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November 15, 2023

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Committee of the Whole / Voting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Meeting Opening 7:00pm

Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
Pledge to Flag
Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus
Fall Sports:
District 6 Class AAA Girls Team Tennis Champions
District 6 Class AAA Boys Soccer Champions
District 6 Class AAAAA Football Champions
District 6 AAA Girls Doubles Tennis - Megan Ferris / Crosby Denis
District 6 Class AAA Girls Golf Champion - Crosby Denis
PIAA Qualifier in Boys Golf - Isaac Miller
PIAA Qualifier in Girls Cross Country - Addison Smith 

Outgoing Board Members:
Lonna Frye
Nicole Hartman
Emanuel Nichols
Doug Stephens
Student Representative Reports
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Senior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
Junior Representative: Jefferson McCoy
Public Comment
Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.
Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
Committee Report
Committee Chair, Doug Stephens, will present a report of the September 13, 2023 Physical Plant Committee.
Committee Chair, Jennifer Costanza, will present a report of the October 18, 2023 Curriculum Committee.
Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
The board met Tuesday, October 31, 2023 in the Senior High Library at 6:15p.m for discussion of Superintendent candidates, and in executive session Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 5:30 in the Senior High Library for personnel and Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Senior High Guidance Career Conference Room for personnel.
December Meetings:

  • December 6, 2023 

Committee of the Whole - Finance
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648
Time:  5:00p.m.

  • December 6,Reorganization and COW/Voting

Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648
Time: 7:00p.m.

  • December 13, 2023

Special Voting  *If Needed
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648
Time: 7:00p.m.
All board meeting agendas are available in detail for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
October 18, 2023 - Curriculum Committee
October 18, 2023 - Committee of the Whole/Voting

Business Office - Financial Reports for October, 2023

Treasurer's Reports
$4,844,644.42 Receipts
$3,753,468.77 Total Disbursements 
$23,277,794.30 Ledger Balance
$208.10  Total Receipts
$0.00  Total Disbursements
$51,674.59  Ledger Balance
$99,190.26 Total Receipts
$198,182.42 Total Disbursements
$888,180.76 Ledger Balance
$36,890.56 Total Receipts
$47,389.15 Total Disbursements
$84,506.60 Ledger Balance
$1,053.50 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$250,228.09 Ledger Balance
$30,310.60 Total Receipts
$30,286.19 Total Disbursements
$5,221.10  Ledger Balance
$1,940,737.46 Total Receipts
$1,990,146.38 Total Disbursements
$40,930.33  Ledger Balance
$6,020.14  Total Receipts
$6,960.67  Total Disbursements
$ 30,655.34  Ledger Balance
List of Payments
Application and Certificate for Payment - McClure Company: $857,727
$608.44 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 169945-169946)
$1,879,223.84 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 169947-170239)
$1,879,832.28 Total Payments

$103,858.91 Total Payments (Check numbers 23715-23724)

$ 5,792.52 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check number 24012)
$ 41,596.63 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 24013-24029)
$ 47,389.15 Total Payments

$-0- Total Payments (Check number)
$75,562.35 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262817-262837)
$1,914,584.03 ACH Disbursements
$1,990,146.38 Total Payments
$6,960.67 Total Payments  (Check numbers 1187-1196)
$-0- Total Payments (Check number)
$5,675,371 Total Invested with 24 Financial Institutions
$1,207,383 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
YTD Expenditures/Revenues

$30,600,463.73 Revenues
$14,476,532.96 Expenditures
$8,938.67 Revenues
$170,801.74 Expenditures

$525,742.59  Revenues
$452,118.56 Expenditures
$824.55 Revenues
$0.00 Expenditures
$20,414.23 Revenues
$30,269.60 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income 

