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April 10, 2024

Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Committee of the Whole/Voting Meeting - 7:00PM
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

A. Meeting Opening 7:00pm

1. Call to Order / Ms. Bilek

2. Pledge to Flag

3. Roll Call / Mrs. Fiscus

4. Winter Sports Recognitions
Girls Basketball 

5. Student Representative Report
Per Board Policy 004.2-Student Representatives to the Board, the following Student Representatives will present reports:

Student Representatives:
Senior Representatives: Connor Owen and Jacob Ott
Junior Representative: Jefferson McCoy

6. Public Comment
Each individual addressing the board will be requested to announce his or her name, and address.
Each individual speaker will have three (3) to five (5) minutes to address the board.
Public comment will consist of no more than 30 minutes overall per meeting.
The Public Comment section of the agenda is for comment only.  Dialogue and questions will not be entertained.
7. Meteorite Presentation
Fred Marschak will present information on the Senior High Meteorite Collection
8. Public School Facility Improvement Grant Presentation
Melissa Hughes, Senior Managing Consultant and Brandy McLendon, Analyst with PFM (Public Financial Management)  will discuss financial options regarding the Public School Facility Improvement Facility Grant.

B. Business Office Report / Mrs. Fiscus
1. Announcements:

The board met in executive session Wednesday, March 27th at 6:00 p.m for policy and personnel, Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 5:30p.m. for policy and personnel.

Meetings for May, 2024:
COW/Budget Discussion - Finance
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Time:  5:00p.m.
Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA  16648

Curriculum Committee
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 5:00p.m. 
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

COW/Voting - Proposed Budget Adoption
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 7:00p.m. 
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

COW - Budget Discussion * If Needed
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Time: 6:00p.m.
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High Library
1510 N. Montgomery Street
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

All board meeting agendas are available for public viewing (3) days prior to each meeting date on BoardDocs.  BoardDocs web address is Interested parties should enter the public site.

2. Minutes

Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following minutes are presented for approval:
March 13, 2024 Athletic Committee Meeting
March 13, 2024 Finance Committee Meeting

C. Business Office - Financial Reports for March, 2024
1. Treasurer's Report


$2,178,936.56  Receipts
$5,552,549.68  Total Disbursements 
$13,615,377.13  Ledger Balance

$216.32Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$51,986.42  Ledger Balance
$86,007.67 Total Receipts
$203,053.08 Total Disbursements
$1,110,657.51  Ledger Balance

$15,838.99 Total Receipts
$9,827.38 Total Disbursements
$100,717.38 Ledger Balance

$938.93 Total Receipts
$0.00 Total Disbursements
$225,641.03 Ledger Balance

$45,163.41 Total Receipts
$45,137.03 Total Disbursements
$5,422.53  Ledger Balance

$2,032,531.84 Total Receipts
$2,954,490.86 Total Disbursements
$108,599.63  Ledger Balance

$4,439.34  Total Receipts
$6,299.12  Total Disbursements
$26,610.32  Ledger Balance

2. List of Payments

$3,585,611.90  Total Payments (Check numbers 171167-171325)

$113,743.14  Total Payments (Check numbers 23779-23792)

$9,827.38  Total Payments (Check numbers 24084-24095)

$0 Total Payments (Check number)

$76,919.38 Fiscal Year 2023-24 (Check numbers 262957-262985)
$2,877,571.48 ACH Disbursements
$2,954,490.86 Total Payments

$6,299.12 Total Payments  (Check numbers 1228-1233)

$0 Total Payments (Check number)

3. Investment Portfolio

$5,777,772 Total Invested with 25 Financial Institutions
$1,232,683 Total Invested in 4 Money Market Funds

4. YTD Expenditures/Revenues

$45,021,499.17 Revenues
$37,999,118.96 Expenditures

$17,069.22 Revenues
$200,051.72 Expenditures

$1,621,454.06 Revenues
$1,423,612.15 Expenditures

$1,886.38  Revenues
$750.00  Expenditures

$55,483.04 Revenues
$61,284.29 Expenditures

Net Balances are reflected in each Student Activity Account

Revenues & Expenses Net to Zero other than Interest Income 

5. FY Projections

6. Budget Transfers

PERIOD OF MARCH 4, 2024 - APRIL 4, 2024
$188,766 - General Fund

7. Food Service for February, 2024

$102,761.82 February Net Profit/(Loss)
$296,272.65 Year-to-Date Net Profit

8. Senior High Student Store for February, 2024


$(9,687.71) February Net Profit/(Loss)
$(11,531.15) Year-to-Date Net Profit/(Loss)
$31,938.70 Assets
$31,938.70 Total Liabilities & Fund Equity

