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March 13, 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

A. Meeting Opening 7:00pm

  • Call to Order / Ms. Bilek
  • Pledge to Flag
  • Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus
  • Public Comment

Any individual who wishes to address the Board is required to announce his or her name, address and group affiliation if appropriate. Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting. The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.

5. Student Representative Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:
Student Representatives:
Senior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
Junior Representative: Jefferson McCoy

6. Solar Field Presentation
McClure Company Solar and Geothermal presentation
Mark Gallick will present the scoping audit findings along with an analysis of adding a solar field on district property.  The presentation will also include analysis of adding a geothermal heating system to CW Longer and the Junior High buildings.
B. Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
1. Announcements
The board met in executive session Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 6:00p.m. for personnel and policy discussion, and March 5, 2024 at 6:00pm and March 13, 2024 at 6:00p.m. for personnel.
Meetings for April, 2024:
Physical Plant Committee 
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Time: 5:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

Committee of the Whole/Voting 
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Time: 7:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.
2. Minutes
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
February 7, 2024 - Committee of the Whole/Voting
C. Business Office - Financial Reports for February, 2024
1. Treasurer's Reports
$4,414,244.37 Receipts
$5,056,276.85 Total Disbursements 
$16,988,990.25 Ledger Balance

$202.06  Total Receipts
$0.00  Total Disbursements
$51,770.10  Ledger Balance

$382,461.21 Total Receipts
$224,904.85 Total Disbursements
$1,227,702.92  Ledger Balance

$40,349.82 Total Receipts
$29,800.92 Total Disbursements
$94,705.77 Ledger Balance

$874.82 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursement
$224,702.10 Ledger Balance

$32,673.32 Total Receipts
$32,645.07 Total Disbursements
$5,396.15  Ledger Balance

$2,901,835.19 Total Receipts
$1,920,635.17 Total Disbursements
$1,030,558.65  Ledger Balance

$5,119.17  Total Receipts
$14,858.60  Total Disbursements
$28,470.10  Ledger Balance

 2. List of Payments
Application and Certificate for Payment #5 - McClure Company: $92,707.40
$2,241,096.32 Total Payments (Check numbers 170941-171166)

$108,627.30 Total Payments (Check numbers 23766-23778)

$29,800.92 Total Payments (Check numbers 24066-24083)

$0 Total Payments (Check number)

$67,115.38 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262929-262942)
$1,853,519.79 ACH Disbursements
$1,920,635.17 Total Payments 

$14,858.60 Total Payments  (Check numbers 1217-1227)

$0 Total Payments (Check number)

3. Investment Portfolio
$5,735,883 Total Invested with 22 Financial Institutions
$1,227,530 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds

4. YTD Expenditures/Revenues


$43,059,203.45 Revenues
$32,481,175.51 Expenditures

$15,423.74 Revenues
$200,051.72 Expenditures

$1,396,856.76 Revenues
$1,204,177.97 Expenditures

$1,670.06  Revenues
$750.00  Expenditures

$40,760.42 Revenues
$54,985.17 Expenditures

Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account

Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income 

5. Budget Transfers
PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 5, 2024 - MARCH 3, 2024
$706,763 General Fund
$391 Food Service

6. Food Service for January, 2024
$39,615.63 January Net Profit/(Loss)
$193,510.83 Year-to-Date Net Profit

7. Senior High Student Store for January, 2024
$1,673.84 January Net Profit/(Loss)
$(1,843.44) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$41,459.52 Assets
$41,459.52 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity

1. Contracts

Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:

Cooperative Agreement with Saint Francis University effective November 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for the College in the High School Program for the 2023-2024 school year.  No Cost (Parent Paid)
Grant Agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture effective July 1,2023 through June 30, 2025 to assist with updates to the Tiger Victory Garden Cost: $7,500 (paid by Grant funds) - No District Cost
McDonald's Make Activities Count Mac Grant awarded by Local McDonald's Owner Joy Nyanko effective the 2023-2024 school year to support the JH Library and Tiger TV - Grant award: $450  No District Cost
Affiliation Agreement with Messiah University effective February 7, 2024 through February 7, 2025 to facilitate education and training of students to help meet the needs of the communities No District Cost
Contract with Figma, Inc. effective February 20, 2024 through June 30, 2024 for a collaborative web application for interface design subscription No Cost

Contract with Fullington Auto Bus Company, effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2029 to provide student transportation services.  Cost: 2024-25 school year $1,692,621

2. Resolution to Authorize Participation in the IU08 Cooperative Bidding Program for 2024-2025
Resolution to Authorize Participation in the Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 Cooperative Bidding Program for the purpose of purchasing paper supplies for the 2024-2025 school year.

