Health and Safety Plan
Please review the district's Health and Safety Plan, which provides a summary of health and safety measures to be enacted for the school year.
HASD Health and Safety Plan
- Health and Safety Plan approved 5-15-2024
- Health and Safety Plan Approved 9-13-2023
- Health and Safety Plan Approved 10-19-22
- Health and Safety Plan Approved 9-14-22
- Health and Safety Plan Approved 3-16-22
- Health and Safety Plan Approved 8-18-21
Health and Safety Plan approved 5-15-2024
Health and Safety Plan Summary
Hollidaysburg Area School District
Initial Effective Date: July 14, 2021
Date of Last Revision: September 13, 2023
Date of Current Version: May 15, 2024
1. How will the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and mitigation policies in line with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and operation of school facilities in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning?
Hollidaysburg Area School District will monitor the latest recommendations from PDE, PADOH, and CDC and update the Health and Safety Plans as needed. We intend to reconvene our Health and Safety Plan Committee as needed to review updates to CDC and PADoH guidance. Updates to the Health and Safety plan will be presented to the board of directors for approval when changes are necessary. The board approved updates to the plan will be shared with parents and staff and posted on the District’s website. The plan will be updated as frequently as needed to ensure that appropriate prevention and mitigation processes are implemented.
2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students' academic needs, and students' and staff members' social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services?
Mitigation measures will be updated as conditions warrant. Mental health and educational needs of the students will be monitored and a continuum of services provided with parent input by instructional staff, school health providers, outside agencies and other mental behavior specialists as needed. Food service will continue to be provided using various modes of delivery as determined by the instructional model.
3. Explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
The Hollidaysburg Area School District 40-member Health and Safety Committee consisting of parents, teachers, administrators, support staff and board members identified seven distinct subgroups (identified below) to address appropriate mitigation measures to ensure a safe and productive academic environment for our students.
The school board is aware that many factors could determine high transmission rates in the community. Conditions will be closely monitored to ensure there is a direct effect upon the school community to justify the implementation of additional mitigation measures.
A. Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
● If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, he/she will be advised to stay home and isolate from others until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medication) and their symptoms are improving overall.
Diagnosis - All stakeholders will have a mutual responsibility for monitoring and reporting health concerns. Staff and students (with assistance from parents/guardians, as appropriate) will be instructed to perform symptom screenings at home every morning and to remain home if symptomatic or experiencing a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. All district staff will be trained in identifying signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and advised to report any concerns to the nurse. Nurses will be available throughout the day to monitor student health and to respond to any concerns of a symptomatic child or staff member. Each school will establish a designated area for students or staff who are symptomatic. The District will consider the current guidance of the Department of Health in regard to home isolation and quarantine as well as the return to school/work.
● Classroom desk cleaning supplies will be available in each classroom
● Cafeteria tables will be cleaned daily
Food Service - Follow HACCP Standard Operating procedures for Food Safety and Employee Health. This includes cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces, preventing contamination at food bars, serving food, using suitable utensils and gloves, and proper hand washing.
● Daily self-screenings by participants (symptoms, close contact, temp check, etc.)
● Following safety plan guidelines
● Promotion of hygiene (hand washing/sanitizers, clothing, showers, etc.)
● Hand sanitizer stations readily available
● Alternate transportation to events is permitted with parent or guardian notification and approval by Athletic Director (for athletics) or advisor/administration prior to departure.
B. Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
High rate of transmission and/or evidence of transmission among students may initiate additional safety and mitigation measures. Alternative educational platforms will also be considered. Recommendations from the PA Department of Health or CDC will also be considered.
● High touch areas will be sanitized more frequently throughout the school day
● Cafeteria tables will be sanitized between each class
● Monitor Student Assistance Program (SAP) referrals and respond to student increase mental health needs
● Monitor student attendance/illness per class, grade or building. Monitor staff absence/illness.
● Increase cleaning protocol
● Modified locker room use (changing only, social distance, under 15-minute use).
● Smaller grouping or pods to eliminate excess quarantining of participants.
● Extra-curricular/Co-curricular - Coach or advisor will visually monitor for symptoms
● Move activities outdoors as deemed necessary
● Limit travel numbers to away events
Transportation - Additional mitigation measures will be considered, thus decreasing the number of students on a bus on a given day, enabling an increase to social distancing.
