October 18, 2023
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
AMENDED AGENDA - Committee of the Whole / Voting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Meeting Opening 7:00pm
Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
Pledge to Flag
Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus
Motion to Amend Agenda
Motion and Second to Amend the Agenda to add the approval of the Scholastic Quiz Team Field Trip (Listed under New Business F3) This field trip could not be added to the agenda within the 24 hour posting requirement.
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the following field trip is presented for approval:
Field Trip Request:
Scholastic Quiz Team to Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
Saturday, November 4, 2023
District Cost: $120.00
Dr. Sommer initiated a motion, seconded by Mr. Snyder to Amend the Agenda to add the approval of Scholastic Quiz Team Field Trip to Johns Hopkins on November 4, 2023 as listed under New Business. This could not be added to the posted agenda in time.
There was no public comment.
The motion carried on a roll call vote with nine yes votes and zero no votes.
Public Comment
• Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.
• Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
• Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
• The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only. Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
Student Representative Reports
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Senior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
Junior Representative: Jefferson McCoy
Committee Report
Mr. Stephens will present a report of the September 13, 2023 Physical Plant Committee meeting.
Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
The board met on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 for an informational meeting at 5:45 P.M. for 3rd party contract negotiations and an executive session at 6:15 P.M. for personnel.
Meetings for November, 2023:
Alternative Funding Committee - CANCELLED
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Athletic Committee
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole/Voting
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Time: 7:00 p.m.
All board meeting agendas are available in detail for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs. BoardDocs web address is https://www.boarddocs.com/pa/hasd/Board.nsf. Interested parties should enter the public site.
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
September 13, 2023 - Physical Plant Committee
September 13, 2023 - Committee of the Whole/Voting
Business Office - Financial Reports for September, 2023
Treasurer's Reports
$14,245,288.31 Receipts
$6,490,647.52 Total Disbursements
$22,186,618.65 Ledger Balance
$214.17 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$ 51,466.49 Ledger Balance
$71,699.47 Total Receipts
$227,442.66 Total Disbursements
$987,172.92 Ledger Balance
$31,307.13 Total Receipts
$2,700.94 Total Disbursements
$95,005.19 Ledger Balance
$1,744.98 Total Receipts
170,175.24 Total Disbursements
$249,174.59 Ledger Balance
$42,760.54 Total Receipts
$42,732.68 Total Disbursements
$5,196.69 Ledger Balance
$2,893,985.46 Total Receipts
$2,859,767.07 Total Disbursements
$90,339.25 Ledger Balance
$16,267.28 Total Receipts
$19,377.96 Total Disbursements
$31,595.87 Ledger Balance
List of Payments
$1,881,847.20 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check number 169765)
$1,808,905.58 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 169683-169944)
$3,690,752.78 Total Payments
$100,816.34 Total Payments (Check numbers 23700-23714)
$2,700.94 Total Payments (Check numbers 24006-24011)
$170,175.24 Total Payments (Check numbers 3534-3535)
$62,185.19 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262782-262807)
$2,797,581.88 ACH Disbursements
$2,859,767.07 Total Payments
$19,377.96 Total Payments (Check numbers 1181-1186)
$-0- Total Payments (Check number)
Investment Portfolio
Approve (Roll Call Vote)
$5,666,456 Total Invested with 23 Financial Institutions
$1,202,273 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2023 - OCTOBER 12, 2023
$92,680 - General Fund
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings & 818 Contracted Services, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
1. Rental Agreement with The Casino for the 2023 Senior Prom, Friday, May 24, 2024. Total rental fee $9,000 (includes $1,000 security deposit); additional food costs dependent on attendance, 20% gratuity on subtotal.
2. Letter of Agreement with Skills Adult Training Services (ATS) (2101 8th Avenue site) effective August 1, 2023 through August 1, 2024 to provide day programming services to an individual student. Cost: $5.36 per 15-minute unit for up to 16 units (half day) at two days per week. Frequency and duration can be increased by District
3. Quote from Fireplace, Inc. for Smore for Schools: 15 User Department Software for digital newsletters effective December 12, 2023 through December 11, 2024. Cost: $1,899 *This is a quote that will be signed electronically.