3. Federal Program Budget Adjustments

Federal Program Budget Adjustments:
2023-2024 Budget:

ESSER III: $3,669,815 (Increase)
Title I: $27,509 (Decrease)
Title IV: $950 (Decrease)
Title II: $7,451 (Increase)
Title II: $11,193 (Increase) 2022-2023 Carryover
School Mental Health and Safety and Security Grant PCCD $202,330 (Increase) 2022-2023 Carryover
Title I: $13,927 (Increase) 2021-2022 Carryover
PDE Safe School Targeted Equipment: $50,000 (Increase) 2022-2023 Carryover
ARP ESSER 7% Learning Loss: $167,938 (Increase) 2022-2023 Carryover
ARP ESSER 7% Summer Programs: $41,931 (Increase) 2022-2023 Carryover
ARP ESSER 7% After School: $32,960 (Increase) 

4. Appalachia IU08 2024-2025 General Operating Budget and Resolution

The Appalachia IU08 2024-2025 General Operating Budget totals $6,594,381.77 for both revenues and expenditures representing a 13% increase.  Hollidaysburg Area School District's contribution for the 2024-2025 school year will increase by $180.19 or 1.0% to $16,621.99.  This budget is for IU8 operations only.  The operation of the IU8 special education and non-public programs are funded through a variety of other IU8 separate budgets.

5. Election of Appalachia IU08 Board Members for 2024-2025

The Hollidaysburg Area School District shares an IU8 board member seat with Williamsburg-Community School District on a three-year rotating basis.  Our current IU08 Board representation term will end on June 30, 2024.  Hollidaysburg Area School District is on a three-year rotation basis with Williamsburg Community School District.  The next term of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027 would go to the Williamsburg Community School District.  However, Williamsburg does not have a representative to fill the opening, so a board member from Hollidaysburg will fill the position.  Michele Luther, will be the Hollidaysburg board representative to IU08 for the term of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027.  From July 1, 2027 to June 30, 2030, the rotation will be back to the Hollidaysburg Area School District to have a representative to the IU08.


 6. Per Capita Tax Exonerations 2023-2024

Per Board Policy 605, Taxes:
1,392 Absolute Exonerations were granted for the 2023-2024 Per Capita Tax collection period per board approved Per Capita Tax Exoneration guidelines. The board is being asked to approve 5 exoneration request forms per board approved Per Capita Tax Exoneration guidelines.  Per Capita Tax bills that remain unpaid will be turned over to Credit Control Collections on May 31, 2024.

7. Blair County Tax Assessment Appeal Settlements
The administration recommends the settlement of the following Tax Assessment Appeals:

Tax Assessment Appeal filed to Blair County Docket No. 2022 GN 3855 Stuckey Factory, LLC. at the assessed value of $5,612,800.
Tax Assessment Appeal filed to Blair County Docket No. 2023 GN 3151 Curry Realty Two, LLC. at the assessed value of$275,000
8. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.

E. Superintendent's Report / Mr. Green

1. New Course Proposal
Proposed New Course:
AP World History 10

2. NAEP Exams

3. Administrative Regulation to Accompany Policy No. 913

4. Keystone State Challenge Academy

5. 2024 Spring Sports Master Field Trip Schedule
Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the attached list of student field trips in excess of 150 miles, out of state, or overnight is submitted for approval.  The attached list is inclusive of all trips regardless of distance.

*The administration requests authorization for the Superintendent to approve additional trips as needed throughout the 2023-2024 school year resulting from advancement in PIAA school sponsored sports playoffs.

6. Driver's Ed End of Course Skill Test and Driver Test Route
The district is requesting approval from the Department of Transportation to participate in the Driver Education End-of-Course Skill Test for the 2024-2025 school year.  This approval will continue to allow our PA certified driver's education teacher William Calvert, to administer driver's testing to obtain a PA Driver's License.

