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May 15, 2024 Board Highlights

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Committee of the Whole/Voting (Proposed Budget Adoption) - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Junior High - Auditorium
1000 Hewit Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

1. Meeting Opening 7:00pm

A. Call to Order / Ms. Bilek

B. Pledge to Flag

C. Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus

D. Student Representative Reports
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports: Senior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott; Junior Representative: Jefferson McCoy
E. Recognitions
PMEA All-State Participants:
 Nora Stanek - All-State Chorus
 Carson Brenneman - All-State Chorus
 Nathan Karn - All-State Orchestra
 Benjamin Freedman - All-State Orchestra
Outgoing Senior Representatives to the Board:
Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
Employee Service Awards

F. Public Comment

Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.  Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board. Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.  The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.

G. Committee Report
Mr. Snyder will present a report of the April 10, 2024 Physical Plant Committee meeting.

2. Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
March 13, 2024 Committee of the Whole/Voting
April 10, 2024 Physical Plant Committee
April 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole/Voting

B. Announcements
The board met in executive session on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 5:00p.m., for personnel, Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 7:45p.m. for policy and Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. for personnel.

Additional May Meetings:

Policy Committee Meeting 
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648
Time:  5:00p.m.

Committee of the Whole / Budget Discussion * If Needed
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648 
Time: 6:00p.m.

All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
3. Business Office Financial Reports for April, 2024
A. Treasurer's Reports


$3,098,857.53 Receipts
$3,421,854.30 Total Disbursements 
$13,292,380.36 Ledger Balance

$210.21 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$52,196.63 Ledger Balance
$74,733.49 Total Receipts
$178,107.64 Total Disbursements
$1,007,283.36 Ledger Balance

$30,668.25 Total Receipts
$37,011.37 Total Disbursements
$94,374.26 Ledger Balance

$171,187.00 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$396,828.03 Ledger Balance

$35,247.03 Total Receipts
$35,220.44 Total Disbursements
$5,449.12 Ledger Balance

$1,952,969.10 Total Receipts
$2,007,308.34 Total Disbursements
$54,260.39 Ledger Balance

$6,941.55 Total Receipts
$7,312.35 Total Disbursements
$26,239.52 Ledger Balance
B. List of Payments

$1,526,352.69 Total Payments (Check numbers 171326-171522)

$97,474.41 Total Payments (Check numbers 23793-23805) 
$37,011.37 Total Payments (Check numbers 24096-24134)

$0 Total Payments (Check number)

$63,814.17 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262992-263001)
$1,943,494.17 ACH Disbursements
$2,007,308.34 Total Payments 

$7,312.35 Total Payments (Check numbers 1234-1246)

$0 Total Payments (Check number) 
C. Investment Portfolio

$5,806,816 Total Invested with 21 Financial Institutions
$1,237,691 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds
D. YTD Expenditures/Revenues


$47,946,571.38 Revenues
$41,904,456.43 Expenditures
$188,942.25 Revenues
$200,051.72 Expenditures
$1,840,358.86 Revenues
$1,606,330.50 Expenditures

$2,096.59 Revenues
$750.00 Expenditures

$62,403.64 Revenues
$68,502.48 Expenditures
Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account
Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income
E. FY Projections

F. Budget Transfers

PERIOD OF APRIL 4, 2024 - MAY 12, 2024

$235,926 - General Fund
$99,067 - Capital Reserve

G. Food Service for March, 2024


$24,479.54 March Net Profit/(Loss)
$320,752.19 Year-to-Date Net Profit
H. Senior High Student Store for March, 2024


$8,519.75 March Net Profit/(Loss)
$(3,011.40) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$30,175.17 Assets
$30,175.17 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity
4. Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus

A. 2024-2025 Proposed Budget

Section 687a1 of the PA school code requires school districts to adopt a 2024-2025 Proposed Final General Fund Budget 30 days prior to the adoption of the Final General Fund Budget.  The budget is scheduled to be approved on June 19, 2024.  The Board will have the ability to review and make changes to the 2024-2025 Proposed General Fund Budget until final adoption in June.

