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September 13, 2023

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
A. Meeting Opening 7:00pm
1. Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
2. Pledge to Flag
3. Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus
4. Public Comment
•    Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.
•    Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
•    Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
•    The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
5. Student Representative Reports 
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
 Senior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
 Junior Representative: Jefferson McCoy
B. Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
1. Announcements
The board met in executive session Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 6:30p.m. in the SH Guidance Office for personnel, Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 6:30p.m. for personnel and Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 6:00pm for personnel.
Meetings for October, 2023:
Curriculum Committee  
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting 
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
2. Minutes
Per Board Policy 006-Meetings, approval of the following minutes:
May 24, 2023 - COW-Budget Discussion
July 12, 2023 COW/Voting
August 2, 2023 Special Voting
August 9, 2023 COW/Voting
C. Business Office - Financial Reports for August, 2023
1. Treasurer's Report
$11,189,667.53   Receipts
$2,893,635.39   Total Disbursements 
$14,431,977.86   Ledger Balance
$213.27  Total Receipts
$0.00  Total Disbursements
$ 51,252.32  Ledger Balance
$52,660.63 Total Receipts
$60,826.63 Total Disbursements
$1,142,916.11 Ledger Balance
$3,200.03 Total Receipts
$2,515.44 Total Disbursements
$66,399.00 Ledger Balance
$1,737.73 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$417,604.85 Ledger Balance
$28,535.59 Total Receipts
$28,511.06 Total Disbursements
$5,168.83  Ledger Balance
$1,753,107.50 Total Receipts
$1,732,018.24 Total Disbursements
$56,120.86  Ledger Balance
$2,712.47  Total Receipts
$4,154.49  Total Disbursements
$ 34,706.55  Ledger Balance
2. List of Payments
$128,082.64 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 169455-169660)
$1,038,837.57 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 169483-169654)
$1,166,920.21 Total Payments
$821.08 Total Payments (Check numbers 23697-23699) 
$1,935.44 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 24001-24004)
$580.00  Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check number 24005)
$2,515.44 Total Payments 
$ -0-Total Payments  (Check number)
$ 52,859.17 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262745-262756)
$1,679,159.07 ACH Disbursements
$1,732,018.24 Total Payments 
$ 223.52 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check number 1180)
$3,930.97 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 1177-1179)
$4,154.49 Total Payments 
$-0-Total Payments (Check number)

3. Investment Portfolio
$5,643,948 Total Invested with 18 Financial Institutions
$1,197,344 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
D. Business Office
1. Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
1.    Engagement Agreement with The Reschini Group effective the 2023 reporting year to assist in completion of the 2023 IRS reporting requirements for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). 
Cost:  Deposit (non-refundable): $500; $6.50 per 1095 Form
2.    Encore Service Agreement with Spitz, Inc., effective September 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024 for planetarium maintenance, including phone support, parts, repair and on-site service. Total Cost: $11,295  ($9,295 - service agreement; $2,000 per on-site service visit)
3.    Contract with Life Track Services effective September 1, 2023 through December 30, 2025 for graduate exit surveys and surveys 18 months post-graduation Cost: $3,500
4.    Contract with Music Theatre International effective July 24, 2023 through September 4, 2023 for Disney's Finding Nemo, Jr. Cost: $988 (paid out of HACT)
5.    Contract with Broadway Media effective October 22, 2023 through November 20, 2023 for the SH performance of Anastasia Cost: $850 (paid out of HARP)
6.    Contract with Music Theatre International effective August 29, 2023 through October 10, 2023 for the JH performance of Disney's Newsies, Jr. Cost: $1,355 (Paid out of the Junior Theatre student activity fund) 
7.    Contract with US Foods - Premier Direct Parent Participation and Utilization Rebate Affidavit, effictive July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025 Revenue: 1% rebate for qualifying purchases 
2. Letter of Intent - PV Solar Project
To proceed with the design study of a photovoltaic solar system project (PV solar project) for the possibility of entering into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
The proposed solar field location is on the Charles W. Longer Elementary School property, but it will be sized to supply electricity to the Senior High, Junior High, Charles W. Longer Elementary, and the Administration  Building.
3. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of obsolete equipment.
4. Student Activity Fundraisers
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising, the following fundraisers are presented for approval:

Student Activity Name    Fundraiser  Timeframe   Estimated Profit 
SH National Honor Society, #41 Hoagie Sale    Spring    $400
SH National Honor Society, #41    Bake Shop Bakes Winter  $300
SH National Honor Society, #41    Food and Meal Cards Fall  $300 
SADD - SH, #60  Bedford Candies   Winter  $300
SADD - SH, #60  Candles  Winter   $200
SADD - SH, #60  Alto's Market    Spring    $400 
HARP - SH, #61  Winter Concert  $2,400 (ticket sales)
HARP - SH, #61  Spring Concert  $2,400 (ticket sales) 
Key Club - SH, #66  Bedford Candies    Spring    $300
Key Club - SH, #66  Rise Against Hunger  Fall    No Profit
Key Club - SH, #66  Safe Trick or Treat    Fall $2,000
Key Club - SH, #66  Marianna's Hoagies  Fall    $400
Key Club - SH, #66  Alto's Market  Spring  $400
Key Club - SH, #66  Gardner's Candies    Winter    $500 
FOT Art Club, #68  Art Summer Camp (2 Day)     $200
FOT Art Club, #68  Art Summer Camp (5 Day)    $1,190 
SH Orchestra, #84  Holiday Concert  $300 (ticket sales)
SH Orchestra, #84  Spring Concert  $300 (ticket sales) 
5. Donations
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
Remake Learning, with support from The Grable Foundation grant of $25,000 for: Tugboat Grant: Eye of the T.I.G.E.R (Think Imagine Grow Explore Remake)
Western PA Learning 2025 Alliance with support from The Grable Foundation grant of $15,617
An Anonymous Bandman Customer:  Yamaha - P105B digital piano $700
FOT PTO:  $863.30 for the purchase of a basketball backboard and hoop
FKS PTO:  $195 for the purchase of a light fixture to illuminate the flag at the Frankstown Elementary School.
Hollidaysburg Tiger Baseball Boosters:  $10,900 for a concrete slab, adjustment of electrical box, backfill edges and seed as needed to build a new outdoor bullpen.
Hollidaysburg Tiger Baseball Boosters:  $4,145 for installation of fencing around the bullpen
E. Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
1. Health and Safety Plan - September Update
The School District's Health and Safety Plan will serve as the local guidelines for all instructional and non-instructional school activities. 
2. Web-based Resources with Student Accounts
The administration is requesting board approval for the attached web-based resources that require student accounts. 
PAYS is a survey of youth in 6th, 8th, 10th, and/or 12th grades that assesses their behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge concerning alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, violence and other problems.  It is provided at no cost to districts.  The survey is voluntary, and student responses will remain anonymous and confidential.  The survey will be administered electronically in the fall of 2023 with results to be received no later than April 2024.
4. Curriculum Updates
Dr. Palazzi is submitting the following curriculum maps for final board approval:
•    Introduction to Civics 9
•    CB Probability and Statistics
•    Math 10, 11, 12
•    Spanish 3
5. Policy Attachment Update
6. Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is being asked to approve the Personnel actions.
1    Approve MOU    MOU with HAEA Sick Leave Bank COVID agreement         Dist.    Effective 23/24 SY     
2    Approve MOU    MOU with HAEA -Rate for instruction in the home services for student P.B.         Dist.    9/13/2023     
3    Resign    Amanda Blanchetti    Special Education Teacher (TCHSHSSPEC06)    SH    TBD     
4    Resign    Jennifer Cruse    LTS; Grade 1    FKS    8/28/2023     
5    Approve Hire    Olivia Passanita    Special Education Teacher (TCHSHSSPEC06)    SH    TBD    Master's Step 6; $63,905 (23/24 SY)
6    Approve Hire    Greta Swope    LTS; Grade 1    FKS    Retroactive 8/28/23 until 11/1/23    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
7    Approve Hire    Lori McCoy    LTS; Grade 2    CWL    Approximately 9/21/23 to 12/1/23    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
8    Approve Hire    Gianita Patton    LTS; Full Time Day to Day Substitute    FOT    Retroactive 8/28/23 until 11/1/23    $120 per day
9    Approve    Kevin McCloskey    C & I - Botany Re-write    SH    2023/2024 SY    Stipend $400
10    Approve    Kevin McCloskey    C & I - Biology 2 Re-write    SH    2023/2024 SY    Stipend $400
11    Approve    Grace Onkst    C & I Biology Olympiad    SH    2023/2024 SY    Up to 14 hours at $27 per hour
12    Approve    Jessica Patterson    i-Ready Math Training Session 1 - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    FOT    2023/2024 SY    up to 2 hours at $27 per hour
13    Approve    Colleen Ciprich    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    SH    9/11/23-2/26/24     20 hours at $27/hr
14    Approve    Melissa Jack    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    SH    9/12/23-5/21/24    32 hours at $27/hr
15    Approve    James Shiring    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    SH    9/13/23 - 2/28/24    23 hours at $27/hr
16    Approve    Jennifer Carney    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    SH    03/01/24-05/21/24    23 hours at $27/hr
17    Approve    Hully Hoover    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    SH    Retroactive to 8/8/23    Additional 30 mins at $27/hr
18    Approve    Kevin McCloskey    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    SH    Retroactive to 8/8/23    Additional 30 mins at $27/hr
