staff, students and their families to shop and purchase books
Cost: Paid by parents and others that shop at each Book Fair
- Agreement with Adelphoi Education, Inc. for the 2020-2021 school year for:
Non-Resident Placed Students: Residential Alternative Education and YES (Your Educational Success, credit recovery)
Regular Ed $58.98/day per student
Spec Ed $143.24/day per student
- Agreement with Adelphoi Education, Inc. for the 2020-2021 school year for:
District Resident Students: Day Treatment, Emotional Support and YES (Your Educational Success, credit recovery)
Regular Ed/Special Ed: $103.81 per day
- Letter of Amendment with Juniata College effective May 13, 2020 through December 1, 2021 to specify the credit equivalent for Dual Enrollment courses. No Cost
- Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement with Grand Canyon University effective May 13, 2020 through June 30, 2022 to establish the terms and conditions under which students of Grand Canyon University may participate in Student Teaching Internships, Practicum and Observations.
No Cost
- Addendum to the Transportation Agreement with Maxwell Transit Systems, Inc. to address COVID 19. Cost: To pay 95% of anticipated cost for the remaining 55 days of the school year, with additional provisions as included.
- Resolution Approving Admission of the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center and Amendments to Consortium Agreement
The board is being asked to approve a resolution and amendment approving admission of the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center into the Blair County Health Consortium.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, this Board, by majority vote, has determined to accept the recommendation of the Committee to admit the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center as a Party to the Consortium and that the Consortium Agreement is amended as proposed.
- Resolution to Participate in the OMNIA Partners National Cooperative Purchasing Program
The administration is seeking approval from the board to utilize OMNIA Partners National Cooperative Purchasing Program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Board of the Hollidaysburg Area School District is authorized to participate in the OMNIA Partners National Cooperative Purchasing Program and that the Business Manager or designee is authorized to register for the OMNIA Partners program on behalf of Hollidaysburg Area School District;
- Per Capita Tax Exonerations 2019-2020 Due Date
Per Board Policy 605, Taxes:
The administration is asking the board to discuss the possibility of extending the 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax collection deadline to June 30, 2020 due to COVID-19. The 2019-2020 Per Capita Tax bills were mailed to residents with a due date of April 15, 2020.
- Reassessment of PETCO Building in Allegheny Township
- Reassessment of the PETCO building in Allegheny Township will require a refund.
- Resolution to Authorize the Collection of School Property Taxes in Installments effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all school district real property taxes including, but not limited to, taxpayers approved pursuant to Section 341 of Act 1 of the Special Session of 2006 shall be eligible for participation in the installment payment of school property taxes. Provided, however, that the following are excluded from real estate installment payments; interim school property taxes and delinquent school property taxes.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the tax duplicates shall provide for payment of school real property taxes in a single payment or installments at the option of eligible taxpayers.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby directs the collection of installment payment of real estate taxes to be made by the Hollidaysburg Area School District real estate tax collectors who shall set forth on all notices regarding the payment of school real property taxes in installments and the dates on which such payments are due be set forth on the tax notice sent to all real estate taxpayers of the Hollidaysburg Area School District.
- Transfer of Student Activity Funds: Multiple Accounts
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control, the board is being asked to approve the following Student Activity transfers:
- All remaining funds in the Class of 2021, account #01, to the Class of 2022, account #02. The dollar amount is to be determined after the account has been audited.
- Class of 2020, account #20, grants approval to use the remaining funds to purchase food, decorations, and DJ for the senior class formal to be held in July or August, 2020 and a time capsule.
*All remaining funds in the Class of 2020 after these expenses have been paid will be transferred to the Class of 2021, account #21 with the dollar amount to be determined after the account has been audited.
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Athletic Ticket Prices for 2020-2021
Recommended Action
Administration is recommending approval of the 2020-2021 athletic ticket prices.
STUDENT (Grades 1-6) . . . . . . . . . . . $20 (MUST be accompanied by an adult)
STUDENT (Grades 7-12). . . . . . . . . . . $25
ADULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...$60
Football |
$20 |
$5 Decrease (1 less home game) |
Football Adult General Admission (Purchase with Reserved Seat only) |
$ 5 |
Volleyball |
$25 |
$10 Increase (4 more home games) |
Boys’ Soccer |
$30 |
same as 2019-2020 |
Girls’ Soccer |
$25 |
Same as 2019-2020 |
Boys’ Basketball |
$30 |
Same as 2019-2020 |
Girls’ Basketball |
$30 |
Same as 2019-2020 |
Swimming |
$20 |
$10 Decrease (4 less home meets) |
Wrestling |
$20 |
Same as 2019-2020 |
Varsity Sports: Football, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Wresting, Swimming |
$5 |
**$3 in advance, $5 at gate |
Junior Varsity Sports: Football |
$4 |
$3 |
Junior High Sports: Football, Basketball, Wrestling |
$3 |
$2 |
**All varsity football tickets sold at the gate are $5.00. Student tickets are sold for $3.00 in advance only at the Junior High, Senior High and Athletic Office.
Football Season Reserved Seats
Varsity Football: $6.00 / seat x 5 games ** |
$3 ($5 decrease) 1 less home game) |
Optional Add On: General Admission Pass to JV and JH games |
$ 5 |
** Unsold reserved seat tickets are sold for $6.00 the day of the game.
- Budget Presentation #6 Revenues
Mrs. Socie and Mrs. Baker will present the Proposed 2020-2021 Revenues.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- BH-Works (Behavioral Health-Works Screening Program)
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
Administration of Behavioral Health-Works Screening for 8th Grade Students during the 2020-21 school year will be presented by Dr. Endler.
- Penn State University for the REDI/Head Start Research Project
Discussion, Information
The Head Start REDI project is a Penn State University developmental research study targeting the promotion of specific school readiness skills in the domains of social-emotional development and cognitive development funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
This year, the project is following the progress of participating children in 7th or 11th grade in the Hollidaysburg Area School District. In this follow-up study, we are evaluating the extent to which preschool enrichments can enhance the long-term school success of students, particularly those from low-income families. Parents have granted permission for their son/daughter to participate.
Admin Content
- Request to Establish New Student Activity Accounts
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity:
Scholastic Quiz Team - JH, No. 48
Purpose: Students try out and are placed on teams. Those teams compete against teams from school districts across Blair and Bedford Counties. The top 2 teams qualify and compete at nationals
New Student Activity:
Math Counts - JH, No. 77
This is an educational academic math competition team. Students must qualify to participate. HAJHS Math Counts team competes against middle school teams from school district in the Blair Chapter. If the team/students qualifies to advance to the state MATHCOUNTS competition, they will then compete against students from across the state of Pennsylvania. Students could possibly advance to the national MATHCOUNTS competition.
New Student Activity:
Class of 2023 - No. 03
The Class of 2023 will be established due to the Class of 2020 members graduating. The Class of 2023 will plan activities for the members (for example: class trip, lock-in, selecting graduation announcements, etc.)
New Student Activity:
Foot of Ten Reading Club - No. 49
To instill a love of reading for pleasure while at the same time developing both literal and inferential comprehension skills.
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
James Shiring |
Math Teacher - TCHJHSMATH07 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 16, $45,560 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Colleen Murphy |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 17, $42,710 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Erica Burger |
Math Teacher - TCHJHSMATH02 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 15, $46,410 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Sydney Figard |
Special Education Teacher - TCHJHSSPEC01 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 17, $43,710 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Pamela Snyder |
Special Education Teacher - TCHJHSSPEC10 |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 15, $47,410 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Adam Walstrom |
Librarian - TCHSHSLIBR01 |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 15, $47,410 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Matthew Claar |
Business Teacher - TCHJHSBSED03 |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 16, $45,560 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Christina Snyder |
Health Room Assistant - HRAFOTHLTH01 to School Nurse CSN - TCHFKSNURS01 |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 17, $42,710 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Sarah Metzger |
English Teacher - TCHJHSENGL03 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 15, $47,410 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Lauren Basenback |
English Teacher - TCHJHSENGL05 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Masters Step 16, $45,560 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Taylor Oberdorf |
English Teacher - TCHJHSREAD04 |
JH |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 17, $42,710 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Caleb McAdoo |
Science Teacher - TCHSHSSCIE06 |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 17, $42,710 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve Hire |
Grace McKernan |
Science Teacher - TCHSHSSCIE08 |
SH |
20/21 SY |
Bachelors Step 17, $42,710 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Retirement |
Kathy Benoit |
Science Teacher - TCHSHSSCIE05 |
SH |
July 31, 2020 |
Teaching Staff Action |
Resignation |
Connor Hunter |
Math Teacher - TCHJHSMATH09 |
JH |
End of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve |
Hully Hoover |
C&I - TSI Team - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 5-13-20 |
Correction from 10 to 6 Hours @$26/hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve |
Rick Imler |
C&I - TSI Team - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 5-13-20 |
Correction from 10 to 6 Hours @$26/hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
Approve |
Cody Ebersole |
Student Teaching - Secondary Social Studies with Travis Singer Fall 2020 |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Volunteer |
Approve |
Kimberly Theys |
Student Teaching - Elementary Education with Christina Bracken Fall 2020 |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Volunteer |
Approve |
Kimberly Shoop |
Student Teaching - Elementary Education with Summer Carson Fall 2020 |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Volunteer |
Approve |
Lyndzi Vaughn |
Student Teaching - Elementary Education with Lizzy Martinsen Sagaites Fall 2020 |
2020/2021 SY |
Saint Francis |
Volunteer |
Approve |
Sarah Moyer |
Student Teaching - Elementary Education with Krista Reid Fall 2020 |
2020/2021 SY |
Mount Aloysius |
Volunteer |
Approve |
Suzannah Cannon |
Student Teaching - Summer ESY Program with Laura Koehle |
2020/2021 SY |
For Information Only - Current Employee |
Approve |
Jade Miller |
Student Teaching - Summer ESY Program with Laura Koehle |
JH |
2020/2021 SY |
For Information Only - Current Employee |
Approve |
Francine Endler |
Volunteer |
Dist |
5/14/2020 |
Volunteer |
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer - Appointments
- Treasurer for 2020-2021: Sherry Socie
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Sherry Socie to serve as Board Treasurer for a one year term effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
- Tax Collector for 2020-2021: Sherry Socie, Susan Baker and Blair County Tax Collection Bureau
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Sherry Socie, Susan Baker and the Blair County Tax Collection Bureau to serve as Tax Collector for a one year term effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
- Delinquent Tax Collector for 2020-2021: Sherry Socie, Susan Baker, Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, Credit Control Collections and Collection Service Center
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer - Appointments
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Sherry Socie, Susan Baker, Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, Credit Control Collections, and Collection Service Center to serve as Delinquent Tax Collector for a one year term effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
- Hearing Officer for Student Expulsions for 2020-2021: Terry W. Despoy, Esquire
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer - Appointments
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Terry W. Despoy, Esquire to serve as Hearing Officer for student expulsions for a one year term effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 Cost: $175/hr. - no increase from 2019-2020
- Solicitor for 2020-2021: Beard Legal Group
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Beard Legal Group, LLC. to serve as Solicitor for a one-year term effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021
Cost: $135/hr. - no increase from 2019-2020
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- Depositories for 2020-2021:
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
The appointment of the following depositories effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021:
PA School District Liquid Asset Fund
PA Local Government Investment Trust
M&T Bank
First Commonwealth Bank
First National Bank of Pennsylvania
Reliance Bank
First Summit Bank
CNB Bank
- Policy Review
- Policy 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions
The board will review Policy 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions to discuss changes regarding funding of district-sponsored student club academic conferences/competitions.