Following tonight's approval of the 2024-2025 Proposed General Fund Budget the Board President will sign certifications to the Department of Education indicating the budget was prepared, presented and made available for public inspection on the appropriate PDE forms.

 The budget will be made available for public inspection and may be obtained as follows:

1. via District website at
2. via phone 814-695-7431 leave a message with your name and phone number
3. via written request sent to Hollidaysburg Area School District
Autumn D. Fiscus, Board Secretary
405 Clark Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

B. Resolution Authorizing Proposed Final Budget Display And Advertising and Per Capita Tax Notice

RESOLVED, by the Board of School Directors of the Hollidaysburg Area School District, as follows

The proposed Final Budget of the School District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year on form PDE 2028 as presented to the School Board shall be considered the proposed Final Budget of the School District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year and shall be made available for public inspection after this date.

At least ten (10) days before the date scheduled for adoption of the Final Budget, the Secretary shall advertise Final Budget Notice and Per Capita Tax Notice in substantially the form as presented to the School Board. The Notice shall be advertised once in a newspaper of general circulation and shall be posted conspicuously at the School District offices.

C. Resolution to Authorize the Collection of School Property Taxes in Installments effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all school district real property taxes including, but not limited to, taxpayers approved pursuant to Section 341 of Act 1 of the Special Session of 2006 shall be eligible for participation in the installment payment of school property taxes. Provided, however, that the following are excluded from real estate installment payments; interim school property taxes and delinquent school property taxes.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the tax duplicates shall provide for payment of school real property taxes in a single payment or installments at the option of eligible taxpayers.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board hereby directs the collection of installment payment of real estate taxes to be made by the Hollidaysburg Area School District real estate tax collectors who shall set forth on all notices regarding the payment of school real property taxes in installments and the dates on which such payments are due be set forth on the tax notice sent to all real estate taxpayers of the Hollidaysburg Area School District.

D. Facility Improvement Grant Resolution

E. 2024-2025 Capital Reserve 5-Year Plan

F. Federal Program Budget Adjustments

2023-2024 PCCD School Mental Health Grant Increase: $139,849
2023-2024 PCCD School District Meritorious Grant Increase: $40,000

G. Section 125 Flexible Fringe Benefits Plan - No. 501

The board is being asked to approve the adoption of a voluntary Section 125 Flexible Fringe Benefits Plan for the employees of the Hollidaysburg Area School District to be effective July 1, 2024.

H. Contracts

Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
Contract with Zoom effective 5/23/2024 through 5/24/2025 for Zoom Video Conferencing Cost: $839.90
PRFSD (Pittsburgh Regional Food Service Director Membership) effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Cost: $600 
Agreement with Richard Alan Gonsman D.M.D. for onsite dental examinations effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.  Cost:  $6.00 per dental examination

Agreement with Bollman Charter Services, Inc. effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for group charter transportation Cost: Per trip basis

Banking service agreement 1 year mutually agreeable extension with 1st Summit Bank until June 30, 2025.  The agreement extends all of the current terms and conditions.

Letter of Agreement with The Healing Patch effective May 15, 2024 through May 31, 2025 to provide in-school grief support services to students No Cost 

Independent Contractor Agreement with James H. Butler effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for Data Gathering and Reporting Services.  Cost: $125/hr 

Contract with CDWG Amplified IT effective 6/29/2024 through 6/30/2027 for Annual Google Workspace Education Renewal Cost: $47,250 ($15,750, annually)

Letter of Agreement with the County of Blair County Department of Social Services (DDS) - Mental Health (MH) Program and UPMC Western Behavioral Health of the Alleghenies (BHA) effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for a collaboration of mental health and drug and alcohol services and cooperation in providing services for the Student Assistance Program (SAP) Cost: $1,000 Donation
Agreement for Transportation of Special Education Pupils with Maxwell Transit Systems, Inc. effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2029.  Cost: Adjusted first year rates, daily rates increased yearly as applicable with the Pa Department of Transportation Cost Index

