Minutes - April 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole/Voting
The Hollidaysburg Area School Board met for a Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 in the Senior High Library, 1510 N. Montgomery Street, Hollidaysburg. Ms. Bilek called the meeting to order at 7:04p.m. and opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag.
Mrs. Bilek introduced new Superintendent Curt Whitesel and welcomed him to the district.
Roll call was taken by Mrs. Fiscus with nine members present. Attending were Ms. Bilek, President, Ms. Costanza, Vice-President, Dr. Sommer, Ms. Sullivan, Dr. Li, Mr. Snyder, Ms. Luther, Mr. Brenneman, and Dr. Wells.
Also present were Mr. Whitesel, Superintendent, Mrs. Palazzi, Director of Curriculum, Mrs. Prosser, Director of Special Education, Mrs. Fiscus, Business Manager/Board Secretary, Mrs. Thomas, Director of Accounting Operations, Mr. Caldwell, Director of Human Resource/Transportation, Ms. Faith, Foundation Director/Grant Administrator, Mr. Nihart, Director of Physical Plant, Mr. Arthur, Director of Technology, Attorney Beard, Sr., Mrs. McConnell, Mr. Keagy, Mr. DeLattre, Dr. Letcher, Mrs. Snyder, Mr. Madden and an Altoona Mirror representative.
Winter Sports Recognitions included student participation in Hockey, Wrestling, Girls Basketball and Swimming.
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, Senior Representatives Connor Owen and Jacob Ott and Junior Representative Jefferson McCoy presented their monthly report to the board.
Public Comment
Shelby “River” Beauchamp, 231 Bonnie Lane, Hollidaysburg, Grade 12, HASH and President of “We Are Human” inclusivity club spoke about her experiences in the district and noted that she is working with members of the community to bring a LGBTQIA Q&A information meeting within the next few months.
Frances Hugg, 777 Liberty Lane, Hollidaysburg and Jesse Blank, 201 Willow Street, Hollidaysburg addressed the board regarding the HAEA grievance 2324-2.
Fred Marschak presented information on the Senior High Meteorite Collection that was donated to the Senior High in 2019.
Melissa Hughes, Senior Managing Consultant and Brandy McLendon, Analyst with PFM (Public Financial Management) discussed financial options for the Public Schools Facility Improvement Facility Grant. The program has a total project amount of $1million to be given out in grants across all school districts in Pennsylvania with a maximum disbursement of $5million for any one applicant. The minimum project size needed for grant submission is $500,000. The state requires that districts come up with 25% of the grant money received. Ms. Hughes explained financing options and illustrated the benefit received if the district is selected for the grant. If the district applies for and receives $5million, the district will need to come up with $1,250,000 on its own.
Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
The board met in executive session Wednesday, March 27th at 6:00 p.m. for policy and personnel, Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 5:30p.m. for policy and personnel.
Meetings for May, 2024:
COW/Budget Discussion - Finance
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Time: 5:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Curriculum Committee
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 5:00p.m.
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
COW/Voting - Proposed Budget Adoption
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 7:00p.m.
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
COW - Budget Discussion * If Needed
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 6:00p.m.
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is https://www.boarddocs.com/pa/hasd/Board.nsf. Interested parties should enter the public site.