7. HAEA Grievance Number 2324-2

8. April 8, 2024 Eclipse

9. Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.

1    Approve    Autumn Fiscus    Business Manager    Dist.    3/14/2024    Employment Contract ($3000 flat rate increase years 2-5; salary adjustment year one)
2    Approve Hire    Marissa Cerully    Elementary Principal (MGPFOTPRIN01)    FOT    TBD    $90,000 prorated for remainder of 23/24 SY
3    Approve Hire    Tim Gildea    Interim Elementary Principal    FOT    3/25/2024    $350 per diem, up to 40 school days
4    Resign    Emily Ritchey    Special Education Teacher (TCHJHSSPEC11)    JH    2/15/2024    
5    Approve    Nicole Briscoe    Long-Term Substitute Teacher- Special Education    JH    2/20/2024 - end of the 23/24 School Year    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
6    Approve    Barry Benner    Long-Term Substitute for the Full-time Day to Day Substitute    JH    2/20/24-3/29/24    $120 per day
7    Approve    Kaleen Wolfe    Long-Term Substitute for the Full-time Day to Day Substitute    JH    4/2/24-end of the 23/24 School Year    $120 per day
8    Approve    Kristie Cummings    Long-Term Substitute Teacher- English    JH    3/28/2024-end of the 23/24 School Year    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
9    Approve    Jennifer Cruse    Long-Term Substitute- Grade 5    CWL    Approx. 4/22/2024 to 5/27/2024    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment
10    Eliminate Position        3rd Grade Elementary Teacher (TCHCWL03GR01)    CWL    24/25 SY    
11    Eliminate Position        2nd Grade Elementary Teacher (TCHFOT02GR02)    FOT    24/25 SY    
12    Eliminate Position        4th Grade Elementary Teacher (TCHFOT04GR01)    FOT    24/25 SY    
13    Create New Position    Elementary Teacher    6th Grade Elementary Teacher (New position)    CWL    24/25 SY    
14    Create New Position    Elementary Teacher    3rd Grade Elementary Teacher (new position)    FOT    24/25 SY    
15    Approve    Christie James    Summer School-Special Education Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
16    Approve    Erin Yeager    Summer School-Special Education Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
17    Approve    Grace Winters    Summer School-Science Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
18    Approve    Nicole Stouffer    Summer School-ELA Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
19    Approve    Tara Bondi    Summer School- Math Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
20    Approve    Travis Singer    Summer School-Social Studies Teacher    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
21    Approve    Jaime Ziegler    Summer School-Health & PE (remedial and for credit)    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
22    Approve    Derek Trimmer    Summer School- Student Technology Support    Dist.    Summer 2024    $27.00 per hour through 6/30/24; $28 per hour starting 7/1/24
23    Approve    Carol Scarbro    Homebound Instruction for student A.W.    JH    2/20/2024    up to 5 hours per week at $27 per hour
24    Approve    Nicole Stouffer    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
25    Approve    John Wessner    April 23 in-service Session Prep    FOT    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
26    Approve    Cheryl Grimaldi    April 23 in-service Session Prep        3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
27    Approve    Suzanne Lloyd    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
28    Approve    Michelle Galo    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
29    Approve    Tara Bondi    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
30    Approve    Debra Springer    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
31    Approve    Bryan James    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
32    Approve    Rachel Black    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
33    Approve    Erin Yeager    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
34    Approve    Lynette Luke    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
35    Approve    Kevin McCloskey    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
36    Approve    Megan Murtagh    April 23 in-service Session Prep    JH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
37    Approve    Jennifer Buffone    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
38    Approve    Dawn Elchin    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
39    Approve    Stephanie Everett    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
40    Approve    Olivia Passanita    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
41    Approve    Suzannah Cannon    April 23 in-service Session Prep    SH    3/13/2024    up to 1 hour at $27/hour
42    Retire    Carla Dente Firment    Office Paraprofessional (ADFSHSAIDE01)    SH    6/3/2024    
43    Retire    Anita Baumgartner    Special Education Paraprofessional (ADPSEDPARA01)    CWL    5/31/2024    
44    Resign    Dawn Wombacher    Special Education Paraprofessional (ADPSEDPARA21)    FKS    2/27/2024    
45    Resign    Beth Smith    Food Service Worker (FSPFOTFSWK02)    FOT    3/1/2024    
46    Approve Hire    Melissa Moreland    "Special Education ACCESS Secretary 