D. Business Office / Mrs. Fiscus
1. Contracts:

Per Board Policy 006 Meetings, the following contracts/agreements are presented for approval:

Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 - Substitute Teacher Consortium Participation for the 2024-2025 school year Cost: $500
Software as a Service Agreement with Tyler Technologies effective June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025 for annual software renewal Cost: $33,524
Annual Software Agreement with Custom Computer Specialists for Infinite Campus effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 Cost: $53,482.09
Contract with Nexus Therapy effective April 8, 2024 through May 24, 2024 (7 week maximum) for speech/language pathologist services for a district homeschool student Cost: $85/hr. up to 1 hr./day (1 hr./week) not to exceed $595 over 7 weeks
Production Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) effective March 27, 2024 through May 8, 2024 for the Senior High performance of Les Miserables School Edition (Performance Dates: 11/21/2024 through 11/23/2024)  Cost: $3,415
2. Bid Awards

Per Board Policy 610, Purchases Subject to Bid/Quotation, the following bids are recommended for approval:
Food Service Equipment to various vendors in the total amount of $80,555.49
Conveyor Type Dishwashers to various vendors in the total amount of $137,999.00
3. Public School Facility Improvement Grant
The board is being asked to authorize the Administration to work with PFM on financing options up to $ ..... for the Public School Facility Improvement Grant.

4. Federal Program Budget Adjustments

23-24 Budget:
2023-2024 Title I Funding Adjustment: $1,491 (Increase)
2023-2024 Title II Funding Adjustment: $626 (Increase)

5. 2024-2025 Capital Reserve Project

2024-2025 Capital Reserve Project
Replacement of the Senior High pool filter, pump, strainer, and chlorinator replacement. 
Cost: $76,600

6. Blair County Tax Claim Bureau Repository Bids

Accept bid from Eugene Dawson (Mobile Home):
Map#13.00-01.-010-.04-003 in the amount of $1,796.73
Control # 00045392

Accept bid from Eugene Dawson (Mobile Home):
Map#13.00-01.-010-.04-001 in the amount of $1,052.14
Control # 00039536

7. 2024-2025 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget

The 2024-2025 Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center Budget reflects $12,017,964 in total revenues and expenses.  The Hollidaysburg Area School District's aggregate share of these costs is $1,512,084 which is reduced by the district's estimated state share of Vocational Education Subsidies of $199,345 to a net cost of $1,312,739.  This represents a 1.55% operational cost increase from the 2023-24 budget, or $19,982, and a $38,565 Capital Project payment for future capital improvements.  Approximately 205 HASD students attend the GACTC to obtain Vocational Education in a variety of careers and are employable upon completion of the program.

8. Settlement and Release Agreement
Motion to Approve a Settlement and Release Agreement between the district and the parents of student, ID# ending in 66 and to authorize the Board President to execute any necessary paperwork to effectuate same.

9. Tuition Student for 2023-2024

Per Board Policy, 202. Eligibility of Non-Resident Students, the administration recommends board approval of (A.S.), Grade 4, as a tuition student for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year.

10. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment and Books

Per Board Policy 706.1 Disposal of Surplus Property/Textbooks/Supplies, the attached list is being recommended for approval to dispose of various obsolete equipment and books.

11. Donation
Per Board Policy 702, Gifts, Grants and Donations, the board is being asked to approve the following potention donation:
Donor:  Blair County Bar Association
For payment of bus transportation for all 9th grade Civics classes (Kellie Hurd and Travis Singer) to and From the Blair County Courthouse, May 1, 2024.  Amount: $50
E. Superintendent's Report / Mr. Whitesel

1. Special Education Plan
The PDE Special Education Plan will be presented by Mrs. Prosser.

 2. Blair County Transition Age Program Commitment Agreement

The IU08 is in the process of developing an intergovernmental agreement with OVR to create a transition age program for students with disabilities ages 18-22.  The proposed program will be a full community work-based learning experience program in the Blair County region for Blair County students.  The program of instruction will provide and meet the Pre-Employment Transition (Pre-ETS) needs of learners with disabilities.