Contract with American Fidelity for Section 125 administrative services, regulatory and compliance services and employee benefit education services effective July 1, 2024 with automatic annual renewal. No Cost

Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs (Junior High), effective May 15, 2024 through November 26, 2024 for staff, students and parents to purchase books and educational products from Scholastic Fair Dates:  November 18, 2024 through November 26, 2024 - No Cost

Contract with Scholastic Book Fairs (CWL), effective May 15, 2024 through October 14, 2024 for staff, students and parents to purchase books and educational products from Scholastic Fair Dates: October 7, 2024 through October 14, 2024 - No Cost
Contract with Music Theatre International effective April 18, 2024 through May 30, 2024 for the Junior High Production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast Cost: $1,355 (paid for by Junior Theatre Student Activity Account #62)
Consulting Agreement with David Bateman effective May 15, 2024 for special education advice and assistance Cost: $125/hr. not to exceed $3,000

I. Construction Payment

The administration requests authorization for Jonathan Nihart to approve the construction payment to McClure Company for the bollard installation to meet grant deadlines at an approximate cost of $46,000.

J. Bid Awards
Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bids are recommended for approval:

2025-2026-2027 SH Yearbook Publisher:  Herff Jones Yearbooks
2025-2026-2027 SH/District Photographer RFP - Moments Photography
K. Donations

Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following grant:

PDE/IU08 Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Grant:  $1,500
Kevin McCloskey, SH Science Department Chair
The IU08 received a grant from PDE.  From those funds, the IU08 donated $1,500 to the Senior High for necessary repairs to the Bio Pond at the Senior High.

GIANT Company Martins: $7,022.79
2023 Feeding School Kids "Round Up at the Register Program" 

L. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books

Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
M. Tuition Students for 2024-2025

Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, the administration recommends board approval of (M.P.), Grade 9, and (A.S.), Grade 5, as tuition students for the 2024-2025 school year.

N. School Breakfast/Lunch Prices for 2024-2025

Per Board Policy 808-Food Services, the board is being asked to approve 2024-2025 school breakfast/lunch prices.

O. Transfer of Funds: Class of 24 to Class of 25

Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control, the board is being asked to approve the transfer of all remaining funds in the Class of 2024, Student Activity account #04, to the Class of 2025, Student Activity account #05.  The dollar amount is to be determined after the account has been audited.

P. Request to Establish New Student Activity Account

Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:

New Student Activity:  Junior High Podcasting Club - No. 81
Purpose: Podcasting and podcasts are a 21st century communication medium that would provide students the opportunity to create content, work in teams, and push out student voice to the Junior High community.  Podcasts could be released through a school google classroom and include student spotlights, alumni stories, sports and academic segments.

Q. Close Student Activity Account

Per Board Policy 618-Student Activity Fund Control, the following Student Activity Accounts are being recommended to be closed:

Student Activity:  HFC (Hollidaysburg Firearms Club) - No. 88

Purpose:  To promote firearms safety, second amendment/constitutional issues (History), scholarship opportunities for students, discuss gun-related issues/incidents (current events), how gun-related incidents affect society (psychology/sociology). 

R. Student Activity Fundraiser

Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraiser is presented for approval:

Student Activity Fundraiser:

SH Key Club, No. 66
Mrs. Grove's Cinnamon Rolls Expected Profit:  $200
Date: May 17-24, 2024
Purpose: Rise Against Hunger 2025

5. Superintendent's Report / Mr. Whitesel

A. Health and Safety Plan - May, 2024 Update

The School District's Health and Safety Plan will serve as the local guidelines for all instructional and non-instructional school activities. 

B. 2024 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS)

PAYS is a survey of youth in 6th, 8th, 10th, and/or 12th grades that assesses their behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge concerning alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, violence and other problems.  It is provided at no cost to districts.  The survey is voluntary, and student responses will remain anonymous and confidential.  The survey was administered electronically in the fall of 2023 with results received  April 30, 2024.

C. Candidate List for the Award of a 2023-2024 Diplomas - Additions

Per Board Policy 217 Graduation, an additional list of 2023-2024 candidates for the award of a diploma is being presented for board approval.

