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Minutes - November 13, 2024 Athletic Committee


The Athletic Committee of the Hollidaysburg Area School Board met Wednesday, November 13, 2024 in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg.  Ms. Sullivan called the meeting to order at 4:47p.m.

Attending were Ms. Sullivan, Dr. Li, Ms. Luther, Dr. Wells, Ms. Bilek, Ms. Costanza, Mr. Whitesel, Mrs. Boone, Mr. Nihart, Mrs. Prosser, Mr. Arthur, Mr. DeLattre, Dr. Letcher and an Altoona Mirror Representative.  

Fall sports report – Coach DeLattre
Fall Participation numbers were reviewed.

The following teams were recognized:|
LHAC Team Champions – Girls Tennis / Girls Golf / Boys Golf
District 6 Class AAA Girls Team Tennis ChampionS
District 6 Class AAA Girls Team Golf Champions (1st in School History)
PIAA Class AAA Girls Tennis Team Championship Qualifier (5th)
District 6 Class AAA Girls Soccer Champions
District 6-8-9-10 Class 5-A Sub regional Football Champions (PIAA QF)
District 6 AAA Girls Doubles Tennis – Grace Muriceak / Crosby Denis
PIAA Class AAA Girls Doubles Tennis – State Quarterfinalists (Final 8)
District 6 Class AAA Girls Golf Champion - Crosby Denis
PIAA Qualifier in Girls Cross Country – Rylan Carney

Winter sports schedules were reviewed. There is one overnight trip for a wrestling tournament to Hickory in December. Schedules are very similar to last winter except the JH basketball game times have been switched with the B game being played first this year. There has also been a change in the regional wrestling tournament this post season.

A Restore the Roar update was given on the completion of the weight room and the plans to move forward with a new scoreboard at the grass soccer field in front of the high school.

It was mentioned that HASD hosted District 6 events in Soccer and Volleyball.

Fall Revenue information was provided with $78,282 in ticket and pass sales. 

Scotch Valley Country Club requested a review of their current contract with price increases to continue using their course. More information will be provided at a later date.

Bishop Guilfoyle requested a co-op in boys’ volleyball. Information will be provided to the board if this agreement is pursued.

Student athletes Bella Vent-GBB (IUP) and Natalie Foster-GSOC (Geneva), were signed to play in college.

Flyers and information were provided for the Healthy Heart event on November 14th.

The committee discussed ways to improve athletic coaching job opportunities through the district website, social media platforms, radio, newspaper advertising, and possibly parent square.

Ms. Sullivan adjourned the meeting at 5:20pm.

Autumn Fiscus
Board Secretary