A portion of this program will be funded through our agreement with OVR.  This will help to keep the cost of the program minimal for sending districts.  Also, many students participating in this program will be eligible for paid work experiences. 

At this time, the IU08's program proposal estimates a first-year cost of approximately $190,000 that includes one teaching professional, one program aide, curriculum, materials and resources, and lease of a space.  The OVR funding is estimated at 76% ($144,400) and remaining costs, 24% ($45,600) would be invoiced to sending LEAS, using the same program formula applied to all multi-district classrooms, based on daily enrollment.

Our goal would be to have 6-8 students for the first year estimating a program cost of $7,600-$5,700.

Based on first year results/success, IU08 would have the option to request an additional year's funding.  A plan for sustainability after funding would be part of this possible option.

Our goal is to have the program ready to start the 2024/2025 school year.  We anticipate to house the program at our IU EDC Office in Duncansville. Students will then participate in a number of work experiences with local employers. 

The next step is for the IU to secure letters of commitment from school districts in Blair County to continue with the development of the program agreement.  In order for this program to be successful, we need to have LEA’s willing to utilize the program. 

3. New Course Proposal / Course Name Changes

New Course Proposal:
JH - Problem Solving 7
Course Name Changes:
New Name: Technology Education 7    
Previous Name:  Intro to STEM 7

New Name: Technology Education 8    
Previous Name:  STEM 8

New Name: Technical Drawing/Visual Communications
Previous  Name: Technical Drawing

4. Request to Establish a New Student Activity Account

Per Board Policy 618, Student Activity Fund Control:
New Student Activity: Hollidaysburg Tiger Paws Dance Team - No. 80

Purpose:  To perform during halftime at JH basketball games.  They would entertain the crowd by offering different genres of dance. This club would also be an opportunity for girls to perform without having to commit to a high-demand studio competition team.

5. Candidate List for the Award of a 2023-2024 Diploma
Per Board Policy 217 Graduation, the list of 2023-2024 candidates for the award of a diploma is being presented for board approval.

6. 2024-2025 Educational Assessment Options
Per Board Policy #127 Assessment System, approval is being requested of districtwide educational assessments that are routinely used within the Hollidaysburg Area School District.

7. Personnel

Per Board Policy 614 Payroll Authorizations, the board is asked to approve personnel actions.