D. Curriculum Updates

Dr. Palazzi is submitting the following working draft curriculum maps for Board approval. These maps will then be open for this school year in order for teachers to make minor tweaks to the curriculum, such as pacing, and will come back to the Board next year for final approval.

Math 8 and CB Pre-Algebra 8
E. 2024-2025 Curriculum and Instruction Projects

Per Board Policy 105 Curriculum Development, the attached Curriculum and Instruction Projects for 2024-2025 are presented for approval.

F. Personnel

Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.

1    Resign    Delta States    "Confidential Secretary-Human Resources 
(CSFADMHRSE02)"    Admin.    Last day of work 5/1/2024        Non-bargaining Action
2    Approve Hire    Allison Melius    "Confidential Secretary-Human Resources 
(CSFADMHRSE02)"    Admin.    5/28/2024    $20.50/hour, 23/24 rate    Non-bargaining Action
3    Approve Hire    Paula Athey    Special Education Supervisor (New Position) 260 Day    Dist.    7/1/2024    $79,000 24/25 SY, Act 93 agreement    Non-bargaining Action
4    Approve Hire    Hannah Hughes    School Psychologist (TCHADMPSYC02)    Dist.    24/25 SY    Step M8; $60,655    Teaching Staff Action
5    Approve Hire    Lindsay Detwiler    Business Teacher (TCHJHSBSED03)    JH/SH    24/25 SY    Step 10M; $57,055    Teaching Staff Action
6    Rescind Previous Action - Resignation    Tara Bondi    "Math Teacher
 (TCHJHSMATH07)"    JH    5/16/2024        Teaching Staff Action
7    Resign    Laura Rodgers    Reading Specialist (TCHFOTREAD01)    FOT    6/7/2024        Teaching Staff Action
8    Resign    Alyson Miller    Guidance (TCHFKSGUID01)    FKS    End of 23/24 SY        Teaching Staff Action
9    Resign    Madison Fiore    English Teacher (TCHSHSENGL07)    SH    End of 23/24 SY        Teaching Staff Action
10    Create New Position        Life Skills (new position)    CWL    24/25 SY        Teaching Staff Action
11    Eliminate Position        Learning Support    SH    End of 23/24 SY        Teaching Staff Action
12    Eliminate Position        Learning Support    JH    End of 23/24 SY        Teaching Staff Action
13    Create New Position        Itinerant Autistic Support    Dist.    24/25 SY        Teaching Staff Action
14    Create New Position        Itinerant Emotional Support    Dist.    24/25 SY        Teaching Staff Action
15    Approve MOU        Transfer for employee C.M.    CWL    5/16/2024        Teaching Staff Action
16    Approve Transfer    Cassie Mock    Life Skills (new position)    CWL    24/25 SY        Teaching Staff Action
17    Approve LTS    Dana Anderson    LTS; Health & PE Teacher    CWL    4/15/24-5/28/24    $165 per day (working half day position)    Teaching Staff Action
18    Approve LTS    Carol Scarbro    LTS; Special Education Teacher    SH    5/1/2024 to end of 23/24 SY    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment    Teaching Staff Action
19    Approve    Deanna Jubeck    Summer School- Math Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24     Teaching Staff Action
20    Approve    Carol Scarbro    "Homebound Instructor for 
student D.D."    SH    3/10/2024    Up to 5 hours per week at $27 per hour    Teaching Staff Action
21    Approve    Carol Scarbro    "Homebound Instructor for 
student H.R."    JH    4/3/2024    Up to 5 hours per week at $27 per hour    Teaching Staff Action
22    Remove    Raquel Lemelle    C & I - Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    SH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hrs at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
23    Approve    Erin Yeager    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    JH    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
24    Approve    Jocelyn Sheehan    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
25    Approve    Kara Vyborny    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
26    Approve    Katelyn Diehl    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    CWL    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
27    Approve    Leia Fink    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
28    Approve    Suzannah Cannon    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    JH/FKS    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
29    Approve    Paula Dull    "Special Education
Teacher - ESY"    JH    7/1/2024    "$28.00 per hour; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Teaching Staff Action
30    Approve    Morgan Dutrow    School Psychologist    Dist.    23/24 SY    $27.00 per hour for up to 30 hours to cover for JB    Teaching Staff Action
31    Approve    Debra Springer    School Psychologist    Dist.    23/24 SY    $27.00 per hour for up to 30 hours to cover for JB    Teaching Staff Action
32    Approve    Jennifer Carney    Saturday Detention    SH    23/24 SY    $27/hr     Teaching Staff Action
33    Remove    Raquel Lemelle    C & I - Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    SH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hrs at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
34    Approve    Alyson Miller    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    FKS    Retroactive to  08/08/23    Up to 6 hrs at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