- Appointment of Voting Delegates for the PSBA Delegate Assembly Meeting on Saturday, November 7, 2020
The governing body of the Hollidaysburg Area School District Board is entitled to appoint up to two voting delegates to participate in the PA Schools Board Association Delegate Assembly to be held on Saturday, November 7, 2020. If appointed, these voting members of the Delegate Assembly will consider and act upon proposed changes to the PSBA bylaws, receive reports, receive the results of the election for officers and at-large representatives, consider proposals and adopt the legislative platform for the coming year, and conduct other Association business.
Voting delegates officially represent the entire school entity in the following ways:
- Receive reports from the PSBA president, chief executive officer, and treasurer.
- Receive the election results for PSBA leadershio, including Governing Board officers, At-large Representatives and Sectional Advisors.
- Consider proposals recommended by the PSBA Platform Committee and adopt the legislative platform for the coming year.
- Consider and act upon any proposed changes to the PSBA Bylaws.
- 2020-2021 Budget Discussion
Mrs. Baker will present information concerning the 2020-2021 Budget.
- New Business
Discussion, Information
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Virtual Special Voting Meeting (Proposed Budget Adoption) - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Special Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, May 06, 2020 at 6:00pm for personnel. A Virtual Committee of the Whole Meeting (for budget discussion only) will take place immediately following this evening's Special Voting Meeting. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held as a Virtual Meeting. All future meeting will be held virtually until further notice. Please visit for updates to meetings:
Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Time: 7:00PM
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Contracts
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contract is presented for approval:
- Project Agreement with Virtumencement effective May 6, 2020 to project completion for virtual graduation services for 2020. Cost: $1,995
- Addendum #1 to Agreement with Wohler Construction, Inc. to change the effective start date of the Foot of Ten Elementary School Roof Replacement Project from June 2020 to May 11, 2020. No Cost
- 2020-2021 Proposed Budget
Section 687a1 of the PA school code requires school districts to adopt a 2020-2021 Proposed Final General Fund Budget 30 days prior to the adoption of the Final General Fund Budget.
The budget is scheduled to be approved on June 10, 2020.
The Board will have the ability to review and make changes to the 2020-2021 Proposed General Fund Budget until final adoption in June.
Following tonight's approval of the 2020-2021 Proposed General Fund Budget the Board President will sign certifications to the Department of Education indicating the budget was prepared, presented and made available for public inspection on the appropriate PDE forms.
The budget will be made available for public inspection and may be obtained as follows:
- via District website at
- via phone 814-695-7431 leave a message with your name and phone number
- via written request sent to Hollidaysburg Area School District
Susan M. Baker, Board Secretary
405 Clark Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
- Resolution of Board of School Directors Establishing Fund Balance Policies as required by GASB 54
Fund balance measures the net financial resources available to finance expenditures of future periods.
The District’s Unassigned Capital Reserve Fund Balance will be maintained to provide the District with sufficient working capital and a margin of safety to address local and regional emergencies without borrowing. The Unassigned Capital Reserve Fund Balance may only be appropriated by resolution of the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District.
Fund Balance of the District may be committed for a specific source by formal action of the Board of School Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District. Amendments or modifications of the committed fund balance must also be approved by formal action of the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District.
In circumstances where an expenditure is to be made for a purpose for which amounts are available in multiple fund balance classifications, the order in which resources will be expended is as follows: restricted fund balance, followed by committed fund balance, assigned fund balance, and lastly, unassigned fund balance.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits the following portions of its June 30, 2020 Capital Reserve Fund balance as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of Hollidaysburg Area School District recommits $400,000 from the Foot of Ten Roof Project Committed Fund Balance and transfers $400,000 to the Unassigned Capital Reserve Fund Balance.
- New Capital Reserve Project
- 2019-2020 Capital Reserve Project:
Foot of Ten Roof Replacement: $407,000
- Resolution Authorizing Proposed Final Budget Display And Advertising and Per Capita Tax
RESOLVED, by the Board of School Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District, as follows:
The proposed Final Budget of the School District for the 2020-2021 fiscal year on form PDE 2028 as presented to the School Board shall be considered the proposed Final Budget of the School District for the 2020- 2021 fiscal year and shall be made available for public inspection after this date.
At least ten (10) days before the date scheduled for adoption of the Final Budget, the Secretary shall advertise Final Budget Notice and Per Capita Tax Notice in substantially the form as presented to the School Board. The Notice shall be advertised once in a newspaper of general circulation and shall be posted conspicuously at the School District offices.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Policy Waivers
The Administration recommends the board make a motion to modify the following board policies due to extraordinary circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with said action to be made effective immediately and remain in effect until December 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted.
- Requirements for induction into the National Honor Society (NHS) - The only qualifying requirement for sophomores and juniors during the 2019-2020 school year would be the academic requirement. All other requirements would be waived.
- Requirements for induction into the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) - The only adjusted requirement for the 2019-20 school year would be to have been involved in 1 school activity (not 2) in either 7th and/or 8th grade and to have been involved in 1 service activity (not 2) in either 7th and/or 8th grade.
- Business, Computer, Instructional Technology Teacher/Cyber Learning Facilitator Proposal
- The administration is asking for board approval to create this position to address increased enrollment in co-op placements and cyber academy enrollment. No additional funding will be needed in the budget.
- 2019-2020 School Calendar - REVISED
Per Board Policy 803 School Calendar, the administration recommends the approval of the 2019-2020 school calendar. (REVISED to reflect COVID-19 calendar changes.)
- 2020-2021 School Calendar - REVISED
Per Board Policy 803 School Calendar, the administration recommends the approval of the 2020-2021 school calendar. (REVISED to reflect beginning of the year staggered entry for Kindergarten students - calendar changes.)
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
Approve Hire |
Chandra Jandora |
LTS; 3rd Grade Teacher |
Effective 5/4/2020 |
$40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Create New Position |
New Position |
Cyber Learning Facilitator/Business Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Eliminate Position |
Elementary Teacher CWL |
Elementary Teacher - TCHCWL01GR03 |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Resign |
Shane Reffner |
Varisty Assistant Girls Soccer Coach |
Dist |
Effective 5/7/2020 |
Remove |
Jessalyn Peterson |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 5/14/2020 |
Information Only |
Erin Eckhard |
Office Para - ADPCWLAIDE01 to Building Secretary - SECCWLSECY02 |
Effective August 2020 |
$17.21 for 20/21 SY per AFSCME contract category 2A |
Information Only |
Brian Keagy |
Principal - MGPFOTPRIN01 to Principal - MGPCWLPRIN01 |
Effective July 1, 2020 |
As per Act 93 Agreement for Management |
- President's Report /Dr. Sommer
- New Business
- Adjourn to Committee of the Whole / Dr. Sommer
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole - Budget Discussion (Immediately Following Special Voting Meeting)
- Meeting Opening
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Business Office Report/ Mrs. Baker
- 2020-2021 Budget Presentation #5
- General Fund Remaining Expenditures
- Food Service Revenues/Expenditures
- Capital Reserve Funding Discussion
- President's Report /Dr. Sommer
- New Business
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Virtual Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Ronald Sommer, Board President
- Welcome to Hollidaysburg Area School District's Virtual Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting
- Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate.
- Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
- Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
- To make public comment, please call 814-693-3820 during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
- If you are experiencing connection difficulties, please contact tech support at 814-201-6687
- As an alternative to public comment, you may email the Superintendent, Robert Gildea at who will forward your comments to the entire board.
- Student Representative Reports
**Student Representative reports will not be presented during COVID-19 Virtual Board Meetings. Student Representative reports will resume when schools re-open and return to regular operating schedules.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements:
The board met in executive session Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 6:00pm for personnel.
The following meetings will be held as Virtual Meetings until further notice. Please visit for updates to these meetings.
