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August 09, 2023

  • Wednesday, August 9, 2023

AMENDED AGENDA - Committee of the Whole/Voting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

Meeting Opening 7:00pm
1. Pledge to Flag

2. Call to Order / Dr. Sommer

3. Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus

4. Recognitions
Senior High Quiz Team
Junior High Quiz Team
Presentation of Certificate from PSBA
2023 Honor Roll of School Board Service:  Lonna Frye

5. Committee Report
Mrs. Fiscus will give a report on the July 12, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting.

6. Public Comment
Dr. Sommer initiated a motion, seconded by Ms. Frye to amend the agenda to add the approval of the hiring of Allysa Brozenich for a full year long term substitute position for 4th grade elementary to personnel.  This item could not make it onto the posted agenda in time.
There was no public comment on the motion. The motion carried on a roll call vote with six yes votes and zero no votes.
Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.
Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.

Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
1. Announcements:
The board met in executive session at 6:30 pm Wednesday, August 9, 2023 for personnel.
Upcoming Meetings for August and September, 2023:

August 16, 2023 / Special Voting (If Needed)
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

September 6, 2023 Transportation Committee (If Needed)
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

September 13, 2023 Physical Plant Committee (If Needed)
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

September 13, 2023 Committee of the Whole/Voting
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648
All board meeting agendas are available in detail for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.

2. Minutes
B. Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
Per Board Policy 006-Meetings, approval of the following minutes:

July 12, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting
Minutes - July 12, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting.pdf (2,220 KB)
Minutes - July 12, 2023 Policy Committee Meeting.pdf (2,220 KB)

1. Treasurer's Reports
$3,448,829.49   Receipts
$8,131,269.66  Total Disbursements 
$6,135,945.72   Ledger Balance

$189.01  Total Receipts
$0.00  Total Disbursements
$51,039.05  Ledger Balance

$5,143.97 Total Receipts
$68,050.99 Total Disbursements
$1,151,082.11 Ledger Balance

$250.04 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$65,714.41 Ledger Balance

$1,679.23 Total Receipts
$626.50 Total Disbursements
$415,867.12 Ledger Balance

$28,672.60 Total Receipts
$28,650.51 Total Disbursements
$5,144.30  Ledger Balance

$1,754,297.37 Total Receipts
$1,802,016.05 Total Disbursements
$35,031.60  Ledger Balance

$135.19  Total Receipts
$0.00  Total Disbursements
$36,148.57  Ledger Balance

2. List of Payments
$2,305,999.11 Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 169318-169453)
$4,109,357.93 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 169379-169454)
$6,415,357.04 Total Payments 

$4,414.53  Fiscal Year 2022-23 (Check numbers 23654-23694) 
$4,447.49  Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 23695-23696)
$ 8,862.02 Total Payments 

$0 Total Payments (Check number) 
$626.50 Total Payments  (Check number 3533)

$53,032.13 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262734-262743)
$1,748,983.92 ACH Disbursements
$1,802,016.05 Total Payments 

$0  Total Payments (Check number) 

$0 Total Payments (Check number)

 3. Investment Portfolio
$5,636,087 Total Invested with 19 Financial Institutions
$1,192,320 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds

1. Contracts
Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:
Educational Services Agreement and Addendum for 1-1 Support with Pyramid Healthcare, Inc. t/d/b/a Soaring Heights School effective August 1, 2023 through July 31, 2024 for special education and related services to students placed at Pyramid's private academic school
Cost: $250/day/student enrolled for Emotional Support Services  $302/day/student enrolled for Autism Support Services  $136.50/day/student for 1:1 Paraprofessional Support

Contract with Appalachia IU8 for Odysseyware Software effective September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. The agreement is for software to meet the needs of a group of special needs students in the virtual setting.  Cost: $4,406

Agreement with Adelphoi Education, Inc. for the 2023-2024 school year for: Resident and Non-Resident Placed Students: Residential Education Regular Ed $67.25/day per student Spec Ed $160.71/day per student