35    Eliminate Position        5 Hour, 260 Day Admin Office Secretary    Admin.    5/24/2024        Support Staff Action
36    Create New Position        7.5 Hour, 260 Day Admin Secretary    Admin.    5/27/2024    1A Admin Secretary, Full Time    Support Staff Action
37    Retire    Beth Snyder    "Office Paraprofessional 
(ADPCWLAIDE02)"    CWL    6/5/2024        Support Staff Action
38    Retire    Regina Miller    Principal's Secretary (SECCWLSECY01)    CWL    6/7/2024        Support Staff Action
39    Resign    Tina Cunningham    PT Education Secretary (SEPADMSUPT01)    Admin.    5/24/2024        Support Staff Action
40    Approve Hire    Ayrika Orr    "Secretary- School Psychologist 
(SECADMPHYC01)"    JH    24/25 SY    193 Day, 6 hours per day; Class 2, Group BA at $16.82 per hour (24/25 rate)    Support Staff Action
41    Approve Transfer    Debbie Ulicne    Transfer from 3.5-hour Food Service Worker at JH (FSPJHSFSWK10) to 3- hour Food Service Worker at Frankstown    FKS    8/1/2024    24/25 School Year hourly rate    Support Staff Action
42    Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    4/19/2024    Up to 4 extra hours to assist student for Lock-In    Support Staff Action
43    Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    5/30/2024    Up to 13.5 extra hours to assist student for Hershey field trip    Support Staff Action
44    Approve Hire    Lindsay Johnson    5 Hour Food Service Worker (FSPCWLFSWK05)    CWL    5/16/2024    $15.26 per hour (23/24 rate)    Support Staff Action
45    Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    4/25/2024    1.5 hours at 23/24 hourly rate to assist student at game club    Support Staff Action
46    Approve    Karla Leaper    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/23/2024    Approve extra hours for assisting student at 7th grade field trip    Support Staff Action
47    Approve    Kimberly Williams    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/28/2024    Approve extra hours for assisting student at 8th grade field trip    Support Staff Action
48    Approve    Rebecca Yarnell    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/28/2024    Approve extra hours for assisting student at 8th grade field trip    Support Staff Action
49    Approve    Amy Myers    Special Education Paraprofessional    JH    5/28/2024    Approve extra hours for assisting student at 8th grade field trip    Support Staff Action
50    Approve    Amanda Salcedo    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    CWL    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
51    Approve    Arlene Clark    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    FOT    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
52    Approve    Brenda Kosko-Byler    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
53    Approve    Cathy Negron    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
54    Approve    Don Henry    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    CWL    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
55    Approve    Jaida Wagner    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
56    Approve    Jamie Brubaker    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    FKS    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
57    Approve    Kathy Smith    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    Dist.    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
58    Approve    Kim Williams    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    JH    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
59    Approve    Melissa Schneiderbauer    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    CWL    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
60    Approve    Nicole Zeek    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    Dist.    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
61    Approve    Savannah Dodge    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    SH    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
62    Approve    Susan Straw    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    Dist.    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
63    Approve    Tracy Lloyd    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    CWL    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
64    Approve    Valerie Miles    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    SH    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; up to 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
65    Approve    Jerry Harlow    "Special Education
Paraprofessional - ESY"    JH    7/1/2024    "23/24 Hourly Rate; approx. 35 hours for
ESY"    Support Staff Action
66    Approve    Christy Feathers    Summer School-Paraprofessional    SH    Summer 2024    Regular hourly rate    Support Staff Action
67    Resign    Christine Snyder    Nursing Department Chair    Dist.    End of 23/24 SY        Schedule C Action
68    Approve Hire    Erin Fogle    Nursing Department Chair    Dist.    24/25 SY    $2897.83 per Schedule C    Schedule C Action
69    Resign    Erin Yeager    Majorette/Band Front Advisor    JH    End of 23/24 SY        Schedule C Action