4. Performance License Agreement with MTPD, Inc. (dba ePlanetarium) effective October 18, 2023 through October 17, 2073 for installation and on-going presentation of, performance rights to, synchronization rights, and all materials required to play and exhibit of Planetarium program TOTALITY Cost: $750 (Paid by HASD Foundation)
5. Contract with Rise Against Hunger effective January 21, 2024 to purchase 10,000 meals to be packed /donated to children/families in need No Cost (Approximately $4,000 for meals to be raised through fundraising)
6. Contract with Dreyfus Tarshis Media, Inc. effective April 4, and 11, 2024 for three virtual appearances by Lauren Tarshis including a Q/A session for the students of Foot of Ten, Charles W. Longer and Frankstown Elementary schools Cost: $4,500 (paid by Elementary School Scholastic Book Fair profits)
7. Letter of Agreement with Alternative Community Resource Program (ACRP), effective October 18, 2023 through October 18, 2024 to establish an agreement for developing and maintaining positive working relationships with agencies which serve the human service needs of the community No Cost
8. Service Agreement for School Social Worker Services with Evolution Counseling, LLC. effective August 21, 2023 to one week after final student day, June, 2024, to provide services relating to the need/provision of school mental health work services Cost: $63,716.30 (Paid through ARP ESSER)
Federal / State Program Budget Adjustments
2023-2024 Budget:
2021-2022 ARP Homeless Increase: $30,684
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
Frankstown PTO: $6,594 to purchase a replacement stage curtain for the Frankstown Multipurpose Room.
Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
Student Activity Fundraiser
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising, the following fundraiser is presented for approval:
SADD, Account# 60
Fun Pasta Fundraiser
Expected Profit: $300
Date: October 11 - November 13
Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
Annual Plan
The Annual Plan contains goals and anticipated outcomes established by our district leaders for the 2023-2024 school year.
Rural Education Alliance Leadership (REAL) Institute
The Rural Education Alliance for Leadership, REAL, Institute, is designed to help local communities and educational agencies come together in efforts to support the needs of rural schools. Through discussions, forums, and guest speakers school district teachers and members of the Institute gain working knowledge about the issues rural communities are facing and the resources necessary to take action. The REAL Institute is a voice of change for rural school districts. A primary goal of the Institute is to engage with the right stakeholders in discussions to better inform policy and education.
Novel Approval
New Novel: The Phantom Tollbooth
Curriculum Updates
Dr. Palazzi is submitting the following working draft curriculum maps for Board approval. These maps will then be open for this school year in order for teachers to make minor tweaks to the curriculum, such as pacing, and will come back to the Board next year for final approval.
Introduction to Biology - 9th Grade
Biology 2
Fundamentals of Wood Tech
Student Activity Name Change
Former Student Activity Name: Best Buddies, No. 50
Current Student Activity Name: PALS, (Positive, Attentive, Loyal, and Supportive) No. 50
Bus Routes 2023-2024
Per Board Policy 810 Transportation, the Board is being asked to approve the 2023-2024 bus routes.
2023-2024 Maxwell Transportation Routes
2023-2024 Fullington Bus Company Routes
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.
1 Resign Robert Gildea Superintendent (ADMADMSUPT01) Dist. Submitted 8/29/2023; Effective date 10/29/2023
2 Resign Dawn Summerville "Foundation Director/Grant Administrator
(ADMADMFGA01)" Admin. 10/27/2023
3 Approve Hire Deborah Faith "Foundation Director/Grant Administrator
(ADMADMFGA01)" Admin. Upon release from current employer $62,000/year 23/24 Rate
4 Approve Hire Rodney Green Interim Director of Special Education (ADMADMSPEC01) Dist. 10/23/2023 until the hire of a full time replacement, max one year $420 per diem, 2-5 days per week
5 Create New Position Special Education Supervisor Dist. 10/19/2023
6 Resign Karen Nihart Health Room Assistant CWL 10/31/2023
7 Approve Carol Scarbro "Homebound Instructor for
student H.R." JH 8/24/2023 Up to 5 hours per week at $27 per hour
8 Approve Hire Carol Scarbro LTS; Special Education Teacher SH 9/22/2023 - TBD $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
9 Approve MOU MOU with HAEA -Family Sick for employee J.B. Dist. Retroactive to 9/11/2023
10 Approve Dawn Cunningham After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH Retroactive to 9/1/23 2023/2024 SY 40 hours at $27/hr
11 Approve Grace Winters After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH Retroactive to 9/1/23 2023/2024 SY 40 hours at $27/hr