Physical Plant Committee
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Time: 5:00pm
Special Voting Meeting (Proposed Budget Adoption)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Time: 7:00PM
Committee of the Whole (Budget Discussion Only) immediately following the Special Voting Meeting
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Business Office - Financial Reports for March, 2020
- Treasurer's Report
March 31, 2020 Treasurer's Reports
$ 2,105,142.98 Receipts
$ 7,612,840.89 Total Disbursements
$10,431,589.54 Ledger Balance
$ 80.92 Total Receipts
$ 750.00 Total Disbursements
$ 53,984.94 Ledger Balance
$250,560.39 Total Receipts
$197,191.65 Total Disbursements
$567,385.36 Ledger Balance
$ 22,269.87 Total Receipts
$ 19,758.31 Total Disbursements
$117,564.17 Ledger Balance
$ 1,093.26 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 737,466.90 Ledger Balance
$ 1.17 Total Receipts
$ 0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 792.84 Ledger Balance
$1,930,376.27 Total Receipts
$1,907,952.88 Total Disbursements
$ 69,288.32 Ledger Balance
$ 9,039.68 Total Receipts
$ 955.35 Total Disbursements
$19,426.78 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$5,273,611.69 Total Payments (Check numbers 160871-161085)
$115,151.96 Total Payments (Check numbers 23087-23099)
$ 19,723.31 Total Payments (Check numbers 22982-23031)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check numbers)
$ 80,774.02 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261460-261482)
$1,827,178.86 ACH Disbursements
$1,907,952.88 Total Payments
$ 955.35 Total Payments (Check numbers 1025-1026)
$ 750.00 Total Payments (Check number 531)
- Investment Portfolio
$6,717,775 Total Invested with 27 Financial Institutions
$ 230,196 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$38,488,518.88 Revenues
$33,218,393.22 Expenditures
$ 245,163.86 Revenues
$ 815,472.01 Expenditures
$ 1,209,117.87 Revenues
$ 1,180,769.96 Expenditures
$ 851.39 Revenues
$ 3,000.00 Expenditures
$ 23,194.70 Revenues
$ 8,699.89 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF MARCH 5, 2020 - APRIL 8, 2020
$ 62,928 General Fund
$ -0- Food Service Fund
$ 3,700 Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for February, 2020
$ 7,000.45 February Net Profit
$ 17,149.13 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$942,498.20 Assets
$942,498.20 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for February, 2020
$ 895.19 February Net Profit
$5,998.96 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$11,696.09 Assets
$11,696.09 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office / Mrs. Baker
- Contracts:
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Agreement with Peer Star, LLC. effective April 15, 2020 to interact collaboratively to ensure the services and interventions are provided to mutual consumers No Cost
- Amendment with Diligent Corporation effective April 15, 2020 through June 30, 2020 for access to BoardDocs Plus Cost: Free upgrade due to COVID-19
- Agreement with Scotch Valley Country Club effective April 1, 2020 for Hollidaysburg Area School District to use Scotch Valley Country Club as its off-site facility for practices and PIAA contests Cost: $3,000/yr.
- EdInsight Agreement Amendment with OnHand Schools, Inc. effective March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 to establish a new expiry date for the initial term and to add an extension period of four (4)months following the initial term. Cost: $6,289
- Agreement with CAMCO Physical and Occupational Therapy, LLC. effective August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2022 to provide physical and occupational therapy to exception children Cost: $60/hr.
- Memorandum of Understanding for a Transportation Procedures Agreement and a Transportation Plan with The County of Blair, on behalf of Blair County Children, Youth and Families effective April 15, 2020 to April 15, 2023 to provide transportation for district students in foster care. This agreement is required by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Transportation costs to be reimbursed by CCYA.
- Bid Award
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bid award is recommended:
Award District-wide Trash Removal and Recycling Bid to:
- Burgmeier's Hauling, Inc. for the 2020-2021 school year
Cost: $66,084
- Budget Request
- Request to use Replacement Hardware Budget to purchase Meraki Licensing and Support
Cost: $45,912
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Flat Rate Occupation Tax Resolution
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hollidaysburg Area School District, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that temporary deadlines for the filing of Flat Rate Occupation Tax be established as follows:
- The payment deadline for 2019 Flat Rate Occupation Tax under the Hollidaysburg Area School District are to be consistent with the temporary payment deadlines established by the Internal Revenue Service and will be July 15, 2020;
- Any payment made for the 2019 Flat Rate Occupation Tax consistent with the newly established Internal Revenue Service deadline of July 15, 2020 will not accrue penalty and interest. Taxpayers shall be liable for penalty and interest for incorrect returns consistent with past practices of the Hollidaysburg Area School District.
- The extended payment deadline will not apply to delinquent taxes or delinquent returns for years prior to 2019 or to Local Services Tax or District fees.
- The Hollidaysburg Area School District may adjust its filing and payment deadlines without further resolution should the Internal Revenue Service make further adjustments, consistent with past practices. Said adjustments will be posted on the Hollidaysburg Area School District website.
- Budget Presentation No. 4: Benefits
Presenter: Mrs. Baker
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Continuity of Education Plan
- Superintendent Robert Gildea will discuss the district's Continuity of Education plan. Each school district in the commonwealth, as per Act 13, is required to submit an educational plan that has been put in place for the duration of the coronavirus school closure that will ensure all students are receiving the best education possible in an online platform.
- Policy Waivers
The Administration recommends the board make a motion to modify the following board policies due to extraordinary circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with said action to be made effective immediately and remain in effect until December 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted.
- Policy 213-R Grading of Student Progress - Grades for all subjects for the fourth marking period of the 2019-20 school year will be noted as pass/fail with a score of 70% or higher considered passing and scores below 70% considered failing. In addition, as per administrative procedures, there will be no honor roll for the fourth marking period and scheduling requirements for the 2020-2021 school year would be determined by grades earned during the first, second and third marking periods of the 2019-20 school year.
- Policy 214 - Class Rank - As a result of the 2019-2020 4th marking period grades being noted as pass/fail, the 2019-2020 4th MP grades will NOT count toward a student's class rank.
- Policy 217 - Graduation - The graduation project for the Class of 2020 would be removed as a requirement in addition to the requirement to pass the Keystone Exam(s) or locally designed assessment.
- Requirements for induction into the National Honor Society (NHS) - The only requirement for seniors (class of 2020) would be the academic requirement. All other requirements would be waived.
- Graduation Proposal
Per policy 217 "Graduation", the administration is requesting board approval of a prom and graduation ceremony plan that presents multiple alternate dates throughout the subsequent months following the projected end of the 2019-2020 school year to adjust to current social distancing and travel bans related to the coronavirus.
- Summer School Update
- Curriculum and Instruction Projects 2019-2020 Updates
Per Board Policy 105 Curriculum Development, updated Curriculum and Instruction Projects for 2019-2020 are presented.
- Proposed Curriculum and Instruction Projects for 2020-2021
Per Board Policy 105 Curriculum Development, the attached Curriculum and Instruction Projects for 2020-2021 are presented for approval.
- Request for New Student Activity
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity:
Junior High Reading Competition Team, No. 34
Purpose: To promote teamwork, long-range planning and literacy by providing students the opportunity to dialogue and test their knowledge about grade-level books they read, in addition to enhancing their reading strategies and skills.
- Life Track Graduate Survey
Senior exit survey soliciting student views of our educational program as well as post graduate plans.
- Curriculum Guides
Per Board Policy 105 Curriculum Development, Policy 106, Guides for Planned Instruction and Policy 107 Adoption of Planned Instruction, the board will be asked to approve the following Curriculum Guides:
- Elementary Library Curriculum Grades 4-6
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
NO |
1 |
Approve |
Justin Arthur |
Remote Instruction, Elementary Website |
Dist |
March 21, 22, 28, 2020 |
3 days per diem |
2 |
Approve Hire |
Robert Johnson |
LTS; Business |
JH |
Extend LTS assignment until teacher release |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
3 |
Approve New Position |
Create New Position |
School Resource Professional |
Dist |
Summer 2020 (Training), 20/21 SY |
$20.49 19/20 SY |
4 |
Approve Hire |
Jaime Ziegler |
PE and Health for Credit Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
5 |
Approve Hire |
Jaime Ziegler |
PE and Health Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
6 |
Approve Hire |
Kim Theys |
Math Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
7 |
Approve Hire |
Mike Rawlins |
Social Studies Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
8 |
Approve Hire |
Paula Dull |
Special Education Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
9 |
Approve Hire |
Jason Clever |
Science Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
10 |
Approve Hire |
Carol Scarbro |
English Summer Teacher |
SH |
Summer 2020 |
$26 per hour |
11 |
Approve Hire |
Alan Brown |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
$90 per day |
12 |
Approve |
Lacy Frazier |
Homebound Instruction for Student A. Z. |
Effective Retroactive to 3/5/2020 |
$26 per hour up to 5 hours |
13 |
Approve |
Kay Shuma |
Volunteer |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
14 |
Approve |
Rhonda Socie |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
15 |
Remove |
Lois Appleman |
Substitute Certified Teacher Retired PSERS |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
16 |
Remove |
Katheryn Mathias |
Substitute Certified Teacher Retired PSERS |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
17 |
Remove |
Kimberly Nicewander |
Substitute Certified Teacher Retired PSERS |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
18 |
Remove |
Rebekah Wood-Greenland |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
19 |
Remove |
M. Elizabeth Thomas |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
20 |
Remove |
Timothy Peuckert |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
21 |
Remove |
Joshua Litzinger |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
22 |
Remove |
Richard Hosey |
Substitute IU08 Referal Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
23 |
Remove |
Joseph Detwiler |
Substitute IU08 Referal Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
24 |
Remove |
Lester Campbell |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
25 |
Remove |
Chris Piper |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
26 |
Remove |
Salme-Deanna McAleer |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
27 |
Remove |
Caitrin McCauliff |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
28 |
Remove |
Grace Randsom |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
29 |
Remove |
Jessica Tounkara |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
30 |
Remove |
Christopher Koch |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
31 |
Remove |
Lori Ventura |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
32 |
Remove |
Torrey Powell |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
33 |
Remove |
Kristen delGiudice |
Volunteer |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
34 |
Remove |
Alicia Knab |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
35 |
Remove |
Jessica Dunlap |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
36 |
Remove |
Amber Claar |
Volunteer |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
37 |
Remove |
Jamie Barton |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
38 |
Remove |
Sydney Fochler |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
39 |
Remove |
Vitangelo Recchia |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
40 |
Remove |
LeeAnn Aurandt |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
41 |
Remove |
Carlos Weigering |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 4/16/2020 |
42 |
Information Only |
Mallory Custead |
English Teacher - TCHJHSREAD04 to English Teacher - TCHSHSENGL05 |
SH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
- President's Report /Dr. Sommer
- First Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a first reading:
No. 335-Attach |
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) |
No. 335-Attach-1 |
FFCRA Poster |
No. 626 |
Federal Fiscal Compliance |
- Second Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a second reading:
No. 335-Attach |
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) |
No. 335-Attach-1 |
FFCRA Poster |
No. 626 |
Federal Fiscal Compliance |
- New Business
- Candidate List for the Award of a 2019-2020 Diploma
Per Board Policy 217 Graduation, the list of 2019-2020 candidates for the award of a diploma is being presented for board approval.