5. Budget Transfers for October, 2023
PERIOD OF OCTOBER 13, 2023 - NOVEMBER 13, 2023
$61,765 - General Fund

Per Board Policy 006 Meetings & 818 Contracted Services, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
Parent Agreement with Joanna McCarty to assume student transportation responsibility and liability effective the 2023-2024 school year Cost:  Current IRS mileage rate reimbursement
Contract with Roxanne P. Oswald effective November 15, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for Advanced IEP Review/Training Cost: $1,500
Contract with Renaissance Learning effective November 15, 2023 through May 31, 2024 to provide educational software solutions and learning analytics to K-12 schools and districts. No Cost
Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs effective November 15, 2023 through March 26, 2024 for the Foot of Ten Book Fair March 18, 2024 through March 25, 2024 Cost: No District Cost

Federal Program Budget Adjustment:
2023-2024 Budget:
2022-2023 Title I Increase: $16,715.00 
2023-2024 IDEA Increase: $41,609.00
2023-2024 IDEA SEC 619 Increase: $1,315.00
3. Collection Fees Charged to Municipalities for 2024
The following 2024 fees will be charged to the municipalities for the collection of the following taxes:
Per Capita:  $.55/bill
Collection Fees Charged by Blair County Tax Collection Bureau effective January 1, 2024
The following 2024 fees will be paid to the Blair County Tax Collection Bureau for taxes collected on the District's behalf:
Current & Delinquent Earned Income / Net Profit: 3%
Flat Rate Occupation Tax effective January 1, 2024: 3%
(Tax Exempt if income is less than $1,500)

Request to Establish New Student Activity Accounts
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity:  Senior High Game Club - No. 76
Purpose: To give students a place to play table top, board and card games after school.
New Student Activity: JH Art Club - No. 67
Purpose: The club is open to all JH students.  Students will create personal and collaborative works of art in order to promote creativity and build community in the school.
New Student Activity:  P.A.L.S.  (Positive, Attentive, Loyal, Supportive), Senior High - No. 90
Purpose:  To create fun and lasting friendships between general education and special education students.  Additionally, to create a more accepting and inclusive environment.
New Student Activity:  Club Econ, Senior High - No. 95
Purpose: To give students the opportunity to engage in business transactions as a way to demonstrate economic principles.

6. Student Activity Fundraisers
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising, the following fundraisers are presented for approval:
Junior High Art Club - 67
Candy / Hoagie Sale
Winter, 2023
Expected Profit: $300

Game Changer, Senior High - 58
Bake Sales, Tournaments (Star Wars, Cornhole and Ultimate Frisbee), Restaurant Spirit Nights
Expected Profit: $1,250
7. Close Student Activity Account
Per Board Policy 618-Student Activity Fund Control, the following student activity account is being recommended to be closed:
HBA (Hollidaysburg Bass Anglers) - No. 87
8. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.

Superintendent's Report / Mr. McLaurin

New Course Proposals / Course Name Change
New Course Proposal:
Earth Science

Course Name Change:
New Name:  Earth Studies
Previous Name: Earth Science
Winter Sports Master Field Trip List
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the attached list of student field trips in excess of 150 miles, out of state, or overnight is submitted for approval.