Student Assistance Program and Juvenile Probation Office Agreement with Blair County on behalf of Blair County Juvenile Probation effective August 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 to ensure the participation of a Juvenile Probation Officer on the District SAP team.  No Cost
Sponsor to Sponsor Agreement to Purchase Meals effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024:Child Advocates of Blair County/Blair County Head Start Revenue: $27,755 *This is a digital contract 

2023-2024 Unified Champion Schools Memorandum of Understanding with Special Olympics Pennsylvania effective September 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, to support the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High School with the Unified Indoor Bocce program Revenue: $1,000

School District Election Polling Place Agreement with the County of Blair effective with the 2023 municipal election through the 2025 election for use of the Junior High School as a polling station No Cost

Vaccine Administration Program Agreement with Rite Aid effective July 26, 2023 through March 31, 2024 to provide immunizations with flu vaccine to eligible employees at an on-site clinic located at the Junior High. Cost: $100/hr. staffing fee per pharmacist per location that does not provide twenty (20) immunizations per hour during clinic hours 

Agreement with Altoona Area School District for the Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Program effective August 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 Cost: $100/day for regular education students; $120/day for special education students  

Parent Agreement with Lindsay Keller to assume student transportation responsibility and liability effective the 2023-2024 school year Cost:  Current IRS mileage rate reimbursement

Auction Sales Contract with "Col." K. R. Miller, Jr., Auctioneer for Auction, effective September 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023 at Cross Keys Auction Center for an auction of miscellaneous school district items and equipment. Cost: 15% of miscellaneous sales;  10% of vehicle sales
Science in Motion Service Contract with Juniata College effective August 24, 2023 through June 30, 2024 to provide a mobile lab for teacher use. Cost: $14,000

Individual Student Instruction Contract with Lindamood-Bell Learning Process effective September 4, 2023 through March 4, 2024 Cost: $29,520
Master Services Agreement with Step by Step Learning, LLC. effective September 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for Title I reading service to non-public schools. Cost: $10,736 

Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement effective August 11, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for Title I Services with Step by Step Learning, LLC.  Cost: $7,426 - Decrease in cost by $523

2. Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement
Motion to approve and accept an Agreement for a Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement with McClure Company (ESCO) as Contractor, pending approval from PDE to use ARP ESSER funds for the project.  The scope of work in this Guaranteed Energy Savings Project includes LED Lighting Upgrades to the Senior High School, Junior High School, CW Longer Elementary, and District Office; District Wide Bollard Installation, Hollidaysburg Area Junior High School Exterior Door Upgrades, and Charles W. Longer Elementary School Window Replacement. The project will not only provide long term cost savings through energy efficiency upgrades, but it will also provide needed safety and security upgrades to the buildings.  The proposal to be accepted by the Board between the ESCO and the Board provides that the lump sum cost of the work shall not exceed $2,859,092.  The entire cost of the project will be covered by ESSER funds, PCCD safe school grant, and PDE Safe Schools Grant.

  • 1st Summit Bank - Bank Bag Authorization List
  • The administration is recommending the approval of authorized school district employees to make bank deposits and pick up deposit bags as needed.
  • Flood Insurance Renewal for 2023-2024
  • Flood Insurance:  Purchase of flood insurance for Foot of Ten Elementary:  $500,000 limit with a 25,000 deductible Cost: $3,193/yr.  450 Foot of Ten Road- NFIP Primary Flood Insurance Coverage through Selective Insurance Company
  • School Meal Prices for 2023-2024
  • Per PDE, breakfast will be free for all students in the 2023-2024 school year.  Those who qualify for reduced lunch will receive free lunch.
  • A la carte prices for 2023-2024
  • Per Policy 808 - Food Services, the administration is recommending the following pricing for 2023-2024 cafeteria a la carte items:
  •  Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books
  • Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.
  • Donation
  • Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following donations:
  • To support the Junior High Life Skills coffee cart: Jeanie Defibaugh, New Enterprise PA: refrigerator
  • Karen Hetrick, Hollidaysburg:  cash register 

Student Activity Fundraiser
Per Board policy, 229 - District Fund Raising the following fundraiser is presented for approval:
Student Activity Fundraiser:
JH Magazine, No. 92
Magazine/Cookie Dough Sale
Expected Profit:  $7,000
Date: August 31 through mid-December

E. Superintendent's Report / Dr. Gildea

1. Curriculum Updates

Dr. Palazzi is submitting the following FINAL curriculum map for Board approval.