Food Service - High touch areas are sanitized more frequently (Ex. pin pad). Maximize physical distance as much as possible. Additional seating options will be available to accommodate all students.
C. Additional Information
Facility Rentals - If the county/community enters the high transmission range, all existing contracts may be canceled and new rentals may not be permitted until a reduction in the transmission range.
Volunteers/Visitors - Volunteers and/or visitors will be permitted according to District policy 916 - School Volunteers while the community transmission rate remains in the low to moderate/substantial range.
If the county/community enters the high transmission range, volunteer/visitor access may be limited, with additional requirements as determined by district administration upon approval by the board of directors. In the event volunteers are needed while in the high transmission range, parameters will be developed by district administration.
Health and Safety Plan Approved 9-13-2023
Health and Safety Plan Summary
Hollidaysburg Area School District
Initial Effective Date: July 14, 2021
Date of Last Revision: October 19, 2022
Date of Current Version: September 13, 2023
1. How will the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and mitigation policies in line with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and operation of school facilities in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning?
Hollidaysburg Area School District will monitor the latest recommendations from PDE, PADOH, and CDC and update the Health and Safety Plans as needed. We intend to reconvene our Health and Safety Plan Committee as needed to review updates to CDC and PADoH guidance. Updates to the Health and Safety plan will be presented to the board of directors for approval when changes are necessary. The board approved updates to the plan will be shared with parents and staff and posted on the District’s website. The plan will be updated as frequently as needed to ensure that appropriate prevention and mitigation processes are implemented.
2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students' academic needs, and students' and staff members' social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services?
Mitigation measures will be updated as conditions warrant. Mental health and educational needs of the students will be monitored and a continuum of services provided with parent input by instructional staff, school health providers, outside agencies and other mental behavior specialists as needed. Food service will continue to be provided using various modes of delivery as determined by the instructional model.
3. Explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
The Hollidaysburg Area School District 40-member Health and Safety Committee consisting of parents, teachers, administrators, support staff and board members identified seven distinct subgroups (identified below) to address appropriate mitigation measures to ensure a safe and productive academic environment for our students.
The school board is aware that many factors could determine high transmission rates in the community. Conditions will be closely monitored to ensure there is a direct effect upon the school community to justify the implementation of additional mitigation measures.
A. Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
● If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, he/she will be advised to isolate (stay home) for 5 days following symptom onset or positive test result. If no longer showing symptoms or symptoms are resolving, he/she may return to school on day 6 with no mask requirement.
● Students and adults identified as “close contacts” are advised to monitor for 10 days following exposure, test if able to do so, and stay home if symptoms begin to occur.
Diagnosis - All stakeholders will have a mutual responsibility for monitoring and reporting health concerns. Staff and students (with assistance from parents/guardians, as appropriate) will be instructed to perform symptom screenings at home every morning and to remain home if symptomatic or experiencing a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. All district staff will be trained in identifying signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and advised to report any concerns to the nurse. Nurses will be available throughout the day to monitor student health and to respond to any concerns of a symptomatic child or staff member. Each school will establish a designated area for students or staff who are symptomatic. The District will consider the current guidance of the Department of Health in regard to home isolation and quarantine as well as the return to school/work.
● Classroom desk cleaning supplies will be available in each classroom
● Cafeteria tables will be cleaned daily
Food Service - Follow HACCP Standard Operating procedures for Food Safety and Employee Health. This includes cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces, preventing contamination at food bars, serving food, using suitable utensils and gloves, and proper hand washing.
● Daily self-screenings by participants (symptoms, close contact, temp check, etc.)
● Following safety plan guidelines
● Promotion of hygiene (hand washing/sanitizers, clothing, showers, etc.)
● Hand sanitizer stations readily available
● Alternate transportation to events is permitted with parent or guardian notification and approval by Athletic Director (for athletics) or advisor/administration prior to departure.
B. Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
High rate of transmission and/or evidence of transmission among students may initiate additional safety and mitigation measures. Alternative educational platforms will also be considered. Recommendations from the PA Department of Health or CDC will also be considered.