- Adjourn/Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate. Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- Student Representative Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Adam McCoy, Senior Representative
Travis Saylor, Junior Representative
- PSBA Update
Erin Eckerd, Member Services Manager of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association will present a PSBA update and will answer any questions or respond to needs board members may have regarding the Required School Director Training or any other programs and services.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Monday, March 2, 2020 at 6:00PM for negotiations and Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 6:00PM for personnel and negotiations.
The Curriculum Committee will meet Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 5:00PM and the Policy Committee will meet Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 6:00PM in the Senior High Guidance Career Conference Room, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg, PA.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be a Committee of the Whole/Voting meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 7:00PM in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg, PA.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- RBC Capital Markets, LLC. / Henry Sallusti and Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP/Christopher Brewer
- Business Office - Financial Reports for February, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
February 29, 2020 Treasurer's Reports
$ 2,992,150.98 Receipts
$ 3,036,983.01 Total Disbursements
$15,939,287.45 Ledger Balance
$ 75.82 Total Receipts
$ 750.00 Total Disbursements
$ 54,654.02 Ledger Balance
$ 82,711.65 Total Receipts
$162,170.04 Total Disbursements
$514,016.62 Ledger Balance
$ 26,552.64 Total Receipts
$ 5,664.57 Total Disbursements
$115,052.61 Ledger Balance
$ 1,042.17 Total Receipts
$ 114,782.51 Total Disbursements
$ 736,373.64 Ledger Balance
$ 32,489.44 Total Receipts
$ 32,488.20 Total Disbursements
$ 791.67 Ledger Balance
$1,916,679.76 Total Receipts
$1,894,541.80 Total Disbursements
$ 46,864.93 Ledger Balance
$ 2,541.77 Total Receipts
$ 1,230.01 Total Disbursements
$11,342.45 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$1,176,582.42 Total Payments (Check numbers 160643-160870)
$ 80,741.74 Total Payments (Check numbers 23075-23086)
$ 5,664.57 Total Payments (Check numbers 22971-22981)
$114,782.51 Total Payments (Check numbers 3445-3448)
$ 80,667.66 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261422-261449)
$1,813,874.14 ACH Disbursements
$1,894,541.80 Total Payments
$ 1,230.01 Total Payments (Check numbers 1021-1024)
$ 750.00 Total Payments (Check number 530)
- Investment Portfolio
$6,718,476 Total Invested with 27 Financial Institutions
$ 229,054 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$36,556,611.58 Revenues
$27,845,205.09 Expenditures
$ 243,994.31 Revenues
$ 815,472.01 Expenditures
$ 1,101,971.51 Revenues
$ 1,023,820.68 Expenditure
$ 770.47 Revenues
$ 2,250.00 Expenditures
$ 14,164.86 Revenues
$ 7,744.54 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 7, 2020 - MARCH 4, 2020
$ 84,493 General Fund
$ -0- Food Service Fund
$ -0- Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for January, 2020
$ (1,045.10) January Net Profit/(Loss)
$ 10,148.68 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$873,545.98 Assets
$873,545.98 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for January, 2020
$ 723.62 January Net Profit
$5,103.77 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$10,891.70 Assets
$10,891.70 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Letter of Agreement with Alternative Community Resource Program (ACRP) Peer Support Services effective March 11, 2020 through March 10, 2021 to establish an agreement for developing and maintaining positive working relationships with agencies which serve the human service needs of the community. No Cost
- School Visit Letter of Agreement with Jonathan Auxier, Author, effective May 6, 2020 through May 7, 2020 for two full-day Author Visits Cost: $4,300
- Care Coordination Agreement with CenClear effective March 11, 2020 through March 20, 2021 to develop and maintain a positive working relationship with providers for human service needs No Cost
- Agreement with Wohler Construction, Inc. (Contractor) and EADS Architects, Inc. (Architect) effective March 5, 2020 for Foot of Ten Elementary Roof Replacement Project and Notice of Award Cost: $407,000
- Memorandum of Understanding with Follett Book Fairs/ESign Disclosures and Consent effective March 13, 2020 through March 21, 2020 to partner with Charles W. Longer Elementary, Foot of Ten Elementary and Frankstown Elementary Schools to provide a Book Fair for staff, students and their families. Cost: Paid by parents and others who shop at any of the book fairs
- Blair County Tax Claim Bureau Repository Bid
- Accept bid from UMH Sales & Finance, Inc. for Map# 02.00-12..-041.00-165 in the amount of $100
- Student Activity Fundraiser Change
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraiser is presented for approval:
Student Activity Fundraisers:
Student Council #73
Four Diamonds Mini-THON
Expected profit: $3,500
Change in date from:
February through April, 2020 to February through May, 2020
- Appalachia IU08 2020-2021 General Operating Budget and Resolution
The Appalachia IU08 2020-2021 General Operating Budget totals $4,862,058.24 for both revenues and expenditures representing a 13% decrease.
Hollidaysburg Area School District's contribution for the 2020-2021 school year will increase $293 to $16,031.
This budget is for IU8 operations only. The operation of the IU8 special education and non-public programs are funded through a variety of other IU8 separate budgets.
- Election of Appalachia IU08 Board Members for 2020-2021
The Hollidaysburg Area School District shares an IU8 board member seat with Williamsburg-Community School District on a two-year rotating basis.
The Nominees are:
- Region I Bellwood-Antis and Tyrone Area:
Kathy Burch, Bellwood-Antis
- Region IV Altoona Area:
Ron Johnston, Altoona Area
- Region VII Conemaugh Valley, Ferndale Area and Forest Hills
Stephen Thompson, Ferndale Area
- Region IX Central Cambria, Penn Cambria and Portage Area
Kathy Hough, Portage Area
- Budget Presentation No. 3: Payroll
- Mrs. Baker will present 2020-2021 General Fund Payroll Budget.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Research Project
The purpose of this study is to examine one school district music department’s inclusive practices, musical opportunities, and community collaboration and responsiveness as perceived by the school district community at large.
- Donations
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
Conemaugh Nason Hospital: $250
Donation presented by Timothy Harclerode, Chief Executive Office, Conemaugh Nason Hospital
*The money will be used for Fuel Up to Play 60 Program supervised by Betsy Snyder, Food Service Director.
Tom Shaffer, Territory Sales Manager, Virco, Inc.:
Donation of a Zuma Series Choose to Move (C2M) Model Chair to help students with sensory needs.
- 2020 Summer School Program
Per Board Policy 124 Summer School, the administration recommends the approval of the 2020 Summer School Program.
- 2020-2021 Assessment Options
Per Board Policy 127 Assessment System, approval is being requested of district-wide assessments that are routinely used within the Hollidaysburg Area School District.