French 1

Dr. Palazzi is submitting the following working draft curriculum map for Board approval. This map will then be open for this school year in order for teachers to make minor tweaks to the curriculum, such as pacing, and will come back to the Board next year for final approval.

Intro to Poetry Writing

2. New Novels - Foot of Ten, Grade 3

New Novels - Foot of Ten Elementary, Grade 3

"Henry Huggins"

"How to Be Cool in Third Grade"

"Judy Moody Gets Famous"

"Judy Moody Saves the World"

"Ramona Quimby Age 8"

"Stuart Little"

"The Chocolate Touch"

3. Web-based Resources with Student Accounts

The administration is requesting board approval for the attached web-based resources that require student accounts. 

Per Board Policies 230.1 Student Expenses for Conferences/Competitions and 121 Field Trips, the attached list of student Field Trips in excess of 150 miles, out of state, or overnight is submitted for approval.


5. Personnel
Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is being asked to approve the Personnel actions.
1  Approve Hire    John Brown    School Resource Professional (SRP)    Dist.    23/24 SY    $22.27/Hour 23/24 Rate
2    Approve Hire    Mattison Shannon    Elementary Teacher 1st Grade (TCHCWL01GR02)    CWL    23/24 School Year    Step 15 M; $47,705
3    Approve Hire    Alyssa Brozenich    Full Year Long-Term Substitute 4th Grade Elementary Teacher (new position)    CWL    23/24 School Year                $43,200.00 
4    Approve Hire    Eden Taddei    Long-Term Substitute Special Education Teacher    FKS    Start of 23/24 through approx. 3/1/2024    $29,700/yr.            prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to            end of assignment
5    Approve Hire    Ronald Nori    Long-Term Substitute Elementary Teacher 2nd Grade  CWL  Start of 23/24 to approx. 10/24/23    $29,700/yr.                   prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to           end of assignment
6    Approve Hire    Sydney Sidehamer    Long-Term Substitute Librarian    FKS    Full year 23/24    $43,200.00 
7    Approve    Clarisse Willcox    ECRI/Spring Math - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    CWL    23/24 SY    Up to 16 hours at $27 per hour
8    Approve    Jessica Patterson     ECRI/Spring Math - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    FOT    23/24 SY    Up to 16 hours at $27 per hour
9    Approve    Chandra Jandora      ECRI/Spring Math - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    FKS    23/24 SY      Up to 16 hours at $27 per hour
10    Approve    Macie Hicks     ECRI/Spring Math - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    FKS    23/24 SY    Up to 16 hours at $27 per hour
11    Approve    Alexis Eckenrode     ECRI/Spring Math - ARP ESSER 20% Learning Loss    FKS    23/24 SY     Up to 16 hours at $27 per hour
12    Approve Hire    Kara Frederick    Special Education Paraprofessional (ADPSEDPARA17)    FKS    TBD    $16.17 per hour 23/24 rate ($17.67 less              $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 180 days per year; 6 hours per day
13    Approve Hire    Dawn Wombacher    Special Education Paraprofessional    TBD    TBD    $16.17 per hour 23/24 rate ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 180 days per year; 6 hours per day
14    Approve Hire    Madoliene Watson    Special Education Paraprofessional    TBD    TBD    $16.17 per hour 23/24 rate ($17.67 less $1.50 new hire); Class 3, Group A, 180 days per year; 6 hours per day
15    Approve Hire    Julie Chamberlain    3.5 Hour Office Paraprofessional    FOT    TBD    $15.26 per hour ($16.76 less $1.50 new hire) 23/24 rate; 3.5 hours per day; 193 days per year; Class 3, Group C
16    Approve    Adam Walstrom    Varsity Football Assistant    Dist.    8/10/2023    $5,220.60 per Schedule D
17    Approve    Richard Baronner    Varsity/JV Football Assistant     Dist.    8/10/2023    $3,052.26 per Schedule D (previously split)
18    Approve    Rodney Chism    Assistant Football Coach- Varsity and Junior Varsity    Dist.    8/10/2023    $3,217.59 per Schedule D
19    Approve    Courteney Lingafelt    Junior High Girls' Basketball Coach    Dist.    8/10/2023    $2,298.02 per Schedule D
20    Remove    Ronda Lamborn    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    6/2/2023up to 4 hours to walk with Special Education student for                     graduation at hourly rate - Did not complete this assignment
21    Approve    Ronda Lamborn    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    6/2/2023    Up to 5 hours at 22/23 hourly rate to assist student at                  prom
22    Approve    Bella Kies    Student Teacher & Pre-Student Teaching -Elementary-Kathleen Diehl    FKS    23/24 SY    N/A
23    Approve    Caitlyn Tay    Volunteer - Girls Basketball    Dist.    8/10/2023    N/A
24    Approve    Parker Zonts    Volunteer- Soccer    Dist.    8/1/2023    N/A
25    Approve    Jordan Bard    Volunteer- Soccer    Dist.    8/1/2023    N/A
26    Approve    Claire Sauerland    Volunteer-Volleyball    Dist.    8/1/2023    N/A
27    Approve    Bryce Martellacci    Volunteer-Football    Dist.    8/7/2023    N/A
28    Approve    Lucy Froncillo    Substitute Special Education Paraprofessional    Dist.    8/10/2023    $10.25 per hour
29    Approve    Kerri LeCrone    Substitute Special Education Paraprofessional    Dist.    TBD    $10.25 per hour
30    Remove    Jason Mauk    Guest Sub Teacher    Dist.    8/2/2023    
31    Remove    Aubree Cresswell    Substitute Teacher    Dist.    8/2/2023    
32    Information Only    Derek Trimmer    Transfer from Librarian FKS to Librarian SH    SH    23/24 SY    Same as current
33    Information Only    Julie Westover      official start date in position- Secretary, Dir. of Curriculum    Admin.    8/10/2023    
34    Information Only    Debra Elliott    Building Change- Special Education Paraprofessional  JH to SH    SH    8/24/2023    
35    Information Only    Logan Walstrom    Official Start date in position- Custodian    JH    8/14/2023 

