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May 17, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Committee of the Whole / Voting Meeting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

Meeting Opening
Call to Order / Dr. Sommer
Pledge to Flag
Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus

Outgoing Senior Representatives to the Board:
Regan Farringer and Riley Hensley
Employee Service Awards:
Melissa Ott, 25 Years of Service, JH
Andrew Tinker, 25 Years of Service, JH
Julie Smith, 25 Years of Service, Frankstown
Leigh Ann Craig, 25 Years of Service, JH

Leigh Ann Craig, Math Teacher, JH, 25 Years of Service with 34 Total Years in Education
Dawn Eckenrode, Dean of Students, SH, 32 Years of Service with 37 in Education
Mark Mitchell, Computer Technician/Custodian, SH, 30 Years of Service
Wendy Jo Nagy, Music, JH/SH, 28 Years of Service, with 29 Total Years in Education
Therese Ott, Guidance Secretary, SH, 19 Years of Service
Susan Smouse, Special Education Paraprofessional, 28 Years of Service
Debra Solomon, Social Studies, SH, 24 Years of Service, with 32 Total Years in Education
Ramona Southwell, Reading Specialist, JH, 31 Years of Service with 35 Total Years in Education
Connie Tomassetti, Kindergarten Teacher, CWL, 20 Years of Service with 25 Total Years in Education

Student Representative Reports 
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Student Representatives:
Senior Representatives: Regan Farringer and Riley Hensley  
Junior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
Annual Report Presentations to the Board
•    Jaime Hartline - Principal, Foot of Ten
•    Sarah Palazzi - Director of Curriculum
•    Dawn Summerville, Data Management Administrator
•    Laura 
•    Koehle, Director of Special Education
Public Comment
•    Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.
•    Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
•    Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
•    The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
Committee Report
Mr. Stephens will present a report of the April 5, 2023 Physical Plant Committee meeting.

Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
The board met in executive session Tuesday, May 16, 2023 for impact bargaining at 4:00p.m. and Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 6:00p.m. for personnel.

May Meetings:
Alternative Funding Committee - CANCELLED
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Time: 5:00p.m.
Committee of the Whole (Budget Discussion)
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648 
Time: 6:00p.m.
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
April 5, 2023 Physical Plant Committee
April 12, 2023 COW/Voting
Business Office - Financial Reports for April, 2023
Treasurer's Reports
$2,925,693.10   Receipts
$3,612,973.92  Total Disbursements 
$10,946,913.37   Ledger Balance
$171.16  Total Receipts
$0.00  Total Disbursements
$50,452.12  Ledger Balance
$237,971.20 Total Receipts
$215,310.19 Total Disbursements
$1,216,330.21 Ledger Balance
$16,417.33 Total Receipts
$24,900.40 Total Disbursements
$93,759.09 Ledger Balance
$1,245.39 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$366,570.99 Ledger Balance
$31,740.20 Total Receipts
$31,719.15 Total Disbursements
$5,073.36  Ledger Balance
$1,912,658.12 Total Receipts
$1,967,506.79 Total Disbursements
$46,060.88  Ledger Balance
$5,534.92  Total Receipts
$ 6,750.69  Total Disbursements
$28,776.30  Ledger Balance

List of Payments
$1,761,738.55 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 168648-168858)
$127,316.51 Total Payments (Check numbers 23614-23630)

$24,900.40  Total Payments (Check numbers 23944-23966)
$-0-Total Payments  (Check number)
$76,028.45 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 262641-262657)
$1,891,478.34 ACH Disbursements
$1,967,506.79 Total Payments

$6,750.69 Total Payments (Check numbers 1158-1168)

$-0- Total Payments (Check number)
Investment Portfolio
$5,585,008 Total Invested with 23 Financial Institutions
$1,178,241 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
YTD Expenditures/Revenues
$45,525,653.88 Revenues
$40,499,967.25 Expenditures
$34,061.47 Revenues
$54,799.18 Expenditures
$1,691,369.34  Revenues
$1,538,458.15  Expenditures
$1,293.64 Revenues
$1,500.00 Expenditures
$65,665.83 Revenues
$66,544.00 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income

Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF APRIL 6, 2023 - MAY 14, 2023
$573,122 - General Fund
$188,000 - Capital Reserve
Food Service for March, 2023
$55,993.31 March Net Profit/(Loss)
$291,987.82 Year-to-Date Net Profit

Senior High Student Store for March, 2023
$(681.33) March Net Profit/(Loss)
$2,684.39 Year-to-Date Net Profit
$33,080.52 Assets
$33,080.52 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
Business Office
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
1.    PRFSD (Pittsburgh Regional Food Service Director Membership) effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 Cost: $600
2.    Agreement with Richard Alan Gonsman D.M.D. for onsite dental examinations effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.  Cost:$6.00 per dental examination
3.    Agreement with Bollman Charter Services, Inc. effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for group charter transportation Cost:Per trip basis  
4.    Banking service agreement 1 year mutually agreeable extension with 1st Summit Bank until June 30, 2024.  The agreement extends all of the current terms and conditions. 
5.    SchoolCafe`Service Agreement effective May 17, 2023 until terminated by either party with 30 days notice for electronic cafe`deposits No Cost
6.    Printing Agreement with Herff Jones  effective the 2024, 2025, and 2026 school years for the Junior High Yearbook Cost:Paid by Parents $18.16/copy with 15 free copies per year as part of the 3-year agreement
7.    Memorandum of Understanding with Begin With Us Child Care and Preschool effective May 17, 2023 through June 30, 2028 to collaborate for community education, curricular alignment, sharing of information, transition of planning, and resources for parents.  No Cost
8.    Individual Student Instruction Contract with Lindmood-Bell Learning Processes effective June 5, 2023 through August 31, 2023 for individual instructional services Cost:$26,240
9.    Agreement South Hills School of Business & Technology effective June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2028 to provide a site for student internships No Cost
School Breakfast/Lunch Prices for 2023-2024
Per Board Policy 808-Food Services, the board is being asked to approve 2023-2024 school breakfast/lunch prices.
2023-2024 School Breakfast/Lunch Prices
                             2017/2018    2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022    2022/2023    2023/2024
Elementary BKFS    1.10            1.10                  1.10               1.10                FREE              1.10                1.10
Elementary Lunch   2.25           2.25                 2.25                2.25                FREE              2.25                2.25
Secondary BKFS      1.20            1.20                1.20                1.20                 FREE              1.20                1.20
Secondary Lunch    2.50            2.50                2.50                 2.50                FREE               2.50               2.50
Reduced BKFS         0.30            0.30                0.30                 0.30                FREE               0.30               0.30
Reduced Lunch       0.40            0.40                0.40                 0.40                FREE               0.40               0.40
Milk                            .50             0.50                0.50                 0.50                0.50                0.60               0.60
Adult Lunch Price    3.50          3.50                 3.50                 3.50                3.50                4.00               4.00
Adult BKFST              2.50          2.50                 2.50                 2.50                2.50                2.50               2.50
2023-2024 Capital Reserve 5-Year Plan
2023-2024 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget
The 2023-2024 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget reflects $11,251,434 in total revenues and expenses.  The Hollidaysburg Area School District's aggregate share of these costs is $1,447,191 which is reduced by the district's estimated state share of Vocational Education Subsidies of $154,434 to a net cost of $1,292,757.  This represents a 3.2% operational cost decrease from the 2022-23 budget, or $42,446, and a $38,131 Capital Project payment for future capital improvements.  Approximately 197 HASD students attend the GACTC to obtain Vocational Education in a variety of careers and are employable upon completion of the program.
In addition, the district will pay $119,059 which is representative of our applicable share of the total Computer Consortium expenditure budget of $272,956.  These costs represent a $87,740 decrease in our share.  The Computer Consortium budget provides software and personnel supporting all student information systems.
Resolution to Authorize the Collection of School Property Taxes in Installments effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all school district real property taxes including, but not limited to, taxpayers approved pursuant to Section 341 of Act 1 of the Special Session of 2006 shall be eligible for participation in the installment payment of school property taxes. Provided, however, that the following are excluded from real estate installment payments; interim school property taxes and delinquent school property taxes.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the tax duplicates shall provide for payment of school real property taxes in a single payment or installments at the option of eligible taxpayers.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby directs the collection of installment payment of real estate taxes to be made by the Hollidaysburg Area School District real estate tax collectors who shall set forth on all notices regarding the payment of school real property taxes in installments and the dates on which such payments are due be set forth on the tax notice sent to all real estate taxpayers of the Hollidaysburg Area School District.
Per Capita Tax Exonerations 2022-2023 
Per Board Policy 605, Taxes:
1465 Absolute Exonerations were granted for the 2022-2023 Per Capita Tax collection period per board approved Per Capita Tax Exoneration guidelines. The board is being asked to approve 0 exoneration request forms per board approved Per Capita Tax Exoneration guidelines.  Per Capita Tax bills that remain unpaid will be turned over to Credit Control Collections on May 31, 2023.