On motion of Mr. Snyder, seconded by Dr. Wells, Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the board approved the minutes of the March 13, 2024 Athletic Committee Meeting and the March 13, 2024 Finance Committee Meeting. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
Dr. Sommer initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Li, to approve financial reports for March, 2024, Items 1 through 8. The reports included Treasurer’s Report, List of Payments, Investment Portfolio, YTD Expenditures/Revenues, FY Projections, Budget Transfers, Food Service and Senior High Student Store for February, 2024. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 1
Ms. Luther initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Brenneman, Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, to approve following contracts/agreements:
Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 - Substitute Teacher Consortium Participation for the 2024-2025 school year Cost: $500 Exhibit 2
Software as a Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies effective June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025 for annual software renewal Cost: $33,524 Exhibit 3
Annual Software Agreement with Custom Computer Specialists for Infinite Campus effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Cost: $53,482.09 Exhibit 4
Contract with Nexus Therapy effective April 8, 2024 through May 24, 2024 (7 week maximum) for speech/language pathologist services for a district homeschool student Cost: $85/hr. up to 1 hr./day (1 hr./week) not to exceed $595 over 7 weeks Exhibit 5
Production Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) effective March 27, 2024 through May 8, 2024 for the Senior High performance of Les Misérables School Edition (Performance Dates: 11/21/2024 through 11/23/2024) Cost: $3,415 Exhibit 6
Individual Student Instruction Contract with Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes effective June 10, 2024 through August 9, 2024 for instructional services for an individual student Cost: $20,280 Exhibit 7
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, Dr. Sommer initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Snyder, to approve the following bid awards:
• Food Service Equipment to various vendors in the total amount of $80,555.49
• Conveyor Type Dishwashers to various vendors in the total amount of $137,999.00 Exhibit 8
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
On motion of Ms. Costanza, seconded by Mr. Brenneman, the board authorized the Administration to work with PFM on financing options up to $5 million for the Public Schools Facility Improvement Grant. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
On motion of Ms. Sullivan, seconded by Ms. Luther, the board approved Federal Program Budget Adjustments:
23-24 Budget:
2023-2024 Title I Funding Adjustment: $1,491 (Increase)
2023-2024 Title II Funding Adjustment: $626 (Increase)
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 9
On motion of Dr. Wells, seconded by Ms. Luther, the board approved:
2024-2025 Capital Reserve Project
Replacement of the Senior High pool filter, pump, strainer, and chlorinator replacement.
Cost: $76,600
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 10
Ms. Sullivan initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Sommer, to approve two Blair County Tax Claim Bureau Repository Bids:
Bid from Eugene Dawson (Mobile Home):
Map#13.00-01..-010-.04-003 in the amount of $1,796.73
Control # 00045392
Bid from Eugene Dawson (Mobile Home):
Map#13.00-01..-010-.04-001 in the amount of $1,052.14
Control # 00039536
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 11
Mr. Snyder initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Sommer, to approve the 2024-2025 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget which reflects $12,017,964 in total revenues and expenses. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 12
Ms. Costanza initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Brenneman, to Approve a Settlement and Release Agreement between the district and the parents of student, ID# ending in 66 and to authorize the Board President to execute any necessary paperwork to effectuate same. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes vote and zero no votes. Exhibit 13
Dr. Wells initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Luther, to approve the following:
Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, approval of (A.S.), Grade 4, as a tuition student for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year.
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, disposal of various obsolete equipment and books. Exhibit 14
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the following potential donation:
Donor: Blair County Bar Association
For payment of bus transportation for all 9th grade Civics classes (Kellie Hurd and Travis Singer) to and From the Blair County Courthouse, May 1, 2024 Amount: $500
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
Superintendent’s Report / Mr. Whitesel
Ms. Costanza initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Sommer, to approve the Special Education Plan. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 15
Ms. Luther initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Li, to board approve the Blair County Transition Age Program Commitment Agreement. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 16
Dr. Wells initiated a motion, seconded by Dr. Li, to approve a new course proposal and course name changes:
New Course Proposal: JH - Problem Solving 7
Course Name Changes:
New Name: Technology Education 7
PreviousName: Intro to STEM 7
New Name: Technology Education 8
Previous Name: STEM 8
New Name: Technical Drawing/Visual Communications
Previous Name: Technical Drawing
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 17
Ms. Sullivan initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Costanza, to approve a Request to Establish a New Student Activity Account:
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity: Hollidaysburg Tiger Paws Dance Team - No. 80
Purpose: To perform during halftime at JH basketball games. They would entertain the crowd by offering different genres of dance. This club would also be an opportunity for girls to perform without having to commit to a high-demand studio competition team.
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 18
Dr. Sommer initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Snyder, Per Board Policy 217 Graduation, to approve the list of 2023-2024 candidates for the award of a diploma. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 19
Ms. Sullivan initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Brenneman, to approve the 2024-2025 Educational Assessment Options. Districtwide educational assessments are routinely used within the district, Per Board Policy 127 Assessment System. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 20
Mr. Snyder initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Luther, Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, to approve personnel actions 1 through 98, dated 4/10/2024 REV 4/9/2024 at 9:39AM. The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes. Exhibit 21
New Business
Mr. Whitesel shared that he discussed official/referee pay with Mrs. Fiscus, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. DeLattre. It was decided that a Monday/Friday or Tuesday/Friday payout would be incorporated. Mrs. Thomas requested that they implement it on a Tuesday/Friday schedule since many holidays are on a Monday.
There being no further business to be brought before the board, Ms. Bilek declared the meeting adjourned at 8:58p.m.
Autumn Fiscus
Board Secretary