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Minutes - September 11, 2024 Committee of the Whole/Voting


The Hollidaysburg Area School Board met for a Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg.  Mrs. Bilek called the meeting to order at 7:09p.m. and opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag.

Roll call was taken by Mrs. Fiscus with nine members present.  Attending were Ms. Bilek, President, Ms. Costanza, Vice-President, Dr. Sommer, Ms. Sullivan, Dr. Li, Mr. Snyder, Ms. Luther, and Dr. Wells. Mr. Brenneman participated virtually.

Also attending were Mr. Whitesel, Superintendent, Dr. Palazzi, Director of Curriculum, Mrs. Prosser, Director of Special Education, Mrs. Fiscus, Business Manager/Board Secretary, Mrs. Thomas, outgoing Director of Accounting Operations, Mrs. Bell, Director of Accounting Operations, Mr. Caldwell, Director of Human Resources/Transportation, Mr. Nihart, Director of Physical Plant, Attorney Beard, Sr., Solicitor, Mr. Walstrom, Mrs. Cerully, Mrs. McConnell, and Mr. Keagy.  Mr. Arthur attended virtually.

Moment of Silence

The board held a moment of silence to reflect on the anniversary of September 11, 2001.

Public Comment – Personnel

There was no public comment.

On motion of Ms. Costanza, seconded by Dr. Sommer, the board approved personnel items 1 through 104, dated 9/11/2024 REV 9/10/2024 at 4:45p.m.  The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.  Exhibit 1

Mr. Whitesel addressed the recent early dismissal due to the heat with no additional early dismissal anticipated.  He noted that a feasibility study is in process to address ventilation and air conditioning in the buildings.  Mr. Whitesel also spoke to concerns circulating in the community and district buildings regarding mold.  The buildings are being tested and the district is purchasing air scrubbers to address any issues.  Mr. Nihart added that to date, all test have come back favorable for mold.

Public Comment – General

There was no public comment.


The board met in executive session Thursday, August 15, 2024 in the Conference Room of the Administration Building at 5:00p.m. for personnel, August 28, 2024 at 5:00p.m. in the Senior High Library for personnel and September 11, 2024 at 6:30p.m. for personnel.

Meetings for October, 2024:

Physical Plant Committee
October 16, 2024 - 5:00PM
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

Committee of the Whole/Voting
October 16, 2024 - 7:00PM
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648

All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.

Ms. Costanza initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Snyder, to approve financial reports for August, 2024, items 1 through 4.  The reports included Treasurer’s Report, List of Payments and FY Projections and Investment Portfolio.  The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.  Exhibit 2

On motion of Ms. Luther, seconded by Dr. Wells, Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the board approved contracts 1 through 11 as follows:

Engagement Agreement with The Reschini Group effective the 2024 reporting year to assist in completion of the 2024 IRS reporting requirements for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Cost:  Deposit (non-refundable): $500; $6.50 per 1095 Form Exhibit 3

Letter of Agreement with Cambria Heights School District effective August 22, 2024 through July 31, 2025 for the education of a Cambria Heights School District student educated in the FKS Autistic Support classroom.  Revenue: HASD Daily Tuition Rate as published by PDE. Exhibit 4

Legal Services Consultation Agreement with Sweet, Stevens, Katz, Williams, LLP for The Technology in Education Pool counsel service to give legal advice on technology in education through the Appalachia IU08 effective September 12, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Cost:  $63 Exhibit 5

Service Agreement with Evolution Counseling Services, LLC., effective August 22, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for social worker mental health services in the elementary buildings Cost: $66,344.91 Exhibit 6

Contract with Peerstar, LLC. effective August 20, 2024 through August 20, 2025 to interact collaboratively to ensure services and interventions are provided to mutual consumers No Cost Exhibit 7

Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs - Charles W. Longer, Spring Fair effective September 11, 2024 through March 24, 2025 for books and educational products available for purchase by students/parents/staff Cost: Parent/Student/Staff Paid Exhibit 8

Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs - Junior High - Spring Fair effective September 11, 2024 through March 24, 2025 for books and educational products available for purchase by students/parents/staff Cost: Parent/Student/Staff Paid Exhibit 9

Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs - Foot of Ten - Spring Fair effective September 11, 2024 through March 24, 2025 for books and educational products available for purchase by students/parents/staff Cost: Parent/Student/Staff Paid Exhibit 10

Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs - Frankstown - Spring Fair effective September 11, 2024 through March 24, 2025 for books and educational products available for purchase by students/parents/staff Cost: Parent/Student/Staff Paid Exhibit 11

Agreement with Alternative Community Resource Program effective the 2024-2025 school year for referral and communication services to guarantee the most appropriate continuum of care for the consumer.  No Cost Exhibit 12

Agreement with Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 (REVISED) effective 1, 2024 through July 31, 2025 for school-age education services Cost per Appendix C Exhibit 13

The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. 

Dr. Wells initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Li, to approve items 2 through 5 as follows:

The 2024-2025 Winter/Spring Bid to various vendors in the amount of $16,653.14 Exhibit 14

Blair County Tax Claim Repository Bid:
Dylan J. Messner: $75.00
Map No: 08.00-15B.-072.00-000 Exhibit 15

Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, disposal of obsolete of obsolete equipment, furniture and books Exhibit  16

Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, a donation from: 

Hollidaysburg Tiger Baseball Boosters:
$700 to prepare the surface for a 60'L x 15'W batting cage for batting practice and pre-game activities
$6,495 to supply and install galvanized chain link fence around batting cage area, connecting to dugout with gate and install batting cage frame Exhibit 17

The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.

Superintendent’s Report / Mr. Whitesel

Ms. Luther initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Costanza, to approve the Tiger Paws Certified Therapy Dog Program.  The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.  Exhibit 18

Ms. Costanza initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Sullivan to approve the following working draft curriculum maps. These maps swill then be open for this school year in order for teachers to make minor tweaks to the curriculum, such as pacing, and will come back to the Board next year for final approval.
               Rough Draft - World Geography 7
               Rough Draft - Problem Solving 7

and the following curriculum maps for final board approval:

Final - SH Bacteriology
Final - Integrated Math 1
Final - Integrated Math 2
The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes Exhibit 19

Ms. Costanza initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Sullivan, to approve the Recommendation and Adjudication of the Hearing Officer, Terry W. Despoy, Esquire in the case of student, ID#...24.  The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.  Exhibit 20

President’s Report / Ms. Bilek

On motion of Ms. Luther, seconded by Mr. Snyder, the board approved, per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations, the following policies on a second reading:

Policy 249 - Bullying - Cyberbullying - REVISED
Policy 321 - Political Activities - REVISED
Policy 321.1 - Displays and Decor in the School Setting – NEW

The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.

On motion of Ms. Costanza, seconded by Mr. Snyder, the board approved, per Board Policy 004.2 Student Representatives to the Board, the following student representatives to the board for 2024-2025: Senior Representatives:  Jefferson McCoy and Madison McLaurin and Junior Representative: Alice Haslam.  The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.

On motion of Dr. Sommer, seconded by Dr. Wells, the board voted for the 2025 PSBA President and Vice-President and 2025 PSBA Trustees for a three-year term ending December 31, 2027 as follows:

2025 President-Elect (One-Year Term): Sabrina Backer, 2025 Vice President-Elect (One-Year Term): Matt Vannoy, Sharon City School District 
2025 Trustees for a three-year term ending December 31, 2027: ​​​​​Nathan G. Mains, Richard Frerichs, and William S. LaCoff

The motion carried on a voice vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.

New Business

Mr. Whitesel reported that he, along with Mr. Walstrom and Mrs. McConnell, attended the PA School Safety Institute.  He noted that several areas of safety were being looked into.  The district is lacking in the area of security with campuses being open all day and pedestrians walking, jogging, biking, etc.  There is discussion of making changes to the availability of public access on district campuses while school is in session for safety purposes.  No decisions will be made until the public is informed.

Mrs. Bilek, Mr. Whitesel and the board recognized Dr. Palazzi and Mrs. Thomas for their service and wished them well.

There being no further business to be brought before the board, Ms. Bilek declared the meeting adjourned at 7:29p.m.

Autumn Fiscus
Board Secretary