- Personnel
Approve Hire |
Matthew Hale |
LTS; Elementary Special Education |
Retroactive from 3/4/2020 through March 31 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Approve Hire |
Benjamin Baker |
HVAC Maintenance Worker - MAFJHSCUST02 |
Dist |
Effective upon release from current employer |
$20.45/hour 19/20 Rate |
Resignation |
Francine Endler |
Assistant Superintendent - SEPADMSUPT01 |
Dist |
Effective 6/30/2020 |
Terms per Employment Contract |
Retirement |
Timothy Gildea |
Principal - MGPCWLPRIN01 |
Effective June 30, 2020 |
Terms per Wage Benefit Agreement Management Employees 7-1-16 to 6-30-2021 |
Retirement |
Laura Frederick |
Teacher - TCHSHSENGL05 |
SH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Resignation |
Terry Diehl |
3rd Shift Custodian - CUFJHSCUST06 |
JH |
Effective 3/6/2020 |
Approve Hire |
Kevin McCloskey |
Science Department Chair |
SH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$2,624.65 19/20 Rate - 20/21 Rate TBD |
Approve Hire |
Linda Hilling |
Business Department Chair |
SH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
$2,624.65 19/20 Rate - 20/21 Rate TBD |
Approve Abolish Position |
Abolish Position |
Full Time Custodian - CUFCWLCUST01 |
Retroactive to 11/20/19 |
Approve MOU |
MOU for retirement of Laura Frederick |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
Connor Hunter |
C & I - Math 7 & 8 Enrichment |
JH |
Effective 3-11-2020 |
up to 2 Hours @ $26/hr |
Approve Hire |
Cheryl K. Feathers |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$90 per day |
Approve Hire |
Daniel Isenberg |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$90 per day |
Approve Hire |
Ralph (Wayne) Wolfe |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$90 per day |
Approve Hire |
Autumn Wertz |
IU08 Referral Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$90 per day |
Approve Hire |
Alan Beck |
Guest Substitute Teacher |
Dist. |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$90 per day |
Approve Hire |
Jessica Rabuck |
Substitute Food Service |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$9.25 per hour |
Approve |
Julie Bowser |
Extra Hours for Sports Physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 2/19/2020 |
3.5 Hours at $26 per hour |
Approve |
Tina Beatty |
Extra Hours for Sports Physicals |
SH |
Retroactive to 2/19/2020 |
3.5 Hours at regular $16.52 per hour |
Approve |
Susan Plummer |
Special Education Teacher |
2/17/2020 - 2/25/2020 |
2.5 Hours Special Pay - IEP paperwork for teacher on leave |
Approve |
Sara Olechovski |
Special Education Teacher |
2/15/2020 - 2/28/2020 |
6 Hours Special Pay - IEP paperwork for teacher on leave |
Approve |
Carol Scarbro |
Homebound Instruction - |
SH |
Retroactive to 2/24/2020 |
5 hours per week at $26 per hour |
Approve |
Erin Yeager |
Homebound Instruction - A.D. |
JH |
Effective retroactive to 2/11/2020 |
5 hours per week at $26 per hour |
Approve Hire |
Robert Burkey |
Assistant JH Girls Track Coach |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$2,326.03 per |
Approve Hire |
Ashley Young |
Head Varsity Cheerleading Advisor |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
$5,928.71 per |
Approve |
Mary Reffner |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist |
Effective 2/3/2020 |
Game Worker Rates |
Approve |
Kalla Boyer |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
Amber Creamer |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
Rodney Ingram |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
Erin McCloskey |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
James E. Miller Jr. |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
John Reams |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Approve |
Amy Sweeney |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Heather Merriman |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
David Slocum |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Elizabeth Sease |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Debbie McCullough |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Timothy Hatajik |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Amy Lowey |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Vicky Dubrow |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Lori Alexy |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
William Alexy |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Arlene Kuntz |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Monica Luther |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Nicole McIntyre |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Tina Barton |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Brenda McGregor |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Renee Spade |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Susan Harding |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Shannon Morris |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Melinda Fleck |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Julie Pohar |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Jessica Dodson |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Catherine Harker |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Rebecca Bouchard |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Remove |
Victoris Dubrow |
Volunteer |
Effective 3/12/2020 |
Resign |
William Myers |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Information Only |
Sue Benson |
Secretary 193 Days - SECCWLSECY02 to Secretary 260 Days - SEFSHSSECY06 |
SH |
Effective 9/1/2020 |
2A G1 Rate for 20/21 SY - $17.21/hour |
Information Only |
Stephanie Short |
SH Autistic Support - TCHJHSSPEC10 to JH Special Education - TCHJHSSPEC01 |
JH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Information Only |
Samantha Kinley |
SH/JH Split Math Teacher - TCHJHSMATH01/TCHSHSMATH01 to SH Math Teacher - TCHSHSMATH06 |
SH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
- Technology Plan Presentation
Justin Arthur, Director of Technology will give a 5-year Technology Plan Presentation
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- Second Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a second reading:
Policy Number |
Name |
Status |
Policy 004 |
Membership |
Policy 008 |
Administrative Organization Chart |
Policy 114 |
Gifted Education |
Policy 200 |
Enrollment in District |
Policy 200-AR |
Enrollment in District |
Policy 201 |
Admission of Students |
Policy 204 |
Attendance |
Policy 208 |
Withdrawal from School |
Policy 209 |
Health Examinations/Screenings |
Policy 233 |
Suspension and Expulsion |
Policy 304-AR |
Hiring Procedures |
Policy 333 |
Professional Development |
Policy 626 |
Procurement Attachment |
Policy 705 |
Facilities and Workplace Safety |
Policy 709 |
Building Security |
Policy 805 |
Emergency Preparedness and Response |
Policy 805.1 |
Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies |
Policy 805.3 |
School Security Personnel |
Policy 808 |
Food Service |
Policy 808-AR |
Payment of School Meal Accounts |
Policy 906 |
Public Complaints |
Policy 906-Attach |
AEDY Local Complaint Form |
Policy 906-Attach |
AEDY State Complaint Form |
- Second Reading of Policies for Deletion
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policy is presented for deletion on a second reading:
Policy Number |
Name |
Status |
Policy 201-AR |
Entry/Re-Entry Procedure for Resident Students |
- Resolution for Charter School Funding Reform
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Hollidaysburg Area School District School Board calls upon the General Assembly to meaningfully revise the existing flawed charter school funding systems for regular and special education to ensure that school districts and taxpayers are no longer overpaying these schools or reimbursing for costs the charter schools do not incur. We, along with the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, are advocating for substantial change.
- New Business
- 2019-2020 Capital Reserve Project:
Varsity baseball field fencing
Quote from Craig Fencing, Inc. Commercial Specialists
District share: Base price $3,170
Golden Tiger Baseball Booster Club share: Extra cost for upgrading to the black fence $515
Total Cost: $3,685
- Donation:
Golden Tiger Baseball Booster Club: $515 to pay for the upgrade from galvanized fencing to black fencing for the baseball field dugout fencing project.
- Adjourn
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Public Comment
Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate. Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- Title I Recognition
Foot of Ten Elementary School was designated as a Title I Distinguished School for the 2019-20 school year. They were recognized as a school that was in the top 5% for Growth in the two most recently completed academic years.
- Student Representative Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Adam McCoy, Senior Representative
Travis Saylor, Junior Representative
- Committee Reports
Board member, Doug Stephens will present a report from the January 22, 2020 Policy Committee Meeting with recommendations.
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 6:00 pm for personnel.
The Athletic Committee will meet Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Senior High Guidance Career Conference Room, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg, PA.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be a combined Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg, PA.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- RBC Capital Markets, LLC Engagement Letter and Disclosures
The board is being asked to confirm RBC Capital Markets, LLC for the engagement as sole underwriter or bank loan agent for a proposed Series of 2020 General Obligations Bonds to finance the refinancing of the District's Series 2015 A and B Bonds and fund district-wide Capital Projects. The confirmation is pursuant to the securities and exchange Commission's Municipal Advisor Rule and to provide certain disclosures as required by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, Rule G-17 and the Securities Exchange Commission's Municipal Advisor Rules (MA Rules) which provide for certain exemptions which permit an underwriter to provide advice and recommendations to a municipal entity. This will fulfill RBC Capital Markets, LLC's requirement pursuant to the rules to seek the District's written acknowledgment they have received these documents.
- Engagement Letter for Bond Counsel Services
Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP is being recommended to represent the Hollidaysburg Area School District as Bond Counsel pending board approval to move forward refinancing the 2015 Bond Series A & B.
- Minutes:
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
December 11, 2019 Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
January 22, 2020 Policy Committee Meeting
- Business Office - Financial Reports for January, 2020
- Treasurer's Reports
January 31, 2020 Treasurer's Reports
$ 1,611,959.01 Receipts
$ 3,982,599.95 Total Disbursements
$15,984,119.48 Ledger Balance
$ 840.70 Total Receipts
$ 750.00 Total Disbursements
$ 55,328.20 Ledger Balance
$162,775.45 Total Receipts
$141,161.06 Total Disbursements
$593,475.01 Ledger Balance
$ 23,368.87 Total Receipts
$ 13,261.34 Total Disbursements
$ 94,164.54 Ledger Balance
$ 1,382.31 Total Receipts
$ -0- Total Disbursements
$ 850,113.98 Ledger Balance
$467,541.02 Total Receipts
$467,453.15 Total Disbursements
$ 790.43 Ledger Balance
$1,847,407.49 Total Receipts
$1,902,704.27 Total Disbursements
$ 24,726.97 Ledger Balance
$ 2,707.31 Total Receipts
$ 1,870.33 Total Disbursements
$10,030.69 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$2,188,132.98 Total Payments (Check numbers 160244-160642)
$ 62,933.40 Total Payments (Check numbers 23060-23074)
$ 13,261.34 Total Payments (Check numbers 22956-22970)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check numbers)
$ 81,172.73 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261387-261414)
$1,821,531.54 ACH Disbursements
$1,902,704.27 Total Payments
$ 1,870.33 Total Payments (Check numbers 1016-1019)
$ 750.00 Total Payments (Check number 525)
- Investment Portfolio
$6,467,130 Total Invested with 26 Financial Institutions
$ 217,741 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$33,850,833.69 Revenues
$24,288,341.14 Expenditures
$ 242,831.30 Revenues
$ 700,689.50 Expenditures
$ 923,946.97 Revenues
$ 858,027.47 Expenditures
$ 694.65 Revenues
$ 1,500.00 Expenditures
$ 11,665.44 Revenues
$ 6,647.68 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
$ 170,076 General Fund
$ -0- Food Service Fund
$ -0- Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for December, 2019
$ 6,263.53 December Net Profit
$ 11,193.78 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$799,181.08 Assets
$799,181.08 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for December, 2019
$ 568.15 November Net Profit
$4,380.15 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$10,149.64 Assets
$10,149.64 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office / Mrs. Baker
- Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Novell School License Agreement for (1) Novell Open Workgroup Suite FTE School License effective May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021 Cost: $12,495.00
- Fundraising Guidelines and Partnership Agreement with Four Diamonds Mini-THON effective February 13, 2020 through May 24, 2020 to support endeavors specifically in pediatric oncology patient care and research. Approximate Revenue: $3,500 to be donated to Four Diamonds Mini-THON for funding pediatric cancer research at Penn State College of Medicine
- Rental Agreement with Grosh Backdrop and Drapery effective March 2, 2020 through March 9, 2020 for backdrop to support HACT's Production of Alice In Wonderland, Jr. Cost: $531
- Letter of Amendment with Juniata College effective February 22, 2020 through February 21, 2021, to specify the credit equivalent for dual enrollment courses No Cost
- Agreement with Paul Haber, School Psychologist effective February 13, 2020 through June 30, 2020 to complete special education evaluations and re-evaluations Cost: $1,100 per completed student evaluation
- Access to School District Security Video Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Blair effective February 12, 2020 through February 12, 2021 to work with law enforcement to share responsibility for school safety to ensure a safe learning environment for students and staff members. No Cost
- Student Activity Fundraisers
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraisers are presented for approval:
Student Activity Fundraisers:
Student Council #73
Four Diamonds Mini-THON
Expected profit: $3,500
February through April, 2020
Junior Class, 2021 #01
Carnation Sale, Petermans Flowers
Expected Profit : $600
February 10-13, 2020
Senior High Scholastic Quiz Team #32
Beef Sticks, Smithmyers, Loretto PA
Expected Profit: $1,000
February 13-28, 2020
Apples & Pretzels, Appleicious, Carnegie, PA
Expected Profit: $800
March 23rd to April 6th, 2020
- Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Financial Statements and Auditor's Report on Basic Financial Statements for Year Ended June 30, 2019
Mr. Ken Snyder, GACTC Committee Chair will present a brief report on the 2019 GACTC audit report contents.
- Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Auditor's Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Compliance and Internal Control for Year Ended June 30, 2019
Mr. Ken Snyder, GACTC Committee Chair will present a brief report on the 2019 GACTC audit report contents regarding Federal awards.
- Annual Report of the Blair County Schools Health Consortium for Years Ended June 30, 2019 and 2018
The District participates in a self-funded Health Insurance consortium which includes most Blair county school districts. The consortium purchases hospital, medical, and drug services as a group providing these services in the most cost effective manner. The consortium is annually reviewed financially as evidenced by this report.
- Federal Program Budget Adjustments
Federal Program Budget Adjustments:
2019-2020 Budget:
2019-2020 IU8 Access Grant: $1,341
2019-2020 IDEA-B Section 619: $2,324
2019-2020 Title II-Teacher In the Workplace $25,000
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- 2020-2021 Budget Presentation No. 2: Retirement
Mrs. Baker will present the second 2020-2021 budget presentation on employee retirement costs and the district's long-range plan to fund retirement costs.
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Lead Levels in District Water
Discussion, Information
Mr. Nihart will present information concerning the Pennsylvania Department of Education's requirement to disclose and discuss the level of lead present in the District's drinking water as per Act 39 of 2018.
- Course Name Change
Course Name Change:
New Name |
Previous Name |
CB Honors Astronomy |
CB Astronomy |
- Request to Establish New Student Activity Account
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity:
Little Aevidum - Foot of Ten Elementary, No. 27
Purpose: To teach our kids about the importance of supporting and caring for each other.
- Donations
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
Sherri and Tim Leach:
Two chairs for use at the Senior High
Small couch/loveseat for use at the Junior High
- Spring Sports Master Field Trip Schedule
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the attached list of student field trips in excess of 150 miles, out of state, or overnight is submitted for approval.
*The administration requests authorization for the Superintendent to approve additional trips as needed throughout the school year resulting from advancement in PIAA school sponsored sports playoffs.
- Driver's Ed End of Course Skill Test and Driver Test Route
The district is requesting approval from the Department of Transportation to participate in the Driver Education End-of-Course Skill Test for the 2020-2021 school year. This approval will continue to allow our PA certified driver's education teacher to administer driver's testing to obtain a PA Driver's License.
- Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
NO |
1 |
Approve Hire |
Chandra Jandora |
LTS; Elementary Teacher |
Effective March, 2020 through end of 19/20 SY |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Teaching Staff Action |
2 |
Approve Hire |
Kim Theys |
LTS; Math Teacher |
SH |
Retroactive from 1/30/2020, through end of 19/20 SY |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Teaching Staff Action |
3 |
Approve Hire |
Lauren Basenback |
LTS; English |
SH |
Extend LTS to end of 19/20 SY |
$42,710 entry level teacher rate for full year substitutes |
Teaching Staff Action |
4 |
Approve Hire |
John Albright |
LTS; English Language Arts |
JH |
Retroactive from 2/5/2020 until approximately 3/30/2020 |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Teaching Staff Action |
5 |
Approve Hire |
Robert Johnson |
LTS; Business |
JH |
Retroactive from 2/6/2020 for approximately two months |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Teaching Staff Action |
6 |
Resign |
Eric Vandevander |
HVAC Technician - MAFJHSCUST02 |
Dist |
Effective 2/1/2020 |
Support Staff Action |
7 |
Retirement |
H. Jean Sinal |
Teacher - TCHJHSSCIE06 |
JH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
8 |
Retirement |
Mary Ann Moyer |
Teacher - TCHSHSMATH06 |
SH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
9 |
Retirement |
Rebecca Shoop |
Secretary - SEFSHSSECY06 |
SH |
Effective 8/31/2020 |
Support Staff Action |
10 |
Approve |
Linda Hilling |
LTS; Business Department Chair |
SH |
Retroactive to 2/6/2020, for approximately two months |
Prorated Stipend from $2,624.65 per Schedule C |
Schedule C Action |
11 |
Approve Tenure |
Kelley Breene |
Elementary Teacher |
Effective 1/21/2020 |
Teaching Staff Action |
12 |
Approve |
Leona Engle |
After School Detention |
SH |
Retroactive to 1/13/2020 and 1/27/2020 |
1 hour at $26 per hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
13 |
Approve |
Ted Bloom |
Homebound Instruction - R.B. |
Effective retroactive to 1/9/2020 |
4 hours per week at $26 per hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
14 |
Approve |
Sara Olechovski |
Homebound Instruction - R.B. |
Effective retroactive to 1/9/2020 |
1 hour per week at $26 per hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
15 |
Approve |
Paula Dull |
Homebound Instruction - E. A. |
JH |
Effective retroactive to 1/28/2020 |
5 hours per week at $26 per hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
16 |
Approve |
Anglea Waibel |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
17 |
Approve |
Elizabeth Martinsen |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
18 |
Approve |
Christina Bracken |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
19 |
Approve |
Misty Hewitt |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
20 |
Approve |
Sherry Desort |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
21 |
Approve |
Theresa Gille |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
22 |
Approve |
Justin Clark |
C & I - Elementary Social Studies Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
23 |
Approve |
Kristie Wissinger |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
24 |
Approve |
Jackie Harris |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
25 |
Approve |
Alyssa Carpenter |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
26 |
Approve |
Tammy Stultz |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
27 |
Approve |
Kris Smith |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
28 |
Approve |
Blake Walter |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
29 |
Approve |
Julie Smith |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
30 |
Approve |
Terry Hartman |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 1 Hour @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
31 |
Approve |
Andrew Aiken |
C & I - Elementary Health Committee |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 1 Hour @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
32 |
Approve |
Amanda Dutchcot |
C & I - Elementary ELA Writing |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 3 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
33 |
Approve |
Connie Tomassetti |
C & I - Elementary ELA Writing |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 3 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
34 |
Approve |
Kathleen Diehl |
C & I - Elementary ELA Writing |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 3 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
35 |
Remove |
Jarod Klausman |
C & I - SWPB Senior High School |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
36 |
Remove |
Mike Moore |
C & I - SWPB Senior High School |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
37 |
Remove |
Elaine Baney |
C & I - SWPB Senior High School |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
38 |
Remove |
Wendy Lieb |
C & I - BH Works Junior High School |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
39 |
Remove |
Jane Burkholder |
C & I - BH Works Junior High School |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
40 |
Remove |
Lori Capella |
C & I - BH Works Junior High School |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
41 |
Approve |
Leona Engle |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 2 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
42 |
Approve |
Scott Sheehan |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
43 |
Approve |
Mike Rawlins |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
44 |
Approve |
Nicole Beauchamp |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 2 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
45 |
Approve |
Melissa Jack |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
46 |
Approve |
Mary Sue Scott |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 2 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
47 |
Approve |
Christy James |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
48 |
Approve |
Amanda Blanchetti |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
49 |
Approve |
Dawn Eckenrode |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 6 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
50 |
Approve |
Hully Hoover |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
51 |
Approve |
Nichole Tewell |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
52 |
Approve |
Rick Imler |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
SH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
53 |
Approve |
Leigh Ann Craig |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
54 |
Approve |
Robert Valeria |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
55 |
Approve |
Michelle Galo |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
56 |
Approve |
John Yogus |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
57 |
Approve |
Erin Yeager |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
58 |
Approve |
Greg Reese |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
59 |
Approve |
Jill Hileman |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
60 |
Approve |
Nicole Stouffer |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
61 |
Approve |
Alysha Kachur |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
62 |
Approve |
Samatha McDowell |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
63 |
Approve |
Brock Porter |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
64 |
Approve |
Kellie Hurd |
C & I - Targeted School Improvement |
JH |
Effective 19-20 SY |
up to 10 Hours @$26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
65 |
Approve |
Rhonda Lamborn |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
1/14/2020 - 3/18/2020 |
30 hours extra pay for Bocce |
Support Staff Action |
66 |
Approve |
Tracey Montgomery |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
Retroactive to 2/5/2020 |
2 hours extra pay for Bocce |
Support Staff Action |
67 |
Aprove Hire |
Abigail Zeek |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
68 |
Approve Hire |
Andrea Santella |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
69 |
Approve Hire |
Thomas Bollman |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
70 |
Resign |
Susanne Brunelli |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
71 |
Remove |
Jordyn Platt |
Substitute Teacher - IU08 Referral |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
72 |
Remove |
Hanna Lacey |
Substitute Teacher - IU08 Referral |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
73 |
Remove |
Jade Miller |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
2/13/2020 |
Substitute Action |
74 |
Approve Hire |
John Shuma |
Assistant JH Softball Coach |
JH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
$1,854.14 per Schedule D |
Schedule D Action |
75 |
Approve Hire |
Paul Rowe |
Pole Vault Coach |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
$2,785.90 per Schedule D |
Schedule D Action |
76 |
Resign |
Patricia Sohmer |
Head Varsity Cheerleading Advisor |
SH |
Effective 3/11/2020 |
Schedule D Action |
77 |
Resign |
Jill Rhoa |
Cheerleading Advisor, 7th Grade |
JH |
Effective end of winter season |
Schedule C Action |
78 |
Resign |
Alexa Ritchey |
Student Council Advisor |
20/21 SY |
Schedule C Action |
79 |
Approve Hire |
Patty Freidenbloom |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
80 |
Resign |
Sherry Adams |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
81 |
Resign |
Raymond Baker |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
82 |
Resign |
Robin Feathers |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
83 |
Resign |
Dan Kurtz |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
84 |
Resign |
Duane Steele |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
85 |
Resign |
Amber Walk |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
86 |
Resign |
Timothy Weir |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
87 |
Approve |
Todd Banks |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
88 |
Approve |
Sophia Dellinger |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
89 |
Approve |
Jennifer Feathers |
Volunteer - Athletics |
JH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
90 |
Approve |
Summer Lauber |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
91 |
Approve |
Caitrin McCauliff |
Volunteer |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
92 |
Approve |
Jordan Mesoraco |
Volunteer - Athletics |
Dist |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
93 |
Approve |
Rebecca Romagnino |
Volunteer |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
94 |
Remove |
Rachel Bowser |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
95 |
Remove |
Mark Shawley |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
96 |
Remove |
Amy Dell |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
97 |
Remove |
Tisha McGinnis |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
98 |
Remove |
David Routch |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
99 |
Remove |
Sonya Vonada |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
100 |
Remove |
Jeanette Betar |
Volunteer |
JH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
101 |
Remove |
Melissa Reed |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
102 |
Remove |
Makayla Williams |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 2/13/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
103 |
Information Only |
Sonja Bihary |
JH English Language Arts - TCHCWLREAD04 to Reading Specialist - TCHCWLREAD02 |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Teaching Staff Action |
104 |
Information Only |
Kathleen Shaffer |
JH/SH Business Teacher - TCHJHSBSED03 to JH Business Teacher - TCHJHSBSED01 |
JH |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Teaching Staff Action |
105 |
Information Only |
Bryan James |
Special Education Teacher - TCHJHSSPEC09 to JH/SH Split Social Studies Teacher - TCHJHSHIST08/TCHSHSHIST01 |
Effective 20/21 SY |
Teacher Salary |
Teaching Staff Action |
106 |
Information Only |
Robert Roberts |
Business Administrator |
Dist |
Change Effective Retirement to 2/15/2020 from 2/1/2020 |
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- Statement of Rights, Waiver of Hearing and Agreement in the case of student ID# ending in 66
- 2020-2021 School Calendar
Per Board Policy 803 School Calendar, the administration recommends the approval of the 2020-2021 school calendar.