● High touch areas will be sanitized more frequently throughout the school day
● Cafeteria tables will be sanitized between each class
● Monitor Student Assistance Program (SAP) referrals and respond to student increase mental health needs
● Monitor student attendance/illness per class, grade or building. Monitor staff absence/illness.
● Increase cleaning protocol
● Modified locker room use (changing only, social distance, under 15-minute use).
● Smaller grouping or pods to eliminate excess quarantining of participants.
● Extra-curricular/Co-curricular - Coach or advisor will visually monitor for symptoms
● Move activities outdoors as deemed necessary
● Limit travel numbers to away events
Transportation - Additional mitigation measures will be considered, thus decreasing the number of students on a bus on a given day, enabling an increase to social distancing.
Food Service - High touch areas are sanitized more frequently (Ex. pin pad). Maximize physical distance as much as possible. Additional seating options will be available to accommodate all students.
C. Additional Information
Facility Rentals - If the county/community enters the high transmission range, all existing contracts may be canceled and new rentals may not be permitted until a reduction in the transmission range.
Volunteers/Visitors - Volunteers and/or visitors will be permitted according to District policy 916 - School Volunteers while the community transmission rate remains in the low to moderate/substantial range.
If the county/community enters the high transmission range, volunteer/visitor access may be limited, with additional requirements as determined by district administration upon approval by the board of directors. In the event volunteers are needed while in the high transmission range, parameters will be developed by district administration.
Health and Safety Plan Approved 10-19-22
Health and Safety Plan Summary Hollidaysburg Area School District
Initial Effective Date: July 14, 2021
Date of Last Revision: September 14, 2022
Date of Current Review: October 19, 2022
1. How will the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and mitigation policies in line with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and operation of school facilities in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning?
Hollidaysburg Area School District will monitor the latest recommendations from PDE, PADOH, and CDC and update the Health and Safety Plans as needed. We intend to reconvene our Health and Safety Plan Committee as needed to review updates to CDC and PADoH guidance and develop details to our Safe Return to School plan. Updates to the Health and Safety plan will be presented to the board of directors for approval when changes are necessary. The board approved updates to the plan will be shared with parents and staff and posted on the District’s website. The plan will be updated as frequently as needed to ensure that appropriate prevention and mitigation processes are implemented.
2. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students' academic needs, and students' and staff members' social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services?
Mitigation measures will be updated as conditions warrant. Mental health and educational needs of the students will be monitored and a continuum of services provided with parent input by instructional staff, school health providers, outside agencies and other mental behavior specialists as needed. Trauma informed training of staff will continue through the 2022-2023 school year. Food service will continue to be provided using various modes of delivery as determined by the instructional model.
3. Explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
The Hollidaysburg Area School District 40-member Health and Safety Committee consisting of parents, teachers, administrators, support staff and board members identified seven distinct subgroups (identified below) to address appropriate mitigation measures to ensure a safe and productive academic environment for our students.
The school board is aware that many factors could determine high transmission rates in the community. Conditions will be closely monitored to ensure there is a direct effect upon the school community to justify the implementation of additional mitigation measures.
A. Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
● If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, he/she will be advised to isolate (stay home) for 5 days following symptom onset or positive test result. If no longer showing symptoms or symptoms are resolving, he/she may return to school on day 6 with no mask requirement, although it is recommended by the CDC that a mask be worn through day 10. This period may be shortened with a negative antigen test.
● Students and adults identified as “close contacts” are advised to monitor for 10 days following exposure, test if able to do so, and stay home if symptoms begin to occur.
Diagnosis - All stakeholders will have a mutual responsibility for monitoring and reporting health concerns. Staff and students (with assistance from parents/guardians, as appropriate) will be instructed to perform symptom screenings at home every morning and to remain home if symptomatic or experiencing a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. All district staff will be trained in identifying signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and advised to report any concerns to the nurse. Nurses will be available throughout the day to monitor student health and to respond to any concerns of a symptomatic child or staff member. Each school will establish a designated area for students or staff who are symptomatic. Any confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be reported to the PA Department of Health on a weekly basis. The District will consider the current guidance of the Department of Health in regard to home isolation and quarantine as well as the return to school/work.