(SEPADMSPEC01)"    Admin.    TBD    Class 1, Group A; 9 month; 7.5 hours per day; $17.17 per hour ($18.67 less $1.50 new hire) 23/24 SY rate
47    Transfer    Brenda Rose    Transfer from Special Education Paraprofessional at SH to Special Education Paraprofessional at FKS    FKS    TBD    no change in hourly rate
48    Resign    Ashley Young    Head Senior High Cheerleading Coach    SH    3/9/2024    
49    Resign    Dean Grenfell    Head Girls' Volleyball Coach    SH    2/28/2024    
50    Approve Hire    Cassie Mountain    Head Senior High Cheerleading Coach    SH    24/25 SY    $4260.34 24/25 rate per schedule D
51    Approve Hire    Christy Feathers    Junior Varsity Girls' Softball Assistant    SH    3/14/2024    $2626.40 per Schedule D
52    Approve Hire    Matthew Manfred    Junior High Assistant Track Coach    JH    3/14/2024    $2,458.46 per Schedule D
53    Approve Hire    Joe Montrella    Assistant Varsity Football Coach    SH    24/25 SY    $4508.18 per Schedule D
54    Approve Hire    Leah Haslam    SH English Department Chair    SH    3/14/2024    $2,848.01 per Schedule C
55    Approve Hire    James Miller    Substitute Teacher-IU8 Referral    Dist.    3/14/2024    $120 per day
56    Approve Hire    Mandi Koontz    Substitute Teacher-IU8 Referral    Dist.    3/14/2024    $120 per day
57    Approve Hire    Carla Dente Firment    Substitute Secretary/Office Paraprofessional    Dist.    9/30/2024    $10.25 per hour
58    Approve Hire    Lynn Miller    Fullington Bus Driver Substitute    Dist.    Retroactive to 2/5/2024    
59    Approve    Andrew Griffiths    "Student Teacher - PSU 
(Sara Garman)"    SH    Spring 2024    PSU
60    Approve    Seamus Getty    "Student Teacher - PSU 
(Bryan James)"    SH    Spring 2024    PSU
61    Approve    Heather Scott    "Student Teacher - PSU 
(Amy Dodson)"    SH    Spring 2024    PSU
62    Approve    Mason McCready    Volunteer-Athletics (Wrestling)    Dist.    2/9/2024    
63    Approve    Amanda Hammel    Volunteer-Athletics (JH Softball)    Dist.    2/20/2024    
64    Approve    Jessica Peacock    Volunteer-Athletics    Dist.    2/20/2024    
65    Approve    Ashley Young    Volunteer Athletics (Cheerleading)    Dist.    3/10/2024    
66    Approve    Jim McGough    "Volunteer-Athletics
 (JH Baseball)"    Dist.    2/20/2024    
67    Approve    Alison Wyland    "Volunteer-Athletics 
(Track and Field)"    Dist.    3/7/2024    
68    Approve    Adam Zanfino    "Volunteer-Athletics
 (JH Softball)"    Dist.    3/7/2024    
69    Approve    Dean Grenfell    "Volunteer-Athletics 
(Volleyball)"    Dist.    2/28/2024    
70    Approve    Lauren Douglas    "Volunteer 
(field trip nurse)"    SH    3/8/2024    
71    Remove    Penne Edgell    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    2/9/2024    
72    Remove    Aleshia Albertson    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    2/5/2024    
73    Remove    April Hazenstab    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    2/5/2024    
74    Remove    John Anderson    Volunteer-Cheerleading    Dist.    2/22/2024    
75    Remove    Terri Jo Horne    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    2/22/2024    
76    Remove    Jennifer Helsel    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    2/22/2024    
77    Remove    Courtney Yogus    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    2/22/2024    
78    Information Only    Megan Schneider    OFFICIAL START DATE -Guidance Counselor    CWL    4/8/2024    
79    Information Only    Jennifer McConnell    OFFICIAL START DATE - Assistant Principal    JH    3/11/2024    
80    Information Only    Lauren Basenback    Transfer from JH English Teacher (TCHJHSENGL05) to SH English Teacher (TCHSHSENGL01)    SH    3/28/2024    
81    Information Only    Anne Dively    Transfer from Grade 2 to Librarian/STEM position    FKS    24/25 SY    
82    Information Only    Katelyn Diehl    Transfer from Special Education at CWL & FKS (TCHCWLSPEC04 & TCHFKSSPEC05)  to Special Education Life Skills at CWL (TCHCWLSPEC01)    CWL    24/25 SY    
83    Information Only    Suzannah Cannon    Transfer from Special Education at FKS (TCHFKSSPEC06) to Special Education life skills at JH (TCHJHSSPEC11)    JH    24/25 SY    
84    Information Only    Jennifer Brown    "Transfer from Grade 3 (TCHCWL03GR01) to 
Grade 4 (new position)"    CWL    24/25 SY    
85    Information Only    Cassie Mock    Transfer from Life Skills Special Education Teacher at CWL (TCHCWLSPEC01) to Special Education Teacher at JH (TCHJHSSPEC02)    JH    24/25 SY    
86    Information Only    Anna Marie Tomchick    "Transfer from Grade 2 (eliminated position) (TCHFOT02GR02)
to Grade 3 (TCHFOT03GR02)"    FOT    24/25 SY    
87    Information Only    Theresa Gillie    Transfer from Grade 5 (TCHFOT05GR04) to 3rd grade position (new position)    FOT    24/25 SY    
88    Information Only    Heather Lightner    "Transfer from Grade 4 (eliminated position) (TCHFOT04GR01)
to Grade 5 (TCHFOT05GR04)"    FOT    24/25 SY    
89    Information Only    Karen Pietrolungo    Official Transfer Date to Athletic Secretary    SH    2/21/2024    
90    Information Only    Nicole Beauchamp    "Official Resignation Date as English Teacher/English Dept. Chair     SH    3/22/2024
F. President's Report / Ms. Bilek