*The administration requests authorization for the Superintendent to approve additional trips as needed throughout the 2023-2024 school year resulting from advancement in PIAA school sponsored sports playoffs.
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions. 
1    Approve Hire    Katelyn Prosser    "Director of Special Education 
(ADMADMSPEC01)"    Dist.    Upon release from current employer    $95,000, 23/24 rate    Non-bargaining Action    To replace Laura Koehle
2    Resign    Jill Furry    Health Room Assistant (HRAFOTHLTH01)    FOT    1/1/2024        Non-bargaining Action    
3    Approve Hire    Claire Bailey    Health Room Assistant (HRACWLHLTH01)    CWL    TBD    6.5 Hours per day; 180 days per year; $21.26 per hour (23/24 rate)    Non-bargaining Action    to replace Karen Nihart, resigned
4    Resign    Shannon Hill    Elementary Teacher (TCHFKS01GR01)    FKS    10/31/2023        Teaching Staff Action    
5    Resign    Samantha McDowell    Special Education Teacher (TCHJHSSPEC02)    JH    12/22/2023        Teaching Staff Action    60 days is 12/25/23
6    Resign    Eden Taddei    Long-Term Substitute Special Education Teacher and Guest Substitute Teacher    FKS    11/3/2023        Teaching Staff Action    to replace Maren Cheslock
7    Approve    Greta Swope    Full year Long-Term Substitute; 1st Grade    FKS    Extend from 11/1/23 to end 23/24 school year (full year LTS)    $43,200 for 23/24 SY    Teaching Staff Action    Shannon Hill not returning
8    Approve    Susan McFarland    Long-Term Substitute; Special Education Teacher    FKS    11/6/2023 To approx. 3/1/2024    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment    Teaching Staff Action    to replace Eden Taddei who was replacing Maren Cheslock
9    Approve    Natasha Peters    Long-Term Substitute for the Full-time Day to Day Substitute Teacher    FKS    11/8/2023 to approx. 3/1/2024    $120 per day    Teaching Staff Action    to replace Susan McFarland, transfer to LTS
10    Approve    Alison Sawyer    Long-Term Substitute for the Full-time Day to Day Substitute Teacher    CWL    10/31/2023 to 12/20/2023    $120 per day    Teaching Staff Action    to replace Lori McCoy, LTS
11    Approve    Jenna Cheslock    Long-Term Substitute for the Full Time Day to Day Substitute    FOT    11/16/23 through end of 23/24 SY    $120 per day    Teaching Staff Action    To replace Greta Swope, move to FKS
12    Approve    Amy Dobbins    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    JH    "Retroactive to 9/1/23 
2023/2024 SY"    40 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
13    Approve    Clayton McVicker    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    JH    "Retroactive to 9/1/23 
2023/2024 SY"    40 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
14    Approve    Nicole Stouffer    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    JH    "Retroactive to 9/1/23
 2023/2024 SY"    40 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
15    Approve    Robert Valeria    After School Secondary Tutors (1% after-school program thru 7% ARP funds)    JH    "Retroactive to 9/1/23 
2023/2024 SY"    40 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
16    Approve    Elizabeth Sagaities    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    CWL    Retroactive to 8/8/23    4 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
17    Approve    David Herncane    C & I - PSAT Coordinator    SH    Retroactive 10/16/23    up to 6 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
18    Approve    Rachel Black    SAT Prep Instructor -English    SH    1/6/2024-3/2/2024    Up to 32 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
19    Approve    Susan Cyran    SAT Prep Instructor - Math    SH    1/6/2024-3/2/2024    Up to 32 hours at $27/hr.    Teaching Staff Action    
20    Approve    Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME with regards to Custodian probation and insurance for new hires        Dist.    11/15/2023        Support Staff Action    Agreement Separately uploaded
21    Resign    Brenda Smith Graham    Special Education Paraprofessional (ADPSEDPARA35)    FOT    11/1/2023        Support Staff Action    had been out on WC leave
22    Approve     Angela Curry    Transfer from 3 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK01) to 3.5 Hour Food Service Worker at FKS (FSPFKSFSWK04)    FKS    1/3/2024    no change in hourly rate    Support Staff Action    to replace Amber Lynch, transfer
23    Approve Hire    Janelle Eichenlaub    3 Hour Food Service Worker (FSPCWLFSWK05) at C.W. Longer    CWL    TBD    $15.26 per hour    Support Staff Action    to replace Tessie Coppersmith, transfer
24    Resign    Timothy Keech    8th Grade Football Assistant    Dist.    end of the 23/24 season        Schedule D Action    
25    Approve Hire    Baron Leonard    Assistant Varsity Swimming Coach    SH    23/24 SY    $2,797.07 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action    
26    Approve    Adam Walstrom    Junior Class Advisor    SH    23/24 SY    $1200  Stipend    Schedule C Action    
27    Approve    Maureen Letcher    Junior Class Advisor    SH    23/24 SY    $1200 Stipend    Schedule C Action    
28    Approve Hire    Edward Wegrzyn    Fullington Bus Driver    Dist.    10/25/2023        Bus Driver Action    
29    Approve Hire    William Waksmonski    Fullington Bus Driver    Dist.    11/8/2023        Bus Driver Action    
30    Approve Hire    Jason Hoppel    Fullington Bus Driver Substitute    Dist.    10/25/2023        Bus Driver Action    
31    Approve Hire    Frank Scheirer    Fullington Bus Driver Substitute    Dist.    10/25/2023        Bus Driver Action    
32    Approve    Carter Schultz     Fall Game Worker    Dist.    8/18/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
33    Approve    Scott Finochio    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    8/18/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
34    Approve    Joy Finochio    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    8/18/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
35    Approve    Eric Ulery    Fall Game Worker    Dist.    8/18/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
36    Approve    Aaron Miller    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
37    Approve    Cindy Storm    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
38    Approve    David Frazier    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
39    Approve    David Schmelzlen    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
40    Approve    David Soellner    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
41    Approve    Dean Adams    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