● High touch areas will be sanitized throughout the day
● Classroom desk cleaning supplies will be available in each classroom
● Cafeteria tables will be cleaned daily
Food Service - Follow HACCP Standard Operating procedures for Food Safety and Employee Health. This includes cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces, preventing contamination at food bars, serving food, using suitable utensils and gloves, and proper hand washing.
● Daily self-screenings by participants (symptoms, close contact, temp check, etc.)
● Following safety plan guidelines
● Promotion of hygiene (hand washing/sanitizers, clothing, showers, etc.)
● Hand sanitizer stations readily available
● Alternate transportation to events is permitted with parent or guardian notification and approval by Athletic Director (for athletics) or advisor/administration prior to departure.
B. Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
High rate of transmission and/or evidence of transmission among students may initiate additional safety and mitigation measures. Alternative educational platforms will also be considered. Recommendations from the PA Department of Health or CDC will also be considered.
● High touch areas will be sanitized more frequently throughout the school day
● Cafeteria tables will be sanitized between each class
● Monitor Student Assistance Program (SAP) referrals and respond to student increase mental health needs
● Monitor student attendance/illness per class, grade or building. Monitor staff absence/illness.
● Increase cleaning protocol
● Modified locker room use (changing only, social distance, under 15-minute use).
● Smaller grouping or pods to eliminate excess quarantining of participants.
● Extra Curricular/Co-curricular - Coach or advisor will visually monitor for symptoms
● Move activities outdoors as deemed necessary
● Limit travel numbers to away events
Transportation – Additional mitigation measures will be considered, thus decreasing the number of students on a bus on a given day, enabling an increase to social distancing.
Food Service - High touch areas are sanitized more frequently (Ex. pin pad). Maximize physical distance as much as possible. Additional seating options will be available to accommodate all students.
C. Additional Information
Facility Rentals - If the county/community enters the high transmission range, all existing contracts may be canceled and new rentals may not be permitted until a reduction in the transmission range.
Volunteers/Visitors - Volunteers and/or visitors will be permitted according to District policy 916 - School Volunteers while the community transmission rate remains in the low to moderate/substantial range.
If the county/community enters the high transmission range, volunteer/visitor access may be limited, with additional requirements as determined by district administration upon approval by the board of directors. In the event volunteers are needed while in the high transmission range, parameters will be developed by district administration.
Health and Safety Plan Approved 9-14-22
Health and Safety Plan Summary
Hollidaysburg Area School District
Initial Effective Date: July 14, 2021
Date of Last Revision: March 16, 2022
Date of Current Review: September 14, 2022
How will the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and mitigation policies in line with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and operation of school facilities in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning
Hollidaysburg Area School District will monitor the latest recommendations from PDE, PADOH, and CDC and update the Health and Safety Plans as needed. We intend to reconvene our Health and Safety Plan Committee as needed to review updates to CDC and PADoH guidance and develop details to our Safe Return to School plan. Updates to the Health and Safety plan will be presented to the board of directors for approval when changes are necessary. The board approved updates to the plan will be shared with parents and staff and posted on the District’s website. The plan will be updated as frequently as needed to ensure that appropriate prevention and mitigation processes are implemented.
How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students' academic needs, and students' and staff members' social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services?
Mitigation measures will be updated as conditions warrant. Social, emotional, mental health and educational needs of the students will be monitored and a continuum of services provided by instructional staff, school health providers, outside agencies and other mental behavior specialists as needed. Trauma informed training of staff will continue through the 2022-2023 school year. Food service will continue to be provided using various modes of delivery as determined by the instructional model.
Explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.
The Hollidaysburg Area School District 40 member Health and Safety Committee consisting of parents, teachers, administrators, support staff and board members identified seven distinct subgroups (identified below) to address appropriate mitigation measures to ensure a safe and productive academic environment for our students.
The school board is aware that many factors could determine high transmission rates in the community. Conditions will be closely monitored to ensure there is a direct effect upon the school community to justify the implementation of additional mitigation measures.
A. Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
Social Distancing / Masking
While in the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and little to no signs of transmission within the schools, students and staff will not be required to wear masks.