- First Reading of Policies
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a first reading:
Policy |
Name |
Status |
Policy 004 |
Membership |
Policy 008 |
Administrative Organization Chart |
Policy 114 |
Gifted Education |
Policy 200 |
Enrollment in District |
Policy 200-AR |
Enrollment in District |
Policy 201 |
Admission of Students |
Policy 204 |
Attendance |
Policy 208 |
Withdrawal from School |
Policy 209 |
Health Examinations/Screenings |
Policy 233 |
Suspension and Expulsion |
Policy 304-AR |
Hiring Procedures |
Policy 333 |
Professional Development |
Policy 626 |
Procurement Attachment |
Policy 705 |
Facilities and Workplace Safety |
Policy 709 |
Building Security |
Policy 805 |
Emergency Preparedness and Response |
Policy 805.1 |
Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies |
Policy 805.3 |
School Security Personnel |
Policy 808 |
Food Service |
Policy 808-AR |
Payment of School Meal Accounts |
Policy 906 |
Public Complaints |
Policy 906- Attach |
AEDY Local Complaint Form |
Policy 906- Attach |
AEDY State Complaint Form |
- First Reading of Policy for Deletion
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policy is presented for deletion on a first reading:
Policy |
Name |
Status |
Policy 201-AR |
Entry-Re-Entry Procedure for Resident Students |
- New Business
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
- Meeting Opening 7:00pm
- Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
- Pledge to Flag
- Roll Call / Mrs. Baker
- Recognition
Mr. Fred Marschak will be recognized for his dedication and work regarding the Hollidaysburg Area School District planetarium.
- Student Representative Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Adam McCoy, Senior Representative
Travis Saylor, Junior Representative
- Public Comment
Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate. Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board. Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
- Board Member Recognition
Students will address the board in honor of School Board Member Recognition Month:
- W. Longer
- Zach Weimer
- Caleb Swaga
Foot of Ten
- Jillian Sidney
- Addison Basenback
- Addison Smith
- Crosby Denis
- Sammi Heikinen
- Clare Padamonsky
- Alice Haslam
- Alexa Hopp
Junior High
- Madeline Shanafelt
Senior High
- Darrek Harshberger
- Business Office Report / Mrs. Baker
- Announcements:
The board met in executive session Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 6:00pm for negotiations, Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 6:00pm to 6:55pm for negotiations, Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 7:15pm for negotiations and Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 6:00pm for personnel and negotiations.
The Policy Committee will meet Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 6:00pm in the Guidance Career Conference Room of the Senior High School, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg PA.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be a combined Committee of the Whole and Voting Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg, PA.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
- Minutes
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
August 14, 2019 Special Voting Meeting
October 23, 2019 Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
November 20, 2019 Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting
December 4, 2019 Finance Committee Meeting
December 4, 2019 Reorganization/Special Voting Meeting
- Business Office - Financial Reports for December 2019
- Treasurer's Reports
December 31, 2019 Treasurer's Reports
$ 4,056,131.87 Receipts
$ 4,703,854.85 Total Disbursements
$18,354,730.42 Ledger Balance
$ 82.77 Total Receipts
$ -0- Total Disbursements
$ 55,237.50 Ledger Balance
$144,721.06 Total Receipts
$144,116.16 Total Disbursements
$571,860.62 Ledger Balance
$ 12,988.40 Total Receipts
$ 18,558.89 Total Disbursements
$ 84,057.01 Ledger Balance
$ 1,254.70 Total Receipts
$ -0- Total Disbursements
$ 848,731.67 Ledger Balance
$27,872.45 Total Receipts
$27,870.73 Total Disbursements
$ 702.56 Ledger Balance
$1,931,391.88 Total Receipts
$1,909,064.34 Total Disbursements
$ 80,023.75 Ledger Balance
$1,604.62 Total Receipts
$ 510.50 Total Disbursements
$9,193.71 Ledger Balance
- List of Payments
$2,830,994.16 Total Payments (Check numbers 160006-160243)
$ 60,056.72 Total Payments (Check numbers 23051-23059)
$ 17,801.89 Total Payments (Check numbers 22938-22955)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check numbers)
$ 80,265.17 Fiscal Year 2019-20 (Check numbers 261349-261381)
$1,828,799.17 ACH Disbursements
$1,909,064.34 Total Payments
$ 510.50 Total Payments (Check numbers 1014-1015)
$ -0- Total Payments (Check numbers)
- Investment Portfolio
$6,442,898 Total Invested with 27 Financial Institutions
$ 216,425 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
- YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$32,373,466.55 Revenues
$19,859,526.77 Expenditures
$ 241,320.33 Revenues
$ 700,689.50 Expenditures
$ 724,715.71 Revenues
$ 713,463.09 Expenditures
$ 603.95 Revenues
$ 1,500.00 Expenditures
$ 8,976.57 Revenues
$ 4,777.35 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
- Budget Transfers
$ 82,351 General Fund
$ -0- Food Service Fund
$ 534,954 Capital Reserve Fund
- Food Service for November, 2019
$ 9,875.81 November Net Profit
$ 4,930.25 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$807,271.94 Assets
$807,271.94 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Senior High Student Store for November, 2019
$1,764.93 November Net Profit
$3,812.00 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$9,579.99 Assets
$9,579.99 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
- Business Office / Mrs. Baker
- Contracts:
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
- Group Sales Contract with Altoona Curve Baseball effective May 7, 2020 for a party suite at the Altoona Curve vs Akron Rubberducks Cost: $600
- Statement of Agreement with Allegheny College of Maryland effective January 15, 2020 through January 14, 2021 to establish a relationship of mutual benefit to facilitate and provide students of the college clinical training experience in healthcare programs. No Cost
- Affiliation Agreement with Penn State University, College of Arts and Architecture, School of Music, effective January 15, 2020 through January 14, 2025 to provide students to participate in the practicum or student teacher experience No Cost
- Letter to Terminate Service with Kids First Affiliated Services, Inc. 30 Day Notice to Terminate
- Agreement with ProCare Physical Therapy, LP to provide speech therapy rehabilitation services effective January 16, 2020 through June 4, 2020 Cost: $70/hr; 30hrs per week
- Bid Award
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bid is recommended for approval:
Award the Foot of Ten Elementary School Roof Replacement to:
Wohler Construction, Inc.,
Duncansville PA
Base Bid: $407,000
Additional Proposals
- Roof Deck Repair/Replacement One (1) SF Unit Price $3.85
- Wood Nailer Replacement One (1) LF Unit Price $3.00
- Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
- Student Activity Fundraiser
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraiser is presented for approval:
Student Activity Fundraiser:
Class of 2021 #1
Bake Sale
Expected profit: Unknown
Time frame: January-February, 2020
- Federal Program Budget Adjustments
2019-2020 Budget
*These budget adjustments also will be included in the 2019-2020 budget transfers.