70    Approve Hire    Katelyn Diehl    Majorette/Band Front Advisor    JH    24/25 SY    $1,588.10 per Schedule C    Schedule C Action
71    Approve Hire    Brittany Hoover    Cheerleading Advisor 7th Grade    JH    24/25 SY    $1,526.11 per Schedule C    Schedule C Action
72    Resign    Hannah Reed    Assistant Girls' Volleyball Coach    SH    4/11/2024        Schedule D Action
73    Resign    Cassie Mock    Head Junior High Girls' Basketball Coach    JH    4/17/2024        Schedule D Action
74    Resign    Paul Yakamac    JH Football Assistant Coach    JH    5/3/2024        Schedule D Action
75    Approve Hire    Donnie Ellis    Assistant Basketball Coach    SH    24/25 SY    $4,840.29 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action
76    Approve Hire    Steve Kirsch    Assistant Basketball Coach    SH    24/25 SY    $3,126.21 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action
77    Approve Hire    Brad Lear    Assistant Football Coach    JH    24/25 SY    $3,406.52 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action
78    Approve Hire    Brandon Stitt    Head Volleyball Coach    SH    24/25 SY    $4,896.52 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action
79    Resign    Deb Hite    Food Service Substitute    Dist.    4/11/2024        Substitute Action
80    Approve Hire    Emily Altmanshoer    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    5/15/2024    $120 per day    Substitute Action
81    Approve Hire    Morghan Krug    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    5/16/2024    $120 per day    Substitute Action
82    Resign    Autumn Wilson    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    5/15/2024        Substitute Action
83    Approve    Hannah Moore    Volunteer - Athletics (volleyball)    Dist.    4/12/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
84    Approve    Cam Strohe    "Volunteer - Athletics 
(Track and Field)"    Dist.    4/12/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
85    Approve    Cassie Mock    Volunteer-Athletics (basketball)    Dist.    4/17/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
86    Approve    Michelle Metzgar    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    4/22/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
87    Approve    Rebecca Stevens    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    4/22/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
88    Approve    Christine Hooder    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    4/22/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
89    Approve    Julie Patosky    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    4/25/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
90    Approve    Taylor Potts    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    4/25/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
91    Approve    Monica Jochen    Volunteer-Parent    FKS/JH    4/30/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
92    Approve    Jennifer Henry    Volunteer-Parent    SH/CWL    5/1/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
93    Approve    Sarah Marchi    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    4/23/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
94    Approve    Sara McClellan    Volunteer- Parent    CWL    4/25/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
95    Approve    Sarah Gates    Volunteer-Parent    FOT    5/2/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
96    Approve    Jason Zimmerman    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    4/30/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
97    Approve    Amber Steiner    Volunteer - Athletics    Dist.    5/8/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
98    Remove    Jeanna Bilek    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    4/16/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
99    Remove    Betsy Williams    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    4/15/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
100    Remove    Misty Miller    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    5/1/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
101    Remove    Andrea Paul    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    5/1/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
102    Remove    Mariah Papi    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    5/1/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
103    Remove    Jarrett Sidney    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    5/1/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
104    Remove    Lauren Sidney    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    5/1/2024    n/a    Volunteer Action
105    Information Only    Marissa Cerully    Foot of Ten Principal    FOT    OFFICIAL START DATE of 5/13/2024        Information only
106    Information Only    Ashley Santichen    Special Education Secretary     Admin.    OFFICIAL START DATE OF 4/29/2024        Information only
107    Information Only    Jane Burkholder    School Psychologist (TCHADMPSYC02)    Dist.    Offical end date 5/19/24        Information only