19    Approve    Theodore Bloom    C & I - Elementary Math Re-write (20% Learning Loss of ARP ESSER)    FOT    2023/2024 SY    Up to 15 hours at $27/hr
20    Remove    Carla Dente Firment    C & I - SWPBS    SH    2023/2024 SY    Up to 3.5 hours at regular hourly rate
21    Remove    Adam Walstrom    C & I - SWPBS    SH    2023/2024 SY    Up to 3.5 hours at $27/hr
22    Approve    Madison Fiore    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    SH    2023/2024 SY    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr
23    Approve    Derek Trimmer    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    SH    2023/2024 SY    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr
24    Approve    Jocelyn Sheehan    Special Education Teacher    FKS    8/24/2023    Up to 5 hours per week at $27/hour to provide Instruction in the Home for an FOT special needs student for the 23-24 school year
25    Approve    Bryan James    Unified Indoor Bocce Coach - SH Aevidum Club    SH/JH    2023/2024 SY    $500 - Funds paid by Special Olympics
26    Approve    Kristie Holtz    Unified Indoor Bocce Coach - SH Aevidum Club    SH/JH    2023/2024 SY    $500 - Funds paid by Special Olympics
27    Approve    Joshua Detrich    i-Ready Math Training Session 1    FOT    2023/2024 SY    2 hours at $27/hr
28    Approve    Jennifer Cruse    ECRI/Spring Math - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    FKS    2023/2024 SY    15 hours at $27/hr
29    Approve    Suzannah Cannon    Instruction in the Home services for student P.B.    Dist.    9/13/2023    Up to 5 hours per week at $35 per hour
30    Approve    Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME with regards to Employee Tenex # 9774         JH    Retroactive to 9/5/2023     
31    Approve    Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME with regards to Required notice to submit vacation requests         Dist.    9/13/2023     
32    Retire    Darryl Pike    2nd Shift Custodian (CUFFOTCUST03)    FOT    9/29/2023     
33    Resign    Jessica Engleman    Special Education Paraprofessional    FKS    8/18/2023     
34    Resign    Raquel Lemelle    Junior Class Advisor    SH    Retroactive to 8/23/23     
35    Eliminate Position         1.25 Hour Food Service Worker Breakfast Position (FSPCLWFSWK03)    CWL          
36    Eliminate Position         3.75 Hour Food Service Worker Lunch Position
 (FSPCLWFSWK03)    JH          
37    Eliminate Position         3.5 Hour Food Service Worker Lunch Position
 (FSPCWLFSWK01)    CWL          
38    Create Position         5 Hour Food Service Worker    CWL          
39    Create Position         3.5 Hour Food Service Worker    JH          
40    Resign    Heather Ott    3.25 Hour Food Service Worker (FSPFOTFSWK04)    FOT    10/13/2023     
41    Approve Hire    Cathy Negron    Special Education Paraprofessional    FKS    TBD    $16.17 ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 6 hours per day; 180 days per year
42    Approve Hire    Karla Leaper    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    TBD    $16.17 ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 6 hours per day; 180 days per year
43    Approve Hire    Olivia Crum    Special Education Paraprofessional    CWL    TBD    $16.17 ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 6 hours per day; 180 days per year
44    Approve Hire    Jaida Wagner    Special Education Paraprofessional    FKS    TBD    $16.17 ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 6 hours per day; 180 days per year
45    Approve Transfer    Janice Dibert    Transfer from 3.75 lunch and 1.25 breakfast Food Service Worker at JH to Special Education Paraprofessional    FKS    TBD    $16.17 ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 6 hours per day; 180 days per year
46    Approve    Nicole Zeek    Special Education Paraprofessional    FKS    Retroactive 8/28/2023 - 8/31/2023    Extra 1 hour per day to ride the van with a student
47    Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    8/30/2023    Extra 45 minutes per day to cover for unfilled paraprofessional positions
48    Approve    Kimberly Williams    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    9/5/2023    up to 3 hours/month throughout the school year at the 2023-2024 rate to assist a special education student in Art Club
49    Approve Hire    Henry Benton    Fullington Bus Driver    Dist.    Effective 23/24 SY    N/A
50    Approve Hire    Annette Shaffer    Fullington Bus Driver    Dist.    Effective 23/24 SY    N/A
51    Approve Hire    Eugene Pine Jr.    Fullington Bus Driver    Dist.    Effective 23/24 SY    N/A
52    Resign    Reagan LeCrone    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    8/14/2023     
53    Resign    Jill Tucci    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    8/14/2023     
54    Delete    Roger Miller    IU8 Substitute Teacher    Dist.    8/11/2023     
55    Approve    Brenda Shultz    Food Service Substitute    Dist.    9/14/2023    $10.25 per hour
56    Approve    Lisa Surkovich    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    9/14/2023    $120 per day
57    Approve    Terri Andreoni-Armstrong    Substitute Secretary    Dist.    9/14/2023    $10.25 per hour
58    Approve    Kelly Rhoat    Substitute Special Education Paraprofessional    Dist.    9/14/2023    $10.25 per hour