12 Approve Kellie Hurd After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH Retroactive to 9/1/23 2023/2024 SY 40 hours at $27/hr
13 Approve Michelle Maher After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH Retroactive to 9/1/23 2023/2024 SY 40 hours at $27/hr
14 Remove Nicole Stouffer After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH "Retroactive to 9/1/23
2023/2024 SY" 40 hours at $27/hr
15 Approve Rita Murphy After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH "Retroactive to 9/1/23
2023/2024 SY" 40 hours at $27/hr
16 Remove Robert Valeria After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH "Retroactive to 9/1/23
2023/2024 SY" 40 hours at $27/hr
17 Approve Samantha Rossman After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH "Retroactive to 9/1/23
2023/2024 SY" 40 hours at $27/hr
18 Approve Alysha Kachur After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH "Retroactive to 9/1/23
2023/2024 SY" 40 hours at $27/hr
19 Approve Tara Bondi After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds) JH "Retroactive to 9/1/23
2023/2024 SY" 40 hours at $27/hr
20 Approve Elizabeth Sagaities C & I - Elementary Re-Write (20% Learning Loss of ARP ESSER) CWL 2023/2024 SY Up to 15 hours at $27/hr
21 Approve Kathleen Diehl C & I - Elementary Re-Write (20% Learning Loss of ARP ESSER) FKS 2023/2024 SY Up to 15 hours at $27/hr
22 Approve Teresa Fusco C & I - Elementary Re-Write (20% Learning Loss of ARP ESSER) FOT 2023/2024 SY Up to 15 hours at $27/hr
23 Approve Kris Nolan i-Ready Math Training Session 1 - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss CWL 2023/2024 SY Up to 2 hours at $27/hr
24 Approve Allison Herbaugh Portrait of a Golden Tiger CWL 2023/2024 SY Additional 2 hrs at $27/hr
25 Approve Elizabeth Sagaities Portrait of a Golden Tiger CWL 2023/2024 SY Additional 2 hrs at $27/hr
26 Retire Brenda May "Head Cook
(FSFFKSCOOK01)" FKS 1/3/2024
27 Resign Michelle Welch "Special Education Paraprofessional
(ADPSPEDPARA59)" FKS 9/21/2023
28 Resign Randal Kline Electrician/Maintenance Dist. 10/27/2023
29 Approve Transfer Rodney Hill "Transfer from JH 2nd Shift Custodian (CUFJHSCUST04) to
FOT 2nd Shift Custodian (CUFFOTCUST03)" FOT 10/19/2023 no change
30 Approve Transfer Thomas Sell Transfer from JH 2nd Shift Custodian (Wed-Sun) (CUFJHSCUST03) to JH 2nd Shift Custodian (Mon-Fri) (CUFJHSCUST04) JH TBD no change
31 Approve Transfer Patti Cavalet Transfer from 5.75 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK06) to Head Cook at FKS (FSFFKSCOOK01) FKS 1/3/2024 $17.33 per hour (23/24 rate) plus stipend of $600 per year
32 Approve Transfer Tessie Coppersmith Transfer from 3 Hour Food Service Worker at CWL to 5 Hour Food Service Worker at CWL CWL 10/19/2023 no change in hourly rate
33 Approve Transfer Jaime Drass Transfer from 4.5 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK08) to 5.75 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK06) FKS 1/3/2024 no change in hourly rate
34 Approve Transfer Amber Lynch Transfer from 3.5 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK04) to 4.5 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK08) FKS 1/3/2024 no change in hourly rate
35 Approve Hire Deborah Ulicne 3.5 Hour Food Service Worker at JH JH 10/19/2023 $15.26 per hour (23/24 rate)
36 Approve Hire Beth Mervine "3.25 Hour Food Service Worker at FOT
(FSPFOTFSWK04)" FOT TBD $15.26 per hour (23/24 rate)
37 Approve Hire Nicolette Hoover "2.5 Hour Food Service Worker at SH
(FSPSHSFSWK02)" SH TBD $15.26 per hour (23/24 rate)
38 Approve Hire Ronald Brode, Jr. 2nd Shift Custodian (CUFJHSCUST04) JH TBD $19.23 per hour ($20.73 less $1.50 new hire); $200 per year shift premium
39 Resign John Yogus National Junior Honor Society Co-Advisor JH End of first semester 23/24 SY
40 Approve Allison Arbuckle National Junior Honor Society Advisor JH End of first semester 23/24 SY $2,703.79 (Full stipend for 23/24, no longer split for second half of the year)
41 Resign Kristina Andrew Substitute Nurse Dist. 10/18/2023
42 Resign Joan Rhodes Substitute Food Service Worker Dist. 10/4/2023
43 Approve Hire Linda Hazlett Food Service Substitute Dist. 10/19/2023 $10.25 per hour
44 Approve Hire Richard Baronner Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
45 Approve Hire Sarah Grigg Substitute Nurse Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
46 Approve Hire Kaleen Wolfe Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
47 Approve Hire Grace Ransom Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
48 Approve Hire Benjamin Eberhart Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
49 Approve Hire Alison Sawyer Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
50 Approve Hire Melissa Vyborny Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
51 Approve Hire Gary Lake Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
52 Approve Hire Melissa Buss Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
53 Approve Hire Autumn Wilson Guest Substitute Teacher Dist. 10/19/2023 $120 per day
