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Minutes - Physical Plant Committee (ADA Compliant)


The Physical Plant Committee of the Hollidaysburg Area School Board met Wednesday, November 13, 2024 in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg.  

Mr. Snyder called the meeting to order at 5:24p.m. 

Attending were  Ms. Sullivan, Dr. Li, Mr. Snyder, Ms. Luther, Dr. Wells, Ms. Bilek, Ms. Costanza, Mr. Whitesel, Mrs. Boone, Mrs. Fiscus, Mr. Nihart, Mrs. Prosser, Mr. Arthur, Ms. Faith, Mrs. Bell, and an Altoona Mirror representative.  D. Sommer and Mr. Brenneman participated virtually.

Mr. Whitesel and Mr. Nihart opened the meeting with discussion of the District-Wide Feasibility Study and Master Plan prepared by Crabtree Rohrbaugh and Associates.

Mr. Nihart discussed options for doing a broad scope of construction, suggesting use of different methods.  A hybrid construction project which uses different renovation techniques or materials, a GESA (Guaranteed Energy Savings Act) project allows for energy efficiency updates without upfront costs by paying for the project through the savings generated from reduced energy consumption over time, and new construction requires by law, the use of an architect, engineer and bidding.  

Mr. Nihart suggested contacting GESA companies to conduct a no-fee scoping audit to propose energy-saving strategies to develop a scope of work and who may be able help get some of these things done at a lesser cost than an architect.

Kaleb Fleck from Garland Company reviewed the current condition of the SH roof.

The committee discussed the condition of the carpet at Charles W. Longer. Estimates from Degol Carpet  ranged from $22,000 for removal of the old carpet district employees waxing and sealing the floor to an additional $88,750-to $110,00 for vinyl flooring.   

The meeting was adjourned at 6:34.p.m.

Autumn Fiscus
Board Secretary