42    Approve    Deborah Faith    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
43    Approve    Don Tantius    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
44    Approve    Elaine Adams    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
45    Approve    Jill Hileman    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
46    Approve    Jon Szynal    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
47    Approve    Joy Finochio    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
48    Approve    Kathy Mathias    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
49    Approve    Lee Baird    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
50    Approve    Loren Hershberger    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
51    Approve    Pete Long    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
52    Approve    Phil Weichel    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
53    Approve    RJ Albarano    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
54    Approve    Randy Dodson    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
55    Approve    Scott Finochio    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
56    Approve    Susan Cyran    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
57    Approve    Terri Armstrong    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
58    Approve    Vince Farabaugh    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
59    Approve    Will Fitzgerald    Winter Game Worker    Dist.    11/25/2023    Per 2023/2024 Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action    
60    Approve    Karen Nihart    Substitute Nurse    Dist.    10/31/2023    $120 per day    Substitute Action    
61    Approve    Daniel Mickel    Substitute Custodian    Dist.    11/16/2023    $12.00 per hour    Substitute Action    
62    Approve    Ryan Brantner    "Substitute Teacher 
(IU8 Referral)"    Dist.    11/16/2023    $120 per day    Substitute Action    
63    Approve    Richard Ahlert    "Substitute Teacher 
(IU8 Referral)"    Dist.    11/16/2023    $120 per day    Substitute Action    
64    Approve    Tessa Swander    Substitute Secretary/Office Paraprofessional    Dist.    11/16/2023    $10.25 per hour    Substitute Action    
65    Resign    Elizabeth Nottingham    Substitute Teacher    Dist..    10/25/2023        Substitute Action    verbal resignation
66    Approve    Michael Malis    "Student Teacher - PSU 
(Andy Aiken)"    FOT    1/8/24-3/1/24        Volunteer Action    
67    Approve    Taylor Fite    "Student Teacher - PSU 
(Kelli Vent)"    FKS    1/8/24 - 3/1/24        Volunteer Action    
68    Approve    Carlene Stumpo    "Student Teacher - PSU
(Terry Hartman)"    SH    1/8/24-3/1/24        Volunteer Action    
69    Approve    Erin Gieg    Volunteer-Parent    CWL    10/18/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
70    Approve    Jessica Burgmeier    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    10/18/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
71    Approve    Katrina Pipetti    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    10/24/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
72    Approve    Lindsey Lilienthal    Volunteer-Parent    CWL    10/24/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
73    Approve    Susie Gutshall    Volunteer    CWL    10/26/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
74    Approve    Holly Dick    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    11/1/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
75    Approve    Julie Sheetz    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    11/8/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
76    Approve    Stephanie Montgomery    Volunteer-Parent    JH    11/8/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
77    Approve    Wilma (Kay) Welch    Volunteer-Parent    CWL    11/8/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
78    Approve    Garidan Bridenbaugh    Volunteer-Athletics    JH    11/9/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    wrestling
79    Approve    Lauren Wagner    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    11/14/2023    N/A    Volunteer Action    
80    Remove    Mary Sabatino    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/18/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- expired clearances
81    Remove    Kathy Weibley    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/18/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- expired clearances
82    Remove    Ellen Owen    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/18/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- expired clearances
83    Remove    Cynthia Szynal    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/18/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- expired clearances
84    Remove    Carol Westley    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/18/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- student graduated
85    Remove    Jean Yingling    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/17/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- no longer residing in district
86    Remove    Leighann Semelsberger    Volunteer-Parent    SH    10/18/2023        Volunteer Action    remove per Tina Beatty- expired clearances
87    Remove    David Weimer    Volunteer-Parent    SH    11/18/2023        Volunteer Action    Remove per Tina Beatty- no longer volunteering
88    Information Only    Deborah Faith    OFFICIAL START DATE (Foundation Dir/Grant Admin)    Dist.    11/6/2023        Information Only    
89    Information Only    Nicolette Hoover    "OFFICIAL START DATE 
(2.5 Hour Food Service Worker)"    SH    10/25/2023        Information Only    
90    Information Only    Olivia Passanita    "OFFICIAL START DATE 
(Special Education Teacher)"    SH    11/20/2023        Information Only    
91    Information Only    Beth Mervine    "OFFICIAL START DATE 
(Food Service Worker)"    FOT    11/6/2023        Information Only
President's Report / Dr. Sommer
Addendum to Motion to Acting Superintendent's Agreement
Motion to amend the motion previously passed to appoint Darren McLaurin as Acting Superintendent at a rate of $550.00 per day effective October 30, 2023 through October 29, 2024 or until the District hires a new Superintendent, whichever occurs first. This is a change in the termination date from October 30, 2024 to October 29, 2024.
Appointment: Assistant Board Secretary
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Ben Caldwell, to serve as Assistant Board Secretary, effective November 16, 2023 through June 30, 2024 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dawn Summerville.