2019-2020 IDEA Budget Allocation Increase $16,797
- 2020-2021 Budget Presentation: Number 1. Debt Service
Mrs. Baker will present the first 2020-2021 budget presentation on Debt Service
- Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
- Hardship Extension for Mandatory Resource Officer Training
- New Course Proposal / Course Name Changes
New Course Proposals
App Development
Course Name Changes
New Name |
Previous Name |
CB/Honors Environment and Ecology |
CB Environment and Ecology |
Oceanography .5 credit |
Marine Biology 1 Credit |
Marine Biology .5 credit |
Marine Biology 1 Credit |
CB/Honors Astronomy |
Astronomy |
- Personnel
NO |
1 |
Approve Hire |
Lauren Basenback |
LTS; English |
SH |
Extend LTS to end of 3rd Marking Period |
$25,000 prorated or $133.69/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $40,860/yr. prorated or $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Teaching Staff Action |
2 |
Approve Hire |
Rebecca Herron |
5 Hour Food Service |
JH |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$15.91 minus $2.00 for new hires ($13.91) per AFSCME Contract 19/20 SY |
Support Staff Action |
3 |
Approve Hire |
Jene Bennett |
3.25 Hour Food Service |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$15.91 minus $2.00 for new hires ($13.91) per AFSCME Contract 19/20 SY |
Support Staff Action |
4 |
Approve Hire |
Steve Kirsch |
LTS; Dean of Students |
JH |
Effective 2/24/2020 through 3/6/2020 |
Pro-rated Stipend per-diem of $16.04 |
Teaching Staff Action |
5 |
Approve Hire |
Kristie Cummings |
LTS; Secondary Social Studies |
JH |
Effective 2/24/2020 through 3/6/2020 |
$133.69/day through 59 consecutive days; $218.50/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment |
Teaching Staff Action |
6 |
Retirement |
James Murphy |
Teacher |
JH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
7 |
Retirement |
Susan Swope |
Certified Nurse |
6/16/2020 or end of 19/20 SY |
Certified Nurse Action |
8 |
Retirement |
Mark Shoemaker |
Teacher |
JH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
9 |
Retirement |
Jacqueline McKeehan |
Teacher |
JH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
10 |
Retirement |
Babette Gottshall |
Teacher |
JH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
11 |
Retirement |
Paula Albright |
Teacher |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
12 |
Retirement |
Mary Scott |
Teacher |
SH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
13 |
Retirement |
Richard Imler |
Teacher |
SH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
14 |
Retirement |
Kristie Hart |
Librarian |
SH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Teaching Staff Action |
15 |
Approve |
Rachel Black |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
16 |
Approve |
Christina Bracken |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
17 |
Approve |
Summer Carson |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
18 |
Approve |
Brigitte Donlan |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
19 |
Approve |
Rob Burkey |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
20 |
Approve |
Kelli Singer |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
21 |
Approve |
Jaime Hartline |
Elementary Science Committee |
Effective 19/20 SY |
up to 5 Hours @ $26/hr |
Teaching Staff Action |
22 |
Approve MOU |
MOU with AFSCME on Flexible Instructional Days |
Dist |
Effective 1/15/2020 |
Support Staff Action |
23 |
Approve |
Madeline Grenfell |
Return from Childrearing Leave |
SH |
Effective 1/21/2020 |
Teaching Staff Action |
24 |
Approve |
Nicole Briscoe |
New Teacher Induction |
JH |
Retroactive to 1/8/2020 |
$26/Hour, one hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
25 |
Approve |
Rachel Black |
SAT Prep - English |
SH |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$26 Per Hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
26 |
Approve |
Susan Cyran |
SAT Prep - Math |
SH |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$26 Per Hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
27 |
Approve Extra Pay |
Leona Engle |
After School Detention |
SH |
Retroactive to 11/18, 11/25, 12/9, and 12/16/2019 |
3.5 Hours at $26 per hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
28 |
Approve |
Jaime Ziegler |
Homebound Instruction - D.W. |
SH |
Retroactive to 12/10/2019 |
$26 per hour/ 5 hours per week |
Teaching Staff Action |
29 |
Approve |
Erin Yeager |
Homebound Instruction - A.D. |
JH |
Retroactive to 12/19/2019 |
$26 per hour/ 5 hours per week |
Teaching Staff Action |
30 |
Approve |
Madison Hileman |
Chaperone - Winter Formal |
SH |
Retroactive to 12/20/2019 |
3 Hours at $26 per hour |
Teaching Staff Action |
31 |
Resign |
Marcia Erickson |
Assistant Girls Softball |
JH |
Effective 1/9/2020 |
Schedule D Action |
32 |
Approve |
Jordan Griffith |
Fall Game Worker |
Dist |
Effective 19/20 SY |
Per 19/20 Fall Game Worker Rates |
Game Worker Action |
33 |
Approve |
Christine Burkey |
Winter Game Worker |
Dist |
Effective 19/20 SY |
Per 19/20 Fall Game Worker Rates |
Game Worker Action |
34 |
Approve |
Casey Mock |
Fullington Bus Driver |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
N/A |
Bus Driver Action |
35 |
Approve Hire |
Sharon Slack-Slyter |
Substitute Teacher |
Dist |
Retroactive 12/18/2019 |
$90 per day |
Substitute Action |
36 |
Approve |
Todd Bennett |
Substitute IU08 Referral Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$90 per day |
Substitute Action |
37 |
Approve |
Sean Burroughs |
Substitute IU08 Referral Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$90 per day |
Substitute Action |
38 |
Approve |
Matthew Hale |
Substitute Certified Teacher |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$90 per day |
Substitute Action |
39 |
Approve |
Lisa Shilaos |
Substitute Special Education Paraprofessional |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$9.25 Per Hour |
Substitute Action |
40 |
Approve Hire |
Susan Straw |
Substitute Food Service |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$9.25 Per Hour |
Substitute Action |
41 |
Approve Hire |
Michelle Eger |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
$9.25 Per Hour |
Substitute Action |
42 |
Resign |
Clay Hoover |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist |
Effective 1/7/2020 |
Substitute Action |
43 |
Delete |
Karen Pietrolungo |
Substitute Office Para |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
Substitute Action |
44 |
Approve |
Katie Long |
Volunteer |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
45 |
Approve |
Dawna Knee |
Volunteer |
SH |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
46 |
Approve |
William Boddorf |
Volunteer - Sports |
Dist |
Effective 1/16/2020 |
Volunteer Action |
47 |
Approve |
Tracey Collier |
Student Teaching with Michelle Lanendorfer |
Effective 1/15/2020 |
California University |
Volunteer |
48 |
Approve |
Todd Bennett |
Student Teaching English with Rachel Black |
SH |
Effective 1/15/2020 |
Point Park University |
Volunteer |
49 |
Approve |
Delaney Hallinan |
Internship Speech Pathology with Jennifer Newfield |
Effective 1/15/2020 |
Volunteer |
50 |
Information Only |
Darlene Weyandt |
Substitute Custodian |
Dist |
Correct spelling of last name |
Support Staff Action |
51 |
Information Only |
Rebecca Troutman |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
Effective 1/13/2020 |
Correct start date |
Support Staff Action |
52 |
Information Only |
Nicole Zeek |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
Effective 12/12/19 |
Move from JH to FKS |
Support Staff Action |
53 |
Information Only |
Rebecca Troutman |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
Effective 1/13/2020 |
Move from FKS to SH |
Support Staff Action |
54 |
Information Only |
Kevin Zimmerman |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
JH |
Effective 1/2/2020 |
Move from SH to JH |
Support Staff Action |
55 |
Information Only |
Tracey Montgomery |
Special Education Paraprofessional |
SH |
Effective 1/2/2020 |
Change from Learning Support (1241) to Life Skills Support (1211) |
Support Staff Action |
56 |
Information Only |
Leia Fink |
Special Education Teacher |
Effective 1/2/2020 |
Update start date |
Teaching Staff Action |
57 |
Information Only |
Mary Kay Barton |
Teacher |
JH |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Update ending date |
Teaching Staff Action |
58 |
Information Only |
Kathleen Shields |
Teacher |
Effective end of 19/20 SY |
Update ending date |
Teaching Staff Action |
59 |
Information Only |
Elijah Gage |
Substitute Custodian - Declined Position |
Dist |
Effective 12/12/19 |
$9.25 per hour |
Substitute Action |
- President's Report / Dr. Sommer
- Resolution to Adopt PSBA Principles for Governance and Leadership
RESOLVED this 15th day of January, 2020, This Board policy supports the Principles for Governance and Leadership adopted by the Board and signed by individual school directors. Pennsylvania school boards are committed to providing every student the opportunity to grow and achieve. The actions taken by the board ultimately have both short and long-term impact in the classroom. Therefore, school directors collectively and individually will:
Advocate Earnestly
- Promote public education as a keystone of democracy
- Engage the community by seeking input, building support networks, and generating action
- Champion public education by engaging members of local, state and federal legislative bodies
Lead Responsibly
- Prepare for, attend and actively participate in board meetings
- Work together in a spirit of harmony, respect and cooperation
- Participate in professional development, training and board retreats
- Collaborate with the Superintendent as the Team of 10
Govern Effectively
- Adhere to an established set of rules and procedures for board operations
- Develop, adopt, revise and review policy
- Align decisions to policy
- Differentiate between governance and management, delegating management tasks to administration
- Allocate finances and resources
- Ensure compliance with local, state and federal laws
Plan Thoughtfully
- Adopt and implement a collaborative comprehensive planning process, including regular reviews
- Set annual goals that are aligned with the comprehensive plan
- Develop a financial plan that anticipates both short and long-term needs
- Formulate a master facilities plan conducive to teaching and learning
Evaluate Continuously
- Utilize appropriate data to make informed decisions
- Use effective practices for the evaluation of the Superintendent
- Assess student growth and achievement
- Review effectiveness of the comprehensive plan
Communicate Clearly
- Promote open, honest and respectful dialogue among the board, staff and community
- Encourage input and support for the district from the school community
- Protect confidentiality
- Honor the sanctity of executive session
Act Ethically
- Never use the position for improper benefit to self or others
- Act to avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest
- Recognize the absence of authority outside of the collective board
- Respect the role, authority and input of the Superintendent
- Balance the responsibility to provide educational programs with being stewards of community resources
- Abide by the majority decision
- New Business
Discussion, Information
- Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
- Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.