Minutes - May 22, 2024 Committee of the Whole/Voting
The Hollidaysburg Area School Board met for a Committee of the Whole for Budget Discussion and Voting Meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg. Ms. Bilek called the meeting to order at 6:03p.m. and opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag.
Mr. Whitesel addressed the public regarding an email that was circulated about cuts to the music department budget. He noted that cutting football games and trips to Penn State was never discussed. The band budget along with every department in the district is given an allotted amount of money each year. The band department was given the exact same amount of money that they were given last year. However, last year they were allowed to go over their allotted amount of money. With a $2.7 million-dollar deficit in 24-25, every department was asked to stay within their budget.
Roll call was taken by Mrs. Fiscus with nine members present. Attending were Ms. Bilek, President, Ms. Costanza, Vice-President, Dr. Sommer, Ms. Sullivan, Dr. Li, Mr. Snyder, Ms. Luther, Mr. Brenneman, and Dr. Wells.
Also present were Mr. Whitesel, Superintendent, Dr. Palazzi, Director of Curriculum, Mrs. Prosser, Director of Special Education, Mrs. Fiscus, Business Manager/Board Secretary, Mrs. Thomas, Director of Accounting Operations, Mr. Caldwell, Director of Human Resource/Transportation, Mr. Nihart, Director of Physical Plant, Mr. Arthur, Director of Technology, and Attorney Joseph Beard, Solicitor.
Public Comment
The following individuals addressed the board regarding the budget and potential cuts to the music department:
Kelly Hartman, 609 Front Street, Hollidaysburg, Carol Frederick, 1104 Newry Lane, Duncansville, Lisa Brenneman, 106 Krystal Drive, Hollidaysburg, 108 Marjorie Court, Hollidaysburg, Bailey Ross, 265 Toms Lane, Duncansville PA, Lily Davis, 320 Maple Hollow Road, Duncansville PA, Dewey Harr, Jr, 195 Slate Hill Road, Hollidaysburg PA, Adam Frederick, 1104 Newry Lane, Duncansville PA, Jill Rutter, 106 Gail Street, Hollidaysburg, Orphie Hartman, 609 Front Street, Hollidaysburg PA, Jack Peterson, 635 Orchard Drive, Duncansville PA, and Madeline Waibel, 1405 Newry Lane, Duncansville PA.
Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
Meetings for June, 2024:
Special Voting and Committee of the Whole - Budget Discussion (6:00p.m.) *If Needed
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Time: 6:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Athletic Committee
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Time: 5:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Committee of the Whole (Budget Adoption)
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Time: 7:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is https://www.boarddocs.com/pa/hasd/Board.nsf. Interested parties should enter the public site.
On a motion of Dr. Wells, seconded by Dr. Li, the board approved Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates to conduct a district-wide feasibility update including a District-Wide Master Plan at a fee of $5,000. Reimbursable expenses will be capped at $1,500. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
President’s Report / Ms. Bilek
On a motion of Ms. Sullivan, seconded by Ms. Luther, the board approved the renewal of the Flexible Instructional Day plan. In accordance with 24 P.S. § 15-1506, a FID may be used in place of in-person instruction for any one of the following reasons: a disease epidemic, a hazardous weather condition, a law enforcement emergency, the inoperability of school buses or other equipment necessary to the public-school entity's operation, damage to school buildings, or another temporary circumstance rendering any portion of a school building unfit or unsafe for use. The renewal of the plan will be for three years. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes vote and zero no votes. Exhibit 1
Budget Discussion
Mrs. Fiscus distributed updated budget information, which included items that were cut from the budget at the cabinet level, at the board’s direction. There were some increases in numbers, for example, an increase in property insurance renewal. Expenditures prior to the cuts were $57,919,293. Total adjustments show a decrease of $129,303. Revised expenditures after cuts are $57,789,990. Proposed revenues didn’t change. Expenses exceed revenue by $2,595,424.
The board and administration discussed the capital reserve fund, tax increases, the state funding formula, and homestead-farmstead. Several members shared their view on the budget or asked questions about the budget.
Mrs. Fiscus asked the board for direction and urged board members to reach out to her or Mrs. Thomas if they need additional data, are interested in specific cuts or in general, as to what they want to see from the business office for the next meeting.
Any and all modifications to the budget are needed by the June 5, 2024 meeting. The adoption of the budget is scheduled for the June 19, 2024 Voting Meeting.
There being no further business to be brought before the board, Ms. Bilek declared the meeting adjourned at 7:57p.m.
Autumn Fiscus