PSBA Travel Accident Insurance
Basic Coverage is free to all board members.
Coverage begins January 1, 2024Please complete a beneficiary form only if your current beneficiary form need updated/changed.  Return completed forms to Linda Conway, Business Office, as soon as possible. 

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) Insurance Trust is continuing to provide school directors with access to Business Travel Accident (BTA) and optional 24-Hour Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance coverages, issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential). The BTA coverage is available at no-cost to all elected or appointed school directors as PSBA’s way of saying thank you for all the hard work.
Optional AD&D Insurance Coverage
Each school director has the opportunity to purchase a more extensive, optional AD&D insurance plan, which provides coverage for them, their spouse and/or children at an affordable group rate. This Prudential plan covers accidental death or qualifying injuries, no matter where or when the accident occurs, day or night. Please note that this coverage replaces the BTA coverage; it is not a supplement to the complimentary plan.
Annual Premiums for optional 24-Hour AD&D Insurance Coverage
This optional plan provides coverage for the board director at $150,000 and is only $37.80 annually. Additional coverage in the amount of $50,000 for a spouse is just $14.70 annually, and $10,000 worth of coverage for all eligible children costs $5.25 per child annually.
Each school director who elects the optional 24-Hour AD&D Insurance Plan is required to complete the attached enrollment form or click this link - School Board Member Travel Accident Enrollment Form - 24HR Coverage . Otherwise, all school board members are automatically covered with the Business Travel Accident coverage that PSBA provides at no-cost to the school director and no action is required.
All enrollments and payments are due to PSBA Insurance Trust by December 31, 2023. Checks should be made payable to PSBA Insurance Trust and mailed to 400 Bent Creek Blvd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050. No invoice will be issued for this program. 

Should you have any questions or more information, contact Torie Tezik at


Coverage runs January 1 – December 31. 
Basic coverage for school directors is included in the school entity’s membership to PSBA. If a school director opts for the 24-hour coverage, the annual cost is $37.80*. 
School directors can enroll their spouse and dependent children at an additional cost. 
Beneficiary forms should be kept on file at your district office. 
Enrollments for Board Members can be done online using this enrollment form.
New Business
Adjourn / Dr. Sommer

Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.