A. Treasurer for 2024-2025: Stacey Thomas

Per Board Policy 005, Organization:

Appointment of Stacey Thomas to serve as Board Treasurer for a one-year term effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

B. Tax Collector for 2024-2025: Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus and Blair County Tax Collection Bureau

Per Board Policy 005, Organization:

Appointment of Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus and the Blair County Tax Collection Bureau to serve as Tax Collector for a one-year term effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

C. Delinquent Tax Collector for 2024-2025: Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus, Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, Credit Control Collections and Collection Service Center

Per Board Policy 005, Organization:

Appointment of Stacey Thomas, Autumn Fiscus, Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, Credit Control Collections, and Collection Service Center to serve as Delinquent Tax Collector for a one-year term effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

 D. Hearing Officer for Student Expulsions for 2024-2025: Terry W. Despoy, Esquire

Per Board Policy 005, Organization:

Appointment of Terry W. Despoy, Esquire to serve as Hearing Officer for student expulsions for a one-year term effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Cost: $175/hr.

 E. Solicitor for 2024-2025: Beard Legal Group

Per Board Policy 005, Organization:

Appointment of Beard Legal Group, LLC. to serve as Solicitor for a one-year term effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Cost: 175/hr.

F. Depositories for 2024-2025

Per Board Policy 005, Organization:

The appointment of the following depositories effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025:

PA School District Liquid Asset Fund
PA Local Government Investment Trust
M&T Bank
First Commonwealth Bank
First National Bank of Pennsylvania
Reliance Bank
1st Summit Ban
CNB Bank

G. Appointment of Voting Delegates for the PSBA Delegate Assembly Meeting on Saturday, November 

This is an annual association-wide business meeting which will take place on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 9:00a.m.  The gathering will again be hosted as a hybrid event.  This will allow appointed delegates to have the choice of attending in person or virtually by Zoom.  In-person attendance will take place at PSBA headquarter in Mechanicsburg, PA and will be available for the first 120 delegates who choose this option when registering.  All remaining delegates will participate by Zoom. Third-Class districts can appoint up to two individual(s) to attend.

Voting delegates officially represent the entire entity in the following ways:

1. Receive reports from the PSBA president, chief executive officer and treasurer.
2. Receive the election results for PSBA leadership, including PSBA Governing Board officers, Zone Representatives and Sectional Advisors.
3. Consider proposals recommended by the PSBA Platform Committee and adopt the legislative platform for the coming year.
4. Consider and act upon any proposed changes to the PSBA Bylaws.
 Eligibility of Delegates:

Each PSBA-member entity is entitled to have at least one voting delegate at the meeting. Only school directors, school board secretaries and members and secretaries of the governing body of other PSBA-member entities are eligible to serve as delegates. Assistant and recording secretaries, superintendents or other administrators are not eligible by virtue of such positions. The bylaws require that all entities submitting voting delegates must have paid their current year dues to the association. Under the Association’s bylaws, appointment of delegate(s) permitted by district class are as follows:

· First Class school districts may appoint up to four delegates
· Second Class school districts may appoint up to three delegates
· Third Class school district may appoint up to two delegates
· Fourth Class districts, Intermediate Units, Career and Technical Education Centers and other PSBA-member entities may appoint one delegate

No representative may be appointed by or represent more than one-member entity. For example, a delegate cannot represent or vote on behalf of both the board of a school district and the board of an intermediate unit.


There is no registration fee to participate in the Delegate Assembly. Travel and other expenses related to attendance are the responsibility of the entity or delegate. An online observation area will be open to any member who is not a voting delegate. Those attendees in the observation area are not able to vote or participate in any discussions or debates.

If you have any questions about the Delegate Assembly or appointment of delegates, please contact Fawn McClure at 717-560-2450 ext. 3321 or via email at

H. New Business

7. Adjourn / Ms. Bilek
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.