54 Approve Hire Melissa Vyborny Substitute Secretary/Office Paraprofessional Dist. 10/19/2023 $10.25 per hour
55 Approve 2023-2024 Game Worker Rates Dist. Retroactive to beginning of 23/24 SY See attached sheet
56 Approve Adam Mathias Fall Game Worker Dist. 8/19/2023 Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates
57 Approve David Schmelzlen Fall Game Worker Dist. 8/19/2023 Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates
58 Approve Deborah Faith Fall Game Worker Dist. 8/19/2023 Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates
59 Approve E. Mitchell Johns Fall Game Worker Dist. 8/19/2023 Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates
60 Approve Terri Andreoni-Armstrong Fall Game Worker Dist. 8/19/2023 Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates
61 Approve Autumn Miller Student Teacher - Drexel FOT - Shannon Lear TBD Drexel
62 Approve Thomas McElhinny Student Teacher - Mt Aloysius SH - Jordan Griffith 10/24/23 - 03/08/23 Mt Aloysius
63 Approve Kelsey Over Student Teacher - PSU FOT - Jessica Miller 01/08/24-03/01/24 2023/2024 SY
64 Approve Michelle Burket Volunteer-Parent FOT 9/12/2023
65 Approve Dana Bettwy Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/15/2023
66 Approve Misty Hewitt Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/15/2023
67 Approve Courtney Shoop Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/15/2023
68 Approve Lindsey DeAntonio Volunteer-Parent FOT 9/20/2023
69 Approve Kirsten Stratton Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/20/2023
70 Approve Derek Robinson Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/27/2023
71 Approve Amy Smola Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/29/2023
72 Approve Olivia Conley Volunteer-Parent FOT 9/29/2023
73 Approve Anne Margaret Hoffman Volunteer-Parent CWL 9/29/2023
74 Approve Nicole Hasson Volunteer-Parent FKS 9/29/2023
75 Approve Anne Davis Volunteer-Parent CWL 9/29/2023
76 Approve Lisa Beiler Volunteer-Parent FOT 9/29/2023
77 Approve Jessica Burkhart-Frye Volunteer-Parent FOT 10/3/2023
78 Approve Heather Guirand Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/3/2023
79 Approve Angela Davies Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/4/2023
80 Approve Jennifer Weaver Volunteer-Parent FOT 10/4/2023
81 Approve Alyssa Geisbrecht Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/6/2023
82 Approve Kaitlyn Tomlinson Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/9/2023
83 Approve Melinda Krimmel Volunteer-Parent FOT 10/10/2023
84 Approve Sarah Grigg Volunteer-Parent CWL 10/10/2023
85 Approve Aaron Wagner Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/10/2023
86 Approve Lyndsey Goddard Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/10/2023
87 Approve Jessica Boyer Volunteer-Parent FKS 10/11/2023
88 Approve Catherine Farr Volunteer-Parent FOT 10/16/2023
89 Approve Melissa Vyborny Volunteer-Parent CWL 10/16/2023
90 Approve Alanna Parsons Volunteer-Parent FOT 10/17/2023
91 Remove Kelly Otto Volunteer-Parent Dist. 9/14/2023
92 Remove Marcy Swisher Volunteer FOT 9/18/2023
93 Remove Maggie Lewis Volunteer-Parent FOT 10/6/2023
94 Information Only Matthew Martynuska Transfer -Special Education Paraprofessional at SH to Special Ed Para at FKS FKS 10/23/2023 no change
95 Information Only Janice Dibert Official transfer Date as Special Ed Paraprofessional FKS 9/18/2023
96 Information Only Amanda Blanchetti Official Resignation Date as Special Education Teacher SH 9/22/2023
97 Information Only Karla Leaper Official Start Date as Special Education Paraprofessional JH 9/26/2023
98 Information Only Jaida Wagner Official Start Date as Special Education Paraprofessional FKS 9/25/2023
99 Information Only Cathy Negron Official Start Date as Special Education Paraprofessional FKS 10/9/2023
100 Information Only Kara Frederick Official Start Date as Special Education Paraprofessional JH 10/30/2023
101 Information Only Lori McCoy LTS; Grade 2 CWL Extend from 12/1/2023 to approx. 12/19/2023
102 Information Only Brenda Shultz Food Service Substitute- DECLINED POSITION Dist. 9/14/2023 $10.25 per hour
President's Report / Dr. Sommer
Statement of Rights, Waiver of Hearing and Agreement in the case of student ID# ending in 47
Motion to Appoint Acting Superintendent
Motion to appoint Darren McLaurin as Acting Superintendent at a rate of $550.00 per day effective October 30, 2023 through October 30, 2024 or until the District hires a new Superintendent, whichever occurs first. The Acting Superintendent shall sign and execute an agreement and either party shall have the right to terminate this appointment for convenience with ten days' written notice.
New Business
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the following field trip is presented for approval:
Field Trip Request:
Scholastic Quiz Team to Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
Saturday, November 4, 2023
District Cost: $120.00
Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.