59    Approve    Aaron Harr    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
60    Approve    Aaron Miller    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
61    Approve    Bill Rhodes    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
62    Approve    Cindy Storm    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
63    Approve    Claire Sauerland    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
64    Approve    David Soellner    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
65    Approve    Dean Adams    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
66    Approve    Don Tantius    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
67    Approve    Elaine Adams    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
68    Approve    Elizabeth Yacobucci    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
69    Approve    Jason Clever    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
70    Approve    Jason Sidney    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
71    Approve    Jennifer Carney    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
72    Approve    Jon Szynal    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
73    Approve    Judy Fabian    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
74    Approve    Kimberly DeVecchis    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
75    Approve    Lauren Basenback    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
76    Approve    Lee Baird    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
77    Approve    Linda Jodon    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
78    Approve    Michael Harris    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
79    Approve    Mitzi Stiffler    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
80    Approve    Paul Detwiler, Jr.    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
81    Approve    Pauline Wiley    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
82    Approve    Randy Dodson    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
83    Approve    Ronald Nori    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
84    Approve    Scott Schultz    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
85    Approve    Scott White    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
86    Approve    Sue Nori    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
87    Approve    Susan Cyran    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
88    Approve    Tricia Sidney    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
89    Approve    Will Fitzgerald    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/19/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
90    Approve    Brian Buffone    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/20/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
91    Approve    Jennifer Buffone    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/21/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
92    Approve    Addison Davis    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    9/22/2023    Per 23/24 Game Worker Rates
93    Approve    Don Tantius    Volunteer-Athletics    Dist.    8/17/2023     
94    Approve    Kevin Naugle    Volunteer-Athletics    Dist.    9/82/023     
95    Approve    Chelsee Franey    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    8/24/2023     
96    Approve    Jessica Barr    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    8/30/2023     
97    Approve    Sarah Chuff    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    8/31/2023     
98    Approve    Jessica Mielnik    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    9/5/2023     
99    Approve     J. Niccole Stultz    Volunteer-Parent    FKS/JH    9/7/2023     
100    Approve    Maria Thaler    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    9/11/2023     
101    Delete    John Walls    Volunteer-Parent    SH    9/8/2023     
102    Delete    Julie Fisher    Volunteer-Parent    SH    9/8/2023     
103    Information Only    Madoliene Watson    Special Education Paraprofessional - DECLINED POSITION               
104    Information Only    Katelyn Diehl    Official Start Date as Special Education Teacher    FKS/CWL    8/21/2023     
105    Information Only    Laura Koehle    Official Resignation Date - Special Education Teacher (TCHCWLSPEC04 & TCHFKSSPEC05)    FKS/CWL    8/18/2023     
106    Information Only    Julie Chamberlain    Official Start Date as 3.5 Hour Office Paraprofessional    FOT    8/21/2023     
107    Information Only    Dawn Wombacher    Official Start Date and Building Designation    FKS    8/23/2023     
108    Information Only    John Brown    Official Start Date and Rate Correction- SRP    Dist.    8/21/2023    23/24 Rate $21.29 (not $22.27 as previously approved)
109    Information Only    Mattison Shannon    Grade 1 Teacher    CWL    8/21/2023    Salary adjustment to Masters Step 14 at $49,505 retroactive to start of 23/24 School year
110    Information Only    Kara Frederick    Special Education Paraprofessional -Transfer from FKS to JH    JH    TBD     
111    Information Only    Pamela Geist    Special Education Paraprofessional- Transfer from CWL LS to FOT ES    FOT    8/24/2023    no change