F. President's Report / Dr. Sommer
Per Board Policy 000 Board Policy/Procedure/Administrative Regulations the following policies are presented for approval on a second reading:

Policy 137    Home Education    REVISED
Policy 137.1    Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students    NEW
Policy 137.1 - AR    Participation in Interscholastic Sports and/or Extracurricular Activities    NEW
Policy 137.2    Participation in Cocurricular Activities and Academic Courses by Home Education Students    NEW
Policy 137.2 - AR    Participation in Academic courses and Cocurricular Activities    NEW
Policy 137.3    Participation in Career and Technical Education Programs by Home Education Students            NEW
Policy 137.3 - AR    Participation in Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Programs    NEW
Policy 217    Graduation    REVISED
Policy 325    Dress Code    REVIEWED
Policy 325 - AR    Dress Code    NEW
Policy 815 - Attach. 4    Senior  High Internet Use and Electronic Device Consent Form    REVIEWED
Policy 815 - Attach. 5    Elementary Internet Use and Electronic Device Consent Form    REVISED
Policy 815 - Attach. 6    Junior High Internet Use and Electronic Device Consent Form    REVISED
Policy 815.1    Social Media    REVISED
Policy 815.2    Educational Use of Student-Owned Technology Devices    REVISED
Policy 830    Security of Computerized Personal Information/Breach Notification    REVISED
Policy 830-AR    Data Breach Procedure    NEW
Policy 830 - Attach.    Data Breach Reporting    NEW
Policy 913    Non-school Organizations - Groups - Individuals    REVISED

2. New Business
G. Adjourn / Dr. Sommer
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.