Bid Awards 
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bids ae recommended for approval:
•    2023-2024 Fall Sports Supplies to various vendors Cost: $18,004.14
•    2024, 2025, 2026 JH Yearbook Publisher to Herff Jones in the amount of $18.16 per yearbook for each year.  (Cost paid by parents.)
Request to Establish New Student Activity Accounts
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity Accounts:
Class of 2026 - No. 06
The Class of 2026 will be established due to the Class of 2023 members graduating.  Students will benefit by participating in activities with the members of the Class of 2026.  Class activities will enable the students to interact with peers and is a community building process.
Game Changer / Senior High  - No. 58
To Provide students/peers an outlet to grow in their faith
Transfer of Funds: Class of 23 to Class of 24
Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control, the board is being asked to approve the transfer of all remaining funds in the Class of 2023, Student Activity account #03, to the Class of 2024, Student Activity account #04.  The dollar amount is to be determined after the account has been audited.
Tuition Student for 2023-2024
Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, the administration recommends board approval of (M.P.), Grade 8, as a tuition student for the 2023-2024 school year.
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
For Remake Learning Day 5/6/23:

Donut Connection at Beech Tree:
2 dozen donuts
50 count donut holes
6 muffins
Coffee on 3rd: 
2 containers of coffee
Foot of Ten PTO:
$599 for the purchase of a new refrigerator for the FOT staff lounge
McLanahan's Corporation:  $4,500 to FBLA to be used towards the student portion of the NLC costs, as well as covering food costs for the students.
HASD Book Giveaway:  Friday, May 19 and Saturday, May 20

Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea
Curriculum Updates
Dr. Palazzi is submitting the following working draft curriculum maps for Board approval. These maps will then be open for this school year in order for teachers to make minor tweaks to the curriculum, such as pacing, and will come back to the Board next year for final approval.
•    7th Grade Literary Studies
•    Calculus
•    Crafts 2
•    Intro to Computer Coding
•    Introduction to Coding and Turing Tumble
•    German 1
2023-2024 Curriculum and Instruction Projects
Per Board Policy 105 Curriculum Development, the attached Curriculum and Instruction Projects for 2023-2024 are presented for approval.
New Novels - Elementary 
"Riding Freedom"
"The History of the Civil War"
"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane"
"The One and Only Ivan"
"The Tale of Desperaux"

Penn State University Head Start REDI Research Project
The Head Start REDI project is a Penn State University developmental research study targeting the promotion of specific school readiness skills in the domains of social-emotional development and cognitive development funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

This year, the project is following the progress of approximately 3 participating children in 12th grade in the Hollidaysburg Area School District. In this follow-up study, we are evaluating the extent to which preschool enrichments can enhance the long-term school success of students, particularly those from low-income families. Parents have granted permission for their son/daughter to participate.
Field Trip Request
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the following field trip is presented for approval:

Field Trip Request:
Model UN Students to Washington D.C.
Date:  April 13, 2023 through April 15, 2023
District Cost:  $400 (Cost of Substitutes)
Student Cost: $1,340
Organization Cost: $60
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions. 
Approve Hire    Erica Mandley    Grade 5 Teacher    CWL    8/21/2023    Bachelor's; Step 15 $46,705
Approve Hire    Macie Hicks    Kindergarten Teacher (TCHFKSKDGN01)    FKS    8/21/2023    Bachelor's; Step 15 $46,705
Approve Hire    Alexis Eckenrode    Kindergarten Teacher (TCHFKSKDGN02)    FKS    8/21/2023    Bachelor's; Step 15 $46,705
Approve    Alyson Miller    C & I Bullying and Suicide Prevention    FKS    2022/2023 SY    Stipend $133.33
Approve    Kelley Breene    ECRI Trade Day Reimbursement - funded by ESSER   ARP 7% Funds  5% Learning Loss 8% Reading Improvement    CWL    2022/2023 SY    up to 7 hours at $27/hr
Resignation    Sybil McDowell    Special Education Paraprofessional (ADPSEDPARA05)    CWL    Retroactive to 5/15/2023     
Approve Hire    Latisha Ray    Guidance Secretary (SEFSHSSECY05)    SH    Upon release from current employer    $17.96 per hour (22/23 Rate); less $1.50 New hire = $16.46 per hour; Class 2, Group A; 12 month position
Approve    Mindy Cobler    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    4/19/2023    up to 1 hours withy Special Education students to Curve field trip
Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    4/19/2023    1 hour to provide coverage - 3 other paras out
Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    4/20/2023    1.25 hours with Special Education student at Game Club
Approve    Valerie Miles    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/4/2023    3 hours with Special Education student for Chorus Concert
Approve    Valerie Miles    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/5/2023    4 hours with Special Education student for 9th grade dance
Approve    Tracy Faduski    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    5/12/2023    1 hour to provide coverage for other para who is out
Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/19/2023    up to 7.5 hours with 2 Special Education students at Kenneywood field trip
Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/24/2023    up to 4 hours with Special Education students at 7th grade field trip to PNC Park
Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/24/2023    up to 4 hours with Special Education student at 7th grade field trip to PNC Park
Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/30/2023    up to 8 hours with Special Education students at 7th grade field trip to PNC Park
Approve    Amy Myers    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/30/2023    up to 8 hours with Special Education students at 7th grade field trip to PNC Park
Approve    Audra Robertson    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/30/2023    up to 8 hours with Special Education student at 8th grade field trip to Hershey
Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/30/2023    up to 8 hours with Special Education student at 8th grade field trip to Hershey
Approve    Audra Robertson    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    6/2/2023    up to 4 hours to walk with Special Education student for graduation
Approve    Betsy Stiffler    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    6/2/2023    up to 4 hours to walk with Special Education student for graduation
Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/5/2023    3 hours with Special Education student at the Blue and White Dance
Approve    Emily Ritchey    Special Education Teacher    JH    5/5/2023    3 hours at $27/hour with Special Education student at the Blue and White Dance
Approve    Michelle Welch    Special Education Paraprofessional    FKS    5/31/2023    up to 4 hours with Special Education student at 6th grade trip to Knoebels
Approve    Kathleen Moyer    Special Education Paraprofessional - ESY    FKS    7/1/2023    23/24 hourly rate; up to 27 hours for ESY
Approve    Brenda Rose    Special Education Paraprofessional - ESY    SH    7/1/2023    23/24 hourly rate; up to 27 hours for ESY
Approve    Laura Clancy    Special Education Paraprofessional - ESY    TBD    7/1/2023    23/24 hourly rate; up to 27 hours for ESY
Approve    Kim Williams    Special Education Paraprofessional - ESY    JH    7/1/2023    23/24 hourly rate; up to 27 hours for ESY
Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional - ESY    JH    7/1/2023    23/24 hourly rate; up to 27 hours for ESY
Approve    Jocelyn Sheehan    Special Education Teacher - ESY    TBD    7/1/2023    $27.00 per hour; approx. 27 hours for ESY
Approve    Keely Jones    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    Retroactive to 4/3/2023    Per 22/23 Spring Game worker Rates
Approve Hire    Robert Valeria    Mathcounts Advisor    JH    Effective 23/24 SY    $869.01 per Schedule C
Approve Hire    Holly Mercer    Dramatics Advisor (50/50 split with Stephanie Everett)    SH    Effective 23/24 SY    $1,946.20 (50% split) for 23/24 SY
Approve Hire    William Parshall    Substitute Custodian    Dist.    TBD    $12.00 per hour
Approve Hire    Trenton Cheslock    Substitute Custodian    Dist.    TBD    $12.00 per hour
Approve    Mitchell  Becker    Internship with Justin Arthur    Dist.    6/1/2023    Unpaid from the district
Approve    Linnea Lake    Volunteer-Parent    FOT         N/A
Remove    Genee Knab    Volunteer    Dist.          
Remove    Shawn Jones    Volunteer    Dist.          
Information Only    Maria Snyder    Transfer from Special Education Teacher at JH (TCHJHSSPEC09) To Special Education Emotional Support-Schedule for Success Classroom Teacher at JH (TCHJHSSPEC09)    JH    8/21/2023     
Information Only    Steven Ketcham    Senior Applications and Data Specialist    Dist.    OFFICIAL START DATE OF 6/5/2023     
Information Only    Alexis Eckenrode    LTS; Grade 1 Teacher    FKS    DATE CORRECTION: Approx. 5/20/2023 through end of 22/23 School Year    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
Information Only    Susan McFarland    Extend LTS for the Full-Time Day to Day Sub    FKS    DATE CORRECTION: Extend from 4/19/2023 to end of 22/23 School Year    $120 per day