Resign    Jane Burkholder    School Psychologist (TCHADMPSYC02)    JH    TBD        Teaching Staff Action
Resign    Matthew Claar    Business Teacher (TCHJHSBSED03)    JH    end of 23/24 SY        Teaching Staff Action
Resign    Tara Bondi    "Math Teacher
 (TCHJHSMATH07)"    JH    end of 23/24 SY        Teaching Staff Action
Approve Hire    Taylor Ostinowsky    Grade 2 Teacher (TCHFKS02GR03)    FKS    8/19/2024    BS Step 14; $48,885    Teaching Staff Action
Approve Hire    Greta Swope    Grade 1 Teacher (TCHFKS01GR01)    FKS    8/19/2024    BS Step 14; $48,885    Teaching Staff Action
Approve Hire    Kara Vyborny    Autistic Support Special Education Teacher (TCHFKSSPEC06)    FKS    8/19/2024    BS Step 14; $48,885    Teaching Staff Action
Approve Hire    Kaleen Wolfe    English Teacher (TCHJHSENGL05)    JH    8/19/2024    M Step 13; $51,655    Teaching Staff Action
Approve Hire    Patrick Cassidy    "Grade 6 Teacher 
(new position)"    CWL    8/19/2024    M Step 13; $51,655    Teaching Staff Action
Approve Hire    Emelia Ondik    Learning Support Special Education Teacher (TCHCWLSPEC04)    CWL/FKS    8/19/2024    M Step 11; $55,255    Teaching Staff Action
Approve MOU    MOU with HAEA - Full Time LTS        Dist.    4/11/2024 to end of 25/26 School Year        Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Kristie Cummings    LTS for the FT DTD Substitute Teacher    JH    4/15/2024 to end of the 23/24 School Year    $120 per day    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Kaleen Wolfe    LTS English Teacher    JH    4/2/2024 to end of the 23/24 School Year    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Susan McFarland    Half Time LTS; Special Ed.     FKS    4/11/2024    $165 per day (working half day split position)    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Susan McFarland    FT DTD sub for 1/2 day     FKS    4/11/2024     $120 per day (working half day split position)    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Gianita Patton    Homebound Instructor for student A.D.    FOT    3/6/2024    $27 per hour for up to 5 hours per week    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Sara Olechovski    Homebound Instructor for student A.D.    FOT    3/6/2024    $27 per hour for up to 5 hours per week    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Wendi Naugle    Homebound Instructor for student A.D.    FOT    3/6/2024    $27 per hour for up to 5 hours per week    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Derek Trimmer    Lego League Explorer Team    SH    Retroactive to 09/22/23 - 03/31/24    $1,000 - funds paid by IU8    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Brigitte Donlan    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    FOT    Retroactive to 10/03/23    5 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Jill Furry    Remake Learning Day - Nurse on Duty    Nurse    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Raquel Lemelle    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    SH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Lynette Luke    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    SH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Michelle Maher    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    JH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Kevin McCloskey    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    SH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Jessica Miller    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    FOT    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Danielle Mock    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    FKS    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Rita Murphy    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    JH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Grace Onkst    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    JH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Alicia Schmouder    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    JH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Greta Swope    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    FKS    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Derek Trimmer    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    SH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Grace Winters    Remake Learning Day - Session Presenter    JH    5/4/2024    Up to 4 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Approve    Jennifer Brown    Portrait of a Golden Tiger    CWL    Retroactive to 08/02/2023    6 hours at $27/hr    Teaching Staff Action
Resign    Leigh Wesner    Special Education Secretary (SEFADMSPEC01)    Admin.    3/26/2024        Support Staff Action
Approve Hire    Ashley Santichen    Special Education Secretary (SEFADMSPEC01)    Admin.    Upon release from current employer    12 month, 7.5 hours per day; Class 1, Group A at $17.17 per hour (23/24 rate)    Support Staff Action
Approve Transfer    Tessie Coppersmith    Transfer from 5-hour Food Service Worker at CWL (FSPCWLFSWK05) to 4-hour Food Service Worker at Foot of Ten (FSPFOTFSWK02)    FOT    4/11/2024    no change    Support Staff Action
Approve    Mindy Cobler    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    3/24/2024    Up to 4 hours at regular 23/24 hourly rate to assist student at prom    Support Staff Action
Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    3/24/2024    Up to 4 hours at regular 23/24 hourly rate to assist student at prom    Support Staff Action
Approve    Ronda Lamborn    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    3/24/2024    Up to 4 hours at regular 23/24 hourly rate to assist student at prom    Support Staff Action
Approve    Mindy Cobler    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    5/31/2024    Up to 3 hours at regular 23/24 hourly rate to assist student at graduation    Support Staff Action
Approve    Savannah Dodge    Special Education Paraprofessional    SH    5/31/2024    Up to 3 hours at regular 23/24 hourly rate to assist student at graduation    Support Staff Action