1. Resolution to Adopt PSBA Principles for Governance and Leadership
RESOLVED this 13th day of March, 2024, this Board supports the Principles for Governance and Leadership adopted by the Board and signed by individual school directors.

Pennsylvania school boards are committed to providing every student the opportunity to grow and achieve. 

WHEREAS, our actions, as elected and appointed board members, ultimately have both short and long-term impact in the classroom.


Lead responsibly

Prepare for, attend and actively participate in board meetings
Work together with civility and cooperation, respecting that individuals hold differing opinions and ideas
Participate in professional development, training and board retreats
Collaborate with the superintendent, acknowledging their role as the 10th member of the board and commissioned officer of the commonwealth

Act ethically

Never use the position for improper benefit to self or others
Avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest
Recognize school directors do not possess any authority outside of the collective board
Accept that when a board has made a decision, it is time to move forward collectively and constructively

Plan thoughtfully

Implement a collaborative strategic planning process
Set annual goals that are aligned with comprehensive plans, recognizing the need to adapt as situations change
Develop a comprehensive financial plan and master facilities plan that anticipates short- and long-term needs
Allocate resources to effectively impact student success

Evaluate continuously

Make data-informed decisions
Evaluate the superintendent annually
Conduct a board self-assessment on a recurring basis
Focus on student growth and achievement
Review effectiveness of all comprehensive and strategic plans

Communicate clearly

Promote open, honest and respectful dialogue among the board, staff and community
Acknowledge and listen to varied input from all stakeholders
Promote transparency while protecting necessary confidential matters
Set expectations and guidelines for individual board member communication

Advocate earnestly

Promote public education as a keystone of our commonwealth
Engage the community by seeking input, building support networks and generating action
Champion public education by engaging local, state and federal officials

Govern effectively

Establish and adhere to rules and procedures for board operations
Develop, adopt, revise and review policy routinely
Align board decisions to policy ensuring compliance with the PA School Code and other local, state and federal laws  Remain focused on the role of governance, effectively delegating management tasks to the administration

2. New Business
G. Adjourn / Ms. Bilek
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.