If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, he/she will be advised to isolate (stay home) for 5 days following symptom onset or positive test result. If no longer showing symptoms or symptoms are resolving, he/she may return to school on day 6 with no mask requirement, although it is recommended by the CDC that a mask be worn through day 10. This period may be shortened with a negative antigen test.
Students and adults identified as “close contacts” are advised to monitor for 10 days following exposure, test if able to do so, and stay home if symptoms begin to occur.
Diagnosis - All stakeholders will have a mutual responsibility for monitoring and reporting health concerns. Staff and students (with assistance from parents/guardians, as appropriate) will be instructed to perform symptom screenings at home every morning and to remain home if symptomatic or experiencing a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. All district staff will be trained in identifying signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and advised to report any concerns to the nurse. Nurses will be available throughout the day to monitor student health and to respond to any concerns of a symptomatic child or staff member. Each school will establish a designated area for isolation or quarantine for students or staff who are symptomatic. Any confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be reported to the PA Department of Health on a weekly basis. The District will consider the current guidance of the Department of Health in regard to home isolation and quarantine as well as the return to school/work.
Cleaning and Sanitizing
High touch areas will be sanitized throughout the day
Classroom desk cleaning supplies will be available in each classroom
Cafeteria tables will be cleaned daily
Food Service - Follow HACCP Standard Operating procedures for Food Safety and Employee Health. This includes cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces, preventing contamination at food bars, serving food, using suitable utensils and gloves, and proper hand washing.
Daily self-screenings by participants (symptoms, close contact, temp check, etc.)
Following safety plan guidelines
Promotion of hygiene (hand washing/sanitizers, clothing, showers, etc.)
Hand sanitizer stations readily available
Alternate transportation to events is permitted with parent or guardian notification and approval by Athletic Director (for athletics) or advisor/administration prior to departure.
B. Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
High rate of transmission and/or evidence of transmission among students may initiate additional safety and mitigation measures including mandated masking of all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status. Alternative educational platforms will also be considered. Recommendations from the PA Department of Health or CDC will also be considered.
High touch areas will be sanitized more frequently throughout the school day
Cafeteria tables will be sanitized between each class
Monitor Student Assistance Program (SAP) referrals and respond to student increase mental health needs
Monitor student attendance/illness per class, grade or building. Monitor staff absence/illness.
Increase cleaning protocol
Modified locker room use (changing only, social distance, under 15 minute use).
Smaller grouping or pods to eliminate excess quarantining of participants.
In-person screening prior to practice/events.
Move activities outdoors as deemed necessary
Limit travel numbers to away events
Additional masking, cleaning and distancing measures aligned with Health and Safety plan updates.
Transportation - Masking and alternative platforms (i.e. hybrid) will be considered, thus decreasing the number of students on a bus on a given day, enabling an increase to social distancing.
Food Service - High touch areas are sanitized more frequently (Ex. pin pad). Maximize physical distance as much as possible. Additional seating options will be available to accommodate all students.
C. Additional Information
Facility Rentals - If the county/community enters the high transmission range, all existing contracts may be canceled and new rentals may not be permitted until a reduction in the transmission range.
Volunteers/Visitors - Volunteers and/or visitors will be permitted according to District policy 916 - School Volunteers while the community transmission rate remains in the low to moderate/substantial range.
If the county/community enters the high transmission range, volunteer/visitor access may be limited, with additional requirements as determined by district administration upon approval by the board of directors. In the event volunteers are needed while in the high transmission range, parameters will be developed by district administration.
Health and Safety Plan Approved 3-16-22
Health and Safety Plan Approved 8-18-21
Individuals Who ARE Close Contact to a Positive COVID-19 Individual (within 6 ft. for 15 consecutive minutes)
Parents will be notified.
The student may continue to attend school as long as he/she is symptom free.
Students identified as close contacts who choose not to quarantine will be required to wear a face covering during their incubation period while in school and participating in school-sponsored
co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
If symptoms occur during the incubation period, a COVID referral form signed by the physician will be required in order for the student to return to school.
Parents who choose to quarantine their children will be advised to follow DoH recommended protocol;
14-day quarantine after date of last exposure (Day 0)
Can end quarantine after 10 days without testing IF close contact has not had symptoms. Continue to monitor for symptoms through day 14.