President's Report / Dr. Sommer – Appointments

Treasurer for 2023-2024: Stacey Thomas
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Stacey Thomas to serve as Board Treasurer for a one-year term effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
2. Tax Collector for 2023-2024: Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus and Blair County Tax Collection Bureau
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus and the Blair County Tax Collection Bureau to serve as Tax Collector for a one-year term effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
3. Delinquent Tax Collector for 2023-2024: Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus, Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, Credit Control Collections and Collection Service Center
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
Appointment of Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus, Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, Credit Control Collections, and Collection Service Center to serve as Delinquent Tax Collector for a one-year term effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
Hearing Officer for Student Expulsions for 2023-2024: Terry W. Despoy, Esquire 
Appointment of Terry W. Despoy, Esquire to serve as Hearing Officer for student expulsions for a one-year term effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024  Cost: $175/hr. (No increase from 2022-2023)
Solicitor for 2023-2024: Beard Legal Group
Appointment of Beard Legal Group, LLC. to serve as Solicitor for a one-year term effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 
Cost: 175/hr.
President's Report / Dr. Sommer
Depositories for 2023-2024
Per Board Policy 005, Organization:
The appointment of the following depositories effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024:
PA School District Liquid Asset Fund
PA Local Government Investment Trust
M&T Bank
First Commonwealth Bank
First National Bank of Pennsylvania
Reliance Bank
1st Summit Bank
CNB Bank
Appointment of Voting Delegates for the PSBA Delegate Assembly Meeting on Saturday, November 4, 2023
Voting delegates officially represent the entire entity in the following ways:
1. Receive reports from the PSBA president, chief executive officer and treasurer
2. Receive the election results for PSBA leadership, including Governing Board officers, Zone Representatives and Sectional Advisors
3. Consider proposals recommended by the PSBA Platform Committee and adopt the legislative platform for the coming year
4. Consider and act upon any proposed changes to the PSBA Bylaws
Eligibility of Delegates:
Each PSBA-member entity is entitled to have at least one voting delegate at the meeting. Only school directors, school board secretaries and members and secretaries of the governing body of other PSBA member entities are eligible to serve as delegates. Assistant and recording secretaries, superintendents or other administrators are not eligible by virtue of such positions. The bylaws require that all entities submitting voting delegates must have paid their current year dues to the association. Under the Association’s bylaws, appointment of delegate(s) permitted by district class are as follows:
· First Class school districts may appoint up to four delegates
· Second Class school districts may appoint up to three delegates
· Third Class school district may appoint up to two delegates
· Fourth Class districts, Intermediate Units, Career and Technical Education Centers and other PSBA member entities may appoint one delegate
No representative may be appointed by or represent more than one-member entity. For example, a delegate cannot represent or vote on behalf of both the board of a school district and the board of an intermediate unit.
There is no registration fee to participate in the Delegate Assembly. Travel and other expenses related to attendance are the responsibility of the entity or delegate. An online observation area will be open to any member who is not a voting delegate. Those attendees in the observation area are not able to vote or participate in any discussions or debates.
If you have any questions about the Delegate Assembly or appointment of delegates, please contact Fawn McClure at 717-560-2450 ext3321 or via email at
Budget Discussion
New Business
Adjourn / Dr. Sommer

Documents Distributed at the Board Meeting
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.