F. President's Report / Dr. Sommer

1. Contract with PSBA for Superintendent Search
Per Board Policy 300, Employment of Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent, the board intends to approve a contract with PSBA for professional consultation and clerical services to assist in the selection of a new superintendent of schools. 
2. Technology in Education Pool Counsel
Per Board Policy 005 - Organization, approve Sweet, Stevens, Katz, Williams, LLP for The Technology in Education Pool counsel service to give legal advice on technology in education through the Appalachia IU08 effective September 13, 2023 through June 30, 2024 Cost:  $600
3. Election of 2023 PSBA Officers & At-large Representatives
Board Members will be asked to come to a consensus to vote for the 2024 PSBA Officers, At-large Representatives, Insurance Trust Trustees, and School Board Secretaries Forum.
PSBA Officer Elections: Slate of Candidates 2024
PSBA members seeking election to office for the association were required to submit a nomination form no later than May 31, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. to be considered.  All applications for nomination are reviewed by the 2023 Nominating Committee, and candidates who meet eligibility requirements were interviewed on June 16 and 17 via Zoom. According to PSBA bylaws and Policy 303, the Nominating Committee may endorse slated candidates.

Endorsed candidates are noted with an asterisk (*).
Voting Procedure

Each member entity will have one vote for each officer. This will require boards of the various school entities to come to a consensus on each candidate and cast their vote electronically during the open voting period (September 11-October 27, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.)

Voting will be accomplished through a secure third-party, web-based voting site that will require a password login. One person from each member entity will be authorized as the official person to register the vote on behalf of his or her entity. In the case of school districts, intermediate units, career, and technical centers, it will be the board secretary who will cast votes. In the case of community colleges, the president is designated as the authorized registrar.

Special note: Boards are strongly encouraged to add "discussion and voting on PSBA Officer candidates" to their agenda during one of their meetings in August, September, or October before the open voting period ends.

PSBA Leadership Positions up for Election

2024 President-Elect (one-year term)
Allison Mathis*, North Hills School District

2024 Vice President (one-year term)
Sabrina Backer*, Franklin Area School District

2024-2026 PSBA Treasurer (three-year term)
Karen Beck Pooley*, Bethlehem Area School District

2024-2026 Western Zone Representative (three-year term)
Marsha Pleta*, Washington School District

2024-2025 Section W3 Advisor (two-year term)
Erik Meredith*, East Allegheny School District
*Any slated candidate that demonstrates exceptional leadership at the local and state level shall be considered for endorsement by the Nominating Committee and the determination shall be noted on the slate of candidates. (PSBA Bylaws, Section 300 Policy 303)

PSBA Insurance Trustees

Member entities also are asked to vote for open trustee positions on the PSBA Insurance board. PSBA Insurance provides complimentary travel/accident insurance to all school directors from member school entities while on official school board business. As such, all member entities are considered participants in PSBA Insurance programs and are eligible to vote.
Trustee (term ends Dec. 31, 2026) Includes two candidates (three-year term)
Choose up to two candidates for a three-year term. 
•    Marianne Neel
•    Michael Faccinetto
School Board Secretaries Forum
Only school board secretaries may nominate and vote for the forum officers.
Forum Steering Committee (term ends Dec. 31, 2025) (two-year term)
Choose up to three individuals for a two-year term 
•    Bethanne Zeigler, Shikellamy School District
•    Betsy Gates, Dauphin County Technical School
•    JaimeLynn Zimerofsky, Schuylkill IU 29
•    Jennifer Davidson, Manheim Township School District
•    Frequently Asked Questions
•    Voter Instructions
•    Policy 303
G. New Business / Dr. Sommer
H. Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
1. Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.