Can end quarantine after 7 days if:
Tested (PCR or antigen) on or after Day 5, AND
Test result is negative, AND
Close contact has had no symptoms during the quarantine period.
The specimen must be collected and tested within 48 hours before the time of planned quarantine discontinuation (e.g., in anticipation of testing delays), but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7
Persons who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies do not need to quarantine following a known exposure if the following criteria are met: 1. The person is in a low risk situation (e.g., no contact with persons at high risk of COVID-19 severe illness for 14 days); AND, 2. The person remains asymptomatic; AND, 3. The person had a known exposure and has had a positive antibody test during the 3 months prior to the exposure; OR, 4. The person receives a positive antibody test within 7 days following an exposure.
Students voluntarily quarantined will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities.
Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 is required to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.
Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
Individuals Who ARE Fully Vaccinated (voluntary proof required) - Close Contact to a Positive COVID-19 Individual (within 6 ft. for 15 consecutive minutes)
Do NOT need to quarantine after exposure as long as they remain asymptomatic
May continue to attend school as long as the individual agrees to mask during the 14-day incubation period.
If symptoms occur during the incubation period, a COVID referral form signed by the physician will be required in order for the student to return to school.
May be tested 2 or more days following close contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 AND continue to wear a mask until they have received a negative test result.
Individuals Who ARE NOT Fully Vaccinated - Close Contact to a Positive COVID-19 Individual
14-day quarantine after date of last exposure (Day 0)
Can end quarantine after 10 days without testing IF close contact has not had symptoms. Continue to monitor for symptoms through day 14.
Can end quarantine after 7 days if:
Tested (PCR or antigen) on or after Day 5, AND
Test result is negative, AND
Close contact has had no symptoms during the quarantine period.
The specimen must be collected and tested within 48 hours before the time of planned quarantine discontinuation (e.g., in anticipation of testing delays), but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7.
In the K–12 indoor classroom setting, the close contact definition excludes students who were within 3 to 6 feet of an infected student if both the infected student and exposed student(s) were wearing face coverings. This exception does not apply to teachers, staff, or other adults in the indoor classroom setting. Note: students age 18+ should be considered students, not adults, for purposes of this definition.
Persons who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies do not need to quarantine following a known exposure if the following criteria are met: 1. The person is in a low risk situation (e.g., no contact with persons at high risk of COVID-19 severe illness for 14 days); AND, 2. The person remains asymptomatic; AND, 3. The person had a known exposure and has had a positive antibody test during the 3 months prior to the exposure; OR, 4. The person receives a positive antibody test within 7 days following an exposure.
Persons who have tested positive within the past three months and have recovered and have proof of a positive antigen/PCR test DO NOT have to quarantine or get tested as long as they are past their quarantine period and do not develop new symptoms.
Quarantined students will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities for the duration of quarantine.
Diagnosing and Screening
Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
Diagnosis - All stakeholders will have a mutual responsibility for monitoring and reporting health concerns. Staff and students (with assistance from parents/guardians, as appropriate) will be instructed to perform symptom screenings and temperature checks at home every morning and to remain home if symptomatic or experiencing a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. All district staff will be trained in identifying signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and advised to report any concerns to the nurse. Nurses will be available throughout the day to monitor student health and to respond to any concerns of a symptomatic child or staff member. Each school will establish a designated area for isolation or quarantine for students or staff who are symptomatic. Any confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be reported to local health officials. The District will follow the current guidance of the Department of Health in regard to home isolation and quarantine as well as the return to school/work.
Following a COVID-19 diagnosis, before returning to school, individuals should receive medical clearance from their physician or appropriate healthcare professional, determining them to be
non-contagious following a 10-day isolation from symptom onset date (if symptomatic) or positive test result (if asymptomatic) as well as 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications, and improving symptoms.
The District will work cooperatively with the Department of Health in regard to contact tracing and any further actions needed to contain the spread of COVID-19 (ex. communications to staff and to families of the exposed case). A variety of District communication systems (ex. School Messenger, social media, etc.) will be used to notify staff, families, and the public of any school closures and within-school-year changes to safety protocols.
Screening - COVID testing will not be performed by District staff while the county is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of transmission within the schools. If the county enters the high rate of transmission and/or there is evidence of spread within the schools, the district would consider working with and providing support to PADoH and/or a local provider on a plan to administer screening of students and staff. Parental consent would be required for all students prior to screening.
Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
If the county enters the high transmission range and/or there is evidence of spread occurring within our school buildings, additional diagnosis and screening measures may be implemented based on Department of Health recommendations.
Cleaning and Sanitizing
Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
High touch areas will be sanitized throughout the day
HVAC system will continue to be run 2 hrs prior to and 2 hrs after
Classroom desk cleaning supplies will be available in each classroom
Cafeteria tables will be cleaned daily
Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
High touch areas will be sanitized more frequently throughout the school day
Cafeteria table will be sanitized between each class
Returning or new students monitor transition back to school-building tours, personal connections from staff, increase transition activities
Increase parent communication and involve parents in return to school activities
Setting expectations and using PBIS to help students learn how to do school this year and reinforcing expectations
Include procedures and expectations in the opening inservice agenda. Review best practices for wellness.
Share ideas on how to assist their own health (physical and social emotional)
Monitor SAP referrals and respond to student increase mental health needs
Monitor student attendance/illness per class, grade or building. Monitor staff absence/illness. If COVID numbers increase to an unsafe level, a need to move to a different learning plan or school closure may be needed.
Increase cleaning protocol
Close school building if required for deep cleaning
Increase instruction and connections to students in quarantine
Utilize ½ day Friday if needed to meet the needs of all students
Transportation/Food Service
Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
Transportation - Masking as required by federal mandate on all public transportation. Require close monitoring of seating assignments in case of contact tracing. Masks available on the bus if needed as well as at the school building at dismissal. Consider requests for individualized transportation on a case by case basis (private transport).
Food Service - Follow HACCP Standard Operating procedures for Food Safety and Employee Health. This includes cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces, preventing contamination at food bars, serving food, using suitable utensils and gloves, and proper hand washing. Provide social distancing to the maximum extent possible in all cafeterias. Additional seating options will be available to accommodate all students.
Additional safety measures to consider if community transmission rate were to enter the high range or there is evidence of transmission within our schools.
Transportation - Alternative platforms (i.e. hybrid) will be considered, thus decreasing the number of students on a bus on a given day, enabling an increase to social distancing.
Food Service - Due to a very low risk of transmission from surfaces and shared objects, there is no need to limit food service approaches to single use items and packaged meals.
Safety measures to be implemented while the District is within the low to moderate/substantial transmission range and there is little to no evidence of COVID-19 transmission within our school buildings.
Continue staff/participation education (If sick you must stay home)
Daily self-screenings by participants (symptoms, close contact, temp check, etc.)
Attendance, tracking, groupings if tracing is needed
Following safety plan guidelines of cleaning, masking, spacing
Masking on buses is required
All equipment should be disinfected regularly
Promotion of hygiene (hand washing/sanitizers, clothing, showers, etc)
Hand sanitizer stations readily available
Students bring their own water and we will provide refill stations with gloves. No sharing of water bottles. No spitting!
Alternate transportation to events is permitted with parent or guardian with notification and approval by Athletic Director (for athletics) or advisor/administration prior to departure.
Modified locker room use (changing only, social distance, under 15 minute use).
Smaller grouping or pods to eliminate excess quarantining of participants.
In-person screening prior to practice/events.
Moving all activities outdoors
Limit travel numbers to away events
Screening Testing
Additional masking, cleaning and distancing measures aligned with Health and Safety plan updates.
Facility Rentals - Rentals will be permitted while in the low to moderate/substantial transmission range. All mitigation guidelines must be followed. If the county/community enters the high transmission range, all existing contracts may be cancelled and new rentals will not be permitted until a reduction in the transmission range.
Volunteers/Visitors - Volunteers and/or visitors will be permitted according to District policy 916 - School Volunteers while the community transmission rate remains in the low to moderate/substantial range. In addition, visitors/volunteers will be required to follow all current social distancing and masking guidelines.
If the county/community enters the high transmission range, volunteer/visitor access may be limited, with additional requirements as determined by district administration upon approval by the board of directors. In the event volunteers are needed while in the high transmission range, parameters will be developed by district administration.
At no time will an adult who has been identified as a “close contact” be permitted in a school