Approve    Elizabeth Corey    Special Education Paraprofessional    CWL    23/24 SY    Up to 5 Hours at 23/24 Hourly rate to assist student in Junior High Cheerleading    Support Staff Action
Approve    Elizabeth Corey    Special Education Paraprofessional    CWL    Starting 24/25 SY    Up to 35 Hours at the 24/25 Hourly rate to assist student in Junior High Cheerleading    Support Staff Action
Resign    Shane Reffner    8th Grade Boys' Basketball Coach    JH    3/26/2024        Schedule D Action
Resign    Dan Tewell    Junior Varsity Boys' Basketball Coach    SH    2/25/2024        Schedule D Action
Approve    Kyla Paul    Varsity Cheerleading Assistant    SH    24/25 SY    $3,433.11 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action
Approve    Amanda Prosser    Junior High Cheerleading Advisor    JH    24/25 SY    $4,212.90 per Schedule D    Schedule D Action
Resign    Madison Fiore    Sophomore Class Advisor    SH    end of 23/24 SY        Schedule C Action
Resign    Madison Fiore    Aevidum Club Advisor    SH    end of 23/24 SY        Schedule C Action
Resign    Matthew Claar    FBLA Co-Advisor    SH    end of 23/24 SY        Schedule C Action
Approve Hire    Deanna Jubeck    Sophomore Class Advisor    SH    Starting 24/25 SY    $2,420.26 per Schedule C    Schedule C Action
Approve Hire    Mallory McAdoo    Aevidum Advisor    SH    Starting 24/25 SY    $624.24 per Schedule C    Schedule C Action
Approve    Anna Dick    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Tom Kopriva    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    David (Fuzz) Frazier    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Lori Frazier     Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Becca Dick    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Arya Dahal    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Dave Schmelzlen    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Diana Hoffman    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Tricia Sidney    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Jason Sidney    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Connie Frazier    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Jen Buffone    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Jess Tryninewski    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Derek Wright    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Kara Detwiler    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Erin McGinnis    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Deb Faith    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Landon Petrunak    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Paul Detwiler Jr.    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Ryan Priel    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Dom Franco    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Riley Foster    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Carter Shultz    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Max Baronner    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Linda Jodon    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Brian Buffone    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Lily Jodon    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Julia Woods    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Addison Davis    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Sarah Neatrour    Spring Game Worker    Dist.    3/26/2024    Per 23/24 SY Game Worker Rates    Game Worker Action
Approve    Kimberly Wright    "Substitute Teacher 
(IU8 Referral)"    Dist.    4/11/2024        Substitute Action
Approve    Elizabeth Pryal    "Substitute Teacher 
(IU8 Referral)"    Dist.    4/11/2024        Substitute Action
Approve    Jenna Macaluso    Student Teacher - (Alyson Miller)    FKS    Fall 2024    Messiah University    Volunteer Action
Remove    Melissa Hall    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    3/13/2024        Volunteer Action
Remove    Dan Tewell    Volunteer-Athletics (basketball)    Dist.    3/27/2024        Volunteer Action
Remove    Rhonda Socie    Volunteer-HAMPA    Dist.    4/2/2024        Volunteer Action
Remove    Valerie Mackey    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    4/3/2024        Volunteer Action
Remove    Amy Langebacher    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    4/2/2024        Volunteer Action
Remove    Amy Nedostup    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    4/4/2024        Volunteer Action
Remove    Paul Neatrour    Volunteer-Parent    Dist.    4/4/2024        Volunteer Action
Approve    Jessica Novick    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    3/14/2024        Volunteer Action
Approve    Danielle Fry    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    3/19/2024        Volunteer Action
Approve    Alexandra Snyder    Volunteer-Athletics (track)    Dist.    3/19/2024        Volunteer Action
Approve    Maria Murphy    Volunteer- Athletics (softball)    Dist.    3/21/2024        Volunteer Action
Approve    Cynthia Szynal    Volunteer-Parent    FKS    4/2/2024        Volunteer Action
Approve    Jayson Fuchs    Volunteer-Parent    JH    4/2/2024        Volunteer Action
Information Only     Brenda Rose    Transfer from Special Education Paraprofessional at SH to Special Education Paraprofessional at FKS    FKS    OFFICIAL TRANSFER DATE OF 3/19/2024        Information only
Information Only    Melissa Moreland    Special Ed. ACCESS Secretary    Admin.    OFFICIAL START DATE 4/2/24        Information only
Information Only    Leah Haslam    SH English Department Chair    SH    Revised Start date to 3/22/2024    Revised Rate (error correction) $2,841.01 per Schedule C    Information only
Information Only    Kristie Cummings    Extend Long-Term Substitute Science Teacher    JH    Extend from 3/28/24 to 4/12/24    $29,700/yr. prorated, or $165.00/day after 10 consecutive days to 59 consecutive days; $43,200/yr. prorated or $240.00/day from 60 consecutive days to end of assignment    Information only
F. President's Report / Ms. Bilek

1. New Business
Action, Discussion, Information

G. Adjourn